180 Degrees IT Solutions | Computer repair service
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25.01.2022 According to the nations online security watchdog, Aussies are reporting cyber crimes every 10 minutes and losing an average of $700 to cyber criminals. Inter...estingly, its younger people who tend to fall victim more often. Channel 7s Finance and Business editor Gemma Acton says this is partly because they are online more, and partly because there is a higher degree of comfort among young people in terms of sharing personal details online. More: 7news.link/7a8UZG #TheLatest #7NEWS
24.01.2022 Update your Adobe Flash asap... Or better yet - if you don't need it then consider removing it completely. Adobe Flash is fast becoming obsolete, but is still a haven for hackers who use it to write viruses and exploit your network.
23.01.2022 Data breaches like this serve as a good reminder why using real answers to your Security Questions like My mothers maiden name can be a bad idea. Plus, it just takes hackers just minutes to find that information out by social media and Google, and use it to reset your password giving them full access to your accounts. Heres how to avoid this:... 1. Dont use real answers to your security questions. Write your answers in a safe and secure place. 2. Lock down your social media accounts and really go to town on your privacy settings. The smaller the foot print you leave online for recon and information gathering purposes, the harder you are to target.
21.01.2022 Lets hope the Bakery being targeted has a secure system in place to keep their computers safe and secure!
21.01.2022 Beware of fake Covid-19 tracking websites - many contain hidden malware that can infect your computer or device. This one is one of the legitimate ones!
20.01.2022 There is washing your hands, then there is washing your hands as a doctor or surgeon would! Studies have shown that basic hand washing is just as effective as using antibacterial pumps when killing germs like the Coronavirus. Here is how Dr John Cambell wants us to do it.
20.01.2022 Free Short Course "Applied Social Media Marketing" by Charles Sturt University. If you need to know how social impacts the digital strategy for your brand, product launch or start-up then this free online short course could be right up your ally. :)
19.01.2022 Cloned accounts are a real thing, but this virus message isn't.
18.01.2022 What systems do you have in place *now* to protect your businesses future? SamSam is a real threat... and expensive.
18.01.2022 If you think youre unwell, here is a basic Novel Coronavirus quiz you can do online to find out if you should seek medical attention or not.
17.01.2022 We have had helped many businesses who have had their network hacked simply because their staff opened a harmless looking email. Heres are a great video to help them recognise which how to spot a phishing message. Want more information how you can protect your business from viruses, hackers, downtime, data theft, reliability issues, staff productivity issues, slow support times, and expensive IT support bills? ... Give us a call on 1300 472 435 today and we can show the perfect solution to solve all of your problems.
17.01.2022 A crisis will always bring out the best, and worst in people.
17.01.2022 Wow, what a great video explaining social distancing and why it's important. Remember, pretend like you already have the virus. It could help save the lives of many. . Kev
17.01.2022 How many devices in your network still have the default username and password? Like with all things, youre only as secure as the weakest link and all it takes is a PC, security camera, printer, router, or any other device that hasnt been properly secured to allow a hacker in the backdoor. Now is the time to audit all of your devices and ensure that each password is set to 15-characters (or more!) so that you increase the time it takes special brute force programs to cr...ack your password from seconds with a standard 8 character password, to years for a 15+ character password! Youll never make it 100% hacker proof, but youll make it so that its too much effort so theyll hopefully just move onto to someone else.
17.01.2022 Every "day" should be National Scams week! That's why it's always important for you to 'verify' that any email request you receive is genuine first before you click, download, open, or hand over any information. To find out how easy it for a cyber criminal to send an email making it appear to come from someone else (this is called Email Spoofing), watch this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6C2JUDmLl9k
16.01.2022 SCAM ALERT Scammers have set up a clone of the myGov website to trick you into sharing your login and bank account details, Stay Smart Online says. The scam starts with a phishing email that looks like it is from Medicare, asking you to update your Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) details, so you can start receiving payments for Medicare benefits and claims.... If you click on the link in the email you are taken a replica of the real myGov website. Youll note the URL includes .net instead of .gov.au, which is an indication the website is not a legitimate Australian Government domain! If you input your login details you are directed to also enter your secret security question and answer, before youre taken to the fake Medicare website to input your bank account details. These emails and web pages feature myGov and Medicare design and branding, making them appear legitimate. Remember, clicking on the link and sharing your details gives these scammers access to your personal information, which they then use to steal your money and identity!
