3Bridges Community | Non-profit organisation
3Bridges Community
Phone: +61 1300 327 434
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24.01.2022 On December 1, 2020 we unite for a celebration of generosity! People around the globe will come together in unity and showing kindness and generosity in all its forms by giving their voice, time, money, goods, and advocacy to support communities and causes. 3Bridges is definitely in! Are you? For more information >>hq.givingtuesday.org/about or learn more about 3Bridges' programs visit www.3bridges.org.au... #TogetherWeGive #unleashgenerosity #GivingTuesday #givingtuesday2020 #community #communityservice #3bridges
24.01.2022 Celebrate NAIDOC Week from November 8 - 15. The theme this year is 'Always Was, Always Will Be' to read the theme in full follow >> www.naidoc.org.au/get-involved/2020-theme NAIDOC Week in your community: Bayside Council: https://bit.ly/2I4EF8s... Georges River Council: https://bit.ly/34XLLV9 Sutherland Shire Council: https://bit.ly/3mMhb6W City of Sydney: https://bit.ly/2JCtkND #NAIDOC2020 #NAIDOCWeek #Community #3bridges
24.01.2022 Meet Sharlene and the team from 3Bridges Aboriginal Services. https://3bridges.org.au/aboriginal-services http://www.theleader.com.au//meet-the-team-from-3bridges/
23.01.2022 Meet the 3Bridges CarePort unit, a portable bathroom unit that can be provided as either a stand alone shower or shower and toilet combination. 3Bridges are the only providers in NSW and the ACT. Have a spare minute? Watch our 2 minute CarePort film to learn more!
22.01.2022 With 2020 being filled with many challenges, now is as good as any to check in on your team mates, friends and family to ask them, R U OK? In promoting mental health and wellbeing, it is of the utmost importance that we look out for one another. We can do this by popping by to say hi or for a friendly chat, calling a friend who may seem unusually distant, or inviting a family member who may seem down over for a (socially distanced) cup of tea or coffee. Even a smile across th...e room can make a difference for someone who may be feeling uneasy. If you or someone you know is not OK, talk to a trusted health professional or call on these Australian crisis lines and professionals: Lifeline (24/7) 13 11 14 lifeline.org.au Suicide Call Back Service (24/7) 1300 659 467 suicidecallbackservice.org.au Beyond Blue (24/7) 1300 224 636 beyondblue.org.au Kids Helpline (24/7) 1800 55 1800 kidshelpline.com.au You can learn more about R U OK? Day here: https://www.ruok.org.au #theresmoretosay #RUOK #RUOKeveryday
22.01.2022 Today is International Day of Older Persons At 3Bridges Community we support and take an active role in advocating for the rights of older people. We also provide a wide range of services to older people and their families. Activities and services include: Social connections, Help at Home, Home Care Packages and fun activities such as our upcoming Young at Heart Walking Football Program. For more information on any of our services click here https://3bridges.org.au/... #InternationalDayOfOlderPersons #socialconnection #football #stgeorgefootballassociation See more
22.01.2022 A big shout out and THANK YOU to Bunnings Padstow for the generous donation of a Jumbuck 6 burner barbeque and all the extras! 3Bridges will put it to very good use at our Community events. Bunnings Warehouse Australia #communityevents #communitysupport #thankyou #bunningswarehouse #3bridges
22.01.2022 Movember is officially over, how did the Mo's go? 12 dedicated team members at 3Bridges committed to growing moustaches in honour of Movember 2020, promoting awareness about men's health. Thank you Mark Coure MP and Chris Minns MP for supporting us not only with their presence but their kind donations. A big thank you goes out to Shadi Jheir from Barber_Code (1A Morts Road Mortdale) for donating his time to shave off the Mo’s. All up, 3Bridges has received a pledge total of... close to $2,000! A big thank you to staff, volunteers and Board Members for getting behind this important cause and making this fundraiser a great success. Want to donate? There's still time, visit au.movember.com/team/2388396 #movember2020 #movember #menshealth #menshealthawareness #community #thebigshave #raisingawareness #3bridges
21.01.2022 Chinese Australian Services Society (CASS) do an amazing job at providing intergenerational activities at their centres. We were fortunate to visit with them today to learn more about the positive impact intergenerational programs have on clients of all ages. It was also great to learn more about the synergy between 3Bridges and CASS. We look forward to further collaboration. #CASS #ChineseAustralianServicesSociety #community #3bridges www.3bridges.org.au
21.01.2022 Wonderful night at the Canterbury Bankstown Chamber of Commerce - CBCC 2020 Annual Gala Dinner catching up with new and old friends #community #event #friendship
20.01.2022 Join 3Bridges Youthzone at Peakhurst Park for 3:30 pm today (Wednesday) for drop in soccer! #kidssoccer #youthsoccer #communityspirit #community #peakhurst #3bridges
19.01.2022 Our friends at Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation are helping to rebuild lives affected by spinal injury. To donate to their Christmas Appeal, visit the link below. #giftofdonation #christmasappeal #princeofwaleshospitalfoundation #communitysupport #community #3bridges
19.01.2022 October is Mental Health Month! Time to "Tune In!" Tuning In means being present, being aware of what’s happening within you, and in the world around you. How do you plan to Tune In this long weekend? To find out more about Mental Health Month visit mentalhealthmonth.wayahead.org.au/about-mental-health-month #mentalhealth #selfcare #wellbeing
