100x_legacy in Sydney, Australia | Business service
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Address: Sydney 2000 Sydney, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.100x.com.au
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25.01.2022 We wrapped up x Biz Coaching (aka X'sters) for 2019 and the results are in! At the beginning of the year, we set a goal to increase net profit 30%. I'm proud to say we overachieved this (read 'smashed') this target ... Average Net Profit increase = 100%. Doubling net profit in 12 months is no small achievement. Add to this, children being added to families, people putting up their hands to be Kingdom Builders, more time being created, more motivated teams, children being sponsored via @worldvisionaus, drinking water being supplied to developing nations, new international partnerships, Government Funding granted to overseas aid, new offices and projects, and most importantly; a fresh vision of who we are and why we're here and you're getting more of a picture of what a year it has been! We're missing some people from these pics but I'm going to give a shout out to these guys later so you can celebrate then with me! Congratulations X'sters! You guys are dangerous for good and an inspiration and encouragement to many as you live out your higher mission as Kingdom Builders! @ Manly, New South Wales
22.01.2022 Calvary Christian Church have 8 campuses across Australia and South Africa. Such a great crew of people! I was honoured to share at their Business Webinar last week. Q&A with Matthew Pappas covering lessons learnt from previous economic downturns and applicable lessons for where we find ourselves today. Couple stories:... Cavalry was founded in 2000 (it was then known as Channel Connect). It was the dot com crash and everybody thought I was crazy (some openly told me so, others said it behind my back.) We achieved a 7 figure turnover in our 1st year of operating and established a foothold. I was young and naive but determined to try. 2008 was the GFC. We doubled down on sales and marketing and grew 30% whilst our competition retracted. By this stage, there were a couple extra biz partners. Together we were nervous but elected to be on the front foot and operate from conviction and belief rather than being dictated by the surrounding economic circumstances. It's an old photo that brings up some fond memories of the challenges that we overcame. Looking back, it was those hardest times where we grew the most. Hope this encourages you today!
21.01.2022 "One of the dangers of having a lot of money is that you may be quite satisfied with the kinds of happiness money can give, and so fail to realize your need for God. If everything seems to come simply by signing checks, you may forget that you are at every moment totally dependent on God." C.S. Lewis . I've been loving the opportunity to read, meditate & journal & how good is C.S. Lewis!? .... I recently finalised the sale of the biz I founded way back in 2000 (for most it takes 10 years to be an overnight success, it only took me about 20!). . It's funny, my best memories aren't the wins or the accolades (although awesome). My fondest memories are the ones involving adventure & relationship. . My first "office" was a couple of bedrooms at my parents place. We had to take off our shoes before entering the house (Asian house ) & my parents used to ring the bell & supply us all lunch. . My car was a 20 year old Corolla. I used to park it a couple blocks away from any meeting I had & leg it the rest of the way hoping noone saw me. . Mentors who believed in me & helped me when all I had was a dream & belief of what was to come. . There were plenty of times when it was lonely (in one sense, I believe it's a requirement to be extraordinary), but I knew I was never alone. . I'd always felt taken care of, by God and by others. I know what it means to be in relationship with God & I don't want to live any other way. . Whilst there has been a level of financial independence that has been achieved, I can't live without God. Others can, but I cannot. I need Him. It feels good to know this despite any external changes. As believers we can all share this same gift! See more
21.01.2022 Increases emotional & academic intelligence, improves self esteem, increases connection, reduces stress, headaches and more.
19.01.2022 I'm looking for 5 Christian business leaders who want to link their work to faith and grow their revenue by 30% in the next 90 days. Note: you must already be a business owner with a revenue over $10k / month and ready to scale. If that sounds like you, comment "30" below and I'll private message you the next steps..
