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Roy Blenkin MAPTraining in Oakey, Queensland | Fitness trainer

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Roy Blenkin MAPTraining

Locality: Oakey, Queensland

Phone: +61 414 256 930


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25.01.2022 RideWest is a 1,237km charity bike ride from Brisbane to Longreach raising funds mental health services for regional Queenslanders. We are going to be staying in Oakey on the 3rd October

25.01.2022 A wise person can entertain many viewpoints without having to believe any of them. Ultimately I will never tell you your wrong, because I dont know I am right! From my perspective we have become so wound up in the Ego of the righteous must be heard. If we remove the necessity of our ego's demand then we open the door to a high volume of potential, of exploration and of understanding. My belief is simple, I believe that no matter who we are or see ourselves to be we only h...ave our belief. Our belief in our interpretation of research or religion or what our second cousin twice removed told his 3rd wife on a Thursday at the fish markets. These things are real - real because we believe them to be true - It doesn't make them true - it makes them our belief based on our interpretation or understanding of them - how we see it. If we remove the need to be right - we open the mind and imagination to an incredible world of potential and exploration. Another work for this is philosophical debate - I tell you something that I believe to be truth, you tell me an opposing viewpoint that you believe to be truth, We discuss the relative merits of both and at a minimum leave with a broader understanding of both truths without having to adopt either as fact nor requiring there to be a winner from the discussion other then an opening for further exploration. The only thing answers should ever provide is the excitement of more questions or the opportunity to look for new answers in different directions Just breathe in this life with an open mind - the day you find out the reality of your truth, you may not be able to tell anyone anyway lol - Explore understanding on so many levels you dont pigeonhole yourself into a box that limits your ability to accept other opinions. Love and energy all! Dont forget to breathe.

25.01.2022 Meanwhile in 1958........crickey lowering your carbohydrate content us such a new fad......

25.01.2022 2021 Here we come. We are back up and running with Clients this morning and I find it amazing the resilience and tenacity we can find within ourselves if we are just prepared to look. Personally 2020 was a year full of pretty amazing stuff for us. Time with the Kids we never would have got. Exploration of how we could bring our businesses to our clients and keep moving through times that forced us to adapt and change how we see what we do and who we are. Those teachers wer...e amazing and I am grateful not only to them but to all around us who helped us maintain our sanity, increase our patience and resilience and give us there love when needed. My New Years resolution has remained the same for a few years now. To do what I can and all within my power to get to the next one with a healthy and happy family and balance in my life heavily weighed in their favour. Love and Energy all for the coming year ahead and whatever you set yourself to do or be in the coming year, do it with kindness, patience, forgiveness, love and compassion to not only others - but yourself. Dont forget to breathe. Roy

25.01.2022 Looking for care in 2021? I've now contacted all the families on the wait list, look forward to hearing from you all . If I've accidentally missed you or yo...ur not on the waiting list and would love to be considered please send me a message. Spaces will become available during January 2021 3x Tuesday 2x Wednesday. Have a wonderful day

23.01.2022 Makes perfect sense....

23.01.2022 From my perspective what goes in our children's mouths is our responsibility until such time as they are old enough to make their own informed decisions - I wont eat that is a perfectly fine response in our home - as is then clearly your not hungry. I want I want I want does NOT automatically mean I get. They wont eat anything else is a misnomer - the choice of what they are allowed to eat within boundaries and limits is our responsibility, not theirs. Lead by example - that's where they learn from......

21.01.2022 Understanding Insulin Resistance. The majority of current research suggests that when it comes to Weight management, Insulin is the hormone at the heart of both weight management and Type 2 Diabetes. Lower your insulin, Lower your weight, manage your Diabetes, increase your health. What causes high volumes of Insulin in your system?

18.01.2022 The sooner we realise that the mirror is where the missing piece lives the sooner we realise it's nice when other people like you but nicer to care less about how they feel about you. Love you - the rest will follow

17.01.2022 Hi All A quick update, the 5.45 Mind Body Belly session is full but there are spaces in the second Mind Body Motion session. The main difference between the 2 is the exercise time 40 minutes in session 1 - 20 minutes in session 2 Drop a line if you would like to get in on the 7pm Movement and Mindfulness action and look forward to seeing you there.... Roy

17.01.2022 If you are ready for growth and change whether that be in your own accountability, Weight management or general mental and physical health, and are ready to do so sustainably you will find the help you need to do so, get the tools you need and be accountable to no-one else but yourself for the outcomes of the choices you make. If you are not, you wont. I can help with a set of tools, the rest is yours. ... Find yourself in the mirror and you will see the only person who is or you are accountable to. Just Breathe.