18.01.2022 Our CEO Raj Nair recently met with Chris Minns MP, to talk about the needs of the local community and important programs such as 3Bridges Early Years Support Service. This program provides support for mums with newborns who may be feeling overwhelmed for a range of reasons, whether it be a multiple birth, postnatal depression, a traumatic birth, a partner working away or just needing someone to be there for them because they are unable to access family support. To learn more visit >> 3bridges.org.au/children-youth-and-fami/early-years-support #earlyearssupport #communityfocus #community #collaboration #3bridges
18.01.2022 ‘Your vote for Dragana will help us in getting a grant of $10,000 that will go towards improving the lives of people living with dementia and their families’. Please click on the link to vote: https://www.westfield.com.au//447NAOXghy/local-heroes-2020 Dragana Bozinovski is changing the lives of people with dementia and helping them to keep their passion for life and stay socially engaged. The aged care team member at charity 3Bridges Community has persevered against financ...ial challenges to introduce a first-in-Australia dementia program. People with mild to moderate dementia attend 3Bridges up to three times a week, cooking and eating together, making new friends and participating in tai chi. Dragana says research has shown the program helps delay admission to residential care. In addition, it reduces feelings of burden on family caregivers, she says. #westfieldlocalheroes
16.01.2022 Looking for information or advice around dementia? Dementia Australia has the answers. #nationaldementiahotline #dementiaaustralia #3BridgesCommunity #3bridges
16.01.2022 Thank you to Derryn and Fuji from @yogicstate for their kind donation to @3bridges_youthzone Your studio is divine and we look forward to visiting again soon. #community #supportsmallbusiness #yoga
15.01.2022 Its been a great year of learning for the Arrowsmith Program students, despite all the challenges in 2020! A water fight on a hot day was a great way to close out the year. #waterfightfun #endofyearfun #shenanigans #Arrowsmith #arrowsmithprogram #3bridges Keen to learn more about the Arrowsmith Program for 2021? Visit 3bridges.org.au/volunteering-and-training/arrowsmith
15.01.2022 The people you bump into at Parliament House... thanks for the quick catch up Jihad Dib MP. Looking forward to your upcoming visit to 3Bridges. #parliamenthouse #quickcatchup #3bridges #impromtumeeting
14.01.2022 3Bridges, on behalf of St George and Sutherland Dementia Alliance, was successful in obtaining a grant from Dementia Australia. Allowing the Alliance to continue to build and encourage dementia-friendly communities. Dementia Australia, CEO Maree McCabe said creating dementia-friendly communities is vital to ensuring people who live with dementia can continue to participate and contribute to their community in ways that are important to them and to live well in the environmen...t of their choosing. An estimated 459,000 Australians live with dementia today and of these, 70% of people live within the community." The dementia-friendly grants support organisations in their efforts to design activities that will purposely involve people living with dementia in order to make their community more dementia-friendly. For more information or to get engaged in this great initiative, get in touch with 3Bridges at www.3bridges.org.au or 1300 327 434. #community #communitysupport #dementiaaustralia #dementiacare #3bridges
14.01.2022 Local public dental services will be brought together under one roof early in 2021 with the opening of a new 12 chair clinic located at 2 Belgrave Street Kogarah. Three existing clinics at Bond Street, Hurstville (adult clinic), Rockdale and Hurstville Public School grounds (child clinics), will close on 26 November 2020. Alternate arrangements to access dental care will be in place until the new clinic opens.... All children and young people under the age of 18 and adults who hold a current Centrelink Concession Card can access FREE dental treatment at a South Eastern Sydney public dental clinic by calling 1300 134 226. For more information >> www.seslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/services-clin//dental-service
13.01.2022 Aiming to raise awareness and knowledge for working with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) Communities. Presented by Sutherland Shire Council. 9am 3.30pm on Tuesday, 24 Nov 20 | Online via REMO Register Now Online sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au/culturaltraining More information Ph 02 9710 0422 or email: [email protected]... #workingwithcommunities #multicultural #communityworkshop #3bridges
13.01.2022 We're always learning at before & after school care! Our Children's Services team are dedicated to making healthy meals in addition to teaching the children about eating heatlhy. To learn more about our before & after school care program visit 3bridges.org.au/children-youth-and-famili/after-school-care. #afterschoolcare #beforeschoolcare #vacationcare #children #healthyeating #kidshealthyeating #3bridges
11.01.2022 Tune into 2NBC 90.1 FM Radio this Friday morning at 8:40am to hear about 3Bridges Social Support Groups for Seniors. Rhonda, Team Leader Social Support Groups, will be chatting with Paul McGrath about the great activities, benefits and how to join in on the fun!
