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12 Points Psychology in Ferntree Gully, Victoria | Psychologist

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12 Points Psychology

Locality: Ferntree Gully, Victoria

Phone: +61 451 044 015

Address: 2/741 Burwood Hwy 3156 Ferntree Gully, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 I love that this article points out that parents complaining about kids not helping out around the house or doing their school work has been around LONG before gaming came into play. If youre worried about the time your child spends gaming (or engaged in any hobby), the best questions to ask are: - is my child aware of the expectations on them as a part of our family?... - are they meeting these expectations (despite gaming)? - are their own needs being met (i.e., for autonomy and independence) at an age-appropriate level? If the answer to all 3 of those questions is a resounding YES, then you dont need to be worrying about gaming! If the answer is no, then the focus needs to be on how to turn them into yes-es and THEN worry about gaming.

25.01.2022 See? I sometimes do practice what I preach! This is the result of my weekend mindfulness colouring book activities. I feel calmer already! ... #aat #12pointspsychology #mindfulmoment #mindfulmondays #mindfulcolouring #psychhumour #neurochemicals #dopamine #serotonin #relexation #weekendrecharge

24.01.2022 This woman is living, breathing proof, that it really is our choices that define us. Please note: her story is told beautifully and with a lot of humour, but its still a tough story!

24.01.2022 #fridayfunnies #12pointspsychology #alliedhealth #fridaypunnies #dadjokes ... #laughingharderthanishould #haveagoodweekend See more

23.01.2022 This is a new one for us - goldfish rescue! But it's just another example of the human animal bond in action!

23.01.2022 Get your calendars out and your dialling fingers ready! We're now taking appointments for 2021! To make sure you get the chance to secure your preferred times and preferred clinicians, please book ahead. For this week, between 9am and 5pm, please call:... 0451 044 015 or 0414 299 520 If you can't get through straight away, please leave a message and we'll have extra admin staff on to return those calls and book you in. At this stage we are hoping to be offering face-to-face appointments starting in January, (and we'll be booking you in under that assumption), but we are obviously still going to be guided by medical and DHHS advice. You can also choose to book in for a telehealth appointment if you prefer.

23.01.2022 Like we needed anymore reasons to love them!?

22.01.2022 Our Jersey girl showing us how to really do the weekend right! Not the most flattering of pics, but she was just so damn happy!! #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #sundayouttakes #beagaliers #smooshyface

21.01.2022 For the first time ever 100% of our clients are dealing with exactly the same situation that we are. And its taking its toll on us in all new ways.

21.01.2022 Our poor little Jersey-girl gave us all quite a scare yesterday! She couldnt get up for breakfast (and if you know Jersey or beagles in general, you know thats bad!) Thanks to the amazing guys at the @veterinary_referral_hospital in Dandenong, we found the problem at 6.30am, she was at the hospital and given pain relief by 7.30am then thoroughly tested and examined and set home by 8pm with a preliminary diagnosis (a problem with the vertebral joints in her neck most likely ...due to age) and a bag full of meds. Thanks goodness that emergency vets are still allowed to operate under Stage 4, (and just for vets in general!) and thank goodness we could get her in and on the mend so quickly! And now for one month of serious R&R (with Winston as her attentive guard of course - he makes sure the kitten leaves her alone!) #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #cavoodles #beagaliers #vetreferralhospital #sickdays #randr #intervertebraldiscdisease #neckpaintreatment #longday #vets

21.01.2022 If this is accurate, then our old cat, Lara, was the most relaxed creature on the planet! She just couldnt help herself! Were trying to teach Georgie Rey some better manners. Not working so well just yet.... Maybe Lara had a point....

19.01.2022 Today is #onlinelearningday Remember, academic performance is a secondary concern right now and these digital care packs from smiling minds may be just the thing to help you and your kids stay mentally well and healthy.

