2Life Doula in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Pregnancy care centre
2Life Doula
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 405 357 955
Address: Stoneleigh Street 4059 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.2life.com.au
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25.01.2022 Cant you just feel the love, support and connection in this moment? All hands on, united together supporting this woman #Repost @gatherbirth ... Our co-founder Emily, one of the @gatherbirth doulas and photographers, was surrounded by so much love and support as she worked to deliver her second child a few months ago. Well be sharing more from her incredible birth story in the coming days and weeks!
24.01.2022 Now that is some hardcore counter pressure #Repost @northdallasdoulas When you get called to a birth on Thanksgiving day and this is what you see when you walk in the door... this is some HARDCORE counter- pressure, if I do say do myself. ... (Counter-pressure is defined as steady, strong force applied to one spot on the lowerback duringcontractions using the heel of the hand, orpressure on the side of each hip using both hands. Counter-pressurecan help "counteract" back painduring labor.) #turkeydaybaby #happythanksgivng #naturalchildbirth #birth #northdallasdoulas #ndda #bestdoulaindallas #dallasdoula #teamworkmakesthedreamwork @parklaneobgyn
24.01.2022 These are the most beautiful photos depicting quite perfectly how birth is a family event A celebration of life. Posted @withregram @andieandolliephotography oh baby teddy how magnificent it was to witness you and your mother, working together to bring you earthside. ... i know you will make this world a kinder, better, more magical place
23.01.2022 Would you have your older kids at your birth? Look at this gorgeous boy being a doula to his mama in the thick of labour. What a beautiful and precious moment Most hospital births in Aus, this wouldnt / couldnt happen (so its so amazing to see this) but I love watching home births where the whole family is there - watching their sibling be born, by their incredible mother. What a way to learn about the power of a woman, and the strength of the human body #Repost @bum...pnbub #bumpnbub @milkandhannah
23.01.2022 Wow!!! what an incredible capture Incredible photos and Repost by @julie.mithra.yoga.photography If you would ask me which ones were my favourite shots ever I would definately say these ones! Me and the mother became close friends during her pregnancy and I attended their birth as their doula/Photographer! The perfect combination! As soon as the baby landed in the water he looked directly at me into the lens, A M A Z I N G! Everytime I look at them is still get goosebu...mps allover! So happy I got the chance to share them! Super greatful!#julievermeerschphotography #birthphotography #birthphotographer #doula #geboortefotografie #geboortefotograaf #geboortefoto #juliemithrayoga #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingoostende #naturalbirth #badassmotherbirther #natuurlijkegeboorte #newborn #blackandwhitephotography #studiomoonbirth #waterbirth #newlife #birth #geboorte #allaboutbirth #birthmatters #fotograafoostende #geboortefotografe #geboortefotograafoostende #proud #magicalmoments #love #whenfriendsbecomefamily #ilovemyjob See more
23.01.2022 The oxytocin takeover. The love of a new family. This moment is everything. Returning to your body that is overflowing with emotion is an intense feeling, but one that many would repeat as many times as they can. ... Birth matters. #Repost @doulaheathertaylor @lartdelenfantementphotographe L’emotion a son apogee See more
22.01.2022 #Repost @barefootmidwife Yerika and Miguel enjoyed the benefits of birthing at home with the support of her two sisters, her mom, and her midwives. The pandemic has had a profound impact on births (ask any birth worker, even hospital birth workers!), so when it works out so peacefully its a blessing to all. #homebirth #waterbirth #thisisbirth #naturalbirth #childbirth #birth #midwives #sacredmale #informedconsent #pregnancy #sacredjourneymidwifery @xenham
21.01.2022 So in awe of her mum Childbirth is a family event Posted @withregram @danieladjeanpartos Vem chorar comigo! Luísa assistiu o nascimento dos seus dois irmãos e emocionou todo mundo presente mais uma vez com sua doçura e sensibilidade Repitam comigo: parto é um evento familiar ... . Útero chega coçar #vbac #vba2c #partonatural #partonaagua #partohumanizado #parto #partobh
20.01.2022 Some very bold statements however very true indeed. Hiring an obstetrician as a low risk mama is like hiring a surgeon in hope that you get a non invasive procedure. Obstetricians are usually called in when there is some sort of complication and emergency and they are amazing when that is needed but most births especially ones that are low risk to begin with in pregnancy will go as planned if we just left things alone and enabled physiology to take over. Midwifery care in thi...s instance is the gold standard of care for women wanting to achieve a physiological birth as they are trained in that and believe in the essence of physiology and womens bodies and what they are capable of. Research the model of care you are choosing for your birth as that is an essential element that will dictate how your birth will be. #Repost @thefreebirthsisters Birth is a normal biological process. Period. This isn't to say emergencies don't happen. They do - just as emergencies happen in our day to day lives. But as a society, we hyper focus on the danger of birth instead of the normality of it. You cannot see the full picture without asking: how many birth 'emergencies' are caused by the very same people we trust to 'safe guard' the process for us? When those same people intervene to prevent potential scenarios, yet in their intervention cause other scenarios, what are we gaining? How much harm is caused by those who swear to 'do no harm'? When you peel back the layers of birth after birth story, you begin to see the shocking truth. Birth, distorted and captive, a caricature of what it can and should be. Birth, enslaved by a system designed to control and subdue it all in the name of 'safety'. The cost? The mental, physical and emotional wellness of women and babies - the very core, the fabric of our society. Speak this. Know this. Claim this. *Birth is a normal biological process.* Period. . . . #normalizebirth #freebirth #autonomousbirth #familybirth #unassistedbirth #birthinpower #thisisbirth #truthtellers #motherhoodrising #motherbaby #radicalbirthkeepers
20.01.2022 The mainstream misconception is that vaginal examinations are mandatory however they are most certainly NOT! Research has shown that vaginal examinations are not just a benign experience as with it can come an array of things that you necessarily didnt know or sign up for. Get educated, know your options. You need to grant consent to have an examination and this has to be done with the practitioner clearly listing all the benefits and risks of the examination. #Repost @linzi.watts Vaginal Examinations are NOT mandatory! No. Its a full sentence.