11.01.2022 It’s not too late to donate to 3Bridges’ Children’s Services Team who participated in Talk Like A Pirate Day on the 19th September 2020. Supporting families affected by childhood cancer - https://www.talklikeapirateday.com.au/ If you would like to donate please go to http://www.talklikeapirateday.com.au/users/karen-inostroza https://3bridges.org.au/children-youth-an/after-school-care
11.01.2022 Our young people were very impressed with Mark Coure MP's artistic skills when he visited 3Bridges Youthzone. Receiving instruction from our very talented young artist, who painted the fantastic wall with funding from Premier Gladys Berejiklian, arranged by Mark Coure! Hooray for Coure!!! #markcoure #youthzone #community #communitysupport #supportingyouth #3bridges
11.01.2022 Having a child changes your life forever and our Early Years Support team of trained volunteer home visitors works alongside isolated, vulnerable mums who lack support. We are seeking volunteer home visitors for the St George area. Could you offer a weekly 3-4 hour visit to support a family with a newborn or toddler? Could you encourage a mum and help increase her confidence and parenting skills? If you would like to discuss an opportunity to complete online training for this role please call us on 0437 829 884, or email us at [email protected]
10.01.2022 3Bridges’ Children’s Services Team has officially joined Talk Like A Pirate Day on the 19th September 2020. Supporting families affected by childhood cancer - https://www.talklikeapirateday.com.au/ If you would like to donate please go to http://www.talklikeapirateday.com.au/users/karen-inostroza
10.01.2022 Congratulations go out Joanne Borg and Pauline Barker on their awards received for managing our wonderful 3Bridges Volunteers! The 3Bridges Info desk team was also acknowledged with the Southern Sydney Volunteer Team award. Learn more about volunteering with 3Bridges visit >> 3bridges.org.au/volunteering-and-training/volunteer-with-us #community #volunteers #volunteering #3bridgesvolunteers #volunteerlink #3bridges
09.01.2022 The conversation about Men's Health continues with International Men's Day... encouraging positive male role models. Don't forget, Team 3Bridges is participating in Movember to bring awareness to Men's Health. Donate to the cause HERE >> au.movember.com/team/2388396 #InternationalMensDay #menshealthawareness #menshealth #communityspirit #3bridges
07.01.2022 Get help completing your tax return online using MyTax. This confidential service is provided by ATO trained and accredited volunteers. Terms and Conditions apply. Contact our team to learn more on 1300 327 434, or email [email protected]
07.01.2022 Hooray for Coure! A brand new and much larger oven is coming soon to our Youth-Zone Hurstville site! Thank you Mark Coure MP and Premier Gladys Berejiklian for the one-off grant. Our cook-ups will be much easier. We’ll be able to make up larger quantities of food, and so many of our youth will benefit from nourishing meals. Learn more about Youth Zone here: https://3bridges.org.au/children-youth-and-famil/youth-zone
07.01.2022 Tune into 2NBC 90.1 FM Radio this Friday morning at 8:40am to hear Linda, Allied Health Manager, chat with Paul McGrath about 3Bridges Inclusive Volunteering Program funded by the ICareFoundation #Volunteer #inclusion #acquiredbraininjury
06.01.2022 Our Virtual Communications Training is designed to equip volunteer-involving organisations with customised skills sets for virtual volunteering. Device specific training days covers different virtual tools including some hints and tips that are specific to their operating systems. Participating organisations must be a current Volunteer Link member or a CHSP funded volunteering organisations in the St George/Sutherland Shire. For more information contact 1300 327 434 or visit ...https://bit.ly/3pPtuQX To register visit https://bit.ly/3pSBVeg #training #virtualcommunicationtraining #3bridges
