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A Soul Awakening
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25.01.2022 How beautiful is this soulful Full Moon in Pisces! Bringing us a heighten sense of intuition and potentially more vivid dreams. Do you listen to your intuition? Listening to the guidance of your intuition is one thing, what's needed is to follow your intuitive inner voice. ... The Full Moon is connecting with Uranus Rx in Taurus, combining intuition and instincts and bringing these energies to the forefront. Helping you to make an important choice, even if this choice defies logic or is totally out of the blue. With Venus in Cancer being opposed by Pluto Rx in Capricorn, transformation is possible and a harmonious connection between Cancer and Mercury in Virgo will help you find the healing words to describe how you feel. Talk of feelings or desires in a key partnership can open the way to enlightening and illuminating your hopes and dreams for the future. A Full Moon in Pisces brings the culmination of the zodiac cycle. A period in which a successful emotional outcome can be achieved. Honouring a 'Pisces Full Moon' ritual: Trust your Flow Allow this ritual to move energy, awaken trust and build confidence in the dark. A good ritual to practice during the evening. * Turn off the lights (or maybe hold a small lite candle). * Using your senses and hands, feel and breathe - as you slowing move, walking or dancing through each area of your home. * As you feel your way, allow your psychic and intuitive abilities to guide and speak through your movements. * If any discomfort arises - repeat the mantra "I trust the mystery of life" and continue moving through your home. * Close the ritual with in the yoga child's pose, allowing yourself to rest for a few minutes. With much love, Marilyn
24.01.2022 The Sun enters the first degrees of Virgo today. Happy Birthday to all Virgo Sun sign followers, it's your time to let the Sun shine its heavenly light on you. For everyone, it's now time to refine your skills and talents, to sort through any excesses picked up during the previous Leo Sun cycle and align yourself with the project/s you birthed during Leo's creative creation period. A challenge for our Virgo energy (and we all have Virgo energy somewhere in our horoscope)... is to remind ourselves that nothing is ever 'finalised'; there's always more to be done as we continue to evolve and grow. So clear away any blockages of negativity that might be hindering your expression and allow Virgo's gift to create order our of any chaos. What have you recently changed, birthed, or created to share with the world? Virgo energy is also all about our health, daily routines and being of service. Please reach out, how can I be of service to you? I invite you to download your FREE horoscope and see what house is ruling Virgo for you and are there any planetary bodies in this house? See link in bio. The image shown is one of many in a set of oracle cards that I created as part of my 'Aligning with Astrology' mentoring program, to support you with connecting with the essence of your Virgo energy. Reach out, let's connect
23.01.2022 The Sun and the Moon together moved into bright, creative and loyal Leo today. Happy birthday to all Leo sun sign followers. Wishing you a wonderful birthday, and a great year ahead filled with magical moments and much love and laughter. We all have Leo energy. Look to your horoscope to see where (house) Leo is shining a light on your creativity and tap into what brings you creative joy. ... If you don't have your horoscope, pop over to the link in the bio and download your FREE Horoscope. What to learn more about the astrological placements in your horoscope; reach out ~ let's connect.
22.01.2022 The recent New Moon in the watery depths of Scorpio has likely, opened the flood gates with providing lots of insights. During the first couple of days this week we'll see the Moon in Sagittarius, providing a great opportunity to set goals and make plans how to accomplish them. Today also sees Venus currently in harmonious Libra form a square aspect with Jupiter and Pluto. You may find yourself tight in a corner that may exaggerate any compulsive actions and grand gestures.... This may therefore, be a time that lacks any real and beneficial solutions to the 'how' you will accomplish your goals. Best to ponder a little more and wait a day or two before bedding anything in practice. Mercury and Uranus Rx form an opposition tomorrow creating erratic ideas. There's also the likelihood of concerns being reactivated regarding some issues that were around in early October. The Scorpio Sun and Saturn are being cooperative by midweek, highlighting opportunities for reconciling any limitations and restrictions. Persistence and honesty will support you. The Moon in Capricorn is also providing a couple of excellent days (mid week) for structuring your work load and prioritising projects. However, Venus is less happy with Saturn's restrictions when they form a challenging square aspect on Thursday. Time to work alone and keep yourself focused on what you're wanting to achieve. The week ends well, with the Sun moving into adventurous and freedom loving Sagittarius bringing some honesty and ethical practices. While Venus slips into intense and passionate Scorpio. It's a nice weekend.
