24 Hour Fight Against Cancer Macarthur | Other
24 Hour Fight Against Cancer Macarthur
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25.01.2022 Come and get your raffle books today 8-10am at Koshigaya. Dont leave it too late. Or pick up from Sleeping-Giant Campbelltown anytime, or buy online at 24hrfight.org.au
25.01.2022 Congratulations to all staff and volunteers of the Macarthur Cancer Therapy Centre for retaining their position as the best public cancer centre in NSW for patient experience. For the 6th year in a row MCTC is rated the Best Public Cancer Centre in NSW. There were 8 questions that rated significantly better than the NSW average and for the first time ever only one, parking, was significantly worse. 517 patients replied when the survey was undertaken during Nov 2019. Some High...lights: 98% said staff were polite and courteous 98% of patients would speak highly of the clinic experience best in NSW 94% of patients had enough time with their health professionals best in NSW 89% said health professional knew enough about their history best in NSW 91% said clinic was well organised best in Public system 66% patients reported they were asked about smoking - best in Public System. See more
25.01.2022 Starting to feel the Christmas spirit? Drop into Stylz Signs on Blaxland Rd and pick up a sticker for your bin. $10 from every sale will go to 24 hr. Eight designs to choose from. The kids will love it.
25.01.2022 Remember our amazing guest speaker from last year? Matthew spoke about the challenges and learnings of being a young family man dealing with a brain tumour. His team, Walking with Woodze, has set up a fantastic experience for Sat 10th and Sun 11th October involving three levels of walks. Go Matthew and team.
25.01.2022 See our piece in Good Morning Macarthur at 4.07 Big shout out to Brian Laul for all he does as our media man
24.01.2022 Raffle going really well but WE NEED YOU selling. Less than 4 weeks till draw on 10 October. Get yours now. Daniel from Team Simple, Jodie Recchi, and Michelle from 4D20Man joined me on Saturday in Koshigaya to pick up 70 books between them. Wow!!!! Also available online
24.01.2022 Team Captains - Sleeping Giant Raffle Tickets available - less than 4 weeks to sell! Be like Nicole from Strollin With The Colon. Come and meet Bernadette and me in Koshigaya Park tomorrow - Saturday 12th Sept 8am- 10am to get your books. Alternatively purchase tickets online or pick up from the Sleeping Giant in Blaxland Road.
23.01.2022 24hr Fighters - you have only one month to sell tickets in the Sleeping Giant Raffle. You need to start NOW! Jan from Ingleburn Rotary and Tamlyn from Campbelltown Chamber of Commerce called in to Sleeping Giant in Blaxland Road to pick up books, over 200 purchases have been made online at http://24hrfight.org.au and Ill be waiting for you to collect some books in Koshigaya Park tomorrow Tuesday 8th 3.30- 5.00pm
22.01.2022 Here I am in Koshigaya Park waiting for YOU to pick up your raffle books. Stephen and Ayden from Schools Out Forever team and Chloe from Helens Helpers are the first off the mark. Thanks guys. Here till 5pm today PS Thats a tree not my spiky hair.
22.01.2022 Expect lots of great ideas coming your way for 10th October- Turn Macarthur Blue day. Inspirational local people coming out to support the cause in any way they can because they care. Dont you love Macarthur? Sonya Moulang from Bar Centrale in Queen St has some foodie ideas below
21.01.2022 Come on down to Oz Funland in Hollylea Rd on Friday 9th Oct at 7pm for Spin and Win in support of 24hr. Covid safe plan in place. Will be a fun night. Great sponsors, great supporters
21.01.2022 Great day at Fastlane Karting Sydney for some celebration karting and the draw of the Sleeping Giant Giant Raffle. Owner, Dean Choma has advised that a donation of more than $1900 will be made to 24 hr. Thank you Dean for your hospitality and your generous support.
20.01.2022 Great to see one of our supporters being recognised. Congratulations to Matt and Tracey from the The Meat Man Wholesale Meats at Narellan.