05.01.2022 It’s Time to Care for Aged Care is a national campaign launched on Monday 15th Feb focusing on bringing about the overdue reform of Australia’s aged care system. 3Bridges is part of a big group of key stakeholders nationwide who are lobbying the Commonwealth Government to overhaul the current ineffective aged care system. Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA) CEO, Patricia Sparrow, urges all Australians to help the campaign by signing the petition on the www.careabo...utagedcare.org.au website and like and share content on the campaign facebook page. We urge you to support the campaign by taking one minute of your time to sign the petition and support older Australians to live their life with respect and dignity. #agedcare #caringaboutagedcare #itstime #3bridges
05.01.2022 No matter your age or location, our Home Modifications and Maintenance team can customise an accessibility solution to suit your needs. Whether it is a grab rail installed in the shower, a handrail on the steps, a ramp or lift installation, we provide a range of modification options to increase accessibility and safety in your living space. To learn more visit https://3bridges.org.au/living-well/stay-safe or call 1300 327 434.... #homemodifications #homemaintenance #Australiawide #3Bridges #community #accessibility
04.01.2022 Southern Sydney Volunteer Team of the Year Award. Anne and Lina received the award on behalf of all our EYSS volunteers for the Southern Sydney Volunteer Team of the Year Award. We’re so delighted and proud of our amazing team of volunteers and the awesome work they all do.... With 114,000 nominations this year, this is an amazing achievement! Congratulations to all of our EYSS volunteers as well as, our volunteer committee who also received individual awards. 3Bridges Community EYSS go in the running for the state awards which will be announced in December. https://3bridges.org.au/children-youth-/early-years-support
04.01.2022 November 17, 2020 marks World Prematurity Day 'Together for babies born too soon Caring for the future' To learn more about World Prematurity Day visit lifeslittletreasures.org.au/eve/world-prematurity-day-2020/ For those who may need assistance a little closer to home, 3Bridges Early Years Support Service is available, visit 3bridges.org.au/children-youth-and-fami/early-years-support... #earlyyearssupport #localhelp #communitysupport #3bridges #worldprematurityday
04.01.2022 Would you like to hear about 3Bridges Before & After School Care and our Vacation Care? Tune into 2NBC 90.1 FM Radio this Friday morning at 8:40am to hear Daniel Emmerick, South East Area Manager OSHC, chat with Paul McGrath. #children #ChildrensServices #OSHC #community #support #CommunityRadio
02.01.2022 Thank you to Fay Ibrahim (Branch Manager) and Kerry Zhou (Business Banker) from the Commonwealth Bank Hurstville for visiting 3Bridges Youthzone and presenting the team with a $500 cheque. The team look forward to using the funds for updating items our young people enjoy using. #communitysupport #communityspirit #commonwealthbank #givingbacktothecommunity #commonwealthbankhurstville #YouthZone #3bridges
02.01.2022 Today is jersey day. A day to support your favourite team as well as raising awareness for organ donation. You can learn more about Donate Life here: https://www.jerseyday.com.au #jerseyday
02.01.2022 Are you or a loved one living with dementia? Learn more here >> http://www.randwick.nsw.gov.au//sep/understanding-dementia Raising awareness of the causes, signs and symptoms of dementia.
01.01.2022 We will remember them. Lest we Forget.
01.01.2022 It was great to meet with Learning Links team to discuss challenges and opportunities for future collaboration in serving our communities. Thanks to Learning Links CEO Birgitte and her team for a warm welcome. #collaboration #communities #3bridges
01.01.2022 3Bridges Allied Health Manager Linda Maher, recently had a chat with 2NBC 90.1 FM Radio’s Paul McGrath about our Inclusive Volunteering Program funded by the iCare Foundation. 3bridges.org.au/publications/icare-host-organisations If you or anyone you know would like to participate in the program as a buddy, or as a host organisation please contact Pauline Hedman on 1300 327 434 or email the team on [email protected]
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