21.01.2022 My constant and every changing Soul companion - the Moon. As an average Aussie kid growing up in Brisbane, Australia, I was always captivated by the sparkling stars in the night sky and the mysterious patterns they made. I would often watch the shape of the Moon coming and going as she moved through her phases. Looking up to the night sky became a regular past time, that continues. I still find it fascinating to know, that where ever we are in the world, we all can look u...p at the night sky and see the same magical view. The same view that ancients also saw. Today the Sagittarius Moon is being challenged with a connection to Mercury in Virgo. A higher degree of tension between your heart and mind is possible. Not so much as an open warfare, rather a continual questioning or internal debate between your thoughts and feelings. If you read Monday's post, you'l also know that today and tomorrow are inspirational days with Neptune and Venue making a harmonious aspect. New and unconventional ideas are likely to pop up from everywhere, however be mindful of any that really do seem to be over the top. As you balance the energies between your heart and mind, remember to look up to the night sky. You'll see the Moon in her first quarter phase, opening the way to take action, that supports manifesting your intentions, as set during the recent New Moon phase. Keep track of the Moon and her phases in your location. There's still time to Download a FREE 2020 yearly calendar. See 'In Harmony with the Moon' link in bio.
20.01.2022 Our action planet Mars has been slowing down during the past couple of days and today stations to prepare of the start of his 9 weeks retrograde cycle on Friday. In total we'll have Mars in Aries for 6 months! An unusual and unique event. 2020 is certainly bringing many unique events. During Mars' Rx, he'll re-visit Saturn (when out of Rx) on the 29/30 September, with grounded your discipline. Then 9 October, Mars re-visits with Pluto (also when out of Rx) and connecting yo...u with your deeper desires. These re-visits are topped off with a re-visit with Jupiter on 19 October 19 bringing you winning opportunities. Think of these re-connections with Mars as an incredible opportunity to 'Be Yourself'. To do what's needed and apply the benefits of what you’ve learned over the past few months. You've got this! Learn more about where Mars is expanding your growth. Let's connect - Personal Development consultations available. Have a wonderful day
20.01.2022 How courageous do you want to be?
19.01.2022 How are you going? It's another big week in the heavens. You may recall last Mondays post, I referenced the upcoming Jupiter/Pluto Rx conjunction. It's happening tomorrow. You've likely been feeling the intense energy's that this aspect brings. It's the second time this year, requiring more re-evaluation, more letting go and more transformation. As both these planets are retrograde, a totally new perspective is needed & can be found by embracing the bigger picture. What do... you know is holding you back? Is what you've always done going to be the best option? Ask yourself the question 'why', you want (you fill in the _______)? There's also the likelihood of sensitive issues concerning family that will need to be discussed. The Cancerian Sun, together with Mercury Rx is creating a difficult aspect with Chiron, however this can also bring the possibility for healing. Thursday the Moon enters into her Gibbons phase - what have you contributed to seeing your goals, dreams being manifested? Thursday also sees Saturn Rx, re-enter Capricorn and another opportunity to take a look at restructuring, reworking old concerns/issues. From Amy....As we embrace summer & the reopening of areas, what energies can we lean into? #theempressreversed asks us to take not of where we find comfort, self care, a feeling of luxury; rather what brings you comfort and a feeling of being supported. Sometimes that’s just taking stock of the community & home you have created. With all that is going on with the world we may be feeling unsupported, worried, scared. But often we have more than we realize in the love around us. The #reversed10ofcups reiterates this taking stock of your family and your relationships. Both of these first two cards ask us to take note of what good around us is working and pause. Be grateful. The #kinghtofpentacles reminds us to take your time, plan and then go. Again as we reopen we need to plan, decide how we want to approach things. How they will affect those around us, andcome from a space of realizing the support & gifts we have. In this spread, we see a major, a cup & a pentacle, 3 aspects of our lives. Be safe. Be loving, be grateful.
