23Bee Honey | Food & drink
23Bee Honey
Phone: +61 400 131 601
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25.01.2022 Something different !!!
23.01.2022 Letter from the Queen #23beehoney #savingbees #swarmseason #honey #apismellifera #localbusiness #perthbees #feelingblessed
22.01.2022 https://www.vice.com//your-fancy-honey-might-not-actually- Grab any random bottle of honey from your kitchen, coffee shop, or restaurant: According to a number of honey experts who spoke with VICE, the odds are high that your honey isnt what it claims to be. Honey imported from overseas is often adulteratedeither by having sugars added to it or by being cleaned, heated, or filteredand then is blended with small amounts of true honey until the sticky substance is uniform.
19.01.2022 Apis mellifera - the European honeybee... industrious and busy. The genus name Apis is Latin for bee, and mellifera is Latin for honey bearing. The name refers to the bees production of honey for winter (Source: Agric WA) Our honey is locally sourced, natural, pure and raw Available to pick up Wembley 6014 (or we can deliver locally):... -> $15/kg tub: Spring Blossom, Mixed Gum or River Gum varieties from a variety of locations -> $20/kg tub: Redgum or Marri sourced from two different locations -> $8/350gm jar: Marri, or Karri/Marri Blend Raw Honey by 23 Bee Pure, Local, Raw honey Direct from the bees to you **No heating, additives or preservatives** ~ Enjoy the natural flavours of different flowers and seasons~
19.01.2022 If you want to know more about bees and see "what its all about", watch Catalyst on Tuesday night (29th Jan) for part 1 of this story, or catch it on iView. https://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/stories/4928661.htm
19.01.2022 Some of the process for honey extraction This honey is now for sale, drop us a message for more information :)
18.01.2022 Getting our buzz on with a sweet end to the week! 23Bee Honey are often called in for swarm removal (residential, commercial and industrial locations) and this one was a beauty Thank you Synergy for its approach to placing sustainability principles into practice and allowing us an inducted, on-site visit to remove this hive.... Our services include swarm removal and pollination of crops We also have a variety of delicious pure, local and raw honey for sale (Photo credits: Matthew Dobie) (With Chris Knott in the bee suit)
18.01.2022 Locally sourced, pure, natural, raw and oh so delicious We have big (1kg, $15-20) and we also have small (350g, $8). Pickup available Wembley 6014, Mount Claremont 6010 and Perth 6000. #23beehoney #localhoney #localbusiness #purenaturalraw #welovebees #apismellifera #feelingblessed
16.01.2022 It may be cold and wet outside but the bees are still working. Our honey is locally sourced, natural, pure and raw We also do swarm removal and pollination of crops. Available to pick up Wembley 6014, Mount Claremont 6010 or the city (Local delivery can be arranged on 2kg+)... -> $15/kg tub: Spring Blossom, Mixed Gum or River Gum from a variety of locations -> $20/kg tub: Redgum or Marri sourced from two different locations -> $8/350gm jar: Marri, or Karri/Marri Blend Honey by 23 Bee Pure, Local, Raw honey Direct from the bees to you **No heating, additives or preservatives**
15.01.2022 Get your buzz on and stock up on our delicious, pure, local raw honey Available to pick up Wembley 6014 (or we can deliver locally) this weekend: -> $15/kg tu...b: Spring Blossom, Mixed Gum or River Gum varieties from a variety of locations -> $20/kg tub: Redgum or Marri sourced from two different locations -> $8/350gm jar: Marri, or Karri/Marri Blend Raw Honey by 23 Bee Pure, Local, Raw honey Direct from the bees to you **No heating, additives or preservatives** ~ Enjoy the natural flavours of different flowers and seasons~
14.01.2022 Spring is here as the beautiful weather shows !! And the bees love it. Looking for some new honey tastes ? We have River Gum, Marri and Banksia available. River Gum is sweet and tangy. Marri is a rich and deep flavour. ... Banksia is light in colour and caramel in flavour, and you can really smell the Banksia flower. Just $15 per kg for real honey that hasnt been heated, treated, mixed or processed. See more
14.01.2022 "Honey appears to kill bacteria in different ways part of the secret to why bacteria dont get resistant to it." The most common and consistent use of honey was as a wound dressing, she said. "There is also some evidence, including case studies, that honey has wound-healing properties.... "It is thought to do this by influencing the immune system in a positive way more research is required to explore this property of honey. "Evidence also suggests that honey is really good for gut health we are exploring this in more detail currently with a world-leading gastroenterologist in Sydney." We usually eat it The professor said when antibiotics were discovered in the 1960s, honey was dismissed as a routine treatment for infections. While she said a clinical trial was needed to measure honeys suitability for treating chronic wounds and gut health, getting funding to do research in this area was a challenge. This was because there wasnt a profit motive for companies that had newer, more expensive wound dressings and treatments, she said. https://www.abc.net.au//exploring-the-benefits-of/10993950
14.01.2022 20kgs of delicious, raw and natural honey - a special order bound for Manjimup early this week! If youd like to stock up or order (1kg or 350gms) drop us a line as soon as so we can pack it in
