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6th Element Jewellery
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25.01.2022 "There are those who believe that the ecocidal, pharmagedon, genocidal, pedophile riddled trends of the present soulless culture can be solved by a return to the past, to the wisdom of older cultures that revered this Earth. A closer examination of the predicament reveals that the known history of this planet, within this temporal zone, has never known a time without war and genocide. Rather than turn back time we need to discover the nature of T I M E as it functions in this... present dualistic paradigm. The false time/space frequency zone we now inhabit spins the Wheels of the perpetual psychogenic feedback loop that is death and reincarnation. A cyclic recapitulation measured through a history that reveals 'evolution' to be a repetition of a baseline consciousness that periodically alters the exterior layers of cultural behavior while maintaining limited core propensities. These restrictive crux programs are set through the modification of the life blueprint and the absence of an evolutionary symbiosis within a solar system riddled with satellites that function as system inhibitors and thus generate a false temporal zone. Without these imposed restrictions our solar system would be embraced within the galactic, universal holography that is the true continuum. Instead we are experiencing a sequential binary space time reality. Duality. A time line that is vulnerable to a myriad of interference time lines that connect into darker dimensions. At the beginning and end of cyclic world ages within a mutant temporal zone, 'reality' begins to show sign of extreme systemic decay that manifests as apparent extraordinary insanity. Showing up as depraved levels of hedonistic indulgence while at the other end of the spectrum slow death occurs from lack of water. As a result of recognizing this predicament some go deeper into denial, while others awaken into the 'Trauma Zone' and begin the sacred death dance of transformation. The portal of opportunity to break out of the cycle is open. THE FULL SPECTRUM OF TIME IS NEITHER LINEAR NOR CYCLIC. TIME IS TOROIDAL. TIME IS A VORTEX." by Juliet J Carter www.thetemplate.org CODE 1 Ceremony of Original Innocence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxMcIuYK2cw CODE 2 Ceremony of Synthesis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGag84foI6M CODE 3 Ceremony of Sacred Breath: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqaFbF8QRT0 Ceremony to CLEAR AND PROTECT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twigl43v5tE EARTH RESONANCE Ceremony https://www.facebook.com/notes/jiva-carter/earth-resonance-ceremony/10220353059468834/ The Template and THE SOUND OF TIME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvYEy0sF1pg art from Decah
23.01.2022 "'The mind is more powerful than any imaginable particle accelerator, more sensitive than any radio receiver or the largest optical telescope, more complete in its grasp of information than any computer: the human body - its organs, its voice, its powers of locomotion, and its imagination - is a more-than-sufficient means for the exploration of any place, time or energy level in the universe.' - Terence McKenna We are all genetically modified to interface with this paradigm ...... if this were not so we would be in frequency resonance with the transcendent version of this Earth. We are here in this mutant temporal zone because we chose to be ... to co create and stabilize a global field of alternate resonance. To infiltrate the paradigm, we elected to embody its limitations ... there is no blame, no shame, no victimhood. There are scientists who have looked at the DNA and wondered why we die at all ... because the code is self-replicating. These are working with epigenetics and longevity, neuroscience, genomic imprinting, etc, and concluding that people will stop dying. This is a whole field of research that reveals the true nature of death, however it is speaking to the concept of longevity through scientific manipulation that will allow you to continue in this paradigm. Rather than transcending it through the integration of electromagnetic Sources Code Data. I feel the former will be problematic in terms of sustainability particularly in the emotional body's ability to self-reference within any reality where others continue to suffer. by Juliet J Carter www.thetemplate.org complete ceremonies 1 to 6 in person [email protected] complete ceremonies online at: CODE 1 Ceremony of Original Innocence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxMcIuYK2cw CODE 2 Ceremony of Synthesis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGag84foI6M CODE 3 Ceremony of Sacred Breath: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqaFbF8QRT0 art from Blake Foster x Sean Zenner
22.01.2022 The name The Template was chosen for this model of transformation because the word denotes an essential substructure upon which the energetic organization of the superstructure can develop. A template is a primary elemental blueprint that establishes a seed code from which elaborations grow and mature. A template is a schematic and as such does not organise and adjust to the sophistication of each individual’s traits, behaviours, standards or beliefs. The template of The Template is a model of restoration, the mechanics of which re-establishes the Human life form as the full manifestation of its original blueprint. #blueprint #thetemplate #consciousness ##newparadigm #transcendence #sacredgeometry
20.01.2022 As you draw in your breath know that you are weaving the matrix into coherence...spirit into form. Transforming your awareness into a shared reality. Breath...the divine cohesive catalyst that ignites the passion of life...the alchemy of light and consciousness... Feel the hum of your being in resonance with the earth and all her creatures, plants...rivers...oceans...trees. ... All around you is prana...an unseen undulating wave of power that has ebbed and flowed through every moment of your existence. Air...the most gentle, subtle soft element and yet it is at the core of your existence...your consciousness...immerse yourself in this rhythmic tide of prana...merging with the one eternal breath that is shared by all creation. ...