18.01.2022 There's a bright Full Moon in the night sky. Check time in your location. What a way to start a week! You may be filling the cosmic pull of this Full Moon in Aquarius to get out and explore. Anything & possibly everything that is new, unique or different & brings out your individuality & freedom is likely. Aquarius' ruling planet Uranus is in a dynamic square aspect with the Full Moon, highlighting the rebellious side of your nature & is pushing you to explore & express who...Continue reading
18.01.2022 It's a good day with so many reasons to be happy Today Mars stations to go direct after 6 weeks in Rx. A time spent re-thinking, re-grouping, re-treating and re-viewing; what is your (my) Soul purpose? Jupiter and Pluto meet again for the third and last time. How many of you have devised a new plan, a new strategy with moving forward with your Soul purpose? ... All the wonderful work you've been creating in the background through July to now, is finally coming together. December and January sees you moving forward. Please share in comments; what is one thing that you're happy about with moving past the heavy energies of this year and taking with you into 2021?
17.01.2022 Monday Musings Neptune Rx in Pisces is highlighting activities this week. Confusion, delusion, fears & helplessness may run high as early in the week we see a difficult aspect between Neptune Rx & Mercury. You may find that straightforward communication is difficult to achieve. Facts & fiction are merged & bring confusion. Pluto Rx in Capricorn steps in the mix forming a trine with Mercury & digs into hidden truths. The Full Moon in Pisces during this week, adds intensity... for your quest for clarity. Be aware that this Full Moon might bring more illusions instead. More on the Full Moon later. While Venus in Cancer makes connections with the Moon & Neptune Rx in Pisces midweek, bringing a feeling of coolness & distance to relationships that also brings difficulties in overcoming inhibitions. A reality check might be needed, or some revealing & surprising facts may present. Venus in watery Cancer & Mars in fiery Aries are meeting up on Friday & likely to bring out a snappy & cantankerous mood. Fire can boil water, however water can put out fire. You decide; find harmony or walk away as the vibes change on Sunday. Amy's tarot for this week ask us to look at our choices. How is what, & who we are with, reflecting the beauty & love we have for ourselves, or the need to tune in & nurture a love that we need. #thelovers card is an expression of that. The following three cards-all reversals, ask us to look at our history & family linage. What did that teach us about choice, self love, life? What we were taught & how we took that in, is expressed with the #10ofcoins. The #7ofswords asks us to think about where we may feel lack, but that lack may be more a perception than a reality? So take stock of the good that you do have around you. Ultimately remember that the power to make any necessary changes are within your grasp #thetower seems scary, & it is about shifts in our lives, but in this reversed position I feel this is about the control we do in fact have over our lives. Our free will. We're able to understand if & why changes are needed & make decisions. This week focus on choices in your life, honour what's needed & change where needed. @ (Kythira)
17.01.2022 #challengeaccepted Thank you Amy @untethered_guidance Connecting and supporting woman and men the world over, to be the best version of their authentic self.
16.01.2022 The Moon is moving through Pisces today in her disseminating phase and creating harmony with the Sun in Cancer. A period of expressing your gratitude with both giving and receiving. Gift yourself or another today with the gift of gratitude Try a detoxifying sauna, or maybe a relaxing foot massage or reflexology treatment. Let the sun in Cancer shine her nurturing energy on you and the compassionate Pisces Moon revitalise your immune system to support and create a harmon...ious flow. How will you use the energy for today?
14.01.2022 For the last few nights I've been sitting outside on my balcony watching the sunset and seeing the moon rise. A beautiful way to end a day a start an evening. The Moon has now moved into her Gibbous phase. Whatever intentions you set back in the New Moon phase, it's now a time to trust that all is coming together with divine timing. The Moon has also moved into Sagittarius, a great time to give your skin a dry brush treatment to stimulate overall circulation. ... Saturn Rx also moves back into Capricorn today. If you haven't already done do, consider a second look at restructuring and reworking any of those old issues that are holding you back. Enjoy the growing Moon phase and remember to look up into the night sky to see