16.01.2022 This is what a Phishing attack looks like in the real world! :P
16.01.2022 The ACSC has produced new advice to help keep businesses and individual users safe when using web conferencing systems. To help get you started, look at these t...ips. For more tips and advice, read this guide and share with your colleagues, family and friends: https://www.cyber.gov.au/publicat/web-conferencing-security
16.01.2022 A quick and dirty summary of what happens to folks when they're infected with COVID-19.
15.01.2022 Cloned accounts are a real thing, but this virus message isnt.
15.01.2022 Let's hope the Bakery being targeted has a secure system in place to keep their computers safe and secure!
14.01.2022 MnuBot New Banking Trojan Take Browsers Screenshots, Keylogging to Steal Bank Data https://goo.gl/bt7JHr
13.01.2022 Sadly, ransomware and cyber attacks are on the increase. If you dont already have a good system in place to not only protect your files, but that of your staff, customer, and clients, its more important than ever that you implement them NOW. With more staff working remotely, not having the correct systems in place can be catastrophic for any business on-top of what is already going to be a very difficult year for a lot of businesses. Sadly, there is no magic "UND...O" button when youve been breached. If you need help, please send me a PM and Ill happily share with you a few of my secret strategies and a checklist that Ive developed over the last 22 years to keep our clients networks protected and kept them virus free, hacker free, downtime free, data theft free, and safely, securely, and productively working from home. Kev & Beth Clarke
12.01.2022 Confession of a Cyber Criminal. The worst part about this video is that they dont show how little effort it actually takes for a cyber criminal to perform these types of attacks. Want help secure your business? Call us, we can help show you how.
12.01.2022 Att: Cairns Businesses Need removable protective screens to protect your staff as they serve customers? If you know of someone who this might help (chemists, food retailers, shops, doctors, suppliers etc), please share this with them as it can help keep their staff safer, PLUS prevent the spread of Covid-19 PLUS help keep their doors open longer helping the everyone community.... Please give Shaun from Kilfoy Cabinets a call. You can click the link for Shauns contact information, and information about his business. Thanks, Kev
12.01.2022 Did you know that there is strong evidence suggests that the virus could potentially linger in the air for up to 3-hours? As well as the fact that it can survive on many surfaces such as plastic and metal for a number of hours after contact... social distancing and good hand hygiene is critical. Please stay at home, wash your hands the correct way, use the time to call the people you havent talked to for a while, catch up on those odd jobs youve been too busy to do and h...elp save lives. Kev
12.01.2022 Crooks who hack online merchants to steal payment card data are constantly coming up with crafty ways to hide their malicious code on Web sites. In Internet age...s past, this often meant obfuscating it as giant blobs of gibberish text that was obvious even to the untrained eye. These days, a compromised e-commerce site is more likely to be seeded with a tiny snippet of code that invokes a hostile domain which appears harmless or that is virtually indistinguishable from the hacked sites own domain. See more
12.01.2022 Time to check if your website has an SSL certificate. If your website has https:// at the start when you open it in your web browser, youre cooking with gas - the s stands for secure! If not, call your web guru and theyll set one up for you.
11.01.2022 Remote Access Trojans (or RATS) allow an attacker to gain full access to your network, files, as well as allows realtime access to webcams and your microphone. Heres a few of my top tips on how to avoid RATS: 1. Never click or open any unknown links or attachments on your computer or phone. ... 2. Never install pirated software, cracks, or keygens. 3. Never leave your computer or phone unattended for periods of time with a password or passcode. 4. Avoid non reputable websites. 5. Have a good internet security package installed. The cant stop all RATS, but theyll stop many of the more common ones. 6. Update frequently with a good patch management and vulnerability solution. RATS rely on using less secure unpatched systems to gain access! Want more information on how to keep your business safe and secure? Let us know. We can help!
11.01.2022 Every "day" should be National Scams week! Thats why its always important for you to verify that any email request you receive is genuine first before you click, download, open, or hand over any information. To find out how easy it for a cyber criminal to send an email making it appear to come from someone else (this is called Email Spoofing), watch this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6C2JUDmLl9k
10.01.2022 EVERYONE needs to hear this viral speech about Coronavirus from Dr. Emily Landon! Follow Occupy Democrats for more.
10.01.2022 Hackers can use known security vulnerabilities with new technology to bypass Antivirus Software.
10.01.2022 A quick and dirty summary of what happens to folks when theyre infected with COVID-19.
09.01.2022 Confession of a Cyber Criminal. The worst part about this video is that they don't show how little effort it actually takes for a cyber criminal to perform these types of attacks. Want help secure your business? Call us, we can help show you how.