19.01.2022 Oh my goodness, look at all that hair all my girls were born with thick hair Repost @katekennedybirthphotography ... So much envy for the girls with thick hair! Did you know babies start growing hair in week 14 of pregnancy and go through a couple of cycles of shedding and regrowth whilst in utero, before they are born with all the hair follicles they will ever have!
17.01.2022 A mother is born #ididit #newmother #thismoment #babygirl #birth #birthphotography #melbournedoula #birthbecomesher #Repost @breedownes_doula_photographer
17.01.2022 Birth Support Restrictions!! With Queensland cases being really low we are still allowed to dine in a restaurant with all our friends and family, we are allowed to go shopping, have picnics, go to IKEA and Bunnings and yet at the Royal Brisbane Womens hospital where you have the only Birthing Centre in Brisbane which prides itself on women centred care they will NOT grant an exemption for women to have their chosen support through labour. I have women that have contacted ...me as early as 5 weeks in their pregnancy, women that have experienced previous birth trauma to now being told tough luck youll have to choose between your partner or your Doula. Women that have a Doula at their birth are more likely to have a vaginal birth, less likely to have intervention, cesareans and negative feelings about their birth. My clients have contacted the hospital not asking for an overall policy change but rather an exemption to the rule and yet they insist their hands are tied. I approached QLD health and they advised that this is just a guidance but Any deviation from Hospital and Health Services to determine and provide exemptions to. So they can grant an exemption but they REFUSE to!! Mater are granting exemptions seeing the value of a Doula and even some private hospitals in the Brisbane area and yet the ONLY birthing centre in Brisbane is not!! To say this is frustrating is an understatement. Women need support, Doulas are an essential part of the healthcare team and it is time we are regarded as such and women are not getting substandard care and maternity services wake up to themselves and take womens overall health into consideration. #enough #Repost @lisa.phillips.photo This moment. You will never regret having a picture of it. The moment when your heart expands tenfold. The first moment after hours (sometimes days) of labor where you can think clearly and are told to reach down and grab your baby. The moment you think you will remember this vividly forever, but it becomes hazier as time goes on. Dont get me wrong, you will always remember the time they were born or what they weighed and measured, but I want
17.01.2022 Shifting positions, hip squeezes, counter pressure, swaying...There are so many techniques that can help. What helped you during [email protected] #birthteam #midwifery #doula " #Repost @bellybellybaby Caption and post by: @mymidwives Original image by : @tender.beginnings ... . . .. .#childbirth #homebirth #birthwithoutfear #birthphotography #naturalbirth #birthdoula #waterbirth #birthstory #givingbirth #birthsupport #calmbirth #birth #doula #mumtobe #positivebirth #gentlebirth #empoweredbirth #childbirtheducation #midwife #birthpreparation #birthmatters #informedbirth #newbornphotography #newborn #newborns #bellybellybaby #motherhoodjourney See more
17.01.2022 Its like looking into the eyes of an old soul #Repost @albanyjalvarez_fotografia Algo me mueve cuando siento que los bebes miran a la camara, como si supieran que les estoy tomando fotos. Como si supieran que se veran viendose a si mismos en el futuro. ... . . . #venaparirayucatan #mexico #dearphotographer #partohumanizado #nacimiento #partorespetado #daraluz #fotografadepartos #yucatan #merida #birth_photography #birthwithoutfear #birthphotography #birth #newlife #doula #doulalife #homebirth #hospitalbirth #birthathome #birthphotogs #parto #fotografiadeparto #birthisawesome #fotografadepartosmeridayucatan #fotografadefamiliasmeridayucatan #fotografadepartomeridayucatan #fotografadepartosenmerida See more
17.01.2022 Sometimes birth will present us with what is coined as a wild card. Childbirth educator @rheadempseybirth states that a wild card in birth can present itself as current or old issues that reassert themselves in birth and trigger the mum deep within. My first birth was presented with such a wild card and as my support and the birthing environment didnt grant me the space and knowingness to unleash and surrender to this triggering therefore I had a cascade of events to come.... This is another reason I reiterate to the mamas I work with that birth is not just one day in your life, it is the healing and unraveling of everything within. If you dont handle that with care and have the right support with you it can derail you in a direction you never anticipated. #Repost @milkandhannah Sometimes, we dont know we have shit until we come to the hill that it has created under the surface. And the shit hill is blocking the sunset. The sunset youve hiked for, warped for, cried for. And there it sits. Stopping you. At this point, there is no other option but to demolish it and then to carry on. But sometimes, thats not what we do. We sit for awhile. We ignore. We rest. We turn around and head back - but weve walked that way. Weve seen all that. And at a certain point, as we miss the sunset over and over, sitting in front of this devastating pile of things you dont want to exist, the power comes to proceed. And there is pain as we look at what weve buried. There is shame. There is anger. There is hurt and there is exhaustion. Almost too much. And then with tears making paths through the dirt on our faces as they stream past our lips... and the ground is leveled through blistered palms and weary bodies - We see it. The setting sun. And there is joy.
