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3 Points Challenge & Ocean Swim | Sports event

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3 Points Challenge & Ocean Swim


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25.01.2022 Thanks to our friends from Murwillumbah for making the trip down once again for the #3Pointschallenge

24.01.2022 As the Christmas feasting winds down, and you have a moment to catch up on social media, it is the perfect time to reflect on our fitness and look at these photos of the amazing 3 Points Challengers emerging from one of the swim legs to inspire us to get out and be active and enter more events in 2020..... The next 3 Points Challenge & Ocean Swim will be on Saturday December 5th 2020 - put it in your diaries NOW! #3pointschallenge #runswimrun #biathlon #true #loveforlachie #nccslsc #northcurlcurlbeach #community #fitness #inspiration #oceanswimming

21.01.2022 2020 True Protein 3 Points Challenge & Ocean Swim Hi all past, present and future competitors, It is with much regret that due to COVID restrictions we have decided to postpone this years event, until such a time that restrictions are lifted.... We have held off as long as possible to make this decision in the hope that this years event could still go ahead, however it is not to be, your safety has always been most important and with COVID we simply don’t have an option. True Protein and Fit for Dreams have been tremendous supporters of our events and for their support we can’t thank you enough! To everyone of you who has raced previously in one or many of our events over the past 16 years, the members of North Curl Curl SLSC say a massive THANKS and hope to see you all again on Saturday 4 December 2021 (although who knows we may put one on in March/April 2021 if we get the green light sooner). Stay safe and keep training! Regards, 3 Points Organising Committee Nth Curl Curl Surf Life Saving Club

21.01.2022 How’s everyone feeling today?! Here are a few of the many photos snapped yesterday in Transition 1.......Can you spot yourself? #3pointschallenge #nccslsc #trueprotein #biathlon #oceanswimming #caughtoncamera

20.01.2022 Our Male 3 Points winner - Congratulations Kendrick! #kendricklouis

20.01.2022 The FINAL countdown!....BUT there is STILL time to register online at Or register on the day from 7am at North Curl Curl SLSC The weather and water conditions are going to be IDEAL! What is stopping you?!!

20.01.2022 Smiley Happy Waving people! Thank you Alex Pattison for these photos ;) #3pointschallenge #runswimrun #biathlon #southcurlcurl #nccslsc #oceanswimming #loveforlachie #community #wearpink #trueprotein

19.01.2022 Beautiful Curl Curl beach on a misty morning . . #socialdistancing #dailyexercise #northcurlcurlbeach #southcurlcurlbeach

18.01.2022 Come and join our community fundraising Day at NCCSLSC ON JANUARY 26th

15.01.2022 Pink is the new black! CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who entered 3 Points Challenge and Ocean Swim and an ENORMOUS Thanks you to every single volunteer who gave up their time to make this event happen....again! #3pointschallenge #nccslsc #northcurlcurlslsc #true #loveforlachie #biathlon #nopainnogain #community #fundraiser #northernbeaches #runswimrun #itsnotaboutwinning #prechristmasworkout

14.01.2022 Today is the first Saturday of December ..... and we all know what that normally means .... time for the annual 3 Points Challenge & Ocean Swim .... Normally you would be recieving your last instructions for the ocean swim right now ..... but .... damn you COVID !! We couldn't make it happen this year for the first time since we started this iconic event....but we will be back !! True Protein... North Curl Curl SLSC #3POINTSCHALLENGE See more

14.01.2022 Another special start to the day at NCCSLSC . #nccslsc #theperfectrainbow #rainbow #wheresthegold #nofilter #northcurlcurl #southcurlcurl #wintermornings #northernbeaches2020

12.01.2022 A long and impressive stream of brave and willing 3 Points competitors of all ages and abilities, who adapted brilliantly to the ever changing conditions to have a go at this great Northern Beaches event. #3pointschallenge #nccslsc #northcurlcurlslsc #true #loveforlachie #biathlon #nopainnogain #community #fundraiser #northernbeaches #runswimrun #prechristmasworkout

12.01.2022 ITS RACE DAY -whoop whoop Perfect race conditions too - onshore breeze and NO smoke haze Late Regos open from 7am... See you in the beach!! See more

11.01.2022 Online entries are now CLOSED but late entries will be open at @nccslsc tomorrow morning from 7am See you at north curl curl SLSC! #3pointschallenge #oceanswimming #nccslsc #northcurlcurlbeach #biathlon #runswimrun #community #loveforlachie #trueprotein #fundraiser #getfitbeforechristmas #raceyourmates #beatyourowntime

08.01.2022 Thank you to the brilliant Andrew ‘Reidy’ Reid for the fantastic first hand capture of 3 Points Challenge today. If you have ever wondered what it’s all about, well now you know! Thanks Reidy

08.01.2022 All Members and friends of Nth Curly surf club. As we see the easing of restrictions across our state, you will be pleased to know that the Club’s committee is working on a plan to return to operations. As an overriding principle, we have and will continue to adopt a cautious approach, with the welfare and safety of our members and the local community as our number one priority. Having a COVID-19 Safety Coordinator to execute the delivery of the Plan and to act as a point of is a key recommendation. I will be taking responsibility for this role on behalf of our club, if you have any questions or recommendations please reach out to me via email [email protected] We aim to start opening the various areas of the club over the next two weeks allowing us to be in a position resume full club operation in July. This is our goal. However, we will be monitoring the situation daily and continue to adopt the advice of the Australian Government Department of Health, NSW Health, SNB Branch and surf lifesaving NSW organisations. On behalf of the board of directors, I would like to thank you all for your support these past couple of months please let me reassure you all that we are working towards opening the Club and resuming our normal operations as soon as we can.

07.01.2022 MANY MANY CONGRATULATIONS to all 3 Points Challenge and Ocean swimmers today - YOU DID IT! Results link is below Photos to follow :)

06.01.2022 3 Points Challenge 2109 Heading south to Freshwater beach ..... #3pointschallenge #nccslsc #northcurlcurlslsc #true #loveforlachie #biathlon #nopainnogain #community #fundraiser #northernbeaches #runswimrun #prechristmasworkout

06.01.2022 Delighted to have captured a few photos of our amazing 3 Points Challenge Volunteers who gave up their saturdays (and for some their Fridays as well) to set up, run, marshall, guide, sort, plan, prepare, organise, and watch over all you wonderful competitors. THANK YOU ALL 3 Points Challenge would not Exist without you ... #community #volunteersrock #fundraiser #nccslsc #northcurlcurl

06.01.2022 Coming into and out of Transition 3 at Freshwater beach! #3pointschallenge #biathlon #runswimrun #nccslsc #freshwaterbeach #northernbeaches #community

05.01.2022 Too slow? Too old? Too unfit? Too late? #NOSUCHTHING Sun Run & Cole Classic is for everyone - all ages & abilities. It's about having fun & getting involved in the community. Start 2020 off by joining in one of the Northern Beaches favourite sporting weekends!

05.01.2022 Massive thanks to the brilliant Andrew ‘Reidy’ Reid for this first hand insight into the 3 Points Challenge. A great chance to Experience the event through a competitor’s eyes!! Thanks Reidy #3pointschallenge #trueprotein #loveforlachie #northcurlcurlbeach #nccslsc #biathlon #runswimrun #reidy

01.01.2022 and they kept on coming!.....3 Points Challenge 2109 #3pointschallenge #nccslsc #northcurlcurlslsc #true #loveforlachie #biathlon #nopainnogain #community #fundraiser #northernbeaches #runswimrun #prechristmasworkout

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