10/10 Tutoring and Educational Services in Loganholme, Queensland, Australia | Tutor/teacher
10/10 Tutoring and Educational Services
Locality: Loganholme, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 421 114 342
Address: 129 Bryants Rd Loganholme 4128 Loganholme, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.1010tutoring.com
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25.01.2022 ...and its back to school! Whether we agree or disagree with sending our kids back to school in a weeks time, its on and we will tread lightly. I believe much has been learned and we have all become more aware of what it means to have the professionals back in the drivers seat when it comes to education. Lets show our gratitude and value what they do and how much they care about what they do. Hats off to all the parents who multitasked, an extra thing during the last few weeks...hats off to you as well to a job well done!
24.01.2022 As we all lockdown and self isolate as best we can or as best as we should, I have used this time to set up an online option for us. I know that most schools have provided online access to continue with student involvement, however, it is all based on revision of work covered in class. In itself, this is by no means to be looked down on, yet, the fact remains that kids need to do this independently unless supervised support is on hand. What if they still don't get it; OR you ...really are not in a position to help and guide them; OR your child needs to be further challenged, motivated and work towards their potential....then what? That's where we come in. We are developing an online Tutoring option, individualised for our students. It will be an active, rather than a passive learning experience, with feedback, guidance and feedback. I am super excited about the scope of this platform!. So, if you don't want to take a chance of disrupting your child's educational momentum, let us know. We may be able to help. Let's make the most of this opportunity of working together and for each other. Stay healthy, sane and safe for yourselves, family and the extended community. We are all learning so much from this event.
24.01.2022 Hi everyone, this post came through via a friend and I wanted to pass it onto you. For those who have decided to keep your children home, this is great advise. Stay healthy!
24.01.2022 With the impact, COVID-19 has made, we want to assure you that we are monitoring our health and safety measures across the Centre, as well as our team member wellness. Any students or staff that are feeling unwell or present flu-like symptoms, we ask that they remain at home unless you have a doctors clearance. We feel that we are operating within a low-risk environment and will remain open to continue to support our students until such time changes need to be made.... The Australian government health authorities are reinforcing the need for good personal hygiene. Showing courtesy and consideration to others, when about to cough or sneeze, by ensuring others are protected. Use a tissue, the crook of your elbow or move away. From this week, as well as the existing health & safety practices, we have introduced some additional measures to reduce the risk of infection and keep everyone healthy. These include: * Hands to be cleaned on entry to tuition sessions * students to bring their own stationery * disinfecting furniture each day * Paper handtowels * disposable cups for water * removal of the sweets jar I have come across this video and article by an informed and credible health professional who places the whole issue in perspective for us all. I hope you too, will find it helpful and have it provide some clarity. https://thenewdaily.com.au///13/coronavirus-have-i-got-it/
24.01.2022 As the health crisis continues and new regulations come into play in almost daily regularity, it is vital we comply with safety precautions. I want to update you with the new measures we are taking to ensure everyone's risk within the 10/10 centre's environment continues to be a safe zone. * Parents and other transport providers, please wait in your cars. * Students, continue using the disinfectant provided at the reception area upon entry. * Students, please bring your own w...ater bottle and stationery. There are disposable cups and sanitised stationary available if needed. * All seating has been placed within the regulated social distancing parameters. * Furniture, door handles, light switches, laptops and mouse, calculators, etc are wiped down with 100% alcohol after each session. * 100% alcohol kept in the bathroom and we ask that toilet seat and the flush button be wiped down with toilet paper before use. * students and parents to be well unless medically cleared * Doors are kept open for air circulation. If aircon is needed, the open doors will allow for coolness at the same time as natural air circulation. We will remain open for next week and then close for the holiday period. I will again post any changes as they unfold. We are all in this together and need to maintain a sense of perspective as we support our students through this event. With so many students now not attending school or tutoring sessions, we are working to provide online options, so stay tuned! We are the models our children listen and look to and we need to make sure they are getting messages appropriate for their age and maturity levels. The last thing we want to do is give them a sense of catastrophe. Look to scientific sources of information rather than media sensationalism. Let's get our facts right! Stay healthy, make sensible choices and remain positive as we work our way through this together.
