98 GYM in Sydney, Australia | Fitness trainer
98 GYM
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 424 207 727
Address: 98 Riley Street, Darlinghurst 2010 Sydney, NSW, Australia
Website: https://www.98gym.com
Likes: 3639
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25.01.2022 Empty the tank. #98gym #98training #the98standard
25.01.2022 Those that know, know. If you don’t, you will soon. SkiErg / RowErg / BikeErg / Run 10 ROUNDS 40 seconds ALL OUT... 2.15 rest If it crosses your mind that this is too much rest, you need to give much, much more. #98gym #98training #ESD #concept2
23.01.2022 Work hard in silence; let your success speak for you. Block Two from today 5x burpees + 10x deadball squats 90 seconds SkiErg / RowErg / BikeErg / Run ... 1 minute rest #98gym #98training #IWT #concept2
23.01.2022 Team first. When it’s easy, when it’s hard, the team comes first. Teams of four 10000m @concept2au RowErg 5x back squats after every effort (90/60kg)... *E6MOM the team to complete 15x hand release sandbag ground to shoulders (65/45kg) + 40 calorie BikeErg #98gym #98training #FYF #concept2 #team
23.01.2022 Lest we forget.
23.01.2022 New recruit @tesshering has spaces available for Personal Training 98 Gym. Interested in extending your training or bringing any lagging aspects up to speed? Get in touch via [email protected] #98gym #98training #the98standard #personaltraining
22.01.2022 Saturdays are for the team. All we ask for is all you have. #98gym #98training #the98standard
22.01.2022 Don’t quit. FYF 25/9/2020 400m run buy in ... 50-1, 40-2, 30-3, 20-3, 10-5 Calorie SkiErg Rounds barbell DT (70/42kgs - 12x deadlifts + 9x hang cleans + 6x shoulder to overhead) - 3 minutes rest from the first person finished - 400m run buy in 50-5, 40-10, 30-15, 20-20, 10-25 Calorie BikeErg Dual dumbbell thruster (22.5/15) - 3 minutes rest from the first person finished - 400m run buy in 50-5, 40-10, 30-15, 20-20, 10-25 Calorie RowErg Single arm walking overhead lunges (each side) Score: total time (including rest) + any missed reps *DT is 27 reps per round, not 1. #98gym #98training #FYF #concept2
22.01.2022 One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised. Chinua Achebe #98gym #98training #the98standard
21.01.2022 Strength is about skill, teaching your brain how to handle both a movement and a maximum weight, but it’s also about building your body’s capacities. Matt Perryman Lower reps in today’s IWT mean a heavier load, along with maintaining composure under fatigue. ... Block One from today 5 ROUNDS 6x single arm kneeling shoulder press (each arm) 1 minute MAX EFFORT BikeErg / RowErg / SkiErg / Run 1 minute rest #98gym #98training #IWT #strength #conditioning
18.01.2022 Graft. SkiErg / RowErg / BikeErg / Run 10 ROUNDS 2 minutes @ 90-95%... 1 minute @ 65-70% **aim to sit on or just behind your Time Trial pace in the 2 minute efforts (2000m for the SkiErg and RowErg, 4000m on the BikeErg, 1600m on the run) **in addition to looking at individual interval average splits, we are also looking at total distance across the session. Move with purpose during the easy minute. #98gym #98training #ESD #concept2 #SkiErg #BikeErg #RowErg #run
18.01.2022 High reps at heavy weight, followed by some longer, hard intervals. A solid welcome to the week. Block Two from today 3 ROUNDS 15x floor press (as heavy as you can manage unbroken)... 2 minute SkiErg / RowErg / BikeErg / Run 1 minute rest #98gym #98training #IWT #concept2
17.01.2022 If you can’t outplay them, outwork them. Ben Hogan Another solo FYF effort for the team. ... 5x 5 minute rounds // 1 minute rest between rounds ROUND 1 25x single arm dumbbell snatch (27.5/17.5kg) 25x single dumbbell squat 10 calorie BikeErg Maximum 50m sandbag bear hug carries in remaining time (60/40kg) ROUND 2 20x single arm dumbbell snatch 20x single dumbbell squat 20 calorie BikeErg Maximum 50m sandbag bear hug carries in remaining time *incomplete 50m laps do not count - there is no picking up where you left off after the previous round. The snatch and squat reps continue descending by 5 each round, the BikeErg calories continue ascending by 10 until round 5 is 5x snatch, 5x squat, a 60 calorie BikeErg followed by the carry. Score: number of complete 50m carry laps across the session. #98gym #98training #the98standard #FYF #team
16.01.2022 Take pride in your movement. Move well first, move fast second. 98 GYM member’s FYF In pairs (split as desired) 100 - 80 - 60 - 40 - 20... Calorie Erg (BikeErg / RowErg / SkiErg) Walking lunges Burpees #98gym #98training #FYF #concept2
16.01.2022 The effort is worth more than any prize. In teams of 2 - 1 works, 1 rest for all movements except the runs. Both partners must be complete before the next block of movements can begin. All movements using 2x 22.5/15kg dumbbells. 60/40/20... Dumbbell box step overs Calorie SkiErg 800m run 60/40/20 Dumbbell hang clean Burpee pull ups 800m run 60/40/20 Dumbbell thruster Dumbbell weighted walking lunge 800m run Fastest time: 42.18 #98gym #98training #the98standard
15.01.2022 Each honest calling, each walk of life, has its own elite, its own aristocracy based on excellence of performance. James Bryant Conant #98gym #98training