16.01.2022 "Throughout history we, as women, have fought to break loose from the preconceived image of how we should act in society in order to be our own person, with notions and beliefs that we've formulated ourselves," https://www.marieclaire.com//eleanor-beth-haswell-anatomy/
16.01.2022 The placenta is an incredible organ that connects you to your baby. What did you do with your placenta? Was it important for you to see or something you didnt care to see? Share your experience below! #Repost @birthphotogs #birthphotogs @jessica_vi_photography ... The artist behind this incredible image was our 2020 competition first place winner! . . . . . #birthphotographer #birthphotography #placenta #birthmoment #birthstory #birthplan #hospitalbirth #birthisbeautiful #birthmatters #empoweredbirth #childbirth #thebeautifulreal #hellostoryteller #iapbp See more
16.01.2022 What a great montage of photos of the first few moments. I try to get a short video for all my clients to capture this unforgettable sacred time so that they can look back and share with their little ones one day #Repost @maiafotografiadeparto Os puxos comecaram e posicao era um negocio dificil de encontrar nessa hora, mas tentei ficar sentada. Foram apenas 3 ou 4 puxos antes de nascer! Lena sugeriu que eu colocasse as maos para sentir a cabecinha e eu mesma contr...olar, sentir o nascimento dela. Que bom que ela me lembrou o eu queria fazer! Mas pensei ja? Ela ja ta aqui? E o que nao fiz no ultimo parto fiz nesse. Coloquei minhas maos para sentir minha filha chegando nesse mundo, e la estava ela, como uma luz vindo iluminar a minha casa, as nossas vidas! Nunca poderei esquecer aquele primeiro toque! Sensacao de realizacao, felicidade, alivio! Logo a cabecinha saiu e em poucos segundos toda ela veio para os meus bracos, para o seio da nossa familia!! Voce veio pra mamae, filha, eu te amo!! Minhas primeiras palavras para voce! Voce deu seu primeiro respiro no meu colo, nos duas chorando e nos acalmando ali mesmo, com abraco, cheiro, beijo e colinho; voce nascendo e eu renascendo mais uma vez! Seu papai e irmao ali bem perto e radiantes e Davi saiu gritando pra Clarice sobre seu nascimento. Ela acordou e veio correndo, com alegria e entusiasmo estampados no rosto. Estavam ansiosos para voce chegar, cheios de amor para te receber!!! Ali mesmo agradeci a Deus pela sua vida!! Nossa Senhora esteve presente cuidando de tudo! Ficamos te namorando, fitando seus tracos, tocando voce com todo nosso carinho; eramos so emocao! Que experiencia!! Que tamanho e proporcao tem isso que vivemos juntos! Quao suave e leve foi a sua chegada! Que honra te receber como filha! Davi que nao se conformava em escolher um nome para voce sem antes ver seu rostinho, para saber se combinava, ali bateu o martelo que voce poderia sim, se chamar Leticia!! Relato de parto da Renata (8/9) #relatodeparto #partonatural #partodomiciliar #homebirth #fotografiadeparto #birthphotography #birthphotographer See more
16.01.2022 The love and support of a Doula There is so much evidence to show that Doulas can assist you to have a positive birth, lessen the need for intervention and lower the cesarean rate. : @the.house.of.wild... #doula #birthsupport #empoweringwomen #birthwithoutfear #brisbane
16.01.2022 Beautiful waterbirth #Repost @maiafotografiadeparto... O periodo expulsivo chegou suave, sem desespero, sem sequer sombra do famoso momento de achar que vai morrer... nada, nada disso. So me deu uma vontade intuitiva de ir pra banheira. E pedi pro gabriel ir comigo. Ele me abracou, eu me aconcheguei nos bracos dele. e ali aconteceu a coisa mais linda que se pode conceber, a sensacao mais inebriante, potente, avassaladora e concreta que eu ja senti na minha carne, essa que me fez finalmente entender o sentido da palavra visceral, que me fez transcender tudo. foi essa a sensacao de parir meu filho. O Pedro saiu de dentro de mim enquanto um som gutural saia pela minha boca, enquanto os meus olhos brilhavam de sorriso, enquanto eu sentia cada centimetro dele por dentro de mim. Pari, sem ninguem encostar no meu corpo, sem ninguem me mandar fazer nada, com os meus movimentos totalmente livres, vestindo o que eu queria vestir, com quem eu queria estar, sem protocolo, sem tesoura, sem instrumento nenhum alem do som que saia da minha garganta e da forca que saia das minhas visceras. Eu pari, amparei meu bebe, peguei ele de dentro da agua e pus no meu colo. Assim, simples, incrivel, gostoso assim. Gabriel me abracando, eu abracando o Pedro, nos dois morrendo de chorar e o nosso bebe tranquilo olhando pra gente com esses olhinhos puxadinhos que ate agora eu nao sei explicar como podem me hipnotizar tanto. Relato de parto da Marina (Parte 8/9) #Repost @gentlebirthofficial #positivebirth #waterbirth #birthwithoutfear #fitbump
16.01.2022 Baby born by a belly birth still in its amniotic sac. It’s protective bubble from the outside world. #Repost @pregnantset Breathtaking photo of a baby delivered via c-section but was still inside the amniotic sac! ... The amniotic sac is an opaque bubble that covers all babies in the womb from right after conception. As the baby grows, it fills with fluid, amniotic fluid. The sac cushions the baby from bumps and jostles during mom's daily ups and downsIt is rare for a baby to be born with the sac still completely intact as most sacs split open during labour on their own, releasing its protective fluid. This is what people mean when they refer to a mother's waters breaking. In some situations the sac is broken by the doctor when a woman is ready to give birth - Follow us @pregnantset And don’t forget to follow @maternitylover_ for a chance to get featured DM, Tag someone or use hashtag #pregnantset to featured Share and comment to get daily updates Turn on posts notifications ( Dm for credit ) _______________________________________________________ #pregnantfashion #cute_pregnancy #parentlife #pregnantproblems #babyshower #pregnantfashion #pregnantandfit #pregnantmum #preggy #preggo #maternityfashion #momtobe #mother #mummy