19.01.2022 Sometimes pursuing "Great" is the wrong thing to do.
18.01.2022 Leave the tribe Ever noticed when sharing your dreams or visions with friends or family that they are sometimes trying to talk you out of it, rather than support you? What's worse, for every person you speak to, you get a different opinion.... Lots of opinions & people not supporting you leave you confused & feeling alone. So what do you do? 1. Actively seek the input of mentors & coaches. Share your dreams with someone that's done it before. Eg. If you want to start a business, speak to someone who's already done it. If you share this with someone who hasn't done it before, it's understandable that they think you're crazy! 2. Be willing to leave the tribe It's an unrealistic expectation for you to think that your friends & family will understand your vision for your life. Think about it.... you're asking people to see something that is not yet real (Remember, it's vision not a description!) When I started my first business in the year 2000, no one was thinking it was a good idea! As I reflect I notice a pattern that I've seen play out time & time again. 1. Fear. 2. Observation. 3. Curiosity. 4. Respect. 5. Celebration. Fear Friends & family appeared not to support me out of fear of the unknown (not because they didn't love me.) Observation As I started my journey they watched with keen interest to see what would happen. Curious As they saw my commitment & willingness to get back up after failure they became curious. Respect As the fruit of my labour became more obvious they could see more of my vision & respected my courage to pursue it. Celebration As milestones were achieved they joined in celebrating with me! Wherever you are on the journey, know that you have to walk through these steps before people can celebrate with you. Be comfortable with being misunderstood, give grace to those when they can't see your vision & look forward to the day when you hold your hands up in victory! Be encouraged. God can do more than you can think dream or possibly imagine! Hope this encourages you as you more clearly see the road ahead!
17.01.2022 If you don’t have a selling system, you’ll be a victim of someone’s buying system!
15.01.2022 In the 1st year of my 1st biz we turned over more than $1M. Now that might sound impressive but at 4% margin & lumpy cashflow it was hard, stressful work. . We continued to work (with the incorrect belief that more grind on its own = more freedom). Within 3 years we tripled our revenue & increased profitability (to 12%). Guess what? It was still, hard, stressful work with very lumpy cashflow. . I got to braking point & decided that I needed to shift or I would either:... 1. Have a nervous breakdown or, 2. Have a bankrupt biz (as I couldn't keep the pace.) . You see, I was working hard but hadn't addressed the fundamentals. Because I hadn't addressed the structure, it didn't matter how big we grew, we were always going to have a lumpy cashflow, high stress biz. . We made radical changes including: 1. Our company name & all that goes along with it. 2. Our focus away from product sales to recurring managed services. 3. Our commission structure for our sales guys. 4. Our reporting structure & much more! . It was hard because we refused to reward ourselves for old (good) results in product sales & only reward ourselves for new (great) results in managed services. It meant that for a long time we had nothing to celebrate. . In less than 3 years, we achieved more than $1M in recurring managed services revenue with margin at 40% ( Team Celebrating with Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb). Without any new sales we were still profitable. With a steady bill, we could direct debit our clients each month, plan expansion & maintain momentum. Any project based work or product sales (our precious bread & butter) now became icing on the cake. . Big take out. Remember GIGO! Garbage In, Garbage Out. If you do what you've always done, you'll be what you've always been. If you want to make lasting change you need to: 1. Ruthlessly change structure (not have your feet split between 2 camps). 2. Choose to "win" or "learn" rather than exist / maintain status quo. (Life is too short for anything less!) 3. Get good help to guide you in the process because it's scary. . We get one precious life. May your success help others! #100x #kingdombuilders #purpose #growthmindset #winorlearn See more
10.01.2022 A story about someone who decided not to be coached by me!
08.01.2022 Episode 6: Part 1 of 2
08.01.2022 1. Make sure your team all understand what excellence means. 2. Delegate as far as you remain responsible for. What does this practically look like in leadership?
07.01.2022 Just want to encourage you to continually seek God ideas (as well as good ideas) for your life. Life is too short for anything else. We have been given this one precious life to live in relationship with God & others & with a God given purpose! I'm reminded of the story of Jehoshaphat of Judah. ... His reaction when being comfronted with a large & opposing force that greatly outnumbered his was to declare a day of prayer & fasting for the entire nation. Outsiders would see this practice as futile & not practical. Can you imagine what you would do when being pressed by an advancing force much larger and stronger than yours with the intent to destroy? People would call you to get defences ready, to build up the walls, to ready the troops and to sharpen the weapons. We should always do all that we can do so God can do what we can't do. I also believe that we should sharpen our ear to listening to God so we can hear his voice and promptings (that will always be in line with his nature and word but may sound foolish to others.) I'm this case, the prompting for Jehoshaphat as the leader was to call the entire nation to stop, pray & fast! The result? He is given a strategy that from the outside does not appear to make sense, but when exexuted results in a victory where the enemey is defeated without a single sword being lifted or bow being shot from Judah! From this passage we can see good things come in 3s. 1. Stop. 2. Pray. 3. Fast. I would add a 4th which is to write down what's on your heart / what are you believing for? We can achieve 10x with our own human effort but we can only achieve 100x with the guidance and help from God! Have a great day peeps!