19.01.2022 What a gorgeous day its been in Melbourne today! 26 degrees and sunny!! Makes quarantine just a little easier to bear! I hope you got a chance to enjoy it. #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #cavoodle #springtime #springhassprung2020 #posingpuppy

19.01.2022 Here's 5 signs that it's time to take a break!

19.01.2022 But when you need both - we have animal assisted therapy! :)

19.01.2022 One of my favourite stories and examples of the human animal bond in action!

19.01.2022 This is a new one for us - goldfish rescue! But its just another example of the human animal bond in action!

18.01.2022 Winston soaking up the #humpdayvibes What a gorgeous day in recently free of restrictions metro-Melbourne!! #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #cavoodles #cavaliercrosses #sunshinemoment #happypuppies #walkingonsunshine

18.01.2022 It's quite possible these two were separated at birth!! They appear to be on the same play/crash cycle!! ... #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #cavoodles #bffs #interspeciesfriendship #dsh #sleepypuppies #sleepykitties #catchingzzzs

18.01.2022 Its quite possible these two were separated at birth!! They appear to be on the same play/crash cycle!! ... #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #cavoodles #bffs #interspeciesfriendship #dsh #sleepypuppies #sleepykitties #catchingzzzs

17.01.2022 We're boiling our drinking water, but the power is back and holding steady, the sun is shining and Jersey and I are doing some online EMDR training with @carolineburrows.emdr! How's your Saturday going? ... #aat #12pointspsychology #emdr #onlinetraining #emdrtherapy #beagalier #victoriantimes #psychology #saturdaysnuggles #boilyourwater

17.01.2022 While we have some new clinicians starting up next month and some existing clinicians are adding some more availability, but there can sometimes still be a bit of a wait to see someone. In case you're experiencing delays, you can book in for up to 3 free sessions with Mathew, our low cost counsellor or check out the new HeadtoHelp sites which are up and running across Melbourne now for any Victorian experiencing emotional distress due to COVID-19. You can access support those centres by calling 1 800 595 212 or check out their website here: Or to book with Mathew, just call reception 0451 044 015 or email [email protected]

17.01.2022 Honestly, how many times have you EVER said, "Wow that was the most earth-shattering, mind-altering, brilliantly inspiring thing that has ever happened! And, it was just SO EASY!"


16.01.2022 My telehealth therapy buddies today Rorys face says it all! ... When do I get to lick people again?! #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #cavoodles #cavaliercrosses #beagalier #telehealthsessions #telehealth #onlinetherapy #sessionbuddies

14.01.2022 A very important part of #animalassistedtherapy is being #photogenic (because we make them pose ALOT!!!) In this respect, Georgie Reys therapy training is still definitely a #workinprogress #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #therapycatintraining #therapyanimals #photoshootsgonewrong #dsh #kittycuddles

14.01.2022 Managing difficult days...

14.01.2022 This year on R U OK day, I think its safe to say no-one is doing terribly well! So lets still ask R U OK? But lets follow up it up with, "What do you need?" For me, I desperately need some time at the beach! I need to feel the sand under my feet and the sun on my face and hear the water. ... I need to get out of this house for more than an hour! I need to drive on the freeway! I need to split myself into at least 6 different people to keep up with the demand for services at the moment! But most of all I need to acknowledge that I need those things, not judge myself for needing those things and find a way to get some semblance of those things into my life right now. So Im doing a digital detox this weekend, no devices and no work. Im going to sit in my back yard (and be grateful I have a yard!) And Im going to feel the sun on my face and plan out the beach holiday were going to take when this is all over. And Im going to acknowledge that this is a hard time and its ok to feel overwhelmed and its equally ok to take a step back. And then I hope that next week if someone asks R U OK? I might be able to honestly say, Im getting there! #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #cavoodles #cavaliercrosses #beagalier #ruokday #ruok #covidok #ISO #whatdoyouneed #perfectlyimperfect

13.01.2022 The how and why behind all those posts on how important routine is right now! With Danielle and Rory

13.01.2022 Happy 4th Birthday to the gorgeous Lachlan!!! We can't wait to welcome you (and your new birthday toy) back to the office!! #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #therapyanimals #therapydogs #kooliecross #kelpiecross #birthdayboy

13.01.2022 This year on R U OK day, I think it's safe to say no-one is doing terribly well! So let's still ask R U OK? But let's follow up it up with, "What do you need?" For me, I desperately need some time at the beach! I need to feel the sand under my feet and the sun on my face and hear the water. ... I need to get out of this house for more than an hour! I need to drive on the freeway! I need to split myself into at least 6 different people to keep up with the demand for services at the moment! But most of all I need to acknowledge that I need those things, not judge myself for needing those things and find a way to get some semblance of those things into my life right now. So I'm doing a digital detox this weekend, no devices and no work. I'm going to sit in my back yard (and be grateful I have a yard!) And I'm going to feel the sun on my face and plan out the beach holiday we're going to take when this is all over. And I'm going to acknowledge that this is a hard time and it's ok to feel overwhelmed and its equally ok to take a step back. And then I hope that next week if someone asks R U OK? I might be able to honestly say, I'm getting there! #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #cavoodles #cavaliercrosses #beagalier #ruokday #ruok #covidok #ISO #whatdoyouneed #perfectlyimperfect