14.01.2022 If you invest nothing, the reward is worth little. Richelle E. Goodrich #98gym #98training
12.01.2022 Test two, Day Two. The 2000m RowErg OR SkiErg, 4000m BikeErg OR 1600m run Time Trial. Our online members also have the option of an 8 minute Echo or Assault bike for calories. This is a one and done effort. A strong start, an aggressive middle, finished with everything you have. Leave nothing in the tank, leave nothing to question. ... Impressive times and a huge number of PRs have been consistently posted across the day. Congratulations to all who have completed it so far. #98gym #98training #the98standard #testing #concept2
12.01.2022 Today GPP offers a postural challenge with an increasing heart rate, as well as requiring hand eye coordination user pressure. A tough GPP pick for this week. In pairs (Indian file) 4x 5 minute rounds // 1 minute break between rounds 20x single arm overhead walking lunges (20/16kg)... 20/15 calorie SkiErg/RowErg 20x wall balls (20/14#) Max number of burpees in remaining time (1 work/1 rest in the burpees only) Player one starts off on the walking lunges. Player two can start their walking lunges as soon as player one is done and moving onto the SkiErg/RowErg. Player two can start their calories as soon as player one is done. Player one must wait for player two to finish the wall balls before they start the burpees. #98gym #98training #GPP #fitness #burpee #skierg #lunge #wallball
12.01.2022 People pretend not to like grapes when the vines are too high for them to reach. Marguerite de Navarre #98gym #98training #the98standard ... _____________________________________________ Have you entered the 98 Training competition? For your chance to win a 12 month membership to 98 Training, a @concept2au Erg of your choice, @rogueaustralia kettlebell and a 98 Training apparel pack check our story highlights. Competition ends 16/11/2020. #coach #competition #win
12.01.2022 Our GPP program rounds off every cycle by revising three benchmark workouts. They’re written in so members can see their progress and to showcase muscular endurance, technique under fatigue and grit. Some fast times are posted every cycle with members are only improving. 98 GPP BENCHMARKS Pedal to the Kettle For time:... 2000m BikeErg 50x Russian kettlebell swings (24/16kg) For time: Push Pow 30x double kettlebell push press (20/12kg) 1000m SkiErg For time: What Goes Up Must Come Down 1200m hill run (double block loop) 20x burpee box jumps All have 8 minute caps, with a three minute break in between. If you have a run, send through your times. #98gym #98training #IWT #concept2
11.01.2022 98 GYM members hitting big numbers from the word go this morning. The inclusion of bigger movements means the fatigue settles in earlier than expected. Push through and hold the standard. Block One from today 8x single arm thrusters (each side)... 1 minute max effort RowErg / SkiErg / BikeErg / Run 1 minute rest #98gym #98training #concept2 #IWT #conditioning #strength
11.01.2022 Our 98 GYM members putting in the work early. Today’s member’s FYF is straightforward. Sprint hard, obey movement standards. Even more so under fatigue. In teams of four... 20 000m BikeErg / 10 000m SkiErg or RowErg relay *Complete 15x push up + 20x air squat after every effort #98gym #98training #FYF #concept2 #conditioning
11.01.2022 http:// ARTICLE // TRAINING // - My Ten Measures Of True Male Fitness . On their own these measures are not ground breaking, but if you can hit all 10 at any given time I would say you had good state of GPP. You don’t need to over complicate things when it comes to testing . Chris Feather... . Link is live in our bio now . #98trIning #98gym #98online See more
11.01.2022 The work is tough. Be tougher. Team 98’s FYF 2/10/2020 in teams of 2 for gents, 3 for the ladies... 5 ROUNDS FOR TIME 50 calorie BikeErg 12x dual kettlebell front squat *synchro 40 calorie RowErg 10x dual kettlebell push press *synchro 30 calorie SkiErg 8x dual kettlebell thrusters *synchro In remaining time: AMRAP dual kettlebell clean and jerk (not synchro) *Kettlebell weight: 2x 28/20kgs Ladies: 38:40 86 clean and jerks Gents: 43:15 15 clean and jerks #98gym #98training #FYF #concept2 #rogueaustralia
09.01.2022 Graft. The member’s FYF from this morning meant nothing but. In teams of five 4000m SkiErg + 5x burpees after every effort into ... 4 rounds 30x ground to shoulders + 50 calorie BikeErg into 4000m SkiErg + 5x burpees after every effort #98gym #98training
08.01.2022 Understand that strength and conditioning is far more than sets and reps; at the end of the day, it is influencing behaviour. Scott Dickinson The main focus of today’s STR session: 3x 5 back squat (60%/70%/80%)... then 3x 2 back squat (90% 1RM) 3 minutes rest between sets #98gym #98training #strength #squat
08.01.2022 For we are naturally disposed to admire more than anything else the man who shows fortitude in adversity Seneca #98gym #98training #the98standard
07.01.2022 Today’s finisher continued the theme of midline control and correct positioning through each movement. Don’t rush through the main lifts or accessories; while they may be uncomfortable, they’re deliberately programmed. 15 minute AMRAP 5x 5 Bulgarian split squats (per leg) *8 second isometric hold at the bottom before coming out of the lift quickly... 8x box jumps (full hip extension, step down) #98gym #98training #STR #strength #squat