07.01.2022 My heart is full! Got to hang with some First Class humans at Hills Men's Connect Group hosted by the one and only @messina5960 God would have you know that "You are stronger than you know."... As part of this, I wrote "a letter from God". It was encouraging for all of us & I share it in the hope it does the same for you. "You are stronger than you know. You are more passionate, purposeful, wise & capable than you believe yourself to be. I am proud of you. Proud of your courage, Proud of the times when you stepped back up after falling, Proud that you chose praise over despair, Proud of your hope, honour & love. You may not see yourself this way. But I see you. I see your heart. Your presence carries a weight. I want you to stand very still. Focus yourself inward & quiet your mind. Feel the strength & the presence I have put upon you. Feel your blood moving through your body. Feel the muscle, sinew, tendons & veins that I have wrapped around your bones. Now clench your fists & feel your strength. These hands I have given you were not meant to be idle. They were meant to wield a sword. Listen to me, listen to my words. Pick up your sword. Pick up your destiny. It is time to let go of the past, so that you can take hold of what lies ahead. Life is too short. Too short to keep digging up the past or picking open old wounds. Stop digging. Stop picking. It's time. Time to rip the lid off and pick up your sword. Now arise o' sleeper, Awake from your slumber, & allow Christ's light to shine upon you. I love you and I am proud of you. Go forward in peace. Shalom!"
06.01.2022 Order is important. We all want to be liked, live with purpose, & respected. The issue is, get these in the wrong order & you end up with nothing.... Why? One is a focus (what you plant), & the other two a consequence (fruit). Focus on the plant = fruit. Focus on the fruit = nothing. If you struggle with approval addiction (which we all do from time to time), check out my Fruit Triangle" below. Draw a triangle. - On the apex write, ‘Liked - Bottom right, write, Responsibilities, Job & Purpose - Bottom left write, ‘Respect. Most people start at the top moving clockwise. - They start with being ‘Liked (Apex). - When you start here, you end up not performing in your Responsibilities / job / purpose" (Bottom right). - When you fail at this, you are not Respected (Bottom left). . The solution is to start at the bottom right (where the soil is). - Focus on doing your job well, taking ownership of your responsibilities & living your purpose. - As you do this, people tend to Respect you as you live with convictions & belief & not for the approval of others (Bottom Left). - People that live this way, end up being Liked (Apex). . Living with purpose means being motivated from convictions & belief, embracing the responsibilities that you have committed to, & finding great satisfaction in your work. This is the tree that produces the fruit of being Respected for how you have lived & ‘Liked for who you have become throughout this process. Life is too short to live trying to please others. Life is too precious to not live your God given purpose. To you & your success! May others benefit from who you are & how you live.
06.01.2022 "The question is not whether we should bring God into our work or not. We certainly should and must. . The question is whether we should simply (a.) Bring Him in in the dedication of our work to Him, in the integrity, diligence, and humility with which we do it or also (b.) Make His professed and explicit service our job.... C.S. Lewis . Lewis' faith didn't change his work, it changed his relation to his work. . As my friend @leedomingue says: "What is in your hands, is your calling; what is in your heart, is you purpose." May God give you guidance as you consider how your calling may intersect with your purpose! . #usewhatsinyourhand #legacy #100x #calling #purpose #kingdombuilders See more
06.01.2022 We need both, both only leadership will inspire you and your team to do more than what is expected. Let me know your thoughts!