15.01.2022 Dad having skin to skin and newly big sister checking out her fresh little brother How amazing is it that children are able to witness birth... by doing this, we are helping set up the next generation for a positive birthing experience ... Did you have children present at your birth? How was the experience for them? The wisdom and compassion a woman can intuitively experience in childbirth can make her a source of healing and understanding for other women. ~Stephen Gaskin #Repost @thesoulful.story
15.01.2022 What a beautiful mutual relationship. Baby gets all the colostrum they need while also working to shrink moms uterus back down. #Repost @carmen.bridgewater
15.01.2022 You see this... now turn your phone to landscape, either way... can you see the difference in the angle that the baby and pelvis make? Your baby has a more direct exit if you are in an upright position.... If you are laying on your back, your baby has to travel round a bend to be born, which can take slightly longer in many cases. The priority is your comfort and your instincts, you get in the position that feels right for you at the time. It is always worth baring in mind though, that it can help to change position Have you had any thoughts about birth positions? . #Repost @doulaviewllc @thebirthimpact www.thebirthimpact.com Repost @thelittlebirthcompany #thebirthimpact #babyonboard #momtobe2020 #20weekspregnant #midwifery #studentmidwife #thelamazedoula #doulaviewllc #newbaby #babyontheway #birth #hospitalbirth #pregnancy #informedbirth #positivebirth #birthwithoutfear #homebirth
15.01.2022 INCREDIBLE unassisted hospital birth Repost @gentlebirthofficial #Repost @themummidwife... Amazing unassisted hospital birth! Wow!! So calm and in control. Completely owning her birth!Congratulations mama and baby, thank you for sharing this precious moment with us! Incredible video and below text posted via @betterbirthstories ~ Oh my goodness folks, this truly remarkable lady posted this wonderful birth in our Facebook group today and I just had to share it with you. What focus and power. Birth is normal. Birth is safe. Wherever and however you birth is entirely up to you. Do pop over to her Insta page and send some love Posted @withregram @christanrenee I’d love to share his birth story soon but in the meantime, here’s our little miracle entering the world with no fear, depths of gratitude, a gasp of breath and vortex of life sounds as he shifted out of my womb. An unassisted hospital birth that I could have only hoped for with the complications that required necessary medical intervention. Our Abel Lion has been our guide of trust and bravery, so good to meet you, Leon Abel. #birthvideo #positivebirth
14.01.2022 Jan 2021 is sold out but we still have places for March. March 28 & April 11 Sunday 9am to 4pm Learn all you need for labour & birth in an interactive & practical workshop, held at the spacious & newly renovated Grange Hall. Sign up here: https://www.birthbootcamp.com.au/
14.01.2022 WHERE DID YOU LABOR? In a birthing pool, on the toilet, in bed ...? We LOVE these images of gorgeous, powerful birthing people. There is no one way or one place to labor or birth safely.... But what is essential, is that the birthing person's comfort, needs, and desires are centered. #Repost @minafamilies @repost from our besties at @gatherbirth Look at this birthing body at work. A good doula knows how to help birth keep moving (like suggesting the always amazing toilet position), but also knows when to stand back, let you get in the zone and rock your birth. The hardest part of birth can be getting out of our body’s way. The strength in this photo is physical and mental. It’s immeasurable. A doula is there to help remind you of your strength when it feels impossible. We know you can do it. You are doing it. Photography and Doula from Gather Birth Cooperative Minneapolis, St. Paul Birth Photography + Doula + Postpartum Sessions + Film + more @gatherbirth gatherbirth.com [image description: A woman sits on a toilet, her pregnant belly bulging with a contraction. Another woman, a doula, sits across from her rubbing her legs.] #minnesotaborn #birthwithconfidence #birthwithoutfear #empoweredbirthproject #empoweredbirth #positivebirth #birthbecomesher #birthundisturbed #strongasamother #birthphotographer #mnphotographer #doula #birthdoula #mamahood #motherhoodrising #tribedemama #motherhoodintheraw See more
13.01.2022 Lovers. The incredible moment where the female seahorse transfers her eggs to the male, who will be responsible for carrying and giving birth to hundreds of tiny baby seahorses. ‘The male seahorse has a pouch on its stomach in which to carry babiesas many as 2,000 at a time. A pregnancy lasts from 10 to 25 days, depending on the species. Scientists think the courtship behavior is designed to synchronize the movements of the two animals so that the male can receive the eggs... when the female is ready to deposit them. The eggs are then fertilized in the dad's pouch. The eggs hatch in the pouch. The father cares for the young as they grow, regulating the water salinity in the pouch to prepare them for life in the sea. When the tiny seahorses are ready to be born, the male undergoes muscular contractions to expel the young, known as "fry," from the pouch.’ (natl geographic) Nature is magnificent. Awesome repost by @umamother - via @culturainquieta Amantes. El increible momento en que el caballito de mar hembra transfiere sus huevos al macho, quien los llevara y luego dara a luz a cientos de caballitos de mar bebes. Por la fotografa subacuatica Jules Casey @onebreathdiver @culturainquieta #culturainquieta #mothernature #birth #naturesintelligence
13.01.2022 Ever wonder how multiple babies fit inside the womb? That's how! This is an 18th century wax model From the Javier Puerta Museum of Anatomy in Madrid. #Repost @allbodieshealth ... #twinmagic #pregnant_world #magictrick #anatomyandphysiology #capable #humanform #birthyourway #birthmatters #twinpregnancy #multiples #powertothepeople #growingbabies #makingshit #makingshithappen #artrules #loveart #artaslife