20.01.2022 "Evolution will begin with the reconnection to Source and the autonomous definition of that Source within the Human psyche, beyond the impositioning of those who have written the history books through the prism of their own desires and agendas. As the fetus of Humankind once again draws succor from its umbilical connection to the Benevolent Heart of Creation, Source Consciousness awakens to us, within us, seeding the embryogenesis that will birth the Transcendental Human. The... stargate of the 3rd dimension beckons to us ... step through the portal ceremoniously ... it is so easy ... it has already happened. Feel the deep magnetic pull of the universal hologram drawing you into the eye of the joyous storm of life eternal. It will not fail you ... its power is love." by Juliet Carter Code 1 Ceremony of Original Innocence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxMcIuYK2cw Code 2 Ceremony of Synthesis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGag84foI6M Code 3 Ceremony of Sacred Breath: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqaFbF8QRT0 art from Katia Honour
19.01.2022 Has to be watched - This is Experiential
18.01.2022 The Matrix is circuitry 'The 'matrix' is a concept now made known by the very successful films of that name, films that have raised profound questions about the true nature of reality and the visible and invisible prison created by this mutant paradigm. In the films, the matrix is shown to be a world generated by computer code, an illusion experienced in the minds of Human beings whilst their bodies are, in reality, being sustained in isolation and their vital energies harves...Continue reading
18.01.2022 "The choices we make at this fulcrum point are crucial. The Template’s holonomic model of transcendence provides an alchemical system of integration that allows for the understanding, acceptance and transformation of Humanity’s eons of suffering and betrayal. It is not intended for a spiritual elite, but for all Human beings of any age, race or creed who wonder what is happening to our planet and our people - who feel, however dimly, the stirring of the remembrance of their ...quintessential identity. The Human Soul Covenant contains a holonomic symbiotic code in which the Human design is the sensory organ for planetary transcendence as Earth is the sensory organ for Human transcendence. The codes of the Template Ceremonies resurrect our ability to translate and utilize, through our physical bodies, the language of light - to achieve, literally, en-light-enment. The shamanic initiations that were necessary to retrieve the codes which reactivate, through resonance, dormant genetic material within the original Human ‘blueprint’ were exacting. However, the alchemy of the Template ceremonies ensures that the instigation of individual and collective transmutation is accomplished safely, holistically and with grace. Such is the gift offered by those who have bridged the worlds. As more and more people accelerate their personal frequency through the reconnection of bio-circuitry, the feedback we receive on the transformations in their perceptions and their lives confirms and reinforces our appreciation of the Template as an empowering model of transcendence which honors the Human as a sovereign, sentient entity. The Template acknowledges the body as the pinnacle of the manifestation of our spiritual identity. As conscious conduits of light and life eternal we are the sacred enclosure for the sacred marriage of the Sun and the Earth. The core message that ‘Worldbridger’ delivers is that it is through the reinstatement of our electromagnetic integrity that we and our Earth will be re-embraced into the divine immortal continuum. We are not only Worldbridgers - we are the bridge." the editors preface to 'WorldBridger', a book by Juliet Carter www.thetemplate.org complete ceremonies at: CODE 1 Ceremony of Original Innocence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxMcIuYK2cw CODE 2 Ceremony of Synthesis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGag84foI6M CODE 3 Ceremony of Sacred Breath: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqaFbF8QRT0 Ceremony to Clear and Protect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twigl43v5tE THE TEMPLATE AND THE SOUND OF TIME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvYEy0sF1pg