07.01.2022 With testing results from a little over 500 members (including from in gym / online / affiliate gyms) we now have a clear idea of where we need to push over the next four months to get the most out of our member’s potential. If you didn't test you can still get some of an idea of where you stand by tracking your numbers in the classes. You should be interested enough in your own training and improvement to do so; if you don't track and remember to add weight week to week or ...look to improve your splits during the IWT's or ESD sessions you‘ll see little to no improvement. To know where you are is the best place to start. So as we begin this second block of solid consistent training after lock down remember the seemingly small things that make up the foundation of your training. Do the warm ups with effort and intention, keep track of your weights on the strength days along with your splits and overall output on the ergs in ESD and IWT sessions. Spend a few hours thinking about what you want out of the next for months of training. Set yourself some goals, write them down. Challenge yourself to see what happens in four months time when you have those goals in the forefront of your mind for each session. #98gym #98training #strength #conditioning #goalsetting
06.01.2022 The goal of 98 GYM’s FYF sessions is to showcase our mental and physical capability, why we are who we are. Although it is set up as a race and we encourage a competitive atmosphere, no one really ever remembers who won. What people remember is who did the work without complaint, who went above expectations and put in no matter how uncomfortable they were. And on the rare occasion, the person who didn’t meet the mark. Don’t ever be that person. ... Member’s FYF 26/9/2020 40 Rounds 150m RowErg / SkiErg OR 300m BikeErg One person works / one person rests **Every 3 minutes the machines stop and 10x ground to shoulder must be completed per team, split as desired (70% bodyweight for the deadball/sandbag. It should be HEAVY) #98gym #98training #FYF #concept2
04.01.2022 http:// ARTICLE // What happens after the before and after pictures? . The startling fact is that the majority of people who make changes to their diet in order to lose weight, put the weight back on, and in some case, end up worse then when they started, having lost precious muscle in the dieting process, which is much harder to regain than fat. @athleticeating .... https://www.98gym.com/whats-beyond-the-before-and-after-ph/ . #98training #98gym #98online
04.01.2022 This week’s pick of the GPP program: In pairs complete 40 - 35 - 30 - 30 - 35 - 40 Deadball squats ... BikeErg calories (25 minute cap) The work is split between the pair as desired, with one working while the other rests. Once 40 deadball squats are completed, the pair moves on to 40 calories on their BikeErg, then back onto 35 squats. Working in partners means short sets and short breaks, making it a great opportunity to test yourself on a heavier ball. Choose a ball that is too light and the session will be nothing more than a light quick sweat. The 25 minute cap should be tough. #98gym #98training #GPP #fitness #squat #sprint #bikeerg
04.01.2022 A reminder of how important it is to come into your sessions with a plan. Working from your time trial splits a few weeks ago, aim to sit on or just behind it in the 3 minute intervals today. Then aim to add no more than 30 seconds to the split pace in the two minute recovery minutes. It’s harder than it sounds. 5 ROUNDS 3 minutes working at 90-95% 2 minutes working at 65-70%... *keep moving with purpose on the 2 minutes, it’s movement based recovery rather than total rest. *make sure you are looking at distance covered over the entire session, in addition to output within each interval. #98gym #98training #ESD #conditioning #concept2
04.01.2022 The future has many names: For the weak, it means the unattainable. For the fearful, it means the unknown. For the courageous, it means opportunity. Victor Hugo #98gym #98training
03.01.2022 This weeks GPP pick. Hold on, make the most of the first few rounds while you’re fresh. The SkiErg gets in the way earlier than you may expect with your grip quick to follow. In pairs 150x weighted box step overs (2x 22.5/15kg, 24/20 box) *every 90 seconds the box step overs stop for a 10 calorie SkiErg ... *the weights must be held off the ground the while the SkiErg is moving - if they touch the ground the SkiErg pauses until they are picked up again. The weights prescribed are a minimum. The only way they should be altered is to go heavier. #98gym #98training #GPP #fitness #skierg #sprint
03.01.2022 Separated by task, united by effort. Today’s ESD by @98training SkiErg / RowErg / BikeErg / Run 10 ROUNDS ... 1 minute sprint 2 minutes active recovery #98gym #98training #ESD #assaultfitness #run #airrunner
02.01.2022 At 98 Gym Wednesdays are synonymous with hard work. There’s no hiding or cutting corners. Do the work. Earn the reward. #98gym #98training #ESD #concept2
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