Aboriginal Australia Display Centre | Arts and entertainment
Aboriginal Australia Display Centre
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25.01.2022 The Bora Ground The Start of Male Initiation Ceremony North Queensland I write the following text to teach the knowledge of tradition that is being lost, this knowledge is Men’s and Women’s knowledge, and it is as important today as it was hundreds of years ago. It will give people an understanding of why things are done and also a direction for future performances, as many ceremonial dances are these days. If you are a person that may have an issue I ask that you leave thi...s post now. The knowledge begins here. At the Clan’s main camp with both men and women present, the first dance The Dance of the Native Companion (Brolga) is performed. The dance of this particular bird invariably constitutes the first of the performances of the Male Initiation Ceremony. Subsequently the women are told, not shown, the boundary of the initiation ground, this being marked by certain stakes stuck into the earth. Should any female even see these boundary-marks, she will get ague*, and should she trespass beyond it, will be certain to die. A more or less circular space is next made in the presence of the initiates, at any time during daylight, and henceforth all subsequent proceedings take place herein. This space about 15 meters in the longest diameter, and is cleared of stumps, leaves etc.and the sandy soil is levelled as carefully as possible. Near the centre the sand is scooped out and thrown up on either side in the form of a horse-shoe magnet, the arms of the magnet pointing to the north. On the eastern side is the low bush-fence wherein the fires are burnt at night, and the initiates and their keeper sleep. The circular space is known as the boral, a word that signifies anything level, the central dug horse shoe as the piri (river) and it’s banks as the woln-gur. * Ague - attack of Ague fever, but it is communicated as a form of good faith, that the direction is complied with. AADC One of our readers will benefit from this knowledge. Respect to all.
24.01.2022 Pareidolia Seeing faces in objects. I know from past experience, posts I write that have spiritual themes are not supported well, with this mind I have decided to put this post out anyway. Elders will point out shapes and images in rock formations, all over Australia. On occasions possibly it is purely coincidental and on others very over creative minds to make it out. Generally dominant rock formations or familiar shaped rocks are dreaming sites, this post however is not f...ocusing on shapes rather images of faces in rock, trees or mountains/hills. When photographed images caused by shadows, erosion and stratum’s, can be seen by all not just those who have some condition such as pareidolia (explanation below). What has prompted this post was a picture I found recently of a rock art site at Nourlangie Rock at Kakadu NP. I have been to this site numerous times and I have never noticed this image. My eyes and photos were always focused on the paintings however. I have seen many images in stone, many will regard as coincidence but the thing that endures me is that over 90 percent of the time they are human faces and mostly aboriginal, not animals, cars, planes or other geometric shapes. Maybe I look to hard. Pareidolia (/pærdoli/ parr-i-DOH-lee-) is the tendency for incorrect perception of a stimulus as an object, pattern or meaning known to the observer, such as seeing shapes in clouds, seeing faces in inanimate objects or abstract patterns, or hearing hidden messages in music. Pareidolia can be considered a subcategory of apophenia. Pareidolia was at one time considered a symptom of human psychosis, but it is now seen as a normal human tendency Pareidolia is not confined to humans. Scientists have for years taught computers to use visual clues to "see" faces and other images. AADC What do you think?
24.01.2022 Just had to share this amazing pic. Tried to find a bit more about the Dean Sisters but no success. Very brave girls to ride one these. Love to learn more if anyone knows more.