20.01.2022 Cancer will not shut down for COVID so neither can we. After our first ZOOM committee meeting we have decided that the Sleeping Giant Raffle will go ahead, we will ask team captains to register their team members online @ $15 per head ( donation- no shirt this year) and we will encourage teams to do their own fundraising in the lead up to 10 October. And then come out in force on that day in your local park, streets or walking tracks to safely raise money for our cause. More details to follow but start organising your team- registrations will open 1 September.
20.01.2022 Pop into Bunnings Campbelltown this Saturday (31 Oct)- sausage sizzle is ON. Surely there’s something you need !!!!
19.01.2022 So grateful to the Mayor, Councillors and people of Wollondilly for their very generous donation of $1,000 to our cause. Macarthur - a great community that looks after its own. Thank you Wollondilly Shire Council
19.01.2022 Decorate your bin for Christmas and fundraise at the same time! Our friends from Stylz Signs in Blaxland Rd will donate $10 from every sale to 24hr. Eight to choose from - order yours now. Please share.
19.01.2022 Big shout out to the @SS Owners’ Club of Australia and Reno Smash Repairs for donating a car to be raffled amongst their members in support of a family in need. As part of the raffle proceeds they will also make a donation to 24Hr. Thank you Brad Ciantar and Dwayne for this generous offer.
18.01.2022 Last fundraising event of the year. Some tickets still available. Book through Wests Campbelltown. All proceeds to 24hr. See you there
18.01.2022 So the 2020 Sleeping Giant Giant Raffle is a wrap!! Winners have been contacted (except for a few who have been left messages) and prize vouchers are on their way. Unbelievable, incredible and outstanding support in this Covid year. Please share your fantastic efforts with all who supported us.
18.01.2022 This year our Sleeping Giant Raffle is more important than ever. We need you to sell, sell, sell. Tickets are available for purchase online at http://24hrfight.org.au or you can pick up books to sell at the Sleeping Giant shop, Blaxland Road or by calling Sue on 0402 351 339.
18.01.2022 Fastlane Karting are holding a 24hr event on October 10th. Check it out
18.01.2022 Our sponsors keep working hard to raise $$$ for 24hr. Next Monday at 10am is the Duck Dive at Aquafit Health Fitness Wellbeing. Buy your duck and hope it gets scooped from the pool. $1000 cash prize
17.01.2022 Macarthur Natural Health and the team are selling FUN SOCKS for $6 for 24hr. These foundation sponsors are huge supporters of ours and are the providers of oncology, remedial and relaxation massages to cancer patients (all funded by 24Hr through the Cancer Centre). Hop on down and join in the fun.
16.01.2022 Only 22 days left to get and sell your raffle books. Online at 24hrfight.org.au - from Sleeping Giant Blaxland Rd, or from Paul Borg and me at Koshigaya Park tomorrow. We NEED you.
16.01.2022 Great sponsors. This donation is buying a blood centrifuge machine and clinical freezer to monitor patient side effects during hormone treatment. Pop into West Leagues Club on Oct 10th for a blue drink, blue meal or blue dessert - another way you can help 24hr
16.01.2022 ****Raffle Tickets available NOW*** In 2019 we raised $270,000. Those funds mean we can meet our commitments this year to the Macarthur Cancer Therapy Centre for ... *physiotherapist one day per week for their exercise program *an occupational therapist one day per week for their lymphodema support program *continued employment of a McGrath breast cancer nurse for an additional one day per week to work with women with very advanced disease. We will consider requests for more equipment at a November meeting, mindful of the need to maintain a balance of funds into 2021.
16.01.2022 How good is this. Stylz Signs in Blaxland Rd will donate $10 to 24Hr from every Halloween bin sticker sold. Four varieties available. Get yours ASAP. The kids will love it.
16.01.2022 Only 13 days to go - still time to buy and sell, sell, sell. Every $$$$$ stays in Macarthur, every $$$$ helps our cancer centres. Also Available online www.24hrfight.org.au or at Sleeping Giant, Blaxland Rd, Campbelltown
15.01.2022 Thanks to Aquafit Health Fitness Wellbeing for holding their Duck Dive as part of their fundraising for 24hr. Congratulations to winner Beverley
15.01.2022 Wests League Club, one of our incredible sponsors has just donated $10,000 to the 2020 campaign. It will be used to purchase a blood centrifuge machine and freezer for the Macarthur Cancer Therapy Centre to better help local cancer patients manage the side effects of hormone medication. Last year, Wests donation bought two new chemotherapy chairs. Big thank you to Wests.