23.01.2022 Thank you Michelle for your fantastic review! We have your $20 Coffee Club voucher!
22.01.2022 Term 2 week 2 and remote learning is in full swing. Many parents are talking about the stresses this is causing Let's keep the fun in it. I came across this story on National Geographic; give it a go. https://www.nationalgeographic.com//grandpa-chan-galapag/
22.01.2022 The second term down and its back at home for a couple of weeks.... at least you dont need to feel responsible for remote teaching. Make sure you just enjoy and have some special times with your babes. Came across the article below that I thought is an excellent way to enhance your childs thinking in a huge way. Let me know what you think. We are operating through the holidays, but please make sure you let Lena know if you would like to take advantage of the opportunity.... Happy holidays! https://blog.ed.ted.com//critical-thinking-is-a-21st-cen/
21.01.2022 We sure are the "lucky" state! Let's keep it that way. Keeping committed to doing our bit is working....well done to us all! Well done also, to our exceptional tutors! So many murmurs from both parents and students of increased outcomes, grades and the very obvious confidence, self-worth and joy as they walk in. Oh, what a feeling!!
20.01.2022 This long weekend has crept up on me and I hope you are out there enjoying it. Please let me know if you either want to attend your regular session this Monday or reschedule. Some of the tutors are willing to come in, so we can keep the momentum going. Looking forward to getting our last term of the year up and running and welcoming our new students to join the 10/10 Tutoring & Ed. Services experience.
20.01.2022 2020 has not been the best start for a solid and constant school year for our kids. We are here to talk it over with you.
19.01.2022 Today, a group I worked with were looking at mapping. I realised we just dont do enough of it, then I came across this. What a great task to share and learn with the kids! https://www.nationalgeographic.com/maps/world-coloring-map/
18.01.2022 A day to celebrate all the mums, grand mums and guardians. Many have gone out of your comfort zone to support the continuation of your children's education in very tough and demanding times, yet, another role to add onto the multi-tasking you already do. Hats off and glass up to you and all you do and are. Happy Mother's Day!
17.01.2022 What a great idea! Start yours this weekend. https://www.nationalgeographic.com//starting-a-family-boo/
17.01.2022 Good luck to all our Year 12 students. We wish you the very best now and with whatever you choose to pursue from here on.
16.01.2022 Ding-aling-aling...school's on! Didn't take long ....or did it? I'm sure for most, it's a good thing to get back into routine and sanity. Have you have taken up the opportunity to get into the draw for the Coffee Club voucher?? Just write a review to be in it. You have 9 days left!... Although, sessions have already started for some students, all is back to normal from Tuesday. There will be some changes for some students as we have two new tutors, who I am excited to introduce and welcome into the fold. Tamara, has already started delivering senior English and can also offer History, French and ESL, through to uni levels. Jafa, is a Scientist and also, has started tutoring secondary and uni-level math at all levels. He also offers Chemistry, Biology and Biotech. We also welcome our new students, some having started and some will join us next week. We have our sleeves pulled up and are ready to dive into a brand new decade of potentiality for our students and their outcomes. Students who have started have been working on SMART goals for the term, giving them awareness and specific targets to work towards. All the best, everyone! Welcome back!
16.01.2022 Just 2 weeks left of Term 3....how can that be??? Wishing that all dads and grandads had a wonderful day and you were totally spoilt to the max. I have loved to experience the dedication and devotion so many dads demonstrate by just watching them intereact with their kids, here at the Centre.....one of our dads even gets out of his driver's seat to let his daughter in! What a message of respect and love is that; a message of how to be treated.... I have learnt so much and am humbled by what I see and hear around me. I'm grateful for the opportunity of being surrounded by simply the best!