22.01.2022 Seven Sisters Story Western Australia The story originates in Western Australia, and covers a path of land close to and along the Canning Stock Route, Most of the well sites along the path are Aboriginal Sites included in the story. For our overseas readers, a Stock Route is a reserve of land for travelling stock (mostly cattle) include camping and water reserves, pasture reserves and trucking reserves. There are at least 13 variations of this story, mostly due to the land ...the story travels through of the various language groups. The story I first learnt is this version I have used from the Cooee Art Site. If you wish to obtain similar paintings to the ones you see on this page, there are many fine art dealers in Australia, including Cooee, where you are guaranteed you are getting the real thing and important advice. Story In Aboriginal Australia stories associated with the night sky carry meanings deeply imbedded into their law, culture and social structure. The Dreaming story of the Seven Sisters is one of their most widely distributed and ancient stories. Its songline covers more than half the width of the continent, from deep in the Central Desert to the west coast. It travels through many different language groups, and as it does so different parts of the narrative are recognised and re-enacted in ceremony. There are many versions of this story throughout Aboriginal Australia but they all share common threads. The Seven Napaljarri sisters became stars in the night sky are the Pleiades, in the constellation Taurus. The artist Gabriella Possum is an Anmatjerre clanswoman from Napperby in the Tanami Desert. Amongst her countrywomen the sisters are often represented carrying a Jampijinpa man, Wardilyka, who is in love with them. However this is just a part of a much larger narrative. Jukurra-jukurra, also known as Wati Nguru, is also in love with them. In this version or part of the epic, he pursues the sisters across vast stretches of desert country until they flee into the night sky, where he follows them and becomes the Morning Star. Wati Nguru is a Jakamarra man - who, under traditional law, is of the wrong skin group and is forbidden to take a Napaljarri wife. In the re-enactment of this important women’s ceremony the seven women dance across the red sand, while Wati Nguru, the wrong-skin young warrior, is overcome by his lust for them. They flee his unwanted advances, and although he can’t fulfill his illicit desires, the sisters can never rest. The Seven Sisters, running from this site to the next in their desire to flee from the Jampijinpa man. Finally, in desperation they leap from a steep hill launching themselves into the sky in an attempt to escape. But the Jakamarra man follows the sisters travelling in the form of a star that can be seen in Orion’s B
22.01.2022 Not a believer in removal, but I think something needs to be done to preserve this amazing piece of culture.
20.01.2022 Lofty Wuggur Smith 1930 1992. Well known from Darwin Delissaville Daly River Woolianna. Renowned hunter, football player & fisherman. Tradition Malak Malak man. Father John O’Leary always declared Lofty to be one of the finest Darwin footballers (Buffaloes or St Marys? Ted Egan will know?) of his generation. Grandfather Chinese gold/copper miner Daly/Pine Ck. & his grandmother Malak Malak from the Daly. In his youth Lofty earned his living as a croc & buffalo shooter, fishe...rman & peanut farm hand on the Daly. In the early ’60, when outboard motors were still a novelty, Lofty was fishing in a dingy down near the Daly mouth when the new prop hit a submerged rock. The prop smashed so Lofty carved a new one from cotton wood with his pocket knife, burnt the shear pin hole with a hot wire & motored back to Woolianna. The wooden substitute was used for weeks until a factory metal replacement arrived. Lofty’s carved wood prop is now in the NT Museum Collection courtesy Daly Mission staff. As a young Field Officer in the ‘70’s he was my boss when working in the northern Daly area & one of my great NT teachers & Mates. Photo Kilfoyle Plains NT 1978. Arthur Beau Palmer With permission copied and pasted from Arthur Beau Palmer.
13.01.2022 Kelp Basket Tasmania Making baskets from kelp was a unique Tasmanian Cultural practice. These containers were made from the broad leaf of the Bull Kelp to collect and carry items including water. Sticks were threaded through the sides and string binding and handles were made from grass and bark. The kelp would dry extremely hard and contained relatively no odour. The example pictured is in the AADC collection, and is 32cm long overall, with the kelp section being 20cm long.
11.01.2022 David Unaipon The Australian Da Vinci 28 September 1872 7 February 1967 Born at the Point McLeay Mission on the banks of Lake Alexandrina in the Coorong region of South Australia, Unaipon was the fourth of nine children of James and Nymbulda Ngunaitponi, of the Portaulun branch of the Ngarrindjeri people. Unaipon began his education at the age of seven at the Point McLeay Mission School and soon became known for his intelligence, with the former secretary of the Aborigine...Continue reading
11.01.2022 Stone Axe Heads Queensland Stone axe heads in Queensland, despite their primitive appearance are a very commonly encountered artifact. Most aboriginal men and women used them, and would leave them conveniently in a place of use. In addition to use, they were a heavily traded item. Axe blanks and more completed items from Eastern Queensland will be found across Northern Australia. Not all finished axe heads were made to be attached to handles, many were made to be hand held... chopping tools. Some of these items will feature special grooves and indents for gripping. A quality axe head specimen would be considered to be of an oval shape, with heavily knapped and ground edges, anything less would be considered a poorer example. Pictured with this post is a good example of broken or incomplete axe heads, however these items could still be utilised and used just as much as a full size stone as shown in the image of the axe head. Other image shows fire drill and hammer stones with finger grips. See more
07.01.2022 Love it not only the comments and the interpretation of the painting, but how the art appears to have age. Year 8 only, Lucas Galea your future art will be spectacular.