17.01.2022 Ceremony is a language that transcends time and culture, the solution that exists outside of the problem.
17.01.2022 "Stellar radiance is that form of light that carries the creation code of Prana. Prana is the primal form of radiant intelligence before it is translated into the differentiated spectrums of colour that we know as light . The light we see, and translate, as emanating from our Sun, is the Suns translation of the pranic code emanating from the heart of the Cosmos ... As this radiance enters the heart of the Solar hologram, it is translated and transmitted through the lensing system of its own pranic mechanism, and is transmitted as the solar matrix of the immortal constant. In a form of light, this translation of radiance becomes usable data for the bio-computational field of the Human unit of circuitry to decode and utilise. A code to activate and integrate the symbiosis between the inhabitants of Earth and the Solar system Our Sun is the mediator of Galactic intelligence projected as radiant light from the Benevolent Source of Creation. Each one of us is a star projecting the Human form of Prana particular to planet Earth. It is the presence of these geometric formulas of radiant light that activates and integrates the resonate Stellar code within the Soul Covenant." Code 3 - Ceremony of Sacred Breath by Juliet J Carter www.thetemplate.org Complete Ceremonies 1-6 in Australia email: [email protected] complete ceremonies online at: CODE 1 Ceremony of Original Innocence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxMcIuYK2cw CODE 2 Ceremony of Synthesis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGag84foI6M CODE 3 Ceremony of Sacred Breath: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqaFbF8QRT0 Ceremony to CLEAR AND PROTECT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twigl43v5tE EARTH RESONANCE Ceremony https://www.facebook.com/notes/jiva-carter/earth-resonance-ceremony/10220353059468834/ The Template and THE SOUND OF TIME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvYEy0sF1pg Sacred Geometry & Jewelry at: https://www.facebook.com/Portal-Glastonbury-109502163943577/ art from Journey of Curiosity
17.01.2022 6th Element : facilitating The Template reconnection ceremonies 1-6. A shop to buy the sacred geometry jewellery of The Template
15.01.2022 "THE SEEDING The most vital aspect of The Template lies in the Codes. Beyond the accumulation of information, The Template gifts the initiate with Sacred Ceremonial formulae that trigger... the reconnection of the most fundamental life-force energy system, to resurrect the masterpiece of the original Human design. Your heart/body/mind system is your personal instrument with which to function as an ambassador of light, an emissary of love, a conduit through which the Benevolence of Creation can this reality, not only for your sake, but for the sake of those who, in countries across the globe, can feel the shift in the quality of time and light and know that portals of opportunity are opening through which they can transcend the pain and suffering that being Human has come to mean to them. In the reconnection of your circuitry, you instigate an acceleration of electromagnetic Source Consciousness into this time/space frequency zone, undermining the present fear-based, conflict-riddled predominant world structure simply by being; each one of you adding a fractal of consciousness to the required critical mass of the new paradigm hologram. This ultimately creates a stable resonant field of evolutionary opportunity with which those who are unable consciously to take part ceremoniously can simply decide, on a soul level, to attune their being. Your recalibrated vibration will be felt, by the tribal child on the African plain whose mother has been taken by Aids, by the pubescent soldier conscripted into a war he doesn’t understand, by the urban teenager reaching for his inherent right to experience bliss by taking up a needle. The new paradigm will not be born of the mind alone. The new paradigm will be understood in the mind, felt in the heart and made tangible in the body." by Juliet J Carter [email protected] to attend ceremonies1 - 6 CODE 1 Ceremony of Original Innocence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxMcIuYK2cw CODE 2 Ceremony of Synthesis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGag84foI6M #newparadigm #meditation #newearth #sacredgeometry #thetemplateceremonies
12.01.2022 Sacred Geometry is the language of Creation A universal language which allows us to access ancient knowledge contained within our cellular memory. Wearing & communing with sacred geometric forms can assist us on spiritual, physical and practical levels. These sacred geometrical forms are created by Jiva Carter and each one is hand-crafted. ... Juliet & Jiva Carter are the architects of the Template Ceremonies. As the creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn, the map of the evolution of the Human entity into a sovereign being able to access any time or energy level in the universe is indelibly written into our genetic codes. Our ability to activate and integrate the fullness of these codes is a question of energy pathways or electromagnetic circuits in the body. The design and progression of The Template Ceremonies are a combination code which, through our natural resonance with Sacred Geometry, builds synergy with the vibratory infrastructure of the DNA, reconnecting bio-circuitry permanently. These are processes that will assist us out of a fear-based perception of the present global situation and allow for a quantum shift.