15.01.2022 We sure are the "lucky" state! Lets keep it that way. Keeping committed to doing our bit is working....well done to us all! Well done also, to our exceptional tutors! So many murmurs from both parents and students of increased outcomes, grades and the very obvious confidence, self-worth and joy as they walk in. Oh, what a feeling!!
15.01.2022 Being a co-author of iMaths, our team are so proud to have achieved the Australian Publisher's Award for the iMaths Series for the second year!
14.01.2022 I came across this and thought it made a lot of sense, even though the 2 in the picture are not exactly the best example. https://thenewdaily.com.au//coronavirus-control-social-d/
14.01.2022 Easter in lock-down has put a bit of a damper on things...all the camping holidays are not possible; the Easter eggs and festivities modified or on hold and catching up with family and friends minimised. We'll do it though; for the good of everyone and simply that we are a team-players in life. It's great to see that learning hasn't been put on hold though. We are still receiving enquires and doing diagnostic assessments. We start our online option next week. There will be mo...re on that soon. Remember to contact us if you would like to be part of the online option. Have a wonderful Easter break for those celebrating or continue your quality family time. Stay healthy, folks,
14.01.2022 Here we go, school starts for some and homeschooling a reality for the next 5 weeks at least, for many. Brace yourself and keep it into perspective....it will be OK, if you are OK with it all. Being an essential service and declared safe by both COVIC 19 and Work, Health and Safety agents, we are back and happy to talk with you re either about supporting student needs. There are many wonderful resources out there offering free for now opportunities to be taken advantage of. G...ive some a go. Here is a link I came across this morning I thought could be fun, interesting and educational. https://www.natgeokids.com/au/
14.01.2022 One week down and 9 to go! It has been a busy week with new students, more diagnostic assessments and not enough rooms from time to time. It has been fantastic to hear some of the amazing results from last term's school assessments and more coming through. What champions in the making! Thank you, everyone, for being supportive of our COVID procedures and waiting outside or in your car. We continue to disinfect furniture and regularly used surfaces in order to maximise any spr...ead of anything! I have been providing strawberries for afternoon tea and I must say, they are a favourite. A reminder to please give us at least a 24hr notice if you need to cancel a session to avoid an admin charge. Enjoy this amazing weather....it doesn't get any better than this!
13.01.2022 ...and it's back to school! Whether we agree or disagree with sending our kids back to school in a week's time, it's on and we will tread lightly. I believe much has been learned and we have all become more aware of what it means to have the professionals back in the driver's seat when it comes to education. Let's show our gratitude and value what they do and how much they care about what they do. Hats off to all the parents who multitasked, an extra thing during the last few weeks...hats off to you as well to a job well done!
12.01.2022 Hi all, here is a link for you to use and share with your children. Beautifully animated and read aloud stories to enjoy and take you to the land of imagination and dreams. Enjoy! https://www.vooks.com/parent-resources
11.01.2022 With Easter done and only a few days left of "the Holidays", we are left with the unknown and anxiety of the next 5 weeks of home-schooling. I came across this article which may give a little comfort. If all else fails, remember we have options in supporting you on this journey. Please call on us. Stay healthy; stay sane!... https://thenewdaily.com.au//04/04/noun-verb-working-parent/
11.01.2022 Looking for an ANZAC Day activity? Why not try this ANZAC BISCUIT recipe with your family. We would love to see your photos of your family baking or the finished results in the comments! Side Note: Cooking at home is a great way to incorporate #STEM learning. The kitchen is a virtual laboratory for exploring all sorts of STEM topics, such as measurement, patterns, chemistry, properties of matter, cause and effect, and much more. INGREDIENTS:... 1 1/4 cup plain flour 1 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup caster sugar 3/4 cup desiccated coconut 2 tbsp golden syrup 150g Western Star Unsalted Butter, chopped 1/2 tsp bi carb soda 1 tbsp boiling water METHOD: 1. Preheat the oven to 180C. Line two large baking trays with baking paper and set aside 2. Place the flour, oats, sugar and coconut in a large bowl. Mix to combine and set aside 3. In a small saucepan, heat the butter and golden syrup over a medium low heat. Meanwhile, mix the bi carb soda with the hot water. 4. When the butter has completely melted, remove the saucepan from the heat. Add the bi carb mixture to the saucepan and stir to combine. Take care as the mixture will quickly bubble. 5. Pour the butter and syrup mixture into the dry ingredients, and gently stir until everything is incorporated 6. Get the kids to roll tablespoonfuls of the mixture into balls and place onto the prepared trays, leaving a 2-3cm gap between each ball, as biscuits will spread. Flatten each biscuit with the back of a fork or get the kids to use their fingertips! 7. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until light golden. Remove the biscuits from the oven and allow to stand for five minutes, before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.