08.01.2022 Dont be a sitting duck with it comes to cyber-security. Heres a 10 quick and easy PASSWORD tips to follow on how to make yourself a little more "hack-proof". 1. Never reuse your passwords. ... 2. Never make your passwords similar to each other. 3. Change your passwords often (at least every 12-months). 4. Keep your passwords longer than 14 characters. 5. Use phrases rather than random letters, numbers, and characters. These are harder to guess, but easier to remember. 6. Enable two-factor authentication on all of your important accounts. To check this, log into your accounts on a trusted PC. If it doesnt ask for a code from your mobile device, its not enabled. 7. Use a good password manager. 9. Dont share passwords. 10. Dont your passwords where unauthorised people or staff can view or access them. Yes, that includes Post-IT notes on your monitor, or under your keyboard. A bonus tip... Use the flowing website https://haveibeenpwned.com to check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach. Got anymore tips? Wed love to hear them. Got a friend that you want to make more secure? Share this with them! Want to protect your business even more? Did you know that in 90% of cases, it takes us on average less than 2-minutes to compromise a business to access their network. Call 1300 472 435 and arrange a free onsite cyber-security analysis to see how fast your business could be compromised, and learn some simple steps you can put in place to minimise it.
06.01.2022 Hey guys, There has been a huge spike in Cyber Criminals trying to take advantage of many people who now work from home. This is because the criminals know that many of the devices staff are now using at home dont have the same level of protection and security policies in place that they often have when on company owned devices.... If you received any unsolicited phone call or email requesting *any* personal information from you, please hang up or delete the email. Your bank, your internet company (ISP), Centrelink, Medicare, or the Aust. Government etc will not call you directly asking for any personal information. If you are not sure if the email you have received is genuine or not, thats ok. Some are almost impossible to detect now and the days of simply checking for spelling mistakes and other obvious signs are long gone. Because of this, we are offering a free service during the Covid19 crisis to let you know if an email is genuine or not. All you need to do is forward any email youre unsure about to [email protected]. One of our experts will tell thoroughly check the email and let you know if its safe to open or not. All emails and their contents are confidential. Stay safe, stay strong, support your local small businesses, be kind and patient, flatten the curve, and we will all get through this together. Kevin and Beth Clarke x
06.01.2022 Self-Isolation is on the best things you can do to help protect the vulnerable and most at risk. Here are some models to prove it!
04.01.2022 Update your Adobe Flash asap... Or better yet - if you dont need it then consider removing it completely. Adobe Flash is fast becoming obsolete, but is still a haven for hackers who use it to write viruses and exploit your network.
04.01.2022 Wow, what a great video explaining social distancing and why its important. Remember, pretend like you already have the virus. It could help save the lives of many. . Kev
03.01.2022 Phishing emails have caused unbearable consequences to many business owners. This video will how you what they look like, and how they work to help you keep your business protected.
03.01.2022 Sadly, ransomware and cyber attacks are on the increase. If you don't already have a good system in place to not only protect your files, but that of your staff, customer, and clients, it's more important than ever that you implement them NOW. With more staff working remotely, not having the correct systems in place can be catastrophic for any business on-top of what is already going to be a very difficult year for a lot of businesses. Sadly, there is no magic "UND...O" button when you've been breached. If you need help, please send me a PM and I'll happily share with you a few of my secret strategies and a checklist that I've developed over the last 22 years to keep our clients networks protected and kept them virus free, hacker free, downtime free, data theft free, and safely, securely, and productively working from home. Kev & Beth Clarke
02.01.2022 According to the nation's online security watchdog, Aussies are reporting cyber crimes every 10 minutes and losing an average of $700 to cyber criminals. Inter...estingly, it's younger people who tend to fall victim more often. Channel 7's Finance and Business editor Gemma Acton says this is partly because they are online more, and partly because there is a higher degree of comfort among young people in terms of sharing personal details online. More: 7news.link/7a8UZG #TheLatest #7NEWS
01.01.2022 Don't be a sitting duck with it comes to cyber-security. Here's a 10 quick and easy PASSWORD tips to follow on how to make yourself a little more "hack-proof". 1. Never reuse your passwords. ... 2. Never make your passwords similar to each other. 3. Change your passwords often (at least every 12-months). 4. Keep your passwords longer than 14 characters. 5. Use phrases rather than random letters, numbers, and characters. These are harder to guess, but easier to remember. 6. Enable two-factor authentication on all of your important accounts. To check this, log into your accounts on a trusted PC. If it doesn't ask for a code from your mobile device, it's not enabled. 7. Use a good password manager. 9. Don't share passwords. 10. Don't your passwords where unauthorised people or staff can view or access them. Yes, that includes Post-IT notes on your monitor, or under your keyboard. A bonus tip... Use the flowing website https://haveibeenpwned.com to check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach. Got anymore tips? We'd love to hear them. Got a friend that you want to make more secure? Share this with them! Want to protect your business even more? Did you know that in 90% of cases, it takes us on average less than 2-minutes to compromise a business to access their network. Call 1300 472 435 and arrange a free onsite cyber-security analysis to see how fast your business could be compromised, and learn some simple steps you can put in place to minimise it.
01.01.2022 If you think you're unwell, here is a basic Novel Coronavirus quiz you can do online to find out if you should seek medical attention or not.
01.01.2022 WPA3 will be the biggest WI-FI security upgrade in over a decade
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