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30 Days Always Pays with Francesca
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25.01.2022 Back 2 Rock
25.01.2022 See it...imagine it the way you want it regardless of how it is Feel it....how good what you imagine feels often, savour in its deliciousness Believe it...even when you are the only one who does, cause that one is the only one that matters ... Let it go and go have some fun, less is more...the less work I do, the more fun I have, the better I receive (works for me haha) Achieve it...mastering the above steps and it’s a done deal guaranteed with bonus perks and all It's universal law it must happen promise you
17.01.2022 When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high,... And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit- Rest if you must, but don't you quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns, As every one of us sometimes learns, And many a fellow turns about When he might have won had he stuck it out. Don't give up though the pace seems slow - You may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than It seems to a faint and faltering man; Often the struggler has given up Whe he might have captured the victor's cup; And he learned too late when the night came down, How close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out - The silver tint in the clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It might be near when it seems afar; So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit - It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
14.01.2022 Back2Rock Have a magical Monday
12.01.2022 Things can change in an instant, treasure every moment...moment by moment
09.01.2022 Magical Monday morning make it meaningful, master it moment to moment and manifest miracles
07.01.2022 Help cure and prevent cancer!!! Download this app Please share
05.01.2022 it takes just a smile to change someone's day ... an just one person to change the world #changeTheWorld #martinLuthTheKing #marieCurie #RosaParks
05.01.2022 This New moon is a super moon and is the closest and largest new moon of the year. It is the 2nd super new moon in this triad, the third, which takes plac...e on Sept 28th will complete this intense two-month super-moon-triad energy portal. Unlike regular new moonsin which the energy lasts for a few daysthe highly charged, intense, life-altering energy of this super moon trio will be felt consistently throughout this period -July 31st to Sep 28th. The New Moon is also a black moon in many places and this cosmic magnetic push and pull energy is believed to be approximately 12 times more powerful than a regular full moon and has an immense impact on tides, causing rivers to run backwards in some parts of the world. Super moon energy causes us to be far more intuitive, sensitive, perceptive, and empowered than normal. The magnetic energy from the super moon directly connects with our own magnetic energy and has a huge impact on our emotional body. When the moon waxes and wanes, it pushes and pulls, and as the moon changes phases it stirs up our own hidden and rejected emotions. This can cause an immense amount of confusion and is the reason that when the moon is at its brightest we often feel compelled to either draw people toward us or reject and clear out anything harmful that does not serve our heart and soul. It can also be the reason we suddenly feel a strong desire to reconnect with those we have previously lost contact with. We may have felt extremely irritable and ungrounded over the past week, as though everything is going wrong around usand for every step forward we take 10 steps back. This is due to our energetic bodies being out of alignment, as the intense magnetic force from the moon causes havoc with our personal electromagnetic field. Super moons are sometimes referred to as wild card moons in astrology, as they bring in unpredictable energieswhich basically means our lives could be running smoothly one minute and then suddenly be turned upside down. This is nothing to worry about however, as with all cosmic activity, everything that occurs happens for our highest good. And usually not getting what we’ve hoped for results in us getting exactly what we need in the long term. Therefore, if things don’t go to plan, be patient as the reason behind the temporary turbulence soon reveals, though only if we are willing to remain open and surrender to the universe’s chaotic push-and-pull tide. This impressive, supercharged new moon has maximum energetic manifesting influence and has the capacity to enhance the outcome of our intentions. It will bring in numerous plot twists, so that anything not meant for us will gently dissipate. This New Moon is in the sign of Virgo and this lunar energy will affect all zodiac signs, but particularly impact those born with Virgo in their chart. During Virgo energy we may find ourselves either reminiscing about or being pulled toward beautiful disasters, lost causes, unrequited love and emotionally unavailable relationships of all types, as these are considered safe options for overly cautious Virgo. The reason for this is that Virgo