11.01.2022 Second week home for most school students and the "norm" for now continues. Everyone doing their best to keep a full house-hold in a productive and harmonious routine. Very challenging for those who are working from home and for the new approach to online learning. I have seen many parents struggle with supporting their children and many students struggle with their online assignments and tasks. Happy to help you get through this period, while we explore further options avail...able to us to continue with improving your child's learning outcomes. We are here to if you need us. Just email me. [email protected]
11.01.2022 Hows your family doing?
10.01.2022 Some great tips. https://www.prodigygame.com//5-effective-homeschooling-ti/
09.01.2022 Struggling with learning from home? We are still operating with all the COVID19 government authority "blessings". Choose face to face or online options and get back on track with real teaching and learning. Send us a message for more information and to book a spot.
09.01.2022 Here we go round the mulberry bush....or not! We just need to step up our defences by continuing with our process. Please inform Lena if you are showing any COVID symptoms and do not come unless you have a doctor's clearance. We know and understand that some of the symptoms are also common to allergies, asthma, and the common cold. We just need verification. Students: bring their own water bottle and stationery sanitise before or at entry Parents:... Wait in cars, text tutors if you need to communicate with them Staff sanitise hands and furniture before and after each group. On the positive side, I came across this link which may be of interest and fun for you and your children. Let us know what you think. https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/explore/homework-help/
08.01.2022 Here we are at Wk 10 and all is well. We have had a busy term with lots of action, new students, new tutors and many wonderful achievements, both at the 10/10 Tutoring & Ed Services centre and at school. It doesn't get much better than this. Congratulations to you all! Holiday Sessions will be happening through both weeks of the holidays, so please let Lena know if you plan to be attending these. The session days and times may change. Enjoy these holidays happening at the bes...t time of the year . Remember to stay safe and healthy as you have fun, fun, FUN! See more
08.01.2022 Its only the end of week 2 of Term 3 and it feels like we have been at it for ages! I would like to welcome our new teacher on board, Lyn, who taught at the same school a few years back. I am so excited to have her passion and expertise part of our team. Also, welcome to the many new students who have joined us in the past couple of weeks. We are rocking n rolling! Here is an article I came across...very interesting.... https://www.mother.ly//its-science-reading-the-same-books- See more
08.01.2022 The second term down and it's back at home for a couple of weeks.... at least you don't need to feel responsible for remote teaching. Make sure you just enjoy and have some special times with your babes. Came across the article below that I thought is an excellent way to enhance your child's thinking in a huge way. Let me know what you think. We are operating through the holidays, but please make sure you let Lena know if you would like to take advantage of the opportunity.... Happy holidays! https://blog.ed.ted.com//critical-thinking-is-a-21st-cen/
08.01.2022 It's only the end of week 2 of Term 3 and it feels like we have been at it for ages! I would like to welcome our new teacher on board, Lyn, who taught at the same school a few years back. I am so excited to have her passion and expertise part of our team. Also, welcome to the many new students who have joined us in the past couple of weeks. We are rocking n' rolling! Here is an article I came across...very interesting.... https://www.mother.ly//its-science-reading-the-same-books- See more
