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24.01.2022 Our neat nets are super useful! Great for storing veggies, puzzle pieces, lego and bath toys and lots more. Also great for washing 4myearth wraps and pockets to avoid the velcro sticking to anything - try it as a lingerie wash bag too. In two sizes, we have large in Natural and small in Natural, Blue and Green.... Cotton Machine washable Zip close See for more information. ... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #neatnets #cottonbags #veggiestorage #toystorage #storagebag #lingeriebag #washbag

23.01.2022 Goat or Bird? First I saw Goat then Bird, what about you? The funny thing is I see whatever I tell my brain it is! Powerful things our minds hey. The rain is holding off here in Perth, I am off for a beach walk while my doggie Coco goes for a groom. Am so looking forward to breathing in the ocean air, much needed today. Have a lovely day all x ....... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #beachwalk #opticalillusions #instafunny #haveagreatday See more

23.01.2022 So true! . Keep your distance, wash your hands, wear your mask, limit outings, stay safe. And yes, I glitter too! ;-) Thanks @Emily.Spicer ...... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #craftmemes #glitter #coronamemes #covidmemes #staywell #staysafe #itsthatsimple

23.01.2022 Tip of the day! If you don't get through a jar of tomato paste/puree quick enough it may go to waste. This is a nifty tip! Spoon out tbsp serving sizes into a baking tray and pop in the freezer. Once frozen collect them in a container and return to the freezer to be taken out when required. The paste will last in the freezer for months! Thanks for sharing @WRITESolutionsAustralia #writesolutionsaustralia... ..... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #zerowaste #tomatopaste #freezertips #tipoftheday #niftytrick #dontwasteit

22.01.2022 It is OUR fault! A great watch if you have a minute or two. We can all do more, we need to take 100% responsibility for all we do, the harm to our environment, the support of the slave labour trade etc. Yes to saying NO to the $1/KMart mentality - I am so against it - but I have heard members of my family, who shall remain nameless!, saying it's only $2 we can use it and get another one next month - whaaat - where does it go, landfill! Who made it, slave labour! Yes to s...aying NO to the self service checkouts - they are painful anyway hey! Let's keep people in jobs, we can make a difference. Share if you care...that's a good phrase, I don't mean it agressively but the more we share stuff like this the more it becomes normal for all of us to take responsibility for our actions and love our people and our planet more! ... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #beresponsible #100%responsibility #votewithourdollars #votewithourpounds #wecare #wecanmakeadifference #getwhatyoupayfor #buyquality

22.01.2022 We've just heard about dining out restrictions being relaxed from 18th May here in WA but I did love this idea - I wonder if it can take off around the world? I think it's a great idea post social distancing to be honest. I love a bit of privacy and space on the rare occasion we go out for dinner. What are your thoughts? #socialdistancing #eatingout #rememberwhen #dinnerdate #coolideas #4myearth #coronadinner #covid19eating #iwanttogooutfordinner

20.01.2022 It's Orangutan day! Please watch this 2min video with sound and share this post to raise awareness. What else can we do? Stop using products that contain Palm Oil and sign Greenpeace's petition here x To recognize the most iconic victim of the palm oil industry, International Orangutan Day has been set for August 19th, EVERY YEAR! This event is to help encourage the public to take action in preserving this amazing species. From 1992-2000, the populat...ion of the Sumatran orangutan is considered to have declined by more than 50%. Its relative, the Bornean orangutan population fell nearly 43 percent in the past decade, from 35,000 in 1996 to 20,000 in 2006. Since these studies were done, deforestation rates have continued to climb which means the actual populations are well below these. Something has to be done to save orangutans and that is the reason for International Orangutan Day! Please SHARE with your friends to help raise much needed attention and awareness for these beautiful red apes. For More Information Please Visit Our Website: ... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle @orangutanday #savetheorangutans #greenpeace #notopalmoil #palmoil

20.01.2022 WOW! Dutch sculptor, Theo Jansen, has spent the last 28 years designing and building a series of wind-powered creatures called Strandbeests or "beach animals." Jansens extraordinary creations, which he describes as a new form of life, are a true embodiment of art, science, engineering and performance. Orb Mag | ...... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #theojansen #beachart #beachanimals #wow #instaart #loveit #socute