06.01.2022 David Gulpilil Caterpillar Dreaming At the time of the release of one of his most personal films, Charlie's Country, David told the Guardian, I’m a ballerina, a dancer, I’m an artist, I’m a writer and I studied the Earth, same as David Attenborough. Not satisfied with cinema alone, David has written two volumes of children's stories based on his people's beliefs. He has performed a one-man autobiographical show to great acclaim on the stages of the Adelaide Festival of... Arts and Sydney's Belvoir Street Theatre. And he paints, in his own distinct but traditionally evolved style, paintings which convey his reverence for the landscape, people and traditional culture of his homeland. The AADC is delighted to have one of David’s paintings in our display. The painting Caterpillar Dreaming pictured. David’s Dreaming, are the twin rocks called Mewal, are represented as the dark red areas in this painting, moving through them and gorging themselves on the caterpillars are the two tree snakes of his totem. The painting is an amazing example of David’s ability as an artist. When painting in Rarrk style, painting of cross hatch using grass stems, it takes great skill to remain tightly inside the lines. Each of the numerous caterpillars in this painting are exact. The colours of the hatch can be a sign of moiety, and men and women can only use certain colours. Wishing David all the best with his ongoing illness. AADC Some will look upon our collection as extremely lucky to be in possession of such items. We have several items given to us but most other items are hard obtained. To purchase this painting I sold my own car, I guess the reward will come by the delight in people’s faces when viewing and learning from these items. I buy the items with my own money and at the end I am only a custodian for all to enjoy.
05.01.2022 Gulmari Central Queensland The word Gulmari comes from the Guwinmal language of Central Queensland, meaning shield. Today it is a name given to a style of shield that was found from the central Queensland coast down to North West NSW across to North East South Australia especially in the Cooper’s creek region. They are primarily a bean shaped shield carved from soft wood, typically corkwood ( Duboisia myoporoides )They are simply carved, and often decorated with ocred tot...emic paint schemes, however some are plain, some have incisions carved to the front and rear. It was said that from a distance they seem to appear like turtle shell paterns but up close the impression changes. The are not to be confused with the desert bean shields the are characterized by fluting on the front and wings on the outside edge that slightly curl around,.but can be flat. See more
02.01.2022 A love Story of Dyga & Oolana Story of the Babinda Boulders Legend has it that a long time ago, when the Yidinji tribe lived in the Babinda Valley, there was a tremendous upheaval that created these unusual shaped Boulders with their foaming, rushing waters. In the tribe was Oolana, a very beautiful young woman. Also in the tribe was Waroonoo, a very old, wise and respected elder. It was decided that these two should be given in marriage to one another, and so it was done. ... Some time later, a wandering tribe came through the valley, and as was the friendly custom of the Yidinji, they make the strangers welcome, inviting them to stay. In the visiting tribe was Dyga, a very handsome young man. All eyes were upon him for his grace and beauty. At first sight, Dyga and Oolana So great was their strong attraction for each other they arranged to meet secretly. Knowing full well that their desire for each other would never be permitted, they ran away. Oolana knew she could now never return as she was rightfully married to Waroonoo. They journeyed well up into the valley; spending wonderful happy days together and they camped under Chooreechillum, near the water’s edge. The two tribes had been searching for them and it was at this spot, they came upon the two lovers. The wandering tribesmen seized Dyga, forcing him away, calling how they had been shamed and how they would travel far away and never return. The Yidinjis had taken hold of Oolana and were dragging her back, forcing her to return with them to the rest of the tribe. Suddenly, she broke away and violently flung herself forward into the gentle waters of the creek, as she called and cried for Dyga to return to her here, but the wandering tribe had gone, and with them her handsome lover. Would he ever return? Just at the very instant Oolana struck the water, a tremendous upheaval occurred. The land shook with terror and sorrow as Oolana cried for her lost lover to come to her. Her anguished cries spilled out as rushing water came cascading over the whole area. Huge boulders were thrown up and she disappeared into them. Oolana seemed to become part of the stones as if to guard the very spot where it all happened. So it is to this very day, her spirit remains. Some say that at times her anguished calls cry out calling her lover to return and that wandering travellers should take care lest Oolana calls them too close to her beautiful waters, for she is forever searching for her own lost lover and this must always be. Up to 17 lives have been lost at the Babinda Boulders, most of them young men. AADC - Copied and pasted
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