ThreePoints Creative in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Business service
ThreePoints Creative
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 449 250 978
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23.01.2022 A WARM SMILE IS THE UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE OF KINDNESS. -William Arthur Ward Today is World Kindness Day, but in reality we should make every day a day of kindness. My mom always said that charity starts at home, and I believe it's the same with kindness. We are so focussed on being kind to others, we sometimes forget to extent some of those 'random acts of kindness' to ourselves.... Here's a few ideas to be more kind to yourself: It's good to reach for the stars, but make sure your goals are realistic and attainable. Make laughing a daily priority. Practice meditation and gratitude. Maintain a routine that includes a healthy diet with plenty of sleep. Connect regularly with loved ones. Learn a new skill. Happy #worldkindnessday #makekindnessthenorm #3pointscreative #brisbanebusiness #goldcoastbusiness #goldcoastbusinesswomen #toowoombabusiness #qldsmallbiz #perthbusiness #canberrabusiness #sydneybusiness #sydneystartup #melbournebusiness #sunshinecoastbusiness #adelaidesmallbusiness #girlbossau #smallbizaustralia #socialmediabrisbane #socialmediamanagementservice #LadyBossLife #oneofthebunch #4074communityandbeyond
22.01.2022 A content calendar specifically designed for the Australian market with 365 days of social media content mapped out for you. And it's available now on my Etsy Store.
21.01.2022 Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about. Winston Churchill Have a great Wednesday
20.01.2022 You never realise what you have until it's gone. Toilet paper is a good example. I think this one sums up 2020! Have a #wackywednesday
18.01.2022 A few ideas for your content calendar
16.01.2022 Family: A social unit where the father is concerned with parking space, the children with outer space, and the mother with closet space. Evan Esar May you all find your 'together' space today and celebrate all the craziness and quirkiness that makes up your family... and enjoy Family Day!
15.01.2022 What is happening next week? 14TH OF SEPTEMBER Creme-Filled Donut Day #CremeFilledDonutDay... 15TH OF SEPTEMBER Red Panda Day #RedPandaDay Greenpeace Day #GreenPeaceDay Batman Day #BatmanDay World Afro Day #AfroDay 16TH OF SEPTEMBER United Nations International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer #OzoneDay Working Parents Day #WorkingParentsDay 17TH OF SEPTEMBER Locate an Old Friend Day #LocateAnOldFriendDay 18TH OF SEPTEMBER 18-20 September is Clean Up The World Weekend Respect Day #RespectDay Tradesmen Day #TradesmenDay Cheeseburger Day #CheeseBurgerDay 19TH OF SEPTEMBER Australia National Thank A Cop Day International Talk Like A Pirate Day #TalkLikeAPirateDay 20TH OF SEPTEMBER Australia Sustainable House Day Wife Appreciation Day #WifeAppreciationDay
15.01.2022 What is happening this week? 29TH of September World Heart Day #HeartDay Biscotti Day #BiscottiDay... 30TH of September International Podcast Day #InternationalPodcastDay 1st of October International Coffee Day #coffeeday World Vegetarian Day #vegetarianday 2nd of October World Smile Day #smileday International Day of Non-Violence #dayofnonviolence 3rd of October Techies Day #techiesday 4th of October World Dyslexia Awareness Day
13.01.2022 I am enough. Who I am is enough. What I do is enough, and what I have is enough. - Unknown
12.01.2022 Have you seen these Social Media Inspirational Quote Images? They are pre-designed and ready to post and will leave you and your followers inspired.
11.01.2022 The secret of getting ahead is getting started. - Mark Twain
09.01.2022 Why do I like inspirational quotes? It's an instant pick-me-up and puts life into perspective... and they are a great conversation starter on social media. Check out these Turquoise themed quotes. They are pre-designed and ready to post and will leave you and your followers inspired.
08.01.2022 Don’t dilute yourself for any person or any reason. You are enough! Be unapologetically you. - Steve Mariboli
08.01.2022 How does more ME-time sound ? Imagine 365 days of content mapped out for you . It can be yours... visit my Etsy store to get our 2021 Social Media Content Calendar. What will you do with all that extra time?
08.01.2022 Today is our national day of action when we are reminded that every day is the day to ask, Are you OK? And if there has ever been a time to do that, it's NOW. Reach out to your loved ones... friends... colleagues... neighbours... and have the conversation. Healing takes time, and asking for help is a courageous step. Mariska Hargitay...
07.01.2022 What is happening this week? 21ST OF SEPTEMBER World Alzheimer’s Day #AlzheimersDay World Gratitude Day #GratitudeDay... International Day of Peace #DayofPeace 22ND OF SEPTEMBER World Car Free Day #WorldCarFreeDay #CarFreeDay Business Women’s Day #BusinessWomensDay Doodle Day #DoodleDay 23RD OF SEPTEMBER International Day Of Sign Languages #DayofSignLanguages Restless Legs Awareness Day #RestlessLegsAwarenessDay 24TH OF SEPTEMBER World Maritime Day #worldmaritimeday Lash Stylists’ Day #LashStylistsDay 25TH OF SEPTEMBER Fitness Day #FitnessDay Cooking Day #CookingDay World Pharmacists Day #WorldPharmacistsDay 26TH OF SEPTEMBER Save Your Photos Day #SaveYourPhotosDay Human Resource Professional Day #HumanResourceProfessionalDay 27TH OF SEPTEMBER Western Australia Queen’s Birthday (Some regional areas in WA hold the Queen’s Birthday public holiday on a different date) United Nations World Tourism Day #TourismDay
06.01.2022 'Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world.’ Matilda This is another one of Roald Dahl's inspiring quotes... reminding us to always believe in ourselves!
04.01.2022 What would you do if you weren't afraid? - Spencer Johnson We will all set the world on .
01.01.2022 Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it’s the moments that take your breath away. - Will Smith Happy Friday!
01.01.2022 What is happening next week: 16TH NOVEMBER International Day for Tolerance #DayforTolerance World Horse Appreciation Day... 17TH NOVEMBER World Prematurity Day #PrematurityDay Entrepreneurs’ Day #EntrepreneursDay 18TH NOVEMBER International GIS Day (Geographic Information System) #GISDay Mickey Mouse Day #MickeyMouseDay 19TH NOVEMBER International Men’s Day #MensDay Social Enterprise Day #SocialEnterpriseDay 20TH NOVEMBER Universal Children’s Day #UniversalChildrensDay White Ribbon Day #WhiteRibbonDay Peanut Butter Fudge Day #PeanutButterFudgeDay 21ST NOVEMBER World Fisheries Day #WorldFisheriesDay World Television Day #TelevisionDay World COPD Day (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) 22nd NOVEMBER Go for a Ride Day #GoforaRideDay It's also Australian Food Safety Week (14-21 Noveber)
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