19.01.2022 I love this...happy Sunday x ... #regrann #4myearth #alllivesmatter #movingforward

19.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day! This is me and my Mum a couple of years ago when she came over from the UK, it was a wonderful trip. This photo was taken when I organised a high tea at home with some girlfriends and their Mums. We had a caterer deliver delicious morsels and drank a fair few bottles of bubbly. Such special memories. I love and miss her, but like so many during the Covid19 time we have a distance-love relationship. Phone calls, video calls, texts etc can all be wonde...rful but I do wish I could give her a hug today and treat her to lunch and bubbles! I wish you all a wonderful Mothers Day and hope you feel loved. x .... #mothersday #mothersday2020 #mothersdaycorona #ilovemymum #mumsarethebest #mummabear #mothersdaygram #mothersdayinsta #mumlove #4myearth

17.01.2022 Do you need to take shelter from the rain? The Slovenian word vedriti means to take shelter from the rain. It can be used literally or as a metaphor, meaning you are in a bad place, waiting for the bad mood/moment to stop. Yes we are in Winter, but the "rain" can come at any time. What do you do to take "shelter"? I've recently rediscovered the relaxing power of a bath, I take time out to read, even just 10 minutes a day, time for me, the rest is the work as #lisacordu...ff says. Wishing you a wonderful weekend x ... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #vedriti #shelterfromtherain #rain #winter #rest #therestisthework #takesometimeforyourself

13.01.2022 A good read ... x I am no longer waiting for a special occasion; I burn the best candles on ordinary days. I am no longer waiting for the house to be clean; I fill it with people who understand that even dust is Sacred. I am no longer waiting for everyone to understand me; Its just not their task... I am no longer waiting for the perfect children; my children have their own names that burn as brightly as any star. I am no longer waiting for the other shoe to drop; It already did, and I survived. I am no longer waiting for the time to be right; the time is always now. I am no longer waiting for the mate who will complete me; I am grateful to be so warmly, tenderly held. I am no longer waiting for a quiet moment; my heart can be stilled whenever it is called. I am no longer waiting for the world to be at peace; I unclench my grasp and breathe peace in and out. I am no longer waiting to do something great; being awake to carry my grain of sand is enough. I am no longer waiting to be recognized; I know that I dance in a holy circle. I am no longer waiting for Forgiveness. I believe, I Believe. ~ Mary Anne Perrone (shared by #upliftconnect @upliftconnect) See more

12.01.2022 Do you use smudge sticks? I bought one from a Feng Shui party, a white sage one, to rid my home of bad energy - I figured we all (not so much lately!) go out and perhaps bring back energy with us - not used it yet...but I will. Do you use them at all? If so, how often do you use them? Do you walk around your entire home, or just the centre? This link has some great info. ... #smudgesticks #doyousmudge #energy #energyinthehome #fengshui #sage #whitesage #hellonest #4myearth

12.01.2022 Yay for him and all of us that do our bit and more! We had a campaign when I was young in the UK about litter (chewing gum was a big problem... yuk) and it's stuck with me. Do you have this where you live? Tag it so we can see and share any good ideas. I know ocean and beach rubbish can be left on the beach and also washed in from the waste at sea but if we want to live in a cleaner world we have to pick it up, go to the beach clean ups, educate our kids etc hey x... #cleanuptheworld #oceandebris #pickitup #dontlitter #beachcleanups #yourplanet #nolittering #teachourkids #respectourplanet #keepaustraliabeautiful

12.01.2022 Our 4myearth lunch case is so useful. In a range of prints to tone with our wraps and pockets. $34.95 or see below for Seconds available. * Insulated lining * Inner pocket for cooler pack/utensils etc * Carry handle * So roomy - has plenty of room for a wrap, pocket, drink and fruit or a bento style box if you are packing nibbles... * SECONDS - we have 1 x Jade Yoga and 1 x Denim 4myearth lunch cases that have marks on the fabric, loaded up on the website at $20...hurry if you want one! PLUS I have 1 each of Animals, Dab Boy, Denim x 2 and a Geo that have dodgy zips, they are a bit stiff so not great for little kiddies but they do work - if you are fine with this message me below, these are available for $15, no returns. :-)

12.01.2022 We are definitely in a bubble here in WA, but who knows how long that will last? I love this, thanks for sharing #naturalnewagemum. So true that even when it feels like we dont have choices, we can always choose how we react. Aim for the Growth Zone xx ...... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #covid19 #instacovid #wecanchoosehowtoreact #staysafe #thinkingofmelbourne #staystrong See more