13.01.2022 I was definitely not told this when I had an epidural with my first birth. #Repost @birthuprising Were you told that epidurals contain opioids & narcotics?... . According to the American Pregnancy Association, in order to keep the amount of anesthetic in an epidural lower, opioids or narcotics (such as fentanyl) are often added. . This is important information, especially for those in recovery who want to completely avoid this type of medication. . Epidurals can affect the baby by causing a slowed heart rate, "sleepiness" after birth, and trouble breastfeeding (all noted in the package insert). The anesthetic can also be found in the breastmilk of the mother, which has been shown to pass to the baby (https://evidencebasedbirth.com/effect-of-epidurals-on-brea/). . So the same people who just told you to spend 10 months avoiding alcohol, mercury from fish, and most medications are now the ones pushing an epidural and they probably didn’t tell you what was in it. . You deserve to know the risks, benefits & alternatives of all procedures that are proposed to you. It's the only way that you can make the best choice possible in your unique situation. . No matter what you choose during your pregnancy, birth & postpartum, having all of the information presented to you beforehand is crucial. This is the best way to avoid regret & reduce your likelihood for birth trauma. . When I received an epidural during my first birth, I was not informed about its contents. Were you told that epidurals contain opioids & narcotics? #epidural #epiduralbirth #anesthesia #birthchoices #hospitalbirth #informedbirth #informedmama #informedmothers #informedchoice #birthtrauma #obstetricviolence #postpartumptsd #postpartum #postpartumdepression #postpartumdepressionawareness #postpartumanxiety #postpartumanxietyawareness #addiction #addictionawareness #addicted #analgesia #informedisbest #healthybaby See more
12.01.2022 This is absolutely disgraceful!! Women need to resort to giving their power away to negotiate for their birth support to be with them. This happens in many maternity systems here in Australia where women are told they won’t be admitted unless they have an assessment or won’t be allowed to go in the water unless they have an assessment. Where have our human rights gone?! #Repost @milli.hill New article today for @telegraph ... Link in bio: "Come with me for a brief thought experiment. You’re vulnerable, perhaps in distress, and there’s one specific thing you need to bring you comfort. But although that comforting thing you need is near, it’s just beyond a locked door, just out of reach. Someone has the key to that door, and with it the power to help you. But in order to get them to unlock the door, and give you the comfort you so desperately need, you must submit to their wishes. And their wishes involve putting fingers inside one of the most intimate parts of your body. If you imagine this is my elevator pitch for the next bestselling work of feminist dystopian fiction, think again. Because this scene is being played out right now in maternity units up and down the country." #covidcoercion #vaginalexams #givebirthlikeafeminist #autonomy #informationispower #positivebirthmovement #positivebirth #yourbodyyourbabyyourchoices #feministbirth #humanrightsinchildbirth
12.01.2022 #Repost @gentlebirthofficial ... #Repost @partopositivo HOMBRES EN EL PARTO ¿Que es lo primero que te viene a la mente? Existe el referente reforzado por los medios de comunicacion en el que se nos presenta al esterotipo de padre inutil: sentados mirando el movil en una esquina, estorbando, desmayandose a la primera senal sangre, etc. Muchas madres durante el embarazo dudan de si se sentiran apoyadas. Muchos padres sienten la falta de apoyo, de espacios en los que compartir, la falta de referentes masculinos en todo lo que abarca la paternidad y especialmente el embarazo y parto. Todos los futuros padres que conozco en mis cursos rompen este estereotipo ¡Hoy hemos empezado nuevo grupo por Zoom! Los padres quieren formar equipo, quieren informacion, quieren herramientas practicas y tangibles para ayudar tanto fisica como emocionalmente y quieren involucrarse. Los padres (hombres) tambien pasan por cambios en el embarazo, especialmente si se implican, que los conectan con su instinto de proteccion. Al final del embarazo y el parto, las hormonas masculinas cambian, la testosterona desciende. Ademas tu acompanante, sea hombre o mujer (hablaba de hombres porque durante decadas han sido los grandes excluidos), proporciona una "continuidad de cuidados" en cuanto al apoyo emocional. Sabemos que cuando hay continuidad de cuidados y ves a la misma matrona durante todo el embarazo y parto, esto mejora los resultados. Sin embargo, actualmente esto es un privilegio al alcance de pocas familias por lo que la figura del acompanante proporciona esa continuidad desde el punto de vista emocional. En los cursos de Parto Positivo el acompanante es clave. Salis con informacion y herramientas para formar un gran equipo y apoyar en cuerpo y alma a madre y bebe. Ver la conexion entre las parejas en los cursos es maravilloso #preparacionalparto #hipnoparto #pareja #embarazo
12.01.2022 What an epic capture #Repost @saltcitybirthandnewborn And speaking of @freyabirth (the doula in my last post), her little babe is ONE!! ... For small business Saturday I am having TWO sales. 1st is for expecting parents - studio newborn sessions booked in 2021 are 10% off for the rest of the weekend! 2nd is for my photographer and doula followers - birth LR birth presets and my mobile presets are 30% OFF on my Etsy store ONLY. Link in bio
