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Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust Inc. | Community group

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Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust Inc.

Phone: +61 475 472 891


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23.01.2022 Your weekly dose of beauty from our area, courtesy of Ranbeer Kaur.

23.01.2022 THROWBACK THURSDAY | Fancy a new necklace or a ring for your darling? If you were after jewellery in Hornsby in the 1930s, 40s and 50s you’d either head over to... Station Street and see Claude Rudge or go to Jeweller Arthur Francis Brooks at 175 Peats Ferry Road, opposite the old Woolworths Store (pictured here in the late 40s). Arthur Brooks was born in Braidwood in the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales in 1873. This is where he started out as a jeweller, owning a jeweller’s store for many years before moving to Hornsby in the late 1920s. His success as a jeweller continued at his new home and his well-known jewellery store was still operating in 1958. Arthur Brooks passed away in October 1962 in Hornsby. He was in his 90th year. For more historic pictures, documents and stories from Hornsby Shire check out

22.01.2022 SCHOOL CARNIVAL | Hornsby Aquatic and Leisure Centre is hosting a school carnival in the outdoor 50 metre pool this Friday 27 November. Please note, the outdoor 50 metre pool will be closed to the public from 9am 1:30pm. Open for all again in the afternoon.

22.01.2022 FIGHT FOR PLANET A - WEBINAR Did you join in for the webinar tonight? Craig Reucassel presents 'Fight for Planet A' This event was presented by the NSW Public... Libraries and people joined in from all around the state with lots of questions for Craig about his work and his new book. It was wonderful that our very own Melanie Mutch, Programs Manager at Hornsby Shire Libraries was the event host for the evening and led the conversation with Craig. Well done to you Melanie - great job! If you missed the live webinar and you'd like to see it, you'll soon be able to check it out on the NSW Library Events Youtube channel here - Hornsby Shire Libraries Hornsby Shire Council #Wastemattershornsby

17.01.2022 WASTE MATTERS | It’s National Recycling Week, so we thought we’d share some of our top recycling myths. Find out more about National Recycling Week at #wastemattershornsby

16.01.2022 WHERE ARE YOU VOTING? | Your electoral district might change! The current district boundaries are being reviewed and the proposed changes could affect some of y...ou. If you are in Normanhurst, Pennant Hills, Thornleigh or Westleigh you might become part of the Wahroonga electorate, and Cherrybrook might join the Hornsby electorate. Have your say and submit your feedback to the NSW Electoral Commission by Wednesday 9 December. Find out more at

16.01.2022 HAVE YOUR SAY - PROPOSED PENNANT HILLS TO EPPING SHARED PATH Council needs your feedback on a proposal to construct a Shared Path between P...ennant Hills and Epping. Council has released information identifying the preferred location of the proposed route of the shared path between Pennant Hills and Epping and the construction of the first stage linking Beecroft Station to Cheltenham Station, known as Route B. This project is fully funded as part of Transport for NSW's Active Transport Program. In 2018, Transport for NSW provided the funding for Hornsby Shire Council to investigate, develop and construct a shared footpath and cycleway connecting Pennant Hills Station to Epping Station. Council subsequently engaged traffic and transport consultants to assist with determining the most suitable route, and Council has now prepared a detailed concept design for the section between Beecroft and Cheltenham Stations (Route B). Council now need your feedback. The preferred shared path route would extend south from Pennant Hills Station along the existing rail corridor to Beecroft Station (subject to State Rail approval), where it would then pass through the Beecroft Village Green and along The Crescent to Cheltenham Station. It would then continue along The Crescent and pass over the M2 Motorway via a new pedestrian / cycleway bridge and connect with the existing shared path underpass at Epping Station. Due to extensive design development and approval processes, Council are proposing construction in three stages (Routes A, B and C). The first stage, and focus of this community consultation, would be the section between Beecroft and Cheltenham Stations (Route B). The proposed sections between Pennant Hills and Beecroft Stations (Route A), and Cheltenham and Epping Stations (Route C) would involve further future community consultation once more detailed design concept plans are prepared. The Beecroft Station to Cheltenham Station works will involve construction of an on-ground concrete path through the Beecroft Village Green and a predominately elevated path along The Crescent to protect existing vegetation and trees. When completed the shared path will provide a well graded and improved dual cycling and walking path suitable for all ages and fitness levels, which provides a link for residents and community groups between train stations, residences, shopping precincts and other places of interest. Want more info? Head here: Information Sessions are planned for Saturday 12, Wednesday 16 and Saturday 19 December. I will share more information on the times and location of these sessions when confirmed. Community Feedback is open until 23 December and we'd love to hear your thoughts.

