25_million_au | Businesses
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24.01.2022 "I started it in October last year...Phoenix Training and Consultancy. We run 4hour sessions for healthcare providers. Mental health, is my focus. Just teaching them things like what does it mean to be part of the LGBTQ community, what are the barriers to accessing healthcare, what can we do to reduce those barriers... I think statistically, between 45 and 55% of trans people have attempted suicide in their life. Anecdotally I would say it's closer to 90%. Almost every Trans ...person I know has attempted at some point in their life...Anything we can do to reduce that...I think it's really important" Ash Polzin - Non Binary - Educator - Self Starter - Australian . If you or anyone you know is in crisis, there is help available. Please contact one of the following: Lifeline: 13 11 14 Available 24/7. Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636 Available 24/7. QLife: 1800 184 527 Available 3pm - Midnight There are 25 Million Ways to be Australian. What's your way?
23.01.2022 The aim of this project is to foster an understanding and appreciation of Australias cultural diversity. Wehave combined photography and the personal narrative to highlight the richness and variety of our national identity. Australians represent a multitude of histories, generations, stories and even contradictions that continually unfold and change shape over time. Our identity is deeply personal and its roots touch everycontinent on the planet. It can not be defined by ste...reotypes and we need to create recognition thatwho we are as a nation can not be portrayed by a singular image. We are made up of First Nations, convicts, settlers, stowaways, migrants, refugees, every color andreligion there is and so much more and yet this is rarely portrayed. Our aim is to record, preserve andprotect as many of the individual moments, memories and journeys as we can. We view storytelling as an integral part of our global culture: to share knowledge; pass down traditions; entertain, and maintaina sense of identity.
22.01.2022 Michael is an unemployed baritone who dreams of playing Frank-N-Furter in the Rocky Horror show. He also has a love of science and maths and has completed his second year in teaching. He hopes to one day teach high school physics and chemistry. Michael Cory - Artist - Teacher... - Dreamer - Australian There are 25 Million Ways to be Australian. What's your way? #25millionau
21.01.2022 Constant move, that is the story of my life. I am a Tamil woman born in Eelam (Sri Lanka), a country where Tamils are still struggling for freedom - ever since 1949 when Sri Lanka got it's independence. Even though my parents had owned their house, we hardly lived in it. Years of constant moving started when our house was burned by the army. We moved so much ....When I was 17 years, my family [became] refugees. I am still hoping to find my place in this world, my home... Gayathiri Ganthithasan - Mother - Doctor - Refugee - Australian There are 25 Million Ways to be Australian. What's your way?
21.01.2022 Would you like to participate in the #25millionau project? It doesn't matter where you are in Australia! Get in touch and let us know! . . . .... #25millionau #whatsyourway #australia #australian See more
19.01.2022 I married an Australian man and came to Australia from the Philippines in 2001. We have two kids a boy and a girl, 16 and 17 years old. We have greater freedom of choice here in Australia. Rosalina Rowlands - Home maker - Mother... - Follower of her own heart - Australian There are 25 Million Ways to be Australian. Whats your way? #25millionau #whatsyourway #australian #Philippines
18.01.2022 Sheena is a stay at home mum, to young Sam (age 4), recently diagnosed with Autism, a sensory disorder, auditory processing disorder ADHD and a sleep disorder. Of all this, she says, "I should be sad or depressed or something but no, hes just awesome. he cracks me up....He sees the world completely different." Unable to leave the house, Sheena has started a project she calls "Sharing the Love". With the help of her 2 older daughters, Hayley (17) and Amy (22) she cooks meals ...and collects clothes and household items and distributes them to local people in need. Sheena Douthie - Mother - Superhero - Sharer - Australian There are 25 Million ways to be Australian. What's your way? . . . #25millionau #mother #doer #superhero #helper #sharer #carer #storiesmatter #changingthestory #superhero #giver #sparkkindness #shethority #asd #asdmother #australia #australian #autism #autismawareness
17.01.2022 Join us this Saturday. RSVP now.
17.01.2022 When we read and study about Aboriginal people, we think about an Emperor who was from Tamil Nadu and it said that he lived here and left his foot print here. So I see a lot of similarities of the Aboriginal people and the ancient Indians. . Balasubramaniam Naidu - Father - History Lover - Tamil - Australian... . There are 25 Million Ways to be Australian. What's your way? . #25millionau #storiesmatter #storytelling #storieschangetheworld #tamil #australian #aboriginalaustralia #history #father See more
15.01.2022 "Greetings and salutations to all my fellow crew and technicians of spaceship earth. My name is Brian Rhodes. I am the poet4eternity. I am the pan dimensional bard. I am an ancient alien. I am a master alchemist, and I am a writer of genius quality....currently residing in the Southern hemisphere, on the magnificent continent of Australia, of the beautiful planet earth, this blue green gem sitting in the unique eternities of space and time, but rather then being an Australian... I am an earthling with all the rights and privileges of said birthright." . Brian Rhodes - Pan Dimensional Bard - Ancient Alien - Master Alchemist - Australian There are 25 Million Ways to be Australian. What's your way? . #25millionau
15.01.2022 If you haven't already, go and check out Three Little Birds Events. Head over to our website to read Chris Jordan's story and find out how it all began!
