Rob Mancini Art | Visual arts
Rob Mancini Art
Phone: +61 448 244 288
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20.01.2022 I have seen these weird little flying black stick creatures many times before but have no idea what they are. Maybe a type of wasp? Anybody out there...? They are around 20mm long, mainly black with a white band (or maybe 2) across their lower abdomen. As you can see they fly with a constant zig-zaggy flight and never seem to land. At least I have never seen them land. It appears they may have a really long ‘ovipositor’ at the tail end but that are a a bit of a blur in flight... so this is unclear. . . . . . . . #insects #insectsofinstagram #insect #wasp #wasps #waspsofinstagram #mysteryinsect #insectidentification See more
18.01.2022 Another nest feature. I cannot remember which Oriole this is, I will check it. Depicted is obviously a female at the nest and I thought it was a Baltimore Oriole however that colouring would point to a Scott’s or Orchard. Either way it’s a nifty nest. . . . .... . . #orioles #oriole #oriolesofinstagram #birdsofusa #birdsofamerica @audubonsociety @auduboninstitute #audubon #audubonsociety @cornellbirds #cornell #cornelluniversity #cornelllabofornithology @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more
17.01.2022 A little break from the birds with these Dall Sheep, one of the agile inhabitants of rugged mountainous environments, in this case in Northwestern North America. . . . .... . . . . #alpinesheep #dallsheep #mountainwildlife #subarcticwildlife #northamericanwildlife #uswildlife #wildlifeofusa See more
17.01.2022 Another one of the recent custom print order. This dramatically vibrant Eastern Rosella is a special gift for a significant occasion. So pleased with the print quality of these, check out that acid green/yellow. . . . .... . . . . #birdposters #graphicposters #birdgraphics #rosella #rosellasofinstagram #rosellas #easternrosella #parrotsofinstagram #parrots #australianparrots #midcenturystyle #midcenturydecor @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdartist See more
16.01.2022 I have 2 things to say here, don’t put of till tomorrow that which you can do today and don’t believe everything you read.... I have to admit I was curious if this book was as ‘good’ as the blurb claimed. With our first few fab days away recently we ended up in a place that had the most densely packed antiques (well old stuff at least) and collectibles collection I have ever encountered. There was room upon room of heavily filled glass cabinets and displays with virtually no...t enough room to squeeze through making navigating through the spaces stressful and a challenge.There was a modest collection of old books that most probably would never unfortunately be taken home by anyone. . . . . . . . #collectibles #oldstuff #oldbooks #bookgraveyard See more
14.01.2022 Just got the delivery of the first fine art canvas prints of my recent digital bird graphics. They have absolutely exceeded all expectations with the colour fidelity of these bold and punchy images. Going off to get shadow frames done which will really lift them even further. All custom print orders. Watch this space....or DM me if you are interested in any of those images (work back through my feed to see these images posted over the last 6 months) . . . .... . . . . #birdgraphics #midcenturymodern #midcenturystyle #fabdecor #modernartdecor #moderndecor #midcenturyposterstyle #midcenturydecor @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more
14.01.2022 Owls have evolved a number of characteristics that allow them to hunt in in darkness the way they do. The ear openings of their skulls are of different size and shape (not symmetrical) which means they hear differently on each side which then allows them to locate prey and hunt by sound alone in absolute darkness. Their feathers also have softened edges which create less air turbulence and hence quieter allowing them to drop onto prey in almost silence. Nifty hey... . . .... . . . . #owls #owl #owlsofinstagram #howowlshunt #silentflight @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more
11.01.2022 It’ll be no surprise that feathers are the secret to a bird’s flight. Wing (flight) feathers were the original inspiration for plane wings. The leading edge is shorter than the trailing edge and under pressure form a shape profile that is curved more sharply towards the front and tapered towards the back. This makes the top edge a longer distance for air to pass over than the flatter underside (which takes a flatter line). This change in pressure is how lift is created. Birds... are also incredibly light with hollow reinforced structured bones to keep weight down. Also did you know that feathers were also the inspiration for velcro. The fine parts of the feather that grow from the central stalk (rachis) have barbs and barbules which hook into each other. When hooked together they create a relatively air tight seal however they can unhook from each other which is why birds spend so much time preening. . . . . . . . #flight #birdflight #feathers #amazingfeathers @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more
08.01.2022 The Australian Spotted Crake (not to be confused with the Spotless Crake which has no spots....) is generally a skulking and wary character spends a lot of time hidden from view in dense vegetation along waterways. Now and then they will surprise you and reveal themselves without any hint of shyness. . . . .... . . . . #crakes #crake #spottedcrake #rails #wetlands #wetlandbirds #wetlandsconservation @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more
07.01.2022 This post sees the last of my C19 lockdown digital bird images. Here we have a Pink Cockatoo. Also called the Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo however I’d rather relegate that to history as that comes with seriously dodgy colonial baggage. These guys when excited raise their crest and expose the bright red and yellow colour. I need to pick up the ball again, watch this space.... . . .... . . . . #cockatoo #cockatoos #cockatoosofinstagram #pinkcockatoos @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdartist See more
04.01.2022 I recently did an online bird and wetland workshop for the @hbwetlandscentre which featured mostly some of the the common coastal birds we encounter here. Included in that presentation were the common cormorants we see. I have a little trick I mentioned to the attendees for ID’ing them. If it’s big and black it’s a Great, if it’s big and pied (b&w) it’s a Pied, if it’s small and pied it’s a Little Pied if it’s little and black it’s a Little Black... This one is big and pied....... so what is it....? . . . . . . #cormorant #cormorants #cormorantsofinstagram #greatpiedcormorant #coatalbirds #birdsofthecoast #wetlands #wetlandsconservation #wetlandbirds @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more
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