12.01.2022 Have you ever roasted Cauliflower? I haven't but I might try this and it looks and sounds yummy. Thanks for sharing @theshedmarkets MAPLE SRIRACHA ROASTED CAULIFLOWER Ingredients 1 head cauliflower, cut into florets (about 6 cups)... 1 tablespoon oil 2 tablespoons maple syrup 2 tablespoons sriracha (or other chili sauce) 1 tablespoon soy sauce Directions Toss the cauliflower in the mixture of the oil, maple syrup, sriracha and soy sauce, arrange in a single layer on a baking sheet and roast in a preheated 400F/200C oven until lightly golden brown, about 20-30 minutes, reserving the excess maple sriracha sauce. Toss the roasted cauliflower in the reserved maple sriracha sauce and enjoy! #theshedmarkets #cauliflower #cauli #roastedcauliflower #veggies #veganlife #yummyfood #greatrecipes #foodporn #4myearth

11.01.2022 How cool is this, not just to look at and observe the changes but to teach to kids. I really enjoyed our home learning time and am finding all sorts of great information in my emails and feed since signing up to so much during that time! Thanks @NatureAsTeacher for sharing ........ #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #cycleoflife #nature #berries #homelearning

11.01.2022 All we can do is dream of overseas holidays again at the moment hey?! Last month I was supposed to have visited my family in the UK and had a trip to Spain but all cancelled due to you know what. I think I may plan a trip to Greece and go and find this adorable place. In the meantime I will keep dreaming. .... I wonder if I could have a house that looks like that here, I guess I could, should I?! x This is on the beautiful island of Paros shared by .... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #greekislands #sopretty #dreamofholidays #travelaftercovid #ineedaholiday #takemethere

10.01.2022 You'd have to be humming, singing or something walking up and down these stairs hey?! So cool. Thanks for sharing @whydontyousharethiz ... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #piano #streetart #funkyart #instaart #loveit #musicalart

09.01.2022 Are you loving home school aka distance learning, yay or nay? As I sit here I am contemplating sending my youngest boy back to school. He is in Year 4 and was in an assisted learning programme last year which really helped his reading, but he has missed out on a lot due to not being able to read very well up to now, ie maths questions etc. He has slipped under the radar - sad but true. We have been doing distance learning since mid March, firstly things I found (really interesting things, sooooo many learning tools online) plus the apps the school recommended. I was able to spend time on things he was struggling with...long subtraction, months of the year and we are still working on telling the time (I do wish schools would concentrate on this basic stuff and let parents know if they just don't get it, rather than just moving on!) During these last two weeks we have had a booklet for completion, they are doing the same booklet at school, so I thought I would keep him home, as business is slow for me at the moment...divine timing, right?! Today, we have to pick up the booklet for week 3 & 4, or prepare for school on Monday....what to do?! Are you home schooling by choice? If you are, please let me know your thoughts on fors/againsts for you to keep your kids home when they could be back at school. For those who don't have a choice currently, we wish you well. x ... #thenewnormal #distancelearning #slowdown #newnormal #movingforward #homeschool #slowerpace #covid19 #coronainsta #coronagram #backtoschool

09.01.2022 Electric cars - some interesting facts ... above all it seems the Australian Government have a few things to learn from the UK stance on these... #australiangovernment * Hoping the power these cars use is gained from eco friendly sources not fossil fuels x...Continue reading

09.01.2022 The cutest use of an old TV cabinet I've seen! Hope you've had a lovely weekend x ...... #reuse #repurpose #recycle #catsofinstagram #cats_of_instagram #catbed #repurposed #repurposedfurniture

08.01.2022 I just love this. Such insight. Please take a moment to read and reflect, I hope this brightens your day x Photo of Charlie Chaplin at age 26, 100 years ago. He wrote this poem below at age 70. Thanks for sharing @paul.chang As I began to love myself... I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is Authenticity. As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody if I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I call this Respect. As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow. Today I call this Maturity. As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens at the exactly right moment. So I could be calm. Today I call this Self-Confidence. As I began to love myself I quit stealing my own time, and I stopped designing huge projects for the future. Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm. Today I call this Simplicity. As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is Love of Oneself. As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since I was wrong less of the time. Today I discovered that is Modesty. As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worrying about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where everything is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it Fulfillment. As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me sick. But as I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection Wisdom of the Heart. We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems with ourselves or others. Even stars collide, and out of their crashing, new worlds are born. Today I know: This is Life! ~ Charlie Chaplin ~ ... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #enlightenment #wordstoliveby #ruok #mentalhealth #staystrong #life #lifelessons #thisislife #charliechaplin #itmakessense #loveyourlife