14.01.2022 I completed a Bachelor of Business Admin in Bangladesh but today I work in Childcare. To me being Australian means new experiences, learning about diversity and having security. Farhana Ahmed - Child Care worker - Student of the world... - Bangladeshi - Australian There are 25 Million Ways to be Australian. What's your way? #25millionau #whatsyourway #bangladesh #australian
14.01.2022 Kaye Heard came to Australia in 1941 (age 11) with her 4 brothers from Kensington, England. They lost their home during the London Blitz - a German bombing campaign against Britain in 1940 and 1941, during the Second World War. She arrived in Sydney after a 6-week journey on a ship. Upon arrival they were sent to a migrant camp in Home Glen. The camp had a communal toilet and they ate in a cafeteria style kitchen. She hated it so much she planned to stow away on a ship and go... back to England. She even went so far as to pack a suitcase and board a train to the shipyard. She got one station away and got hungry so she had to go back to the camp to eat! Kaye Heard - Survivor - Retired Nurse - Foodie - Australian There are 25 Million Ways to be Australian. What's your way? . #25millionau #londonblitz #worldwarII #survivor #whatsyourway #changingthestory #storiesmatter #storieschangetheworld
13.01.2022 Over the coming weeks we will be showcasing hardworking Australians in small business and the Not for Profit sector. Please show some support to Michelle McGarvey: My name is Michelle - I am a Mum of two, business owner, JPsocial media and wine enthusiast! I was born in New Zealand, lived in Italy and the UK before moving to Australia in 2009.... I started my business in 2016 after my second child was born. The thought of spending 2 -3 hours commuting to/from the city was unbearable, and a home business would allow me to spend more time with my children, contribute to the household income, and keep my skills up-to-datebut it turned into so much more! When a chance meeting with another local business owner lead to attending my first networking meeting later that week, I was thrown into a world where business suddenly meant so much more than being able to work from home it was about building a community and connecting with othersand now, I find that is what drives me helping others to succeed. To read Michelle's full story visit: https://1000tales.org.au/our-projects/25million/ Please also take the time to like, share and support Michelle: Small Business VA www.facebook.com/smallbusinessva www.smallbusinessva.com.au Redlands Business Directory www.facebook.com/redlandsbusinessdirectory www.redlandsbusiness.com.au #25millionau #whatsyourway #nfp #notforprofit #smallbusiness #supportanaussie #storiesmatter#storiesmatter
12.01.2022 Hi my name is Maddison I'm 18 years old and I'm from Brisbane Australia QLD. I would like to share my story with you. Because I want to have my voice heard and help others. When I was a child I was in foster care, bad things happened to me in foster care. It affected my life. I suffer from depression and ADHD. I also have a learning disability it effects my learning process. I want all kids and adults that were abused in foster care to get peace and closure. I was also bulli...ed in school for my looks !! It affected my self esteem and I started self harming! I cried everyday because I didn't wanna go to school! The teachers didn't do anything to stop the bullying.. I got detention for no reason at all! I got pushed over by a boy which made my arm sore it still hurts to this day! My goal is to become a nurse because I'm caring and I have a supportive personality! I want to inspire everyone to stand up and have their say.. I want kids to have their say as well so kids can have peaceful life's and bullying to stop all together. Rmember to keep smiling and seek help if needed don't let anyone bully you and tell someone immediately if your depressed or not coping at school Maddison Ernst - Survivor - Helper - No longer voiceless - Australian There are 25 Million Ways to be Australian. What's your way? If you or anyone you know is in crisis, there is help available. Please contact Lifeline 24/7 on 13 11 14
11.01.2022 "To me, my son represents the quintessential Australian. His father and I come from two very different places. Places where "belonging" comes with a question mark. Our hope is that our baby grows up knowing that this is his place and that he will respect it; it's land, it's history, it's people and all it's cultures and languages! Ameera Krushanth: - Writer - Mother... - Seeker - Australian There are 25 Million Ways to be Australian. What's your way? #25millionau
11.01.2022 Visit our website to read Simin's story and learn what drives this creative Aussie
11.01.2022 "What do you want to be when you grow up?" "A superhero, and I'll say 'hot sauce on you, bad guys!" . Hemaya Palmer - Future superhero... - Inventor - Hot sauce lover - Australian . There are 25 Million Ways to be Australian. What's your way? . #25millionau #superhero #hotsauce #australian #australia #storiesmatter See more
10.01.2022 "We are one but we are many and from all the lands on earth we come." Australia Day is a mixture of emotions. For some it's the day they received their citizenship. For others it's a day of sadness and marks the beginning of a great tragedy and for many it is a day of friends and family. No matter your perspective on it, the story you tell about it matters and is important and impacts the way future generations will view it.... . . #25millionau #storytelling #storiesmatter #australia #storieschangetheworld #storieschangelives #australiaday #differentperspectives #bekindtooneanother See more
09.01.2022 Over the coming weeks we will be showcasing some amazing stories of hardworking Aussies in Small Business and the Not for Profit sector. They need your support right now! So please, like, share and - if you're able to - spend! #25millionau #storiesmatter #australia #covid19 #smallbusiness #nfp #notforprofit
