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22.01.2022 Good morning. As we head into the weekend, this article is a wonderful reminder to know you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. Today’s reflection / journal prompts are simple and potent: - I know I am where I need to be because... - I’ve learned... ... - I’m grateful for... This Is Your Reminder That It’s Okay To Not Have It All Figured Out Right Now By Leena Sanders The only place you actually need to be right now is exactly where you are. In order to grow and evolve, you need to be able to be there when it happens, to move with it, and that means you must be right here, right now. Realize that the pressure you put on yourself is not synonymous with your success or happiness. We all have our own timeline. We don’t actually have to be anywhere at any specific time. It’s okay to not be where you think you should be but instead learn how to be okay with exactly where you are.There is no destination, no end result, no time where you will find yourself knowing all of the things you are desperate to know. Learn as you go. Take the time you need to do the things you need. Learn how to sit. Find acceptance in the way the things are right now and make a home there. Know your joy well enough to be able to create it every single day, despite how much else you know. That’s what matters. Life isn’t about having everything figured out, it’s about learning how to be at peace when you don’t. It’s okay to not have it all figured out right now. Everything is right on timeit always is. ttps://

21.01.2022 Happy Friday 75 CALMers. I’m off to a luncheon to celebrate International Women’s Day. I toyed with ideas of posting about the qualities of being in the divine feminine. I considered writing about the Mother Wound, a concept fleshed out by Bethany Webster that explains how being raised within a patriarchal society effects Mothering. Then I saw a post made by a dear friend, Nicola (middle of pic) that included the below information. Just a few short bullet points that represe...nt shocking stats. So while I attend a lunch with a venue full of women, all of us dressed up in our finery, so many women have absolutely no opportunity to do so. They are too busy surviving or have no way to even know there’s such a day that is intended to honour women. These statistics hit home just how dire circumstances are for so many women across the globe. And not just those born in poverty or in blatantly misogynistic cultures. There are women suffering every day within our communities due to abuse and domestic violence. International Women’s Day 2020 facts: one in seven women globally get married before they are 15 500 million women are illiterate, representing over or the illiterate with poverty being a major cause on the current trajectory, gender equality will only be reached by 2256 violence and discrimination against women is at high levels globally #IWD2020 I’m grateful to have been born in a country that provides the level of privilege and freedom we experience. I’ve also experienced the atmosphere and oppression that is synonymous with living in a patriarchal society. My hope is that we’re moving into a period in history where feminine qualities - such as feeling, intuition, nurturing, caring - are as valued and glorified as masculine qualities - such as striving, achieving, reason, logic. My hope is that we each balance our feminine and masculine qualities within to find deeper contentment and joy in our lives. My friend made this pledge in her post today: I’m committed to the empowerment of all women, children, indigenous and marginalised people of our earth. I’m with her. Who else is making this pledge? With so much love and gratitude, Trudi xxx (I’m at the left of the pic )

20.01.2022 Happy Sunday. Simple advice on this glorious Sunday... Drop into your inner guidance and commit to doing something to meet your needs today. I’ve started my day with an oracle card reading and snuggles with my little ones. And you?

18.01.2022 Beach medicine for any of you who welcome it. My kids and I live on a beach in far north QLD, Australia. It’s a tourist destination and it’s very quiet right now. Yesterday we had the beach pretty much to ourselves. We found joy in playing beach cricket and throwing the frisbee for hours. I hope wherever you are in the world, you’re able to find ways to bring you joy or at least calm. ... With infinite love always, Trudi

18.01.2022 I've started a new group to provide deeper support during this time of transition from our previous ways of living in the world to the new way that is emerging through this time of change. - please let me know if you'd like to join. It is a space where we'll all be encouraged to practice non-duality. My wish is that each and every person who joins the group feels safe to share. It's a place to feel seen, heard, supported and v...alued. We've all been raised in a dualistic society. We've been taught to view things as right and wrong, good and bad, negative and positive, etc. Our society has been leveraged on this concept of everything having two opposing sides or forces. And now we are entering a new age. The Age of Pisces is coming to a close and we are entering the Age of Aquarius. We are now entering a time where non-duality will become a new way of being. When we are in a dualistic experience, we may feel the need to defend our reality and see anyone who doesn’t agree as a threat. Or we may wish to run away or avoid dealing with what is coming up. On a physiological level, when we're triggered we move out of our window of tolerance and into hyperarousal (fight or flight) or hyperarousal (freeze). Our perspective becomes restricted and we go into survival mode. In the group, we'll all be encouraged to remain open to and compassionate toward the experiences of ourselves and others in this space. We are all unlearning the ways we've been taught and remembering the divinity of each and every one of us. We'll be supported to remain curious about other people’s experiences, perspectives, beliefs, dreams, hopes and concerns whether they are shared or differ from our own. It will be a space to learn and remember helpful skills and ways of being for the new age. We'll be able to take them into our communities and share them with our loved ones. We will thrive in the beauty of WE. We'll awaken and ascend TOGETHER as a collective group. With infinite love, Trudi xxxxx