15.01.2022 SUSTAINABLE SEASON | Impress your family and friends this Christmas using the traditional eco-friendly Japanese gift-wrapping method Furoshiki. It’s easier than... it looks! Come and join Yoshie Kumagai for a creative session of sustainable gift wrapping with fabric this Saturday. Furoshiki Workshop, Sat 28 November @ 11 am & 2pm After last year’s workshops were booked out in no time, we have invited Yoshie to run two online sessions this year. Have your pick: 11 am session: 2pm session:

13.01.2022 SCHOOL HOLIDAY INTENSIVES | Bookings are now open at Hornsby and Galston for our school holiday intensives! Our school holiday intensives offer a fantastic way... to progress and develop skills. To book contact our friendly customer service team on 9847 6307 (Hornsby) and 9847 6340 (Galston).

13.01.2022 From Emma Heyde Please find below the dates when Council staff will be available to show you the plans for the Epping to Pennant Hills cycleway and provide information and the answers to questions. Saturday 12th December, 2pm - 4pm at the Beecroft Community Centre... Thursday 17th December, 6pm - 8pm at the Beecroft Scout Hall on The Crescent Saturday 19th December, 10am 12 midday at the Beecroft Community Centre I will be attending each session for the entire two hours. I very much hope to see you then. Just a reminder that you can view the plans for the Epping to Pennant Hills shared footpath & cycleway click here:

12.01.2022 THIRSTY PLANTS | We are in for a hot weekend by the looks of it. Now that it’s starting to heat up, our plants get a bit thirsty. Please help us to keep ...our plants and trees healthy, and if you can spare a bucket of water a week, our plants on the verge would love it. Thanks for helping to green our Shire See more

12.01.2022 REMAGINE 2021 | Remagine 2021 Art Prize is now open for entries With $11,000 in total prize money to be won and the chance to have your artwork exhibited at ...Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre, it’s time to get started on your entries. There are three categories: Digital Art- Stills, Mixed Media 3D/Mixed Media 2D, Painting/Drawing/Printmaking and a new Youth Award (16-18 years). Entries close 17 May 2021. For more information go to

11.01.2022 These photos are courtesy of Hornsby Shire Council via Edward Lawn.

11.01.2022 WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK | Check out what’s happening this week in the Hornsby Shire: Summer Reading Club Launch 30 November-4 December, Online Meet General Si...r Peter Cosgrove 30 November, Online Legal Clinic 1 December, Hornsby Bubs ‘N’ Books 1 December, Online Preschool Storytime 3 December, Online DCaf Connections 3 December, Warrawee Hornsby Organic Market 3 December, Hornsby Summer Reading Club 3 December-27 January, Online Moving into a Retirement Village 3 December, Online Hornsby Welcome Market 5 December Hornsby Social Inclusion Photo Exhibition Until 30 November, Online Spreadsheets Level 1 for Small Business Until 8 December, Hornsby Carer Support Group Until 20 December, Berowra Seniors Carers Support During COVID-19 Until 20 December, Online For event details check out If you would like to see your community event listed here and on our website, please submit your event at Summer Reading Club 2020

09.01.2022 Woohoo! More good news on Pennant Hills Road ! We’ve asked our local Member Matt Kean about the potholes in Pennant Hills Rd and what was going to happen with t...hese now that 5000 trucks are no longer hammering through these anymore. So today we’ve received news Matt Kean’s office that a large part of Pennant Hills Rd will be resurfaced, removing significant risk as well as noise. Works will be carried out over the next four weeks until December 17th (depending on the weather conditions) in two sections between Nelson St and Huddart Ave in Normanhurst, as well as between Loch Maree Ave and the Comenarra Parkway in Thornleigh. That’s 1.1km of new, quiet surface, in both directions! The work aims to provide a smoother road surface, prevent or minimise damage to roads from weather and wear and tear, increase safety, provide consistent driving conditions and reduce maintenance costs.