07.01.2022 Happy Australian Day everyone....what a beauty it was, too.
07.01.2022 Ding-aling-aling...schools on! Didnt take long ....or did it? Im sure for most, its a good thing to get back into routine and sanity. Have you have taken up the opportunity to get into the draw for the Coffee Club voucher?? Just write a review to be in it. You have 9 days left!... Although, sessions have already started for some students, all is back to normal from Tuesday. There will be some changes for some students as we have two new tutors, who I am excited to introduce and welcome into the fold. Tamara, has already started delivering senior English and can also offer History, French and ESL, through to uni levels. Jafa, is a Scientist and also, has started tutoring secondary and uni-level math at all levels. He also offers Chemistry, Biology and Biotech. We also welcome our new students, some having started and some will join us next week. We have our sleeves pulled up and are ready to dive into a brand new decade of potentiality for our students and their outcomes. Students who have started have been working on SMART goals for the term, giving them awareness and specific targets to work towards. All the best, everyone! Welcome back!
06.01.2022 What to look forward to....the fun begins!
06.01.2022 One week at school and all feel like things are getting closer to "normal". Surprising to see that most students were actually happy to be back to school and 10/10 Tutoring & Ed. Services! We are now geared up for online tutoring, so do share with anyone you know who is further away from the centre. Together in learning
06.01.2022 Hi everyone, I am so grateful that Queensland has been such a success as far as keeping the COVID menace out. We have done well...and continue to take the precautions to keep it that way. Week 7 seems to be a good time to inform you of the 10/10 Tutoring & Ed. Services sessions over the holidays. Our last tutoring day is the 18th Dec 2020 Starting back 11th Jan 2021... Anyone wishing to take advantage of these sessions please contact Lena to organise bookings.
06.01.2022 Our street, like many others at 6am this morning, were dotted with neighbours holding candles, tributes of family members in the wars. Distanced, yet united in spirit, we commemorated those who gave and continue to give their all in the name of health, safety and freedom. Their commitment, determination and courage allow us to live this privileged life, in this beautiful country, we are lucky enough to call HOME! With a grateful heart, we thank you....always!
05.01.2022 WELCOME to Term 3...brace yourself for a hectic one. 10/10 Tutoring & Ed Services would like to welcome our new students from Prep through to the adults and tutors, Jan, who has come to the rescue on many occasions. Jan comes with a wealth of experience and expertise She has just launched her literacy resource to support teachers and students and we look forward to having it as an addition to our tools. Having been a principal also adds to her value and professionalism.... Stewart, another wise owl, with so much experience from Secondary schools to uni lecturing. Stewart has been with us since the end of the last term and already has made such a difference. Lauren, an English guru, also is joining the ranks and we look forward to the mark, she too, will make on our students and our track record of improving learning outcomes.
04.01.2022 Round 2 of covid19 and we are aware, prepared and proactive. 10/10 Tutoring & Ed. Services Centre has a couple of notices reminding us to keep vigilant. Please follow the following steps:- * parents, please remain in your cars unless it is the first appointment or restroom need to be used * Sanitise your hands before or at the entry * Students bring their own stationery and drink bottles ... I will post updates of further developments as soon as they occur. We thank you for your support and contribution to keeping our students and staff safe.
03.01.2022 An eventful start to the month both at 10/10 Tutoring & Ed. Services Centre and within my life with welcoming a 4th grandbaby in my world. Life is full and beautiful! I was reminded of how reading with our children creates those special and magic moments. T An article I came across by Brandi Jordan of a list of free reading websites. Try some out and reply with your feedback for others to try. 10 Free Reading Websites for Kids...Continue reading
03.01.2022 Today, a group I worked with were looking at mapping. I realised we just don't do enough of it, then I came across this. What a great task to share and learn with the kids! https://www.nationalgeographic.com/maps/world-coloring-map/
03.01.2022 Being a co-author of iMaths, our team are so proud to have achieved the Australian Publishers Award for the iMaths Series for the second year!
03.01.2022 https://thenewdaily.com.au//anxiety-coronavirus-parents-/
02.01.2022 How's your family doing?
02.01.2022 Just read this; thought it may interest some of you. Enjoy your week. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/family/raise-a-reader/
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