13.01.2022 We cant relate at all! Except that as I type this, Georgie Rey is perched on my shoulder trying to eat my hair!! #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #cheekykitty #therapycatintraining #chirpykitty

12.01.2022 A really simple but super effective technique from our friends at Spilt Milk Psychology.

12.01.2022 Triple P Online shows you simple but proven ways to create the circumstances that help your child reach their potential and Victorian parents can now access the program totally free of charge!

12.01.2022 I think of this one often (and use it with clients all the time!). How many times have you been hung up on someones opinion of you, then when you really think about it, you realise that you wouldnt even trust them for a movie recommendation, let alone deep personal insights?!

11.01.2022 Our poor little Jersey-girl gave us all quite a scare yesterday! She couldn't get up for breakfast (and if you know Jersey or beagles in general, you know that's bad!) Thanks to the amazing guys at the @veterinary_referral_hospital in Dandenong, we found the problem at 6.30am, she was at the hospital and given pain relief by 7.30am then thoroughly tested and examined and set home by 8pm with a preliminary diagnosis (a problem with the vertebral joints in her neck most likely ...due to age) and a bag full of meds. Thanks goodness that emergency vets are still allowed to operate under Stage 4, (and just for vets in general!) and thank goodness we could get her in and on the mend so quickly! And now for one month of serious R&R (with Winston as her attentive guard of course - he makes sure the kitten leaves her alone!) #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #cavoodles #beagaliers #vetreferralhospital #sickdays #randr #intervertebraldiscdisease #neckpaintreatment #longday #vets

10.01.2022 I think this is the adult version of the 'dog ate my homework' - instead of telling your teacher that's why you haven't done your work, you can tell your physio/doctor/trainer that this is why you didn't do all your stretches/physio/strengthening exercises this week!

09.01.2022 Georgie Rey has claimed the bookshelf cube next to my desk as her own and won't let us keep anything in it! It's adorable and pushy all at the same time, which is very much her! As is this week's #sundayouttake

08.01.2022 One week to go before our Parenting in a Pandemic - Part II webinar and only 5 spaces left! This is a totally free webinar facilitated by myself (Director and Clinical Psychologist at 12 Points Psychology) and our adolescent counsellor (and secondary school teacher) Amanda Atchison. Its designed to help parents manage their own expectations and their kids stress and anxiety during COVID.... Part II will include a discussion around identifying and managing school refusal, both in those who struggled with it before lockdown and those who are starting to worry about a return to school post-lockdown! This is suitable for parents and clinicians and we hope to see you (or any clients you feel like passing this info onto) there! Please note: you can find the booking instructions here in the link, as well as a video of Part I. If places fill up, you can email [email protected] to go on the waitlist or be emailed a copy of the recording.

08.01.2022 Zoom fatigue is real! And here's why (and how to do something about it!)

08.01.2022 #sundayouttakes when you try and take a nice family/sibling shot!

06.01.2022 This is a great article on helping you find that line between being authentically open and vulnerable versus being a splurger and sharing too much too soon.

06.01.2022 Honestly this less of a #sundayouttake and more of a #bts look into photo shoots with Rory! She is the sweetest, friendliest, most lovely dog! But she is NOT a patient dog!! ... This is the attitude I start to cop when she thinks weve been doing the photo shoot a little too long. Its her Judgy McJudgy face. I am not even kidding. I know lots of people say dogs dont feel guilt etc and we do have to be careful of anthropomorphising our pets, but I swear this dog is the exception! Shes cavalier x human! #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #judgydog #judgerory #cavaliercross #photoshoot #dogphotoshoot #cleverdog #cleverdogproblems #stinkeye

06.01.2022 Were boiling our drinking water, but the power is back and holding steady, the sun is shining and Jersey and I are doing some online EMDR training with @carolineburrows.emdr! Hows your Saturday going? ... #aat #12pointspsychology #emdr #onlinetraining #emdrtherapy #beagalier #victoriantimes #psychology #saturdaysnuggles #boilyourwater

06.01.2022 Were never going to say getting a puppy is a bad idea! And I know ISO seems like the perfect time to add a furfriend to your family - youre certainly going to have plenty of time at home to help them adjust, not to mention plenty of time for walks! But there are some very important points to consider before taking such a big step to make sure everyone stays happy and healthy!

06.01.2022 What a gorgeous day it's been in Melbourne today! 26 degrees and sunny!! Makes quarantine just a little easier to bear! I hope you got a chance to enjoy it. #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #cavoodle #springtime #springhassprung2020 #posingpuppy

06.01.2022 The spirit is willing but the flesh (and tiny little legs!!)... Happy Monday!

05.01.2022 Self-care for when youre already feeling overwhelmed - is there anything you can adopt for this coming weekend?

04.01.2022 My telehealth therapy buddies today Rory's face says it all! ... When do I get to lick people again?! #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #cavoodles #cavaliercrosses #beagalier #telehealthsessions #telehealth #onlinetherapy #sessionbuddies

04.01.2022 To all the guys out there who show up! Happy Fathers Day! And to those out there who find today.... complicated: - is there anything you can do to make next Fathers Day better? - is there someone you can reach out to?... - is there someone else who might benefit from you providing them with what you missed out on? - is there a way you can offer yourself some compassion today? See more

04.01.2022 and what is therapy for if not to defeat some of those internal enemies?!

03.01.2022 Everyone's a little raw at the moment and fuses are much shorter than usual! Given that, taking some extra time to communicate effectively and avoid blame can save a lot of heartache and hassle!

03.01.2022 Some people are very much aware of the impact COVID and lockdown are having on them here and now and those people are the ones were primarily seeing as clients right now. However there are also many people just "soldiering on". "Trying to make the best of things"... "Trying not to let it get me down" "Taking it one day at a time" Does any of that sound familiar? And if thats you, fair enough, Im not going to mess with anyones coping mechanisms! :) We all gotta figure out the best way to get through this day to day, BUUUUUT..... I would ask that you take a moment, when you can, when its safe to do so, and just check in on yourself. Check in on where youre at and what you need to get through this and out the otherside as well as possible. And if youre one of the 1000s of people who are doing well right now (probably because youre used to survival mode), but worry about crashing after this is all over, think about what you can put in place to lesson the impact ahead of time! This article points to some ways the pandemic is impacting all of our mental health, and hopefully gives you some ideas of what areas in our lives could benefit from a tune up right now.

03.01.2022 26 Secrets That Current Puppy Owners Want Future Puppy Owners To Know!

02.01.2022 Truly terrible photos with an old flip phone! And a VERY fluffy and VERY young Rory on her very first day as a therapy dog!!! 8 years ago!!! ... Honestly, where does the time go?!? #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #firstdayatwork #newrecruit #flashback #cavaliercrosses #fluffypuppy #beforesmartphones

02.01.2022 Happy Hump Day!

02.01.2022 We can't relate at all! Except that as I type this, Georgie Rey is perched on my shoulder trying to eat my hair!! #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #cheekykitty #therapycatintraining #chirpykitty

01.01.2022 #sundayouttakes when you try and take a nice 'family/sibling' shot!

01.01.2022 If this isn't the perfect representation of #humpdayvibes then I don't know what is! I think Winston could be the face of #melbournelockdown at the moment! Lethargic, unmotivated, flopped in front of the tv and really shaggy because its been so long between hair cuts! ... #aat #12pointspsychology #animalassistedtherapy #cavoodles #cavaliercrosses #humpday #poopedpooch #coviditis

01.01.2022 We're never going to say getting a puppy is a bad idea! And I know ISO seems like the perfect time to add a furfriend to your family - you're certainly going to have plenty of time at home to help them adjust, not to mention plenty of time for walks! But there are some very important points to consider before taking such a big step to make sure everyone stays happy and healthy!

01.01.2022 To all the guys out there who show up! Happy Father's Day! And to those out there who find today.... complicated: - is there anything you can do to make next Father's Day better? - is there someone you can reach out to?... - is there someone else who might benefit from you providing them with what you missed out on? - is there a way you can offer yourself some compassion today? See more

01.01.2022 Self-care for when you're already feeling overwhelmed - is there anything you can adopt for this coming weekend?

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