09.01.2022 Something to relax your mind. A beautiful photo of our bushland from Melony Smirniotis.

07.01.2022 SUSTAINABLE SEASON | Here's to a new year of treading lightly on the planet. Maybe this could be a late addition to your resolutions list: Start the new right by switching to green energy Most energy providers do not charge for the switch and with one quick call or email you are voting for a cleaner greener and lovelier planet... Now, how is that for a great resolution for all?

07.01.2022 THROWBACK THURSDAY | On a hot Saturday in June 1919, the hall of the School of Arts in Galston was beautifully decorated with flowers, flags and greenery. A sign above the stage read Welcome Home. Hundreds of people turned up to welcome home seven returned Galston soldiers. Proceedings opened with the audience standing and singing God save the King with the Arcadia Brass Band accompanying. The President of Hornsby Shire Council, Councillor P. A. James, made a patriotic speech, followed by a song by Hornsby local Mrs Irons and a violin solo by Miss Clark, also of Hornsby. Then came the principal item on the programme: the presentation of gold medals to each of the soldiers. On Saturday 14 June 1919, the Cumberland Argus reported: The band took the stage, playing When Tommy comes marching home, and then, as the men marched up through the centre of the hall, led by Captain Calderwood, M.C. , on to the stage, See the Conquering hero come, amidst deafening cheering which lasted for some time. Mr Edward Fuller presented the medals with the aid of the Galston knitting girls, who pinned the medals on each man’s breast. [] It was unanimously agreed that the function was the most brilliant and successful ever seen in Galston. The returned soldiers were: Captain S.C. Calderwood, M.C. Privates V. E. Flarey, R,H Quarmby, E. R. Wells, E C. Newland, Troopers J R. Pearce and E. J. Wells. For more historic pictures, documents and stories from Hornsby Shire check out

07.01.2022 WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK | Everyone is having a bit of a break. This is what’s still happening this week in the Hornsby Shire: Learn to Swim - Holiday Intensives ... Until 22 January, Hornsby/Galston Summer Reading Club Until 27 January, Online NSW Reads Lucky’s Until 17 February, Online For event details check out If you would like to see your community event listed here and on our website, please submit your event at Lucky’s by Andrew Pippos

06.01.2022 SUSTAINABLE SEASON | Are the holidays sending your energy bills spiralling out of control? A smart meter is a great way to stay on top your energy usage and ens...ures you are only being billed for the exact amount you actually useno more estimates. With a smart meter you can also access detailed, real-time information about how much electricity you use. This helps you work out when power is being used and you can experiment with turning things off at the switch and seeing the difference. Find out more about smart meters at Energy NSW

04.01.2022 RITUALS FOR RESILIENCE | Rituals are important in life they help us break old habits and create new ones. Next week ritual expert, Dr Monty Badami, talks abou...t ‘Rituals for Change and Resilience’ in our free online webinar series ‘Empowered Innovative Ideas for Senior High School Students’. Empowered Tue 17 November, 7pm Learn how to develop meaningful rituals to help us connect with others, embrace our humanity and make sense of these challenging times together. Find out more and book:

03.01.2022 Walking a good few kilometres this weekend to raise money for those in our community affected by cancer as part of the Hornsby Relay for Life. It was also a fan...tastic chance to do some field research for Hornsby Council’s Walking and Cycling Strategy- our plan to increase these activities, while delivering new and improved infrastructure over the next decade. Some of the things that I have been especially mindful of during these walks include: Connections! We need to fill in the gaps (those random and abrupt endings to a street) and complete a continuous network of walking paths across the Hornsby Shire. Integration! Our paths need to enable walkers to reach important infrastructure (shops, schools, transport hubs, parks), while linking with cycling and bushland tracks to encourage more nature-based activities. Walkability! It should go without saying, but we need paths that are wide (where possible) and easy for all ages and abilities to use- no more uneven, cracked pavement. Climate! Walking is a fantastic way to get around, but we need to be sure it can be done well in the face of a changing climate. More shade, seating along routes and access to water sources is going to be key, particularly in the summer heat. Navigation! Clear, prominent directional signage along our walking routes as well as environmentally friendly lighting options to find your way around at night will help to encourage a lot more use throughout the day and make for a safer experience. What are your thoughts on this strategy? Public comment is open until Thursday so don’t miss out on having a say: And follow my Relay For Life progress here: #RelayForLife #Walking