15.01.2022 There is so much fear circulating throughout the world right now. Pause, breathe, check-in with your mind-body. Validate whatever you are feeling and ask yourself if it’s generated through fear or love. It’s up to each of us to choose love over fear. Gently remind yourself that all is well in the world. Gently remind others all is well. Your job, your invitation from the Universe, is to give people back to themselves. You can do this every day, in a hundred ways. All you h...ave to do is look for the best in that person, and then show it to them, right then and there. Describe it. Admire it. Thank them for it. Why not practice it with the first three people you encounter after reading this?" - Neale Donald Walsch Look for the best in yourself. Describe what you appreciate, admire, feel grateful for and joy toward. It all starts with generating love from within. The world needs your love and beauty to shine brightly. With so much love, Trudi xxx

13.01.2022 And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently. And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal. And when the danger passed, and the peopl...e joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed." ~Kitty O'Meara

13.01.2022 There’s a FREE Mindful Living Summit running from March 19 with an awesome line up of speakers. Follow the link to enrol and I’m sure I’ll also share some highlights in my daily posts to this group.

12.01.2022 Hi 75 CALMers. I hope you are all consciously navigating your days. We've been pretty busy in our household - between my work, school work and lots of outdoor play on the beach. I've been posting very little as my focus has been staying in the present moment. That is the place where all the joy and insight resides. Today I'm sharing an excerpt from Built for Bliss. I was sent a message from a friend saying how incredibly useful it was for him to re-read this bliss bomb yester...Continue reading

10.01.2022 Happy Friday 13th, 75 CALMers. The week has passed swiftly in my little family! I hope you've each had a well-navigated week. I've been up since 5am meditating and am feeling the ripple effects of wellbeing throughout my mind-body. Today's post is a kindly reminder from Adyshanti of the power of being in the now. May the day bring you deep joy and an inner knowing that you are exactly where you are meant to be. ... As the day progresses and your mind naturally wanders into the past or future, gently direct your mind back to the now. Breathe into your belly, ground yourself, observe your five main senses - what you see, hear, taste, smell or touch. Our sixth sense is intuition. In any given moment, ask yourself, what can I sense? Quieting the mind-body allows us greater access to our intuition - one of the greatest gifts available to us from within. The present moment holds the key to our inner peace. As we let go of past and future thoughts and worries, we deepen into the present moment and realise the beauty and wonder of what is. Reflection / journal prompts: Three things I am grateful for are: 1. 2. 3. For me, my gratitude list is my children, my healthy mind and body and the deep peace that is within me in this now moment. With infinite love, Trudi

10.01.2022 Hi 75 CALMers. I hope you’re all doing OK wherever you are in the world. . . My kids and I are all happy and healthy and see the vital importance of the measures being put in place to slow the spread of this virus. I feel fortunate we are living in Port Douglas, Australia in a beautiful resort. It’s crazy to think we lived in France several months ago and how differently life would be for us now if we were there. We are sending our love to our friends all over the world. . . ...I had lots of messages and a long call yesterday with friends and connections who are recognizing deep fears are coming up for them so they reached out for support. The uncertainty and fear swirling is triggering people’s deepest fears and unresolved trauma. . . Please know that what is coming up is ripe to acknowledge, clear and heal. It’s an ideal time to slow down, go inward and reflect upon the deep fears and concerns we each hold. . . I have been focusing on my inner world, regulating my nervous system and studying the effects of trauma on the mind-body for years now, though particularly the past nine months. I’m here to support others along the same journey. . . If you or someone you know is really struggling, I’m here. I know it’s time for me to step up so I’ll be consciously unfurling this over the coming weeks and months. Allowing what’s next to unfold with ease and potency. As a therapist, energy healer and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction teacher in training, I have so much to offer to help and support others. . . . We’re all being called to step up and do our part. Together we’ll weather the storm and storms ahead and create a new reality. . . With infinite love, Trudi xxx See more