energy can make us feel as though we aren’t perfect enough to be worthy of equally perfect mutual reciprocated energy, so the lack of commitment offered in these types of partnerships conveniently compliments Virgo’s shadow needs. However, Virgo’s emotions run deep beneath the surface and it is this depth that makes Virgo energy fearful of relationships, as they fear that once they tap into their capacity to fully open and feel, they may not be able to control what emerges and not easily stop loving or let go if things come to an end. This can mean that all of our pent up emotions and cravings to give and receive love could overspill and come pouring out during this time, and we will want to feel triple sure about who is on the receiving end of our affection. During the Virgo moon we may find it extremely difficult to be intimate and process or express how we are feeling and notice that we are unable to deeply connect in the ways we normally would. Instead we could be far more critical and distant with those we are closest to, even putting up unnecessary barriers to keep love at bay. We might even sense some insecure and passive aggressive behaviours floating around and that we, or others, are far more likely to play mind games or use silent treatment in an attempt to convey deeply hidden feelings. It is essential we pay close attention to how we are feeling and what we have conditioned ourselves to believe while in this energy, so we are able to process our emotions and communicate authentically, as otherwise Virgo moon energy can lead to overthinking, over analysing, worrying, high anxiety and possibly even unexpected break ups. Virgo moon can cause us to obsessively declutter and clear out whatever or whoever has been causing obstruction or destruction. During this energy we might discover how brutal we can be when detoxing and purging, as we are willing to door-slam, destroy or fully release whatever has been causing us pain or getting in the way of our dreams and purpose. Overall, despite the perceived flaws and imperfections that Virgo energy unearths, this is an immensely healing and transformational phase. It encourages us to come to a place of self-acceptance and to love the aspects of ourselves, and others, that we normally reject or avoid. Although we will be emotionally distant and possibly even discover ourselves disassociating slightly, we will simultaneously be experiencing a major shift that highlights our ability to love unconditionally and free from judgement. We will recognise that old wounds, which include shame, fear of rejection, guilt or regret, within both ourselves and those we are closest to, are a major part of the reason we withdraw or shy away from genuine love and it is the fear of trusting and feeling out of control prevents us from being able to openly receive it. This awakening and clarity allows us to become more compassionate and tender in the way we self-communicate and connect with loved ones and helps silence the ego that tells outdated stories that keep us stuck in old ways. Virgo, despite being the critique of the zodiac, actually supports us through forgiving past mistakes and healing ancient and inner-deep wounds. It gives us the awareness that weaknesses and feelings or lack or unworthiness are all perceptions and that we are whole, complete and worthy of divine, sacred connections regardless of where we are at on our journey, and so too are others. The clarity and insight this moon will bring us helps us to see that closed doors, detours and what we might see as rejection are all simply redirection, away from anything or anyone not meant to be in our lives and towards people, circumstances and commitments that are resonant and fulfilling. We will find the strength to cut the cords to energy that pulls us down and new opportunities and connections that help to pull us up will be waiting in the space. New moons represent the closing of one 28-day cycle and the start of a new one. They can cause us to feel introverted and introspective; however, our need to escape from the manic external world does not necessarily mean we want to be alone, but instead that we do not want to be surrounded by those whose energy feels tense, negative, and who bring us down. We will notice we have the desire to remove ourselves from dynamics that cause frictionand instead, we’ll find we are gravitating toward those who we feel peaceful and calm around. We have gone through many drastic energy shifts lately, which have taken us through personal transformation and caused us to vibrate on an entirely different frequency. This new supermoon brings another major awakening, in which we will see everything around us as though we are perceiving it all for the first time. As we go through this deep inner reflection, we will receive a clear vision of where we want to journey to and who we want alongside us. This could mean we will need to commit to a dramatic detox of our lives, so that anything or anyone not aligned with where we want to be when the year ends is released. This is the time to eliminate any habits, patterns, thoughts, obsessions, commitments, dynamics, or material items that have been weighing us down and keeping us stuck in a reality that it neither healthy or serving us. Anything no longer resonating with who we are and how we want to be living will start to dissipate over the next few weeks. A supermoon triad is a supercharged energy portal in which masses of luminous energy is known to infiltrate Earth’s atmosphere. Absorbing it can be overstimulating, which may make us feel emotional, drained, and more fatigued than normal. Therefore it is beneficial to take time out, spend time in nature, meditate and disconnect from anything that feels depleting to avoid emotional burn out. Alex Myles