08.01.2022 It's Watermelon day today! Let's celebrate this wonderful fruit! There are a lot of different benefits that are associated with eating watermelon. Such a great way of keeping the body hydrated, they are 92% water! Foods with a high water content help you to feel full. Watermelon is one of the lowest fruits in terms of calories, yet it is one of the best in terms of the nutrients. Vitamins B6, B5, B1 A and high in Vitamin C, plus magnesium & potassium.... It has also been proven that watermelon is beneficial when it comes to your hair and your skin. This is because of the Vitamin C & A. Vitamin C helps to create collagen, which is the protein that keeps your hair strong and your skin supple. Vitamin A is also critical in terms of healthy skin, as it assists with repairing and creating skin cells. Watermelon also aides digestion as it contains a lot of water, as well as a small amount of fibre. That hard rind around the edge makes it easy to hold by even the youngest of hands, this is a big winner for crunch and sip at our school! Delicious in salads. Whizz up some in a blender and have a smoothie or juice or pour them into Zipzicles for watermelon icy poles, yum! ... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #watermelon #watermelonday #zipzicles #fruiticypoles

07.01.2022 So very true. Yes it's about the journey, and yes you can do it alone, but if you are like me, I neeeed my tribe. Be it husband, kids, besties, family on the phone (as they are sooooo far away) but it's all about the company for me! I thrive when surrounded by love and I give it back, win win. xx Thanks @midstofchaos ... ... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #tribe #journeyordestination #ineedmytribe #family #love #loveyourlife

07.01.2022 Happy International Beer Day! Unsure if it's a real celebratory day but it's Friday so I'll probably have a beer to celebrate! Cheers! How do you say "Cheers" where you live or originate from? x A few facts about beer here if you are interested ...... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #internationalbeerday #cheers #beer #lager #fridaydrinks #friyay #beeroclock See more

07.01.2022 No time for breakfast or just have hunger pangs mid morning?! Pack our 4myearth Snack Pockets in the morning or the night before for you, your kids, partner...and it might save you those foggy moments and the kids constantly asking for snacks etc etc! Wishing you a wonderful day. x ... INFO : * Handmade ethically in India... * Made from Cotton with our plant based lining that keeps food fresher for longer * Vegan friendly * Fridge and freezer safe * Machine washable and will last for years * $12.95 at ... #snacks #coronasnacking #workfromhome #4myearth #4myearthsnackpockets #cottonpockets #cottonbag #snackcontainer #morningtea #afternoontea #endlesssnacks #instapretty #foodporn See more

07.01.2022 An innovative Australian is doing his bit to tackle the mountains of used tyres going into landfill by recycling them for use on farms. Australians discard around 56 million car tyres a year 27 million of those tyres aren't recycled From December 2021, there will be a ban on exporting discarded tyre waste.... Owen Henry was working for a company that sold American-made recycled tyre mats to stop cattle slipping in feedlots when he questioned why the product was imported. "I looked down and I saw old woven tyre mats and I thought why are we bringing someone else's problems into Australia?" Mr Henry said. "I started speaking to a couple of producers and they said the mats are brilliant, they just stop the cattle slipping, and fatalities, and I thought, 'well, I'll have a crack at it'." He started making recycled tyre mats to replace imported products. At first it was a risky job, tackled by hand with an angle grinder. Tyre Stewardship Australia helped Mr Henry buy a much safer, more efficient machine to slice away the tyre walls. His woven tyre tread mats were fastened with steel studs and anchored to the ground in high traffic areas for livestock. Thanks for sharing @abcnews ... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #recyclingtyres #australianinnovation #aussieideas #goodonyou #tyres #cartyres

06.01.2022 How cool is this? Love my yoga! Not sure I can do all of these, and I don't like Frog at all ! What's your fave / least fave? Available for purchase at ...... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #yoga #yogaposes #frogpose #faveyogapose #yogalife