17.01.2022 Acceptance is not giving up - Far from it. It is the opportunity to cease suffering, get up and get on. If you can-not change it, cease trying - If you can, Do. Either way it is a choice that starts in the mirror. Love and Energy all.... Roy

16.01.2022 HI All and Happy New Week! The count down is on with only 5 sessions remaining till we break for Christmas. I will update you with what’s coming in the new year when we have a clearer picture and look forward to finishing out the year with continued great energy and numbers! I have had multiple requests for a couple of things so have attached some information on nutrition and inflammation in the link below. I will also try to get a Video up on my Facebook page of the whole... Shibashi sequence and let you know when it is done. Dr. Gary Fettke - 'Nutrition and Inflammation' - This weeks session is entirely Isometric for the first bit then into the break, thrust, punch, routine. This may be the Coolest way to focus given the current temps! We will go from there into a run through of the 18 Palms routine we talked about and then straight into the calming start to the evening with the full 18 move sequence of the Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi Sequence. Meditation will be focused on how we can have a tendency to internalise events or things long after the event, how we carry them with us as a cumulative burden and then how that cumulative burden can start to create a self-fulfilling image of ourselves. Or you could just lay down and take a chill. Either way, Just Breathe. Slightly more room now with being able to utilise the seated area for the kids so feel free to bring a friend or if you have been missing in action come along and rejuvenate for the remainder of the year! Love and Energy all

16.01.2022 AWESOME little hit-out on the mountain with a few locals along for the ride.... T1 fasted low carb endurance power! I was running about a 30% reduced basal on my pump which seems to be my sweet spot for both endurance. If you are interested you will notice that the line starts to rise around 11am - this was about 1/2 way and the key thing to recognise is that is my liver producing Glucose to ensure the supply to the brain is stable - your liver is a sugar refinery - you d...ont have to eat high volume of it for energy, if you look at that Ketone reading, that is all bodyfat being converted to energy. Most of the latest research shows Nutritional Ketosis is completely safe for diabetics, ESPECIALLY T2. It is all about adjusting your insulin to your food - not adjusting your food to your insulin. To finish and just to clarify DKA is a completely different thing to nutritional ketosis, AND my blood PH is well within range. Unlearn, Rethink. Fat does not make you fat, Heavily processed hi energy, low nutrient carbohydrates do. Start by thinking White is not right. Except Cauliflower, Cauliflower is wrapped in Green and AWESOME lol - As always feel free to drop a line or post up if you have any questions or need further understanding.

16.01.2022 Mental and Physical Health and Well-being sessions starting from $60. Start a plan today with sustainable achievable goals that will give you tools for a life time. Whether it be Weight-loss, Anxiety reduction, Event training, Diabetic lifestyle knowledge, Injury reduction and or personal training we can give you the tools to get you heading in the right direction.

14.01.2022 Hi everyone I hope your week thus far has been an AWESOME one. This weeks Mind body Motion we will be hitting out on some hi intensity movement with a lot of boxing type movements and combinations to get the neurological stuff going on. We will also be moving into movement 16 of the Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi sequence which is pretty exciting to be closing in on the full 18 movements.... Meditation this week will be focused on forgiveness with a twist lol With School Holidays numbers are a bit all over the place and uncertain so if you are attending this week and didn’t register last week can you please ensure you drop a line Pretty sure we are okay but don’t want any confusion. Suitable for all levels just drop a line get up and go Look forward to seeing you all Thursday night

12.01.2022 Great morning for the kids first park run/walk!

12.01.2022 Space available in (tomorrow’s) the newest chair yoga class now held each Monday at 1pm. Message me to book into this free class.

10.01.2022 Always look to the funding.......

09.01.2022 Great morning for yoga :-)

08.01.2022 Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmm - Just some of the stuff we will be working on in Mind Body Motion on Thursday Nights 7pm Free community class! Mind Chatter can fill the head indeed.......Have a clutter free day yall.

07.01.2022 We were talking about this just the other night at Mind Body Motion. I swear that our children are part Jedi and can see just enough into the future to know perfectly when to time the puppy dog eyes that melt your heart and avoid complicated questions over dubious eBay listings lol

07.01.2022 AWESOME opportunity exist for the keen outdoors person!

07.01.2022 Such an important and giving organisation and in need of community support. Perhaps if you have the time or inclination next time your in town, pop in for a coffee.......

06.01.2022 Interesting and well worth a read. One of the particular take away points is that Nutritional intake largely can negate genetic makeup. IE assists the bodies defenses against genetic flaw's versus further compromising the immune or familial weaknesses.

05.01.2022 I love the beauty in this woman. The tears welled as I read this - and I let them flow. Namaste......

05.01.2022 Get your 2021 Yoga on! Ohmmmmmmmmm

05.01.2022 In other breaking news water is wet! Great to see the science begrudgingly starting to be mainstream accepted!