05.01.2022 We tend to associate Extraordinary with something big, something large, something so far removed from our world that it’s framed as an impossibility for our life. The sad thing is that when we do this, we stop believing for extraordinary and live, well, the ordinary. But maybe, extraordinary is in the little things. No-one’s extraordinary because of a single big event, rather extraordinary is the result of repeated outside of the normal course of event decisions made... over a sustained period of time. We see it in athletes who consistently make little decisions on diet, exercise and time management and who one day perform feats that others, recognise as extraordinary. We see it in someone like Nelson Mandela who repeatedly choose love, forgiveness and reconciliation, day after day and who eventually helped change the course of a divided nation. So continue to dream big, extraordinary results and may it inspire you to have an appreciation of the small, repeated extraordinary/outside the norm decisions that will take you there. May the walk that takes you there and the life you leave for others be extraordinary! P.S. When you're ready, DM me or comment the word "extra" and I'll send you info about our next no charge momentum call.
03.01.2022 Happy New Year to you & your loved ones! Every year we pray & seek a passage for those who want to live a 100x life. A life that wants to maximise personal gifts for the purpose of others. A life committed to continuous improvement & lifelong learning.... For 2020 we prophecy the word "Foundation" over you & your life. Without foundation, you have nothing to launch from, no base. Without foundations, you use all your energy keeping yourself afloat, rather than being on solid ground & being in a position to help others. As the Psalmist says, "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Psalm 11:3. We can look forward to the foundations that God is putting within all our lives. He is the ultimate designer & builder! We look forward to 2020 being a year where you, your name, family & God given legacy is firmly established! "For they were looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer & builder is God." Hebrews 11:10 Love you all! Happy New Year!
02.01.2022 Not everything natural is good. Tooth decay's natural. To avoid it, I combine unnatural chemicals, devices & habits. It’s natural to avoid pain more than gain pleasure.... If we do what's natural, we remain avg. (Act like the majority & be the majority.) So how do we live "unnaturally" & have an extraordinary life? 1. Commit to Be Vs Look" good. Ppl trying to look good, over-analyse & are risk adverse as they're worried about how they'd look if they failed. Ppl committed to being" good, implement imperfectly & rhythmicly. It often looks ugly at the start. As they stay focused, learn from mistakes & adjust they eventually create something beautiful & impactful. 2. Limit stop loss. Not every decision will be successful. It could be wrong or done, or timed better. If you continually make decisions w/ a strong upside & limited downside, you'll eventually succeed. 3. Take the shot. Don’t focus on your inabilities, insecurities, or lack of resources. Take the shot & trust your process. 4. Embrace failure No one has made more game winning shots than Michael Jordan. No one has missed more game winning shots than MJ. If you take the shot (when others don’t) you'll both "hit" & "miss" more. The road to success must include multiple failure points. To you & your success and that others would benefit from it!
01.01.2022 An old mentor said to me, If you’re going to succeed in life & business, you need to remember the ‘F’ Word. Before I could share an expletive in feigned understanding, he replied Focus. Focus cuts away good, to leave you with great.... Warren Buffett helped a friend do this in three steps: 1. Write down a list of 25 career goals. 2. Circle the 5 highest priorities. 3. Look at the 20 you didn’t circle and avoid these at all costs. They are what will distract you, eat your time & energy, & take your focus away from the goals that matter more. A priest once marvelled & asked Michelangelo how he carved the statue of David? Carved from a single block of marble, 5.17m tall, & arguably one of the worlds greatest created artworks. Michelangelo replied, It was easy, I just cut away everything that wasn’t David. Any business (regardless of size) with a vision, suffers from a lack of resources. The only business that has enough resources, is one with a vision too small! To help stay focussed, I used to coach on a 90 day cycle. This was the same rhythm we used at Cavalry (the Managed Cloud Co. I founded & sold). The results spoke for themselves. We were recognised internationally & nationally, the company grew fast & profitably with a strong culture. Bottom line, it worked! I confess I’ve found something better. I now coach based on a 6+2 week cycle. This cycle was inspired by the Basecamp founders & shared with me by my friend Taki. Six weeks is long enough to complete, & short enough to stay focussed. I've seen amazing results & I'm so personally convicted, that it is the only way I bring on new clients. Why? Because it gets results fast. If you get results, you make more money & have more impact. If you achieve this, you want to stay with me for ongoing coaching. I directly benefit from you winning & growing. I selfishly want to see the best in you. The purpose of 100X is to help increase your time, money & mission. Whilst I love celebrating the increase in profitability, I have a deep satisfaction in my bones when I see people & their impact expand. Hope this encourages you today! May others benefit as you grow.
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