08.01.2022 Whanaungatanga mé TeRotahitanga, Brotherhood and oneness. As a Kiwi/New Zealander, I see Australia as a home away from home. Kalisi Latusela - Kiwi - Adventurer... - Singer - Australian There are 25 Million Ways to be Australian. What's your way? #25millionau #australia #australian #kiwi #newzealand #brotherhood
08.01.2022 "I would describe Australia as a democratic country, but i wish like voting wasnt compulsory for the nation. Countries like Britain and United Statesdont force the public to vote but in Australia if you don't vote you will have to pay a fee!" . Suhas Rangana - School boy - Aspiring politician... - Democrat - Australian . There are 25 Million Ways to be Australian. What's your way? . #25millionau #democraticdebate #auspoll #australiavotes #democracy See more
07.01.2022 Uncle Bob (Robert Butler) gave us lots of things to think about. We love this beautiful piece of Aboriginal wisdom he taught us. Uncle Bob - Aboriginal - Gamilaraay... - Elder - Australian There are 25 Million Ways to be Australian. What's your way? #25millionau #aboriginalaustralia #gamilaraay #storiesmatter #storieschangetheworld #australia
06.01.2022 #epicvision To see diversity become a part of our national identity. Something to be celebrated. Australians represent a multitude of histories, generations, stories and even contradictions that continually unfold and change shape over time. Our identity is deeply personal and its roots touch every continent on the planet. It can not be defined by stereotypes and we need to create recognition that who we are as a nation can not be portrayed by a singular image.... We are made up of First Nations, convicts, settlers, stowaways, migrants, refugees, every color and religion there is and so much more and yet this is rarely portrayed. Our aim is to record, preserve and protect as many of the individual moments, memories and journeys as we can. We view storytelling as an integral part of our global culture: to share knowledge; pass down traditions; entertain, and maintain a sense of identity.
05.01.2022 The #25millionau project officially launched in October 2018. The wonderful Kai Kim (pictured) handmade the beautiful wooden sign that the original participants held. Actually, he made TWO! We misplaced the original sign the 2 days before the first photo shoot and Kai whipped up another one without hesitation! Our hero! Check out his other genius creations @kaikmake #25millionau #whatsyourway #ourworld #diversitymatters
05.01.2022 Laura is @unapologetically.autistic and doing some pretty amazing advocacy to stop bullying in our schools. She is also providing mentoring to autistic adults and assisting them into self employment among other things. She is a proud mama to son Clay, who was discriminated against repeatedly and unable to find a job so at just 16 years old he started his own business and now also employs 2 of his friends! Laura: - Mother... - Advocate - Mentor - Australian . To learn more about Laura and her son follow: @clay.needs.no.moulding @autismmentoring There are 25 Million ways to be Australian. What's your way? #25millionau #autism #autismawareness #bullying #stopbullying #advocacy #storiesmatter
05.01.2022 If you are a parent or caregiver working in academia, checkout aKIDemic Life for heaps of useful advice. You can also read founder Kirsty Nash's story via our website to find out how it all started and what drives her.
04.01.2022 "I grew up in Coburg, in Victoria, and I went to Moreland High School and I was the only one with Australian born parents in my class, which is kind of amazing but it was really good because it really gave me a insight into other cultures and languages. I could swear in like 10 different languages! *laughs* " Lucinda "Lucie" Phillips - "Linguist"... - Bookworm - Mother - Australian There are 25 Million Ways to be Australian. What's your way? #25millionau #multiculturalaustralia #community #librariansofinstagram #librarians #bookworm
02.01.2022 Many of us are finding ourselves with a lot more time on our hands. So let's all figuratively stand together and share our stories because we are all in this together. #storieschangelives We live in a wonderful age where we can connect with thousands if not millions of people while still observing social distancing. We are taking submissions. Contact us and we can help facilitate your storytelling journey. Here's the beauty of it! It doesn't have to be about the current state of the world! It can be about that trip you took that you've been reminiscing about or your favourite restaurant or even that lazy Sunday at the beach. #storiesmatter #25millionau #spreadkindness #spreadhope #goodnews #changethenarrative #storytelling
02.01.2022 Id go across Musgrave park in the morningto go to school and thered be aboriginal people sitting there. Men dressed in white shirts andlong trousers and hats and all that playing draughts on a big concrete draught set in the ground. A lot of these people were related to me but I was notallowed to talk to them or show them any recognition and these people were probably myaunties and uncles and cousins but because of the way society was and fear of being taken. Ihad no contac...t with my fathers family, cousins or any ofy culture up until i was probably in my 20s. But I always knew that I was different from my two brothers because my two brothersare not indigenous and I knew I was odd. Uncle Bob - Aboriginal - Gamilaraay - Elder - Australian There are 25 Million Ways to be Australian. What's your way? #25millionau #aboriginalaustralia #gamilaraay #storiesmatter #storieschangetheworld #australia #newsouthwales
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