02.01.2022 The Moon’s energy has a powerful influence on us, so when it is at its nearest and fullest it's energy is at its strongest. This Full Moon is a Supermoon so the... incoming energy will be at a far higher level than a normal Full Moon. Cosmically, everything happens in sequences, and we are now in the middle of a potent one, known as a Supermoon triad, which happens when there are three Supermoons in a row. Unlike regular Full Moons, in which the energy lasts approx a few day, the highly charged, intense and life-altering energy of the trio of Supermoons will have been felt consistently since the first Supermoon in this sequence, that occurred on Jan 21st, until the next Supermoon on March 21st - overall a two-month period. A Supermoon occurs when the moon’s orbit is closest to the earth, resulting in the moon being approximately 14 percent closer than normal. The moon is known to wreak havoc with Mother Nature, resulting in landslides, higher tides, and earthquakes. When we think about how the moon’s gravity affects the tides, it is easy to see how it also impacts living creatures. The Supermoon will be fullly illuminated in the sign of Virgo, with the Sun opposite in Pisces. Many of us have experienced a turbulent emotional storm of a month so far. This is calling upon us to release, surrender, let go and take some much-needed rest. Ultimately, trying our hardest to ‘let things be’ rather than trying to control or hurry what is truly meant for us. This period will be asking us to find the balance between the heart and the head so we do not let our feelings reign over our actions. This will seem almost impossible for those who wear their hearts on their sleeves and are fearless in vulnerability, however, we will burn ourselves out if we don’t stop to rebalance and refuel. The reason our sensitivities are heightened is because the Sun in water sign Pisces pulls our emotions to the surface and shows us how deep they run. The Full Moon then illuminates how we are feeling by shining it’s radiant light, and Virgo’s critical eye will be picking and prodding to highlight not only our own flaws, but those of loved ones around us. This is why it’s important to focus on self-care, love & acceptance. We may be feeling extra hyper emotional and irritable as Mercury is about to retrograde and Centaur Chiron moves into Aries. Chiron is the wounded healer who cosmically forces us to visit our unhealed, open wounds so they can be healed. We will likely feel triggered to react and respond, at times childishly, as old injuries surface and remind us of unresolved past inner pain and bleeding emotional wounds that desperately need attention. During this Full Moon, it is vital to remind ourselves that it is our responsibility to soothe and balm our wounds, not anyone else’s. We may be tempted to have little drama episodes and cry out to others to validate and tend to us, however, all this does is keeps us weak and codependent on others. While it may feel nourishing to allow others to care of us, it is essential for our evolution that we know how to prioritise and fully care for ourselves. Along with the Moon’s energy we will also be picking up on the characteristics of the planet Mercury, as on the same day as the Full Moon, Feb 19th, planet Mercury moves into the shadow phase, which occurs just before it turns retrograde. Mercury is the most notorious and much feared planets when in retrograde, and it seems that even disbelievers can’t help but notice that it is too much of a coincidence that their lives turn upside down and ten step backwards the moment this planet appears to reverse. Mercury is the ruler of intelligence, the mind, and all forms of communication, and is associated with listening, learning, negotiating, purchasing, selling, speaking, travel plans, vehicles, technology, and lost items. It is well-known to be a troublemaking planet while in retrograde. Therefore, interactions, and plans that would normally be straightforward will likely go haywire, so we can expect these things to break down, malfunction, or spin out of control, and for misunderstandings, mishaps and mistakes to occur. It is important to remind ourselves to filter our thoughts before communicating when Mercury retrogrades, so we figure out exactly who and what this mischievous planet has brought to our attention and why. It is wise to try not to be impulsive, jump to irrational conclusions, or make hasty prejudgments, and to try to think three times before we speak. It is likely we may feel quite paranoid and take criticism to