03.01.2022 EWASTE RECYCLING | I wanted to make sure our e-waste isn’t going offshore. And I’m so pleased to report that it’s recycled here in Sydney. All e-waste is del...ivered to Council’s contractor, Sims Recycling. At their Villawood plant the waste is sorted by hand and any components with heavy metals like mercury are removed. The e-waste is then placed in an automated shredder, where commodities are removed separately using eddy currents, magnets and other metal-finding technology. Steel, plastic, aluminium and other components are then sent to Sims’ partner organisations in Australia and overseas for reuse and recycling. Precious metals including copper, gold and silver are also separated from circuit board materials for reuse. The remaining e-waste is then turned into new electronic items, electrical wiring, water piping, engine parts and building products. What’s accepted as e-waste? TVs desktop computers, laptops, tablets PC monitors loose hard drive keyboards & plastic computer speakers and mice motherboards video and sound cards printers (with toners removed) and scanners network devices, set top boxes all cables IT accessories, gaming equipment web cameras DVD and VCR players CD and DVD discs (discs only not the covers)

02.01.2022 TRACKWORK ALERT | There is trackwork on the North Shore Line this weekend. Buses replace trains on the North Shore Line between North Sydney and Wynyard. Also, Northern Line Trains runs to a different timetable. Check for more information

02.01.2022 HORNSBY SELF-GUIDED HERITAGE WALK Very pleased to share the release of our new Hornsby Self-Guided Heritage walking map which is now available in our library br...anches and online. Hornsby Library Local Studies Department has produced this new brochure which is the first in a series to be published which highlight the rich social and cultural past within Hornsby Shire. The aim of the series is to highlight the abundance of historic buildings, streets, parks and monuments, as well as the stories behind them. While the towns and villages in Hornsby Shire are filled with locals and tourists keen to visit the retail precincts, waterways and bushland, it became apparent that many people were doing so without an understanding of the wonderful history which surrounds them. The first in the series highlights the history of the centre of Hornsby, discussing buildings such as 5 Jersey St, Hornsby Council’s first permanent headquarters, the railway station and Hornsby Girls High School. In addition to being distributed throughout the library branches and council departments, the brochure is to be sent to local children’s groups such as guides, scouts and schools as well as adult walking groups, historical societies and local groups such as Probus. You can also access the brochure online here: I've also been reminded by my 'in house photographer' - Will 10 yrs - that you must always acknowledge the photographer: so thanks Will ! Hornsby Shire Libraries

01.01.2022 Media Information RYDE POLICE AREA COMMAND Wednesday 25 November 2020 West Ryde Man charged after woman injured in fail-to-stop crash ...Continue reading

01.01.2022 SUSTAINABLE SEASON | Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? Here are a few tips to minimise your environmental impact this Christmas: Buy less, mak...e your own gifts and cards, shop local Use colourful reusable bunting instead of balloons Wrap with pre-loved or recyclable paper (and put in the recycling bin afterwards) Use reusable plates, cutlery and napkins rather than single-use items Use last year’s decorations rather than buying new Attend a Furoshiki gift wrapping workshop at Hornsby Library (traditional Japanese sustainable wrapping) #wastemattershornsby

01.01.2022 Good news. Lucy will be opening Beecroft post office again on Saturday mornings.

01.01.2022 OUR BUSHLAND SHIRE | Number 19 (not ranked) in our series of our Bushcare volunteers’ Top 20 nature photos is titled Triple-headed Purple Flag by David Hoope...r. David says: On Armistice Day Centenary, 11 November 2018, six triple-headed three petal blooms burst forth at first light. And by dusk during The Last Post, ashes to ashes dust to dust, the blooms waved for the last time, shriveled up and were gone. See more

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