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25.01.2022 If you believe there really is a Santa, then I assume you believe there really is Covid-19. Please present your evidence that either exist.

22.01.2022 This is not our lawful federal constitution! This book is a book of annotations on our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act. This book is the revised edition that contains all lawful amendments. There is no unlawful changes as some claim, those claiming it to be corrupted, fake, fraudulent etc have never presented and evidence of their claims.... And their claim that the red (1976 print) book of annotations, the Annotated Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth as being our lawful constitution is a untruth. That red 1976 print book is a book of annotations on the constitution just as is the green 2014 revised edition, only difference is the red is outdated and does not have the lawful amendments the green revised edition has. Extracted from website. (Note there is no current stock) The Annotated Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth, Revised Edition is a modern and accessible version of a classic text. This is a remarkable and unique text, which keeps on giving to us, the citizens, who are the true beneficiaries of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia. The 1901 Annotated version of the constitution By Quick and Garran was written quite shortly after the Australian Constitution was written. This book offers interpretation of what the constitution actually means in law and how different sections, once combined with each other, offer greater clarity to each section and a deeper meaning. Features: Revised Layout providing easy navigation Original page numbers The Constitution is given extensive section by section treatment. An extensive historical introduction to the Annotated Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth Widely cited in both case law and scholarly writings Table of High Court cases citing the 1901 edition About the Author John Quick LL.D. (14 April 1852 17 June 1932) of the Victorian Bar, one of the representatives of Victoria in the National Australasian Convention 1897-8 When Federation was inaugurated on 1 January 1901, Quick was knighted in recognition of his services to the federation movement. On the same day, Quick and Robert Garran published The Annotated Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth. Robert Randolph Garran M.A (10 February 1867 11 January 1957) of the New South Wales Bar, author of The Coming Commonwealth Garran was an Australian lawyer and public servant, an early leading expert in Australian constitutional law, the first employee of the Government of Australia and the first Solicitor-General of Australia. Garran spent thirty-one years as permanent head of the Attorney-General's Department, providing advice to ten different Prime Ministers (from Barton to Lyons). He played a significant behind-the-scenes role in the Australian federation movement, as adviser to Edmund Barton and chair of the Drafting Committee at the 18971898 Constitutional Convention.

18.01.2022 Good to see the Brits standing up for their rights and freedoms.... A warning to Australina polirticians. If they think they will get away with thise covid bullshit they need to think again....

17.01.2022 Sack un-Australia Qantas CEO Alan Joyce. CONSTITUTION ALTERATION (SOCIAL SERVICES).... No. 81 of 1946. An Act to alter the Constitution by empowering the Parliament to make Laws for the Provision of Maternity Allowances, Widows’ Pensions, Child Endowment, Unemployment, Pharmaceutical, Sickness and Hospital Benefits, Medical and Dental Services, Benefits to Students and Family Allowances. [Assented to 19th December, 1946.] Preamble. BE it enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, with the approval of the electors, as required by the Constitution, as follows: Short title. 1. This Act may be cited as the Constitution Alteration (Social Services) 1946. Social services. 2. Section fifty-one of the Constitution is altered by inserting after paragraph (xxiii.) the following paragraph: (xxiiia.) The provision of maternity allowances, widows’ pensions, child endowment, unemployment, pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital benefits, medical and dental services (but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription), benefits to students and family allowances:.

15.01.2022 Jenna Ellis gives a update on team Trump's legal fight against election corruption. Well worth watching.

15.01.2022 'Biggest fraud' in US history - Up to 300,000 fake people voted in Arizona election.