heart, feeling as though any negative comment aimed in our direction is a deliberate attempt to discredit and derail us - instead of realising Mercury doesn’t escape anyone, it puts everyone in a communication tailspin. Despite Mercury causing a little chaos, energies will be conspiring in our favor during this Full Moon, even if it seems as though they are working against us. Any obstacles we run into during this period are learning curves to either slow us down and think deeper, or open our hearts and love harder. We will come through the other side of this Full Moon phase feeling centered, clearer, and rooted in faith that we have all the tools we need to deal with any situation we are faced with. Rather than blazing full steam ahead and spilling our emotions wherever we roam, we will instead truly begin to understand the importance of beaming love and affection where it is valued and appreciated rather than draining our energy through placing it into the hands of those who take without limits and bleed us dry. This Full Moon is asking us to relax and trust in the Universe and patiently wait for things to work out as it is destined - when the time is right and not a moment sooner. And for all the things that don’t work out they simply weren’t meant to be for us or are not beneficial for our highest good. Fate can be a painful pill to swallow at first, but when it sinks in and takes effect, we will notice how it leads us to destined paths, peace and harmony. Chiron is now out of retrograde and is back in Aries, where it will have strongly influence all signs, but particularly affect those born between 1969 and 1977, and more so those born when the sun, moon, or Chiron was in Aries. Those with Chiron in their birth chart are often the ones who have been through hell and walk out of the flames carrying buckets of water for those still consumed by the fire. ~ Stephanie Sparkles The people who Chiron affects most are those who open themselves to self-healing and use the knowledge they found within their trauma to show compassion, acceptance, and unconditional love toward others. Collectively, this rare Chiron phase in Aries is an immense healing period and a major positive energy shift for our entire planet, as we awaken to the abuse we have either suffered, or are still going through, and we take positive steps to heal ourselves and to make more meaningful connections with those around us. Chiron’s presence can be a painful catalyst that catapults us to become aware of our fear, heartache, dysfunction, loneliness, trauma, desire, frustration, and resentment we have been holding on to. Chiron’s energy encourages us to be tender, kind, forgiving, caring, and to express love and compassion, so that all emotional pain is heard and healed. When the work is done, rather than attracting the same low-frequency relationships of the past, the new radiant energy and love will shine and magnetise similar vibrations to those we are sending out. Chiron is here for major soul growth. When we have carried out this phase of healing, we stop repeating lessons and painful patterns, and we gain a profound sense of what and who we want and need in our lives. The relationships and connections we make during Chiron in Aries will likely be long-lasting, meaningful, authentic, and deeply rewarding ones as we find our kindred tribes, and finally meet the ones who we resonate heart-to-heart, and soul-to-soul with. The Full Moon can cause us to feel introverted and introspective; however, our need to escape from the manic external world does not necessarily mean we want to be alone, but instead that we do not want to be surrounded by those whose energy feels tense, negative, and who bring us down. We will notice the desire to remove ourselves from dynamics that cause frictionand instead we will gravitate toward those with whom we feel peaceful and calm. There have been many drastic energy shifts lately, which have taken us through personal transformation and caused us to vibrate on an entirely different frequency than before. This new Supermoon brings another major awakening, in which we will see everything around us as though we are viewing and perceiving it all for the first time. This can feel unsettling, as we may suddenly question how we have managed to maintain certain relationships or continue in certain jobs or living arrangements for so long. This is most definitely the time to eliminate any habits, patterns, thoughts, obsessions, commitments, dysfunctional dynamics, or material items that have been weighing us down and keeping us stuck in a reality that it neither healthy or serving us. Anything that no longer resonates with who we are and how we want to be living will now start to dissipate before our eyes. We will be cutting ourselves free from the low-frequency entities that we have been attached to and burning through old paradigms, as well as setting alight a crumbling bridge or two. This leaves a gateway for those who reflect the same passion and desire to exist free from chaos, harm, and destructionand for kindred souls who share a similar passion for co-existing harmoniously to enter our lives. During this period, we will have