06.01.2022 It's world Honey Bee day today! It has been said that except for man, nowhere in the world is there anything to compare with the incredible efficiency of the industry of the honeybee. Inside the beehive each bee has a special job to do and the whole process runs smoothly. A few facts : Bees need two different kinds of food. One is honey made from nectar, the sugary juice that collects in the heart of the flowers. The other comes from the anthers of flowers, which contain... numerous small grains called pollen. Most bees gather only pollen or nectar. As she sucks the nectar from the flower, it is stored in her special honey stomach ready to be transferred to the honey-making bees in the hive. If hungry she opens a valve in the nectar sac and a portion of the payload passes through to her own stomach to be converted to energy for her own needs. The bee is a marvelous flying machine. She can carry a payload of nectar or pollen close to her own weight. When her nectar sacs are full, the honeybee returns to the hive. Nectar is delivered to one of the indoor bees and is then passed mouth-to-mouth from bee to bee until its moisture content is reduced from about 70% to 20%. This changes the nectar into honey. Finally, the honey is placed in storage cells and capped with beeswax in readiness for the arrival of newborn baby bees. Forager bees start out from the hive for blossom patches when three weeks old. As they live to be only six or seven weeks old they have much work to do and little time in which to do it. It takes 300 bees about three weeks to gather 450 g of honey. On average, a hive contains 40,000 bees. .... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #honeybees #internationalhoneybeeday #honey #bees #welovebees

05.01.2022 Stunning or what?! I just love it! I bet it smells amazing too. Did a quick google and found this.... Use a wide blade knife to ensure uniform thickness of individual slices. Arrange the fruit slices onto a baking sheet and place in a warm oven set to about 150-170F. Bake for 3-4 hours, flipping every hour until the fruit is dried, though not completely shriveled up. Or if you have a dehydrator even better! ...... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #driedfruit #dryingfruit #tabledecorations #hangingdecorations #dehydratingfruit #smellslovely

05.01.2022 Love distancing Paris style! Super cute idea - I wonder if people try to move the teddies tho?! Thanks for sharing @BeautifulBecauseShop ...... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #socialdistancing #paris #covidparisstyle #keepyourdistance #covidmemes #teddybears See more

05.01.2022 We love happy customers! Nothing makes my day more than receiving great feedback, especially when people like Nicky have found our products last over 5 years! As you may know Google love reviews too, so if you are happy with our products we would LOVE you to pop onto our website and review a product that you have purchased, or a general review on our facebook page or google page. THANK YOU xxx ... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #pleasereviewus #reviews #googlereviews #productreviews #happycustomers

04.01.2022 Are you getting more creative these days?! This nature collage is so simple, and I bet it smells lovely with those conifer leaves. Are you finding yourself being more creative than you were pre-covid? I am getting there, but not really being creative yet as I'm ploughing through my to-do list but do set aside some time for just me, be it sitting in the garden, walking around the park, taking in the ocean air. It's a good time to reconnect with ourselves and nature, that's for sure. Wishing you a wonderful day x Thanks for the inspo Isolation ideas for everyone (FB page) .... #coronacreative #becreative #getcreative #isolationactivities #4myearth #natureart #artinspiration #whattodoathome #kidscraft #nature #craft #creaftideas

02.01.2022 Enough said hey! I do try, I find myself lifted by lifting others. Have a wonderful Sunday peeps x Well said @LaurenFortenberryWriter ....... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #liftothersup #lovepeople #love #lovematters #tribe #sundays #family

01.01.2022 WE DO FUNDRAISING! We give your group, school or organisation 30% of all products sold! So money raised and waste saved, win win! CUSTOM PRINTING - yes! We can do a custom print (minimum 100 pieces) how cool would your logo or school emblem look on our products hey! If you can't have a Fathers Day stall at your school, you could run an email fundraiser with us. We can send you images, or samples for display if you wish.... Contact us at [email protected] or complete the Fundraising contact form on our website. .... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #recycle #fundraising #pandcfundraisers #schoolfundraisers #customprints #customprinting #fundraisers

01.01.2022 Oh my gosh Melbourne, I feel for you! Stay safe. We have been so lucky here in WA, but there are so many people still facing restrictions across the world. It will all be over soon and I send love to you all. x Thanks for this @heatherash.amara ... #4myearth #ecoliving #ecohome #wastefree #livethechange #waronwaste #sustainable #vegan #ecofriendly #covid19 #werewithyoumelbourne #thinkingofmelbourne #phase4 #covidrestrictions #staysafe #keepwell

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