11.01.2022 41 years old; second geriatric pregnancy... I took in many books, podcasts, and documentaries because I felt unprepared, uneducated the first time around, despite super healthy! I chose to not succumb to the usual treatment of pregnant women over 35, to advocate for myself, to chose education and empowerment, not limits. I chose to be okay with any situation, but needed to have a bigger arsenal of information to make decisions.... I ended up dilating to 3, getting bloody show, contractions, etc. on my own during week 38/39 - I did the teas, the dates, the pineapple, the walks, and went to hot yoga through my due date. no real contractions. ...by 40+3 my midwife and I collaborated on the induction. I ended up moving around and doing all the things, but couldn't progress, and my contractions were ON TOP OF EACH OTHER. I opted for a mini epidural so I could still feel my legs and get up and move around. I felt like a failure for accepting the "cascade of interventions + pain management" and cried like it for a while. Ultimately I said I knew I needed the energy back in ANY case. Well it was the right decision for me -- we pushed pitocin again, but I was able to nap for a couple hours. I literally couldn't have done it without my doula @gingerblossomdoula She probably hurt herself with the amount of hip and lower back pressure help I needed. I couldn't have done it without mentally preparing myself - I used @gentlebirthofficial App, Hypnobirthing books, @ebbirth, a great midwife, @thevbaclink, and I made a Vision Board. I made sure the room was only filled with empowering energy. I made hard choices. I meditated on it. I facilitated the situation where my body could feel that it was made to do this -- it's weird how American culture steers us away from this mental state, but I just worked at guiding it back! YOU CAN TOO!" ~ @jenfongtorres How old were you when you had your VBAC? #Repost @thevbaclink #VBAC #vbacsuccess #birth #birthstory #birthing #doulasupport #midwife #birtheducation #empowering #empoweringbirth #geriatricpregnancy
11.01.2022 Who was your rock during the birth of your baby? Birth is a wild ride and its nice to have someone to lean on when the power of the experience takes over. #Repost @birthstorypodcast... Gather Birth Cooperative Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN Birth Photography, Doula Support, and more @gatherbirth gatherbirth.com
10.01.2022 So many loving hands guiding this little one earthside #Repost @laurenanddouglas.birth This moment. Its not just a moment. Its a realisation of dreams born over half a decade ago. You are the child your parents dreamed of, being welcomed into the world guided by both of their hands. ... Isobel Angelina Born at 4:16am 28.02.2020 See more
09.01.2022 ... and it may take a while to figure her out A different transition for every woman, but life changing for all. . . #Repost @notsomumsy Tag a new mum that may need this xx via @sisters_and_the_sea @mindful_mamas #matrescence #motherhood
09.01.2022 The moment she screamed out YESSSSSSSS! as she reached down to pull her son out. This is a mother taking control and power over her birth.... And it also took her provider going out on a limb for her and advocating for her to birth on her terms. She describes this moment as one of the most empowering moments of her life, where she felt like she was in total control. Repost by @badassmotherbirther . Mama: @therealjaneprichard PhotoCred: @ranarankinphotography & @breathebirthphotography
08.01.2022 I birthed both my girls naturally with no pain relief and I birthed a breech baby, I felt like bloody super woman! Repost @zest_of_motherhood BIRTH STORY ... Click the link in my bio to read my birth story. I hope you enjoy reading it.... Let me know in the comments #hypnobirthing #thepositivebirthcompany #twinpregnancy #twinbabiesontheway #twinpregnancy #septemberbabies #birth #labour #naturalbirth #twinsofinstagram #littlesnippetsofus #magicalmoments #maternity #pregnant
08.01.2022 There is a sale on now by one of my favourite jewellery artists. Go to @allisonkorndesigns for 15% off everything in her store collection. Code : SMALLBIZ2020 I just got a pair of this design in the earrings and wore them to the latest marathon births I attended. I call them my good luck charm now #birth #birthjewellery #jewellery #artist #sale
07.01.2022 Another way in which evidence and hospital policies and routine procedures dont co-align. #Repost @melaniethemidwife If you have any kind of risk factor when you arrive at hospital during labour, usually step one is to put a cardiotograph (CTG) on you. This machine is strapped on with two receivers and waist straps and displays your babies heart rate and your contraction patterns on a print out.... The thought is that it would provide a first sign of a developing problem and allow prompt intervention to get your baby out quickly. Problem is that this idea has not proven effective. Weve know for a long time that when continuous CTG is used on low-risk women, the caesarean section rate goes up without improving outcomes for babies and now we know from current research by Small et. al in 2020 that using this machine on higher risk women doesnt work to improve outcomes either. The link to the study is in my bio, or below for Facebook folk https://www.womenandbirth.org//S1871-5192(19)308/fulltext This is a literature review which looked at 38 different research papers including 11 randomised controlled trials, found that current research evidence does not demonstrate improvements in perinatal outcome for infants born to women at risk of poor perinatal outcome when intrapartum CTG monitoring is used. So, its time to ask ourselves, if it doesnt work for low risk labour and birth and it doesnt work for high risk labour and birth, why are we using it at all? Birth unit culture? Litigious coverage?... its certainly not for the benefit of women or their babies #ctg #obstetrics #obstetrician #birth @birthsmalltalk
06.01.2022 I love this raw photo of birth. Mum just birthed her baby, skin to skin, being held by dad with the cord still pulsating while waiting for the final birth of the placenta. This is birth #Repost @inamaygaskin Whats your favourite part about this image and/or the uterus just after birth? Captured by @danniellehale.thebirthlens.