14.01.2022 Suggest everyone watches and listen very carefully.

12.01.2022 The Dems went down to Georgia!!!

11.01.2022 Victorians, it appears you won't be out of lockdown till you are vaccinated. Are you seriously allowing this dictator dans administration to vaccinate you for a virus that has not been scientifically isolated, that has no test that isolates it, has noo evidence of where it originated from. That there has not been one case in 28 days. That coincidentally has folllowed the influenza season, of which influenza has near zeroed.... Of which has influenza symtoms. Of which these influenza symtoms are too be recorded as Covid-19. A vaccine by AstraZeneca who have over $1.1 billion in lawsuits, lawsuits for eg. Corrupting clinical trials. A vaccine produced in months, considering previous vaccines have taken years. Considering theres no long term safety study also. Considering the influenza vaccine hasn't stopped influenza, then truely what chance do they have of a vaccine for Covid-19. Wake up.

11.01.2022 From Jaclyn Dunne Facebook page. BTW.. You cant make this stuff up people.... In response to an earlier post about Quantas airlines and their protocols for mandatory vaccination in order to fly. Upon doing some research, here is some very interesting information. Surprise, surprise. Oh how the plot thickens. Follow along now boys and girls Quantas airlines was privatized in March 1993 British airways buys a majority stake of Quantas airways, 25% at the time worth 665 million. British airways is owned by International Airlines group International Airlines Group is one of the largest in the world, it has 598 air craft and carries 118 million people anually Qatar Airways owns International Airlines Group After purchasing an additional $600 million in shares, in February 2020, ( coincidence I think not) the Qatari Government is now 50% share holder of Qatar Airways. Qatar is off the coast of Saudi Arabia and is the richest nation in the world, or it was Qatar is governed by the Emir The Emir are the ruling class, long family histories of leaderships and extreme wealth. The government is a de facto " Absolute Monarchy" Absolute Monarchy - holds a supreme autocratic authority over its people. They are not restricted or bound by conventional authority. They are not bound by written law, legislation or customs. They pretty much do what ever they want and they have the money to do it. Their wealth originates from oil production and sales Qatar Investment Authority, takes stake in Vaccine manufacturer Cure Vac. CureVac is making a covid vaccine Cure vac is designing the mrna covid 19 vaccine that will change our genetic make up turning us all into genetically modified organisms. Aka GMO BEINGS, no longer human beings. Bill Gates is primary stake holder and investor in CureVac. Gates is Freinds with Tamin Bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir of Qatar. Its amazing what a little resesrch will reveal. Now going full circle do you see and understand why Quantis will require vaccines??? There is a much larger picture. You must ask questions. You must ask why things are the way they are. You can not just blindly follow along. **** NOW SEE THE LINKS BELOW: ****** Gates and CureVac (biomed vaccine) IAG owns British airways (and others): Qatar Air, shareholder in IAG And Qatar Airways owned by Gov’t Qatar takes stake in CureVac and Gates vaccine Airline now requiring Covid vaccine to travel: Shared: original source unknown

09.01.2022 Why do people believe this Covid-19 narrative without seeing any scientific evidence that positively identifies and isolates it?Why do people believe this Covid-19 narrative without seeing any scientific evidence that positively identifies and isolates it?

08.01.2022 BEST WAY TO FIRE STAFF.... Dear Employees: As the CEO of this organization, I have resigned myself to the fact that Joe Biden is our President and that our taxes and government fees will increase in a BIG way. ... To compensate for these increases, our prices would have to increase by about 10%. But, since we cannot increase our prices right now due to the dismal state of the economy, we will have to lay off sixty of our employees instead. This has really been bothering me since I believe we are family here and I didn't know how to choose who would have to go. So, this is what I did. I walked through our parking lots and found sixty 'Biden Harris' bumper stickers on our employees' cars and have decided these folks will be the ones to let go. I can't think of a more fair way to approach this problem. They voted for change......I gave it to them. I will see the rest of you at the annual company picnic.

05.01.2022 Bat virus from a seafood market? Or was it leaked from wuhan lab? Where's the evidence?Bat virus from a seafood market? Or was it leaked from wuhan lab? Where's the evidence?

01.01.2022 Vaxxed Important to watch. Watch, research, learn, educate others and share ...

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