07.01.2022 There’s never been a more important time to create an inward practice. With all that is going on in the world, developing self-awareness and exploring within is so important. . . Just a few minutes of meditation each day will help you to connect with your inner world. . . Reflection and journaling will help you to explore your thoughts and feelings and how they influence your behaviours. You may be able to get in touch with your desires, needs, hopes, fears and whatever is on... your heart and mind. . . While you‘re staying in, go within. . . With infinite love, Trudi xxx See more

07.01.2022 Today's post supports you to build your wellbeing toolkit. I explain: 1) How to bring yourself back to the present moment in times of uncertainty and stress. 2) Tips for acknowledging, navigating and adapting to change consciously 3) The importance of releasing heavy emotions and ways to do this...Continue reading

06.01.2022 Greetings 75 CALMers. When we started here last month on 02.02.2020, none of us could have foreseen the dire need to create a daily practice to create CALM, nourish our mind-body and take care of our energy field. Finding ways to cultivate self-care is not selfish or even optional during this time - it's utterly vital. If we can take care of ourselves, we're in much better shape to be well, grounded and centred for ourselves and for others. I've just added THREE NEW GUIDELINE...Continue reading

06.01.2022 Hi 75 CALMers. With so much fear and uncertainty globally, it’s so vitally important we take care of our minds and bodies. To be present to what is and practice discernment. This post is a combination of two posts from my Instagram account @trudi_bannister_therapy. I hope you find them really helpful. Let me know if you’re really struggling right now. Please know, I’m here to help. Crises are harbingers of evolution....Continue reading

04.01.2022 Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, worried or uncertain due to the coronavirus pandemic? Are you supporting people are experiencing these emotions and feelings? Now more than ever we need to be practicing our mindfulness skills, such as: - pausing before reacting - deep breathing to relax our nervous system...Continue reading

04.01.2022 Be kind to yourself on all the days, especially the hard days. How can you practice kindness toward yourself today? Do at least one small thing and note how you feel. 75 CALM is about committing to self-kindness on a daily basis through doing things that nourish your mind, body and spirit. How are you doing with nourishing yourself? How is mediating supporting your wellbeing and spirit?... If you feel your cup is full, perhaps extend your kindness toward another person. Carry out one random act of kindness toward another and note how you feel. I’d love to know how you go. With infinite love, Trudi

03.01.2022 A big reminder during this time of necessary physical distance to slow the spread of the virus, need not mean social isolation. We are social beings and it's important we stay connected. This post contains a must-watch 49-minute video packed with information and facts about Covid-19 from globally renowned scientist Gregg Bradden. I've readily watched this to be abreast of the facts: reading

03.01.2022 This rings so true for me...

02.01.2022 The moon was at its fullest a few hours ago. Here are some beautiful mantras to state on this full moon and anytime you feel called. (Image attached. Credit: cassandra_solano) The full moon is said to be the most potent time to release anything you’ve been holding onto that does not serve you. Whereas the new moon is a time to set intentions and new moon wishes. ... I’ve had a powerful journaling session this morning with the intention of recognizing, surrendering to and letting go of anything that isn’t serving my highest good. My final words to myself: Remember: you are a magical being of light. A beautiful, real, present being of truth and light. The energy of love radiates alongside the energy of compassion and understanding. You’re both fierce and sweet. You’re that kind of real, raw LOVE. Love has been misrepresented as giving / forgiving / relentless availability / selflessness. But real love is about conveying compassionate truth. It’s about filling your own bucket before giving. It’s about gracefully receiving. It’s about being real and vulnerable in relationships. But let’s be clear, vulnerability is a feeling that stems from the expectation or belief that we will not be accepted for speaking our truth or being ourselves. With greater acceptance, this fear will fade. And then there will be endless real, genuine love.

02.01.2022 Deepening into being with ourselves and others through life's celebrations, life's challenges, and all of the possibility we hold in our heart, deepens our relationships. It strengthens our connections and allows us to see and be seen so much more readily for the entirety of who we are. There's so much power in celebrating ourselves and being celebrated by others. When you do something you are happy with, do you choose to celebrate yourself and recognise the commitment or pa...Continue reading

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