06.01.2022 And suddenly, the surges of intensity turn into the purest bliss. The echoes of I cant do this hinge on the declaration of I DID IT. Life. Their tiny, warm being pressed against your chest. Love spills over and out, exceedingly and abundantly. Theres nothing like this. There will never be anything else like this. #Repost @amberdenaephotography ... #birthwithoutfear #birthstoriesarelovestories #amberdenaebirthstories
05.01.2022 D I L A T I O N S T A T I O N Great post from @lisastephensondoula The most underrated labour tool... the toilet!... Active labour on the loo is often my trick for Mamas wanting to progress dilation quicker due to fatigue. Its a great place to rest the body and mind although often brings on incredible surges. There are a few reasons for this... The obvious one is that you can empty your bladder and bowel freely to make way for baby. The squat position opens up the entire pelvic bowl to allow more room for baby to descend. This can be particularly helpful for the posterior baby who needs more room to swing around. The body-mind connection encourages an instinctive pelvic floor release without much thought. You can sit forward leaning over your partner or you can sit backwards surrounded by pillows for comfort. @echo_life_photography #Repost @georgiejhet
05.01.2022 This beautiful mama wanted to share her video to continue the positivity around birth for other women. Birth can look like this Last night at 9:45 I threw my head back, locked eyes with the stars in the most vivid second of my life and breathed our daughter into the world as her brother, sister, dad and loving birth team watched in full sacred support. Ive dreamed of a birth just like this one and dared it to come alive. I felt it in my bones, this is how she wanted it t...o be I just wanted to thank you and your account for providing me with endless inspiration during my pregnancy to make my dream birth come true. Mama @natdellapi Videographer @bayareabirthphotographer #positivebirth #empoweringwomen #birthwithoutfear #birthwithconfidence
04.01.2022 This has to be one of the most beautiful maternity photos #Repost @melissajeanbabies
04.01.2022 Love and connection is at the essence of oxytocin ~ the beautiful hormone of love. Oxytocin is the prime hormone associated with birth, it is released from the brain and it gets circulated throughout the body to enable rhythmic pulses of the uterus to create the contractions that enable your baby to be expelled from your body. The only natural way to aid the release of oxytocin is through connection, love, feeling unobserved and a sense of safety thats why these vital el...ements are at the heart of ensuring a safe and positive birth #Repost @belle_verdiglione INTIMACY I always strive for connection over technical with my photography. The decisive moment. The quick flash of emotion. Of love. Of pure and utter admiration. I dont care about any of the techy stuff (I know it of course) but as long as a shot is in focus (unless I want it OOF on purpose) than the rest is all about The intangible The feeling The stirring of your heart as you scroll through as a witness. These two beautiful souls shared an intimate moment in front of me. Not only being naked in front of the lens, but allowing me to capture their essence, unapologetically and in total surrender. Muse @whoiszsuzsa reflects, The paradox of love is to know them more deeply than anyone else, whilst meeting them new again and again. The flux of excitement & security. The flow of forgiveness and trust. Its fluidity between the known and unknown. Simultaneously a work in progress and a masterpiece. Thats love x In gratitude @whoiszsuzsa and @risewithbenji
04.01.2022 If your looking for independent midwifery care which is the ultimate gold standard of care during pregnancy, birth and postpartum then this is an awesome deal and My Midwives Brisbane are AMAZING #Repost @mymidwives Our new package is here! Think you cant afford a private midwife? Check us out for our most affordable plan yet designed for those on a budget. DM me or email [email protected] for more info..... and tag your pregnant friends so they dont miss out #pregnant #pregnancyannouncement #brisbanemums #melbournemums #midwiferycare #knowyourmidwife
04.01.2022 My child isn’t my easel to paint on Nor my diamond to polish My child isn’t my trophy to share with the world... Nor my badge of honor My child isn’t an idea, an expectation, or a fantasy Nor my reflection or legacy My child isn’t my puppet or a project Nor my striving or desire My child is here to fumble, stumble, try, and cry, learn and mess up, fail and try again Listen to the beat of a drum faint to our adult ears and dance to a song that revels in freedom My task is to step aside Stay in infinite possibility Heal my own wounds Fill my own bucket And let my child fly" Dr. Shefali Tsabury : @wanderandsolasphoto . #Repost @bodywise_birthwise Repost @raisedgood words by @doctorshefali
03.01.2022 A Rebozo originated from Mexico. Its a hand woven scarf that was and is still being used by women to carry their babies. It then also came to be utilised to aid women in labour and birth through sifting, jiggling and as you can see in this picture through pulling on to allow the mothers body to be active and descend baby more easily down her pelvis. It is a great tool to have in birth and one that I actually use with most mothers I support in labour. #Repost @breedownes_doula_photographer #gravity #rebozo #activebirth #birthphotography #birthphotographymelbourne #melbournedoula #teameffort