05.01.2022 Mind Body Motion and Belly for 2021! - WE ARE BACK! Kicking off on Thursday the 14th January at the iDance Studio opposite the pool @ 65 Campbell St, Oakey. This will be our location until the Church has need renovated and we are allowed back so I look forward to making the most of the new environment and seeing how it fits! Please take a look at the attached and be aware of some changes to the class as we now have 2 available class options with slight time changes. Class... 1 Mind Body Belly Thursday 5.45pm to 6.45 This class will have a focus on 1 nutrition topic a week covering about 10 minutes at the beginning of the session. Exercise session covering a variety or movements and intensities covering a 40 minute period. 10 minute meditation slow down to finish In this class if you would like to set some goals or start a process of work on yourself I will have a Body Composition scale available, Blood Glucose and Blood Pressure readings will also be available and a sheet to track your results, if you could let me know if you are interested in this element please let me know so I can ensure I have enough supplies. Class 2 Mind Body Motion Thursday 7.00pm to 8pm This class will focus on and is most similar to the current Mind body motion classes with some re-touches 30 minutes of Movement and Martial Motion. Mostly Bodyweight exercise and Tai Chi Style motion focused on Mental and Physical release. 30 minutes of Mediation focused more on Learning the art. The previous structure relied mostly on guided focuses where as the new focus will be on understanding meditation and developing your own practice with explorations in to multiple different styles Please spread the word and do what you can to support these Local community classes brought to you by the Oakey Community Project. Making the most of the opportunities presented at home keeps them here and increases the overall sense of community within the town we call home. Please remember we are still under COVID-19 restrictions so require confirmation of attendance, if you have a particular class preference or attendance focus please drop a line to confirm. So very excited to be bringing these classes to you in 2021 and look forward to seeing you all over time. Love Love Love and Energy to you for a year ahead full of opportunity and understanding, of power, patience and gratitude. Roy

04.01.2022 GOOD to GO | Sunday 11.10.2020 SIX FULLY Supported RIDES THE 85 | SINGLE Range Climb THE 79 and NIFTY 50 | WITHOUT the Climb THE 112 Classic | S... INGLE Range Climb THE 100 MILE | SINGLE Range Climb THE 200 | DOUBLE Range Climb EVERYRider gets a FREE #RTR2020 CAP See more


03.01.2022 Great little ride out to Charlton on Friday morning - had planned in just the 10k loop but when the mind is in a place of movement why tell it to be somewhere else lol....

03.01.2022 Hi All - Does anyone know of anyone locally that is able to assist with Web Page design? I have a word press platform to build on..... Roy

03.01.2022 With an Average life expectancy of the time being between 35 and 45 years of age Thomas Jefferson seemed to be onto something with his focus on exercise and mindfulness lol - Gosh darned New Age hippies and there mindfulness. It is clear that his focus on achievement started with the self focused on Exercise and personal time above all else clearly stating the others would suffer if the self wasnt first. "The Quality of time I have for others and achievement suffers greatl...y if the quality of time for self is not adequately adhered" What a great little read of Thomas Jefferson Quotes on his thoughts on exercise and Breathe. AT the time of the First quote listed he was around 42 and the last quote listed would put him around 77, 6 years prior to his death. This isnt a new Idea folks. - Short read of some intersting 250 year old quotes :-) quite fun if you apply them to the modern era and the perception of how we work and what comes first. Thomas Jefferson 83 years - 17431826 - (Jefferson to Martha Jefferson). "Exercise and application produce order in our affairs, health of body, chearfulness of mind, and these make us precious to our friends. ... You are not however to consider yourself as unemployed while taking exercise. That is necessary for your health, and health is the first of all objects. For this reason if you leave your dancing master for the summer, you must increase your other exercise. ... Music, drawing, books, invention and exercise will be so many resources to you against Ennui."

01.01.2022 On the menu tonight! I will probably add a poached egg and some sweet potatoes greens from the garden me thinks!

01.01.2022 Addiction is a crazy word you think in relation to sugar? Try going without it for 1 month. Nothing with sugar in it if you think that's ridiculous or easy then contemplate this - if you can't last a month or spend your days craving sweets or crap food or even heavily peocessed carbohydrates such as pasta or even bread, if the mere thought of doing such a bizare thing is beyond silly? - if it was alcohol, what would you be? The marketing normalisation spend on sugar consumption is 20 or more times that of alcohol - normalised doesn't mean right.

01.01.2022 Perhaps If you want to be happy, stop trying to be. Most of us are trying to achieve a thing we dont actually understand - What is happiness? Perhaps we have a view of what happiness is but is it realistic or is t fantasy or is it a completely different thing - Joy.... Happiness and Joy are largely to entirely different things yet we often paint a picture in our minds of Joy as what happiness is. For me happiness is contentment - the middle path between elation/joy and sadness. The middle path between Up and Down where both things exist yet you are neither, you are content. Happy. From the middle path you can easily sore to and experience Joy - but is is also a much easier climb to the middle from sadness. Find the middle, If we are able to do so we can be happy and content, Joyful and Sad, all of the emotions we are and none of them all at the same time. For me, Happiness is Content, part of the journey there is Gratitude. Thankyou for what I have, Thankyou for what I have been Given, In this very moment, this very breathe - I have everything and need nothing. If I can be grateful for that very simple thing, I can feel the sun, the breeze, hear the birds and feel the love that I have. It is a beautiful thing - Perhaps stop looking for the pot of gold ad see the rainbow. Here starts a month of Gratitude - Thankyou for my Breathe.

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