15.01.2022 A big thank you to new supporters, Emma and Steph from Boost Juice at Campbelltown Mall. Thanks for your assistance to Actions Speak Louder Than Words - 24 hr Fight Against Cancer . Great to have you on board.
13.01.2022 Need raffle books? Ill be in Koshigaya Park today from 3pm to 5.30pm- drop in and collect some buy online http://24hrfight.org.au collect from Sleeping Giant store in Blaxland Road Campbelltown
13.01.2022 Psychic Night - Tuesday 19th - Tickets still available. Contact Wests Campbelltown. $5 Raffle on the night - chance to win a private reading with Tracey Lee or Elisa. See you there
13.01.2022 24hr Fighters like a challenge - anyone who faces up to cancer or supports a loved one, can do anything - so here goes: Goal1 : Sell 1000 Raffle Books x 10 tickets each by 8 October 2020 Current status: 650 books already out in the community being sold... Goal 2: sell 2000 raffle tickets online by 8 October 2020 Current status: 1054 tickets already bought online PLEASE TELL US BELOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO HELP US FULFIL THESE GOALS? Every small contribution helps
12.01.2022 SO HERE IT IS - THE 2020 Raffle Winner list. Congratulations to all. The raffle bin was full to overflowing with 12,120 tickets sold ( 8748 the traditional book way and a massive 3372 sold online). The process of ringing winners -all 50 of them- has begun and will take a few days, so please be patient. Macarthur you rock !!!!! Please share far and wide.
12.01.2022 Luke from Stylz Signs in Blaxland Rd is a great friend of 24Hr. You can get a Halloween Bin sticker from him and know that $10 from every sale will be donated. The kids would love it.
10.01.2022 So wonderful to have you with us on Saturday. You stole the show in your own specially designed 24hr shirts. Incredibly lucky to have your support. Thankyou Customer Consulting Group
09.01.2022 24hr Fighters - Raffle Book Pick Up this morning - Koshigaya Park- 8-10am. Less than 3 weeks left. Drawn 10 October at 4pm
08.01.2022 Make Macarthur Blue Day - October 10th- What are you going to do? We will start to feature some teams and sponsors who have plans to do their own thing in a Covid safe way in support of 24hr. You can also help just by selling raffle tickets - every dollar counts!
08.01.2022 Fastlane Karting at Minto are donating 50% of takings on 10 October to 24hr. Sessions from $30pp. Group and corporate deals also available. COVID SAFE plan approved. Bookings essential. I know two boys who are jumping out of their skin in anticipation- raffle drawn there at 4pm.
07.01.2022 Macarthur Natural Health, a foundation sponsor has donated $900 from their Crazy Sock sale for 24hr. Wow! All you need is a great idea. Thank you to Nicholas Borg, Athena, their staff and clients for this amazing result.
07.01.2022 Thank you Meat Man and Louise Sparkes Howarth - pop on down on Saturday for a snag 10am-2pm. BY MACARTHUR- FOR MACARTHUR- IN MACARTHUR
06.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/134045896650823/posts/3261807500541298/?d=n
06.01.2022 Psychic mediums Tracey Lee and Elisa Greenfield are holding a Charity Event at Wests Campbelltown on Tuesday 17 November at 7.30pm with all proceeds going to 24hr. If you are interested please book at Club Reception.
05.01.2022 Please share 24hr story at about 10:03. Thanks Good Morning Macarthur - great supporters
05.01.2022 Team BSandWS participated in Make Macarthur Blue day at Mt Annan Botanic Gardens then at Fastlane Karting. Thank you Karen Burgoyne, committee member.