03.01.2022 Movement, surrender and support #safeatthebirthcenter #willowazfamily #birthcenterfamily #birthwithconfidence #birthwithoutfear #WillowStrong #GrowMidwives #Repost @willowbirthcenteraz ... photo credit @heavensentdoula.placenta
02.01.2022 Joyanna and I documented a birth for a blind mother this weekend. She wanted images and a film that she will never be able to 'see' with her eyes. She trusted wholeheartedly that we would be able to provide her with imagery that was so full of emotion, memories, and love that she would be able to 'see' them with her heart. She wanted to 'see' her baby crowning and it just so happened that when the time came, she reached down to feel his head, he came out completely and into ...her arms. As he lay on her chest, his hands instantly went up to her face as he explored her. She wanted to 'see' her placenta and the nurses obliged, holding the bucket above her chest as she explored every slippery detail of this glorious organ that she grew. I will never understand what it is like to be blind. To not be able to see your children's face in the way that I understand vision. But I will say that I have never stood next to a woman that could see the world more clearly than this woman. Her version of color is felt with her finger tips, her ears, her nose and tongue, and mostly, with her heart. : @lindsey_eden_photography and Joyanna Goslovich #Repost @superpregnant_
02.01.2022 WOW #Repost @krista.evans.photography When you think you just have to pee.....but instead your baby comes out!!!!... This birth was SO intense yet SO peaceful. I also love that her own mamas hand is reaching for her @krista.cherry you are a goddess and I am in awe of you Give this mama a shoutout below!!!! #birthyourway #birthbecomesher #homebirth #malachitemidwives #babygirl #birthbecomesher #birthwithoutfear #empoweredbirthproject #badassmotherbirther #kristaevansphotography #kelownabirthphotographer #kelownadoula @badassmotherbirther @birthbecomesher @birthwithoutfear @thebirdspapaya @empoweredbirthproject @lookslikefilm @thebirthfemmes @stopcensoringmotherhood See more
02.01.2022 Birth is magic No matter how your baby was born into this world, that moment your baby is placed on your chest is unlike any other. There is a transcendenc...e to time and space. There is a palpable shift in energy within the room. All is still and quiet. A new soul has arrived. A million emotions, a beautiful mess, and an indescribable love story that begins to unfold. Meeting you, Juno, was simply: everything. : Sara Clance Photography Midwife: Dreaming Tree Womens Care #homebirth #waterbirth #birthwithoutfear #normalizebirth #letsstayhome #3boys1girl
01.01.2022 AND.... that's a wrap on 2020 classes for us!!! We have absolutely LOVED teaching & sharing Birth Boot Camp will ALL of the amazing couples who have joined us. You've laughed with us (or at us lol), shared your stories with us, moved with us & been incredibly open.... THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts ... We can't wait to see what 2021 has in store for us... big things coming folks!! #birthbabyhub #2lifedoula #birth_boot_camp_australia #childbirtheducation #birthwithoutfear #empowerment
01.01.2022 Some babies are born very purple. About 10 seconds after birth, they will take their first breath, which will inflate their lungs and start the oxygenation process. ... As they continue to breathe air, this color will turn more red, and then into pink. The hands and feet may retain a bluish hue for a bit longer, which is normal. Your care provider will keep a close eye on babys color and breathing- intervention will occur if baby continues to have trouble transitioning. #Repost @doulaheathertaylor @tncphoto
01.01.2022 Probably' would be our guess. @cydbeer #Repost @bellybellybaby ... . . #bellybellybaby #pregnancy #pregnancylife #expectingmom #expectingmoms #expectingmum #expectingababy #expectingparents #expectantmother #newmom #newparents #newmoms #newmommy #newmomlife #mom #mommy #mum #mums #moms #momlife #postnatal #motherhood #newbaby #birth #momsofinstagram #newborn
01.01.2022 A quiet moment saying hello. #Repost @gatherbirth ... Gather Birth Cooperative Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN Birth Photography, Doula Support, and more @gatherbirth gatherbirth.com
01.01.2022 The strength of love #strength #labour #hospitalbirth #activelabour #birthphotography #birthphotos #Repost @breedownes_doula_photographer
01.01.2022 At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can." - Frida Khalo So in love with this picture and the illustration of the baby in utero. : @dreikleinewolfs #Repost @bestbirthco... #birth #mumtobe #pregnant #expecting #expectingbaby #pregnantbelly #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #calmbirth #calmbirthaustralia #birthright #birthwithoutfear #pregnancytips #birthaffirmations #birthaffirmationcards #positivebirthmovement #positivebirthaffirmationcards # #empoweredbirth #homebirth #birthtools #waterbirth
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