14.01.2022 HONEY FOR SALE RAW - LOCAL PURE RAW Its not been heated or processed. The capping is removed, the frames are spun and the honey filtered by gravity through a mesh strainer to remove the wax. So over time or in cold weather, it will start to candy. That is the way that you know it is raw and the natural properties of the honey havent been destroyed.... LOCAL The honey is from various locations around Perth. Each batch is harvested separately and kept separate, so you get honey from one location at one time. The colours will change depending on the types of flowers in each area at that time. PURE Nothing is added to the honey. There are no preservatives or colouring agents. We dont feed the bees sugar or sucrose. PRICES $15 per kilogram in a food grade pail $6 per 350g in a glass jar Raw, Local and Pure Honey has flavours just like coffee or wine. Enjoy the different flavours and colours from the different locations and different times of the year. If the honey does candy, simply place it in some warm water and it will melt so that it flows again. Be gentle and patient. Contact Chris Knott 0400-131-601 or [email protected]
12.01.2022 We know bees are amazing - and the earliest recording of a bee goes back around 4,000 years. The Australian Honey Bee Industry Council states Bees are inspired engineers. Each wax cell in the comb has six sides and all cells have a slight backward tilt so that the honey will not spill out... Our honey is locally sourced, natural, pure and raw We also do swarm removal and pollination of crops. Available to pick up Wembley 6014, Mount Claremont 6010 or the city (Local deliver...y can be arranged on 2kg+) -> $15/kg tub: Spring Blossom, Mixed Gum or River Gum from a variety of locations -> $20/kg tub: Redgum or Marri sourced from two different locations -> $8/350gm jar: Marri, or Karri/Marri Blend Honey by 23 Bee Pure, Local, Raw honey Direct from the bees to you **No heating, additives or preservatives**
11.01.2022 Bee(n) travelling? Did you pack these bags yourself? Do you have anything to declare? These bees and their Queen were successfully transferred to a hive #23beehoney #savingbees #swarmseason #honey #apismellifera #localhoney #localbusiness #perthbees #feelingblessed @ Wembley, Western Australia, Australia
10.01.2022 PLEASE share this and put the message out there so that everyone knows this is NOT COOL. Across ALL industries, Australias, and WAs in particular, biosecurity is TOO important to mess with. Worse than this, there have actually been cases of people bringing in bees from overseas !!! So sad when people are so greedy that they put everyone else at risk. Bees and Bee Products into Western Australia There has been information very recently acquired by the Department of Primary I...ndustries and Regional Development that Queen bees have been bought into WA from Eastern States. Please be aware that under Western Australias Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAMA) the importation of ANY bees or used beekeeping equipment into Western Australia from interstate is strictly prohibited. Honey and other bee products (i.e. wax, pollen, royal jelly, etc.) are restricted products that can only be brought into Western Australia under strict quarantine conditions (this includes products that contain bee products as an ingredient). Western Australia is currently free from a number pf pests and diseases and, as a result, it is extremely important that Western Australias biosecurity status is not threatened by transactions that could put our bee populations at risk by introducing exotic bee pests and disease to the state. The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Developments Agriculture and Food enforces BAMA and requests that you please check for any restrictions that may apply before importing bee products into Western Australia to avoid putting our biosecurity at risk. If detected your merchandise will be confiscated with the imposition of a costly fine and/or prosecution likley. If you happen to be online and notice that there is no restrictions advertised from an interstate (or overseas seller) regarding bee related products please advise a DPIRD Apiary Officer ([email protected]), a member of the WAAS committee ([email protected]) or a BICWA member ([email protected]); IMMEDIATELY. See more
10.01.2022 Just buzzing in to say - hi, how are you?
09.01.2022 Weekends kept busy tending to the hives. If you need some local, raw, pure and delicious honey - get in touch
09.01.2022 This weekend we have been moving around some of our hives post avocado pollination. This Queen approves of the move #23beehoney #localhoney #localbusiness #rawpurenatural #rawhoney #feelingblessed
08.01.2022 Another warm day, all our bee friendly water holes are topped up .. .. .. ..... #23beehoney #purenaturalraw #localhoney #apismellifera #hotdays #localbusiness See more
06.01.2022 Our honey tastes great Raw, natural, local and delicious . .... . . #23beehoney #localhoney #localbusiness #apismellifera See more
05.01.2022 Did you know the European honey bee (Apis mellifera) is an exotic species that was introduced into the Australian environment over 180 years ago. Honey bees were used to pollinate plants grown by early settlers for food - a task that was previously done by hand (Source: http://museum.wa.gov.au) We have honey #23beehoney #rawpurenatural #apismellifera #localhoney #welovebees #feelingblessed
04.01.2022 The Colour of Honey Raw Honey Batch harvested No additives... No heating Two locations currently available Como - various mixed blossom (6 tubs on the left) ALL $15/kg Lancelin/Boddington - Geraldton Wax/Banksia Sessilis and Jarrah NOTE - this is $20/kg Each batch is different and has its own taste. Generally the lighter the colour, the lighter the taste. PM to pick-up or to make alternative arrangements. Payment by bank transfer please.
03.01.2022 An interesting video about a 1964 Beekeepers Field Day in Glenrowan, Victoria. :-) https://youtu.be/EF2jo_9dXEM
02.01.2022 Flowers are blooming with spring in the air. Its also that time of year when bees swarm - when a single colony may split into two or more distinct colonies and seek a new home. We can offer the bees exactly that! Get in touch with us when you see a swarm and we can assist in swarm removal.... 23bee honey - pure, local, raw honey #23beehoney #honey #localhoney #supportlocal #localbusiness #wecareaboutbees
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