04.01.2022 Make Macarthur Blue Day 10/10/2020 We are asking team captains, sponsors and community members to organise their own COVID-safe functions in the lead-up to, or on 10 October. You can do this by registering your team online - $15 per person (no shirt this year) doing fundraising and taking to local parks, walking tracks or bicycleways to support 24HR - wearing last years blue shirts and getting sponsorship. All safe fundraising ideas encouraged. Some people have mentioned alternative ideas like a blue BBQ at home, walking once a week with sponsorship, charging for Family dinners etc.
04.01.2022 Glorious day to be selling raffle tickets outside the Macarthur Cancer Therapy Centre.Meeting amazing, generous and inspiring people like Michelle and John(see pic below). Buy some tickets or collect yours to sell ASAP- online www.24hrfight.org.au , at Koshigaya tomorrow 3.30-5pm or from the Sleeping Giant in Blaxland Rd
03.01.2022 After a bit of a rest we are ready to finish off this year on an even higher fundraising note. Can you join us? * Bunnings Campbelltown Sausage Sizzle Sat 31 October * Aquafit Duck Dive 9 November * Psychic Night Tues 17 November Wests Leagues
03.01.2022 Chairperson Warren Morrison giving us the encouragement to sell raffle tickets and do our own team fundraiser up to 10 October. Fighting on
03.01.2022 Here we are at Koshigaya waiting for you to come get your raffle tickets to sell. Dot and I are enjoying the beautiful sunshine.
03.01.2022 We are very grateful to Tracey Lee and Elisa Greenfield who held an evening of connections and validations for 142 people with all proceeds going to 24hr. Combined with a very successful raffle the total raised was $4,500. Thank you to everyone involved.
03.01.2022 Our great supporters at Aquafit are again behind 24hr 100% in these difficult times. You can contribute by registering your team ($15 per person/no shirt), organising some fundraising in a COVID safe way, and selling raffle tickets. Please start selling NOW.
02.01.2022 24hr Fighters (esp team captains)we need you on board crazily selling our raffle tickets in the next month. Goal 10,000 tickets sold. Books available from Sleeping Giant in Blaxland Rd, purchase online http://24hrfight.org.au or pick up books from Sue at Koshigaya Park this Tuesday 8 Sept 3.30-5pm or Saturday 12 Sept 8am-10am. Only one month to do it!!! Drawn 10 October
02.01.2022 Have you got your raffle books yet? Drawn 10 October. Next pickup day is this Wednesday at Koshigaya. Also available online
02.01.2022 How good are you guys! We are progressing well towards our two raffle goals, but no time for complacency in these last two weeks. If you haven't picked up your raffle books - see me in Koshigaya Park on Saturday 8am -10am or pop into Sleeping Giant in Blaxland Road. The other alternative is to get everyone you know online buying at www.24hrfight.org.au
02.01.2022 Pop in on Saturday to Bunnings Campbelltown for a sausage sandwich - fundraising for 24Hr. See you there!!!
02.01.2022 Not much time left to support our only fundraiser this year- the Sleeping Giant Raffle. If you havent got time to sell tickets, drop online and buy. Very easy. Www.24hrfight.org.au. Drawn Oct 10th at 4pm
01.01.2022 Gregory Hills Hotel are proud supporters of 24hr and are donating the proceeds of their Friday afternoon raffles held over the last three months to us . They presented Warren Morrison and Sue McGarrity with a cheque for more than $3100 last Friday. Thank you to all involved and best wishes to Manager John Payne for a speedy recovery.
01.01.2022 Such a beautiful day for an hour in Koshigaya Park. Thank you St Thomas Moore Primary for picking up your books. Bring the kids for a play or a bike ride and pick up 1,3 or 20 raffle books. Every little bit raised helps. Here till 5pm.
01.01.2022 If you are around Narellan on Sat 10am-2pm (near Maccas) drop in to the sausage sizzle in support of 24hr- plus pick up some great meal deals. The Meat Man Wholesale Meats
01.01.2022 Your fundraising allowed our Cancer Therapy Centre to run a 2 year exercise program for more than 700 cancer patients. Outstanding results and it just won a Highly Commended Award. Lukas Szymanek,Head of Physiotherapy tells Warren Morrison, Chairperson about it. Great work Macarthur Warren Morrison
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