11.01.2022 Tantric Terra Prana Star This star is extremely balancing. It synthesizes many healing & rejuvenating properties in one unified form. ... It activates the heart chakra, bringing emotional balance and stimulating compassion. It also activates the 3rd eye, crown and sexual chakras. This star reconnects a deep circuit within the kundalini energy system and stimulates the Thyroid. The Tantric Terra Prana Star is formed by interlocking a tantric star with an iconic terra prana sphere (cube octahedron). Wearing a Tantric Terra Prana Star maintains the integrity of your electromagnetic energy field and protects against ALL forms of negative electromagnetic emmisions. Attaching a Tantric Terra Prana Star to an earring hoop or your mobile phone is highly recommended AKA - ‘The Quickening’
10.01.2022 Template Ceremonies 1-6 - workshops held in cairns email: [email protected] for details (((<3)))
10.01.2022 "The major religions that are used as the chief and crucial behavior-modifying tools of consciousness control have, at their center, the punishment-reward system, a system that triggers compliance and conformity. ‘In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth’. Heaven; liberation, freedom, paradise, a promise of a future prize for good behaviour, as you might promise a child a treat for obedience, a reward of deliverance bestowed only after the slow deterioration of our wea...k and sinful flesh, only after death. We search for self-realization and bliss beyond the very sacred enclosures in which they exist, the meaning of God stolen from the realization of it in every simple astounding breath and commandeered by the individual supremacy of a savior, a redeemer, who listens with a censoring ear to our pleas, our prayers, for a morsel of joy, a momentary cessation of suffering in this mutant realm of ‘His’ creation. Heaven, of course could not be here - could it? Here, on this emerald-blue planet of stunning grace and eloquent expression, in her fragrant blooms, her cooling pools of water, rushing rivers, seas and oceans, fecund forests and jungles, in her supportive solid earth and soft sweet air. Could heaven be hidden in the tantric potencies of our bodies, made to love, to create? Is heaven to be found out of our bodies in some ambiguous cryptic state? ... This jewel, our Earth, is the manifestation of the ultimate confluence of Source Consciousness, realizing a perfect interference pattern of spirit and matter; a stargate through which the undifferentiated potencies of creation finds tender birth into time and space in order to experience relationship. It is prime real-estate and the Annunaki want to call it home. It cannot be fought for it but it can be retrieved; not through any battlefield but through the unified field - through the resurrection of the divine Human blueprint. With the reconnection of circuitry, you instigate an acceleration of electromagnetic Source Consciousness into this time-space frequency zone, undermining the present predominant fear-based, conflict-riddled world structure simply by being; each one of you adding a fractal of consciousness to the required critical mass of the new paradigm hologram. This will create, ultimately, a stable resonant field of evolutionary opportunity to transcend the mortal paradigm." excerpt from 'WORLDBRIDGER', ch.20, ‘Genesis Revisited’- Revisited by Juliet J Carter art from Daniel Mirante
07.01.2022 Geometry bracelets
06.01.2022 CEREMONIES 1-6 JULY 25 2020 CAIRNS "Ceremony bridges the chasm between a culture bled of its elemental consciousness and its ancient shamanic roots. Most people are more trusting of a sanitized clinical environment in which to regurgitate the endless dramas of lives whose lack of fulfillment lies deep in the roots of their genetic modification and their separation from Source. ... They surrender their pain into the hands of a therapist who is willing, for the allotted hour, to climb into the pit of their misery, to look for the misplaced trust, the ruined innocence, the lost childhood, in a search for the beginnings of loneliness and disassociation, not knowing that it began long ago with separation from the embrace of a divine immortal continuum. As Einstein said, the solution is never found at the level of the problem. Ceremony is a language that transcends time and culture, the solution that exists outside of the problem. Our analytical skills evolve from a brain four fifths of which is inactive." by Juliet J Carter To Attend Template ceremonies 1-6 email: [email protected] Online: CODE 1 Ceremony of Original Innocence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxMcIuYK2cw CODE 2 Ceremony of Synthesis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGag84foI6M CODE 3 Ceremony of Sacred Breath: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqaFbF8QRT0 Ceremony to Clear and Protect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twigl43v5tE art from Griet van der Meulen
03.01.2022 "However many corrupt regimes are overthrown, however many warlords put on trial, many more replace them, for their existence is not the result of a confluence of degenerate circumstances and environments that can be eradicated by peace talks and the gathering of the United Nations. All these contaminated governing systems are being supported by those who subsequently make the pretense of policing them. There is no answer to this demonic behavior. ... It surfaces just as diabolically in the rich white world of western politics as it does in the corrupt administrations of the ‘3rd world’. The dark power holders are expressing a genetic mutation, a parasitic consciousness arising from the splicing of their genetic blueprint and floating fractal gene codes embedded with AI commands." by Juliet J Carter www.thetemplate.org ATTEND TEMPLATE RECONNECTION CEREMONIES JULY 25TH 26TH 2020 CAIRNS [email protected] complete ceremonies at: CODE 1 Ceremony of Original Innocence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxMcIuYK2cw CODE 2 Ceremony of Synthesis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGag84foI6M CODE 3 Ceremony of Sacred Breath: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqaFbF8QRT0 Ceremony to Clear and Protect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twigl43v5tE THE TEMPLATE AND THE SOUND OF TIME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvYEy0sF1pg art from Manus Eraña