low tolerance for people who are only around to create dramaor to continuously take, with no effort to mutually maintain and build the relationship. Those whose energy radiates with authenticity, integrity, and sincerity are the ones we will feel magnetically pulled toward, and we will discover that as we refuse to settle for less, people with pure intentions will flow our way. Supermoons are powerful for manifesting exactly what we want, where we want to be, and who we hope will surround us, and as Mercury Retrograde is on our doorstep it is vital to purge the old before it arrives, so we don’t get stuck on this notorious planet’s wild rollercoaster dragging unwanted baggage along. A supermoon triad is a supercharged energy portal in which masses of luminous energy is believed to infiltrate Earth’s atmosphere. Absorbing it can be overstimulating, which might make us feel emotional, drained, and fatigued, and we may also notice the following occurring: >> People from our past reappear, so we have the chance to finally learn a valuable lesson, to make amends, or to forgive and release the past once and for all. >> Physiological symptoms may manifest, such as flu-like symptoms, ear ringing, or aches and pains. >> Frequent anxiety or feeling panicky without clear reason. >> We might know things without logical explanation and find it difficult to explain the source of our information. >> Irrational bouts of fear of the future. >> Temporary loss of memories, forgetting things, misplacing items. >> Time appearing to go extremely slow or fast. >> Taking more responsibility for behaviour and actions. >> Disrupted sleep, insomnia, waking between the hours of 2:00 to 5:00 a.m. >> Vivid dreams that help us find resolution with past emotional issues. >> Seeing and feeling energy such as orbs, sparks, or flashes of light; noticing energy warming the palms of hands. >> Irritable, triggered easily, mood swings, frustration, sadness, bouts of anger. >> Sensitive to noise, light, tastes, touch. >> Feeling as though something huge is about to happen. >> Awakening to past mistakes and no longer allowing ourselves to repeat them. >> Chronic fatigue and being around other people feels draining. >> Feeling zoned, spaced out, or ungrounded. >> Appreciation that all life is sacred. >> High intuition, sudden insights, heightened awareness, enhanced compassion and empathy, seeing things with clarity, and receiving answers or resolutions to ongoing issues. >> Releasing, healing, letting go of the past. >> Overthinking and obsessing over tiny details. >> Emotional, bursting into tears for no apparent reason. >> Noticing synchronicitiesfor instance, certain number patterns reappearing. >> More consciously aware of other people’s energy fields and highly sensitive to negativity. >> Sensitive to certain noises, particularly tones of voices. >> Becoming aware of things we have been conditioned to believe. >> Growing discomfort around certain family members, friends, or work colleagues. >> Wanting to spend time alone, introspection. Overall, we are receiving an empowering opportunity for major personal transformation, to remove blockages and old patterns, to realise and manifest our purpose, and to expand our conscious awareness. If we are willing to actively attune and integrate this cosmic energy, instead of fearfully resisting it, and if we are able to remain positive and open so that we adapt at a fast pace to the constant changes taking place, we can take full advantage of this rare energy portal. As the supermoon portal closes in March anything we have been struggling with since the middle of January will also come to a close and offer us heightened understanding of the challenges we have been through. During intensive energy shifts such as this Supermoon triad, it is highly recommended to regularly cleanse our energy field at the beginning and end of each day by drinking plenty of water, taking salt water baths, meditating, or spending time outdoors in nature, and taking time out alone to reconnect with oneself and to release any negative energy that may have accumulated. Overall this energy is going to be pushing us in all directions. It will shake us up so we can see that whatever spills out is what we are repressing deep inside. We will also notice that whenever those around us get rattled, their inner thoughts and emotions come tumbling out, sometimes in ways that will be uncomfortable to see. We are accelerating at such great speed that we will no longer be able to remain in hurtful spaces; whether that is dysfunctional friendships or relationships, workplaces, home environments, or the social circles we have tried to maintain and keep up with. We will be determined to rearrange our lives so we can leave behind aspects that cause inner turmoil, and we will manifest an existence that is peaceful, healthy, and intensely fulfilling. ~ **Disclaimer: If you experience any of the symptoms listed here and have concerns, please seek the advice of a medical professional. The above symptoms are commonly noted during cosmic energy shifts, however, there may be other medical-related causes.
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