VER Australian Alpaca | Organisation
VER Australian Alpaca
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23.01.2022 Have you started thinking about worm testing this season? With a little bit of rain and the warmer weather, worms are already back in abundance in some areas. W...e encourage everyone to enact their worm management plan for the warm wet season soon to be upon us. Remember that AAA members can get a free copy of the worm R&D from the AAA #AustralianAlpaca #LearnOnWednesday #parasites See more
20.01.2022 The Australian paralysis tick (Ixodes holocyclus) is endemic along the east coast of Australia and is responsible for thousands of livestock deaths each year an...d, regrettably, the alpaca is no exception. The ‘tick season’ varies from one region to another and may start as early as June/July but in some areas has been known to be active all year round. AAA has a great Alpaca Advice sheet on ticks in the member's area of the website #AustralianAlpaca #LearnOnWednesday #ticks See more
17.01.2022 ALPACA 101 WORKSHOP This workshop originally scheduled for April has now been reinvented to fit in with Victorian Covid guidelines and will be run as a 2 hour session. Each session has a maximum of 7 attendees, 5 sessions in total will be run. Topics to be covered by 3 facilitators include:-... Halter Training demonstrations, including how to fit a halter and restraining and handling your alpaca safely Toe Nail Care IAR Ear Tagging Conformation/Body Scoring Oral and Injection Administration of Medications We believe with the small group numbers we will be able to provide a very hands on experience for all attendees. We have plenty of outdoor space with spacious sheds available if weather is inclement. Venue: Auravale Alpacas, Belgrave South Dates: 5th and 6th December 2020 Cost: $20/single, $35/double You do not need to be a AAA member to attend. If you are interested in attending this workshop please go to go to December and click on Alpaca 101 Workshops for further information. There are only limited spaces still available. They are Saturday 5th December 2020 9 - 11am - Only one place available 12 2pm - Booked out 2.30 -4.30pm - two spaces available Sunday 6th December 2020 10.30am -12.30pm - Only one place available 1.30-3.30pm - Only one place available
17.01.2022 National Fleece Challenge entries close at midnight tomorrow Monday 2nd November. The VER are supporting our members by PAYING the travel costs to get your fleeces TO and RETURNED from the Fleece Challenge. VER have established the following additional fleece drop off points. Please call number provided to arrange drop off time:... Auravale Alpacas - 1557 Wellington Road, Belgrave South, 3160, Lynda - Mob: 0419 334 276. Drop off prior to 12MD 7th November Tarcoola Alpacas - 85 Bourchiers Road, Kangaroo Ground, 3097, Heather - Mob: 0417 580 507. Drop off prior to 12 MD 7th November Elm Park - 100 Thompson Road, Hazlewood South, 3840, Mob: Kylie - 0412 075 455. Drop off prior to 12 MD 7th November Pitchingga Ridge Alpacas - 109 Stony Creek Road, Red Hill, 3937, Jean - Mob: 0436 022 440. Drop off prior to 12 MD 6th November Merungle Alpacas - 38 Sellings Lane, Maffra 3860, JenMob: 0412 383 655 Drop off prior to 12 MD 4th November Milestead Alpacas 15 Franklin Street, Sale, Jenny - Mob: 0417 392 670 OR 460 Friday Creek Road, Iguanan Creek. Drop off prior to 12 MD 4th November To access this support when entering via eAlpaca, see the additional line under Extra Show Items: Collection & return via VER (per fleece maximum of 5 fleeces per stud) $0.00each
16.01.2022 Farmers across Victoria need workers to help with this season’s harvest. There’s short-term work on offer in paddocks and packing sheds, on orchards and berr...y farms across regional Victoria: from the Sunraysia and the Goulburn Valley, to the Yarra Valley and Gippsland. There’s also support available to help with relocation, accommodation and transport. Find out more about seasonal work at
10.01.2022 Keeping alpacas in good condition is essential for healthy reproduction as well as minimizing variations in the diameter along the length of the fibre staple. S...udden changes in diet can result in sickness, fetal stress and tender fleece. Seasonal changes in dietary quality and quantity make it essential to monitor your animal’s body condition. Body condition scoring is a way to give a more accurate picture of the animal’s condition to enable ability to optimise nutritional management of each alpaca. Do you know how to BCS? Check out the Alpaca Advice sheet in the AAA Members Portal #AustralianAlpaca #LearnOnWednesday #BCS See more
10.01.2022 FEE AMNESTY! Did you know that there will be a change to some registration fees from 1 January 2021? Get in to register all animals that are over 24 months ol...d now at the special reduced price of $23! After 1 January there are changes to the fee to register an animal over 12 months of age. See the Fee Schedule:
09.01.2022 HOW IS SURI FLEECE JUDGED? AAA senior alpaca judge Peter Kennedy-Gane has done some educational videos on fleece judging. Get prepared for the National Fleece ...Challenge and understand how your fleece will be judged #2020FleeceChallenge #Shearing2020 #AustralianAlpaca #suri #FocusOnFleece Check it out l See more
06.01.2022 Are you looking through your fleeces wondering which ones to enter? Entries close this Monday 2 November - don't miss out! A fantastic benefit of showing fleec...e is that every fleece receives a scorecard, and all of the fleeces in the National Fleece Challenge will be tested. Great feedback on your breeding program. See more
06.01.2022 HOW IS HUACAYA FLEECE JUDGED? AAA senior alpaca judge Peter Kennedy-Gane has done some educational videos on fleece judging. Get prepared for the National Flee...ce Challenge and understand how your fleece will be judged #2020FleeceChallenge #Shearing2020 #AustralianAlpaca #huacaya #FocusOnFleece Check it out l See more
05.01.2022 Upcoming AAA Education webinar - War on worms with Jane Vaughan. War on worms I. Tuesday 1st December 7.30pm 8.30pm AEDT Learn about the different worms that... infest alpacas, and how they can affect alpaca production. Find out when worms will be a problem in your district* and how you can minimise their effects through pasture management. *Only Australia conditions will be covered. War on worms II. Tuesday 8th December 7.30pm 8.30pm AEDT Find out when to use de-wormers, which de-wormers to use, and how to detect and minimise drench resistance. Practical application on your farm. Tickets $30 member / $50 non-members per session (both $55 member / $95 NM)
02.01.2022 National Fleece Challenge - Entries close 12 midnight Monday 2nd November Support for VER Members To encourage VER entries to the National Fleece Challenge the VER Committee have chosen to support our members by providing additional drop off points and paying the $5 return transport fee for VER members. The VER will also acknowledge the region's top fleece scores in each category. This will be promoted over VER social media, eNewsletter and our website once results are final...ised. National Fleece Challenge local VER support guidelines: VER to pay the $5 transport fee to and from the National Fleece Challenge. To access this support when entering via eAlpaca, see the additional line under Extra Show Items: Collection & return via VER (per fleece maximum of 5 fleeces per stud) $0.00each (please note, it may take a couple of days for this additional line to be added to eAlpaca entries page) VER have established the following additional fleece drop off points. Please call number provided to arrange drop off time. Auravale Alpacas - 1557 Wellington Road, Belgrave South, 3160, Lynda - Mob: 0419 334 276. Drop off prior to 12MD 7th November Tarcoola Alpacas - 85 Bourchiers Road, Kangaroo Ground, 3097, Heather - Mob: 0417 580 507. Drop off prior to 12 MD 7th November Elm Park - 100 Thompson Road, Hazlewood South, 3840, Mob: Kylie - 0412 075 455. Drop off prior to 12 MD 7th November Pitchingga Ridge Alpacas - 109 Stony Creek Road, Red Hill, 3937, Jean - Mob: 0436 022 440. Drop off prior to 12 MD 6th November Merungle Alpacas - 38 Sellings Lane, Maffra 3860, JenMob: 0412 383 655 Drop off prior to 12 MD 4th November Milestead Alpacas 15 Franklin Street, Sale, Jenny - Mob: 0417 392 670 OR 460 Friday Creek Road, Iguanan Creek. The National Fleece Challenge is to held on 4-6th December, 2020 Judge: Natasha Clark There are two fleece shows on offer: 1. Fleece shorn from 4 June 2019 - 30th June 2020 2. Fleece shorn post 30 June 2020. You can enter one or both shows, you can enter two fleeces from the one alpaca if you wish. Entries are now open via eAlpaca and close 12MN on 2nd November 2020. It would be great to have an extensive representation of fleeces from the Victorian Eastern Region members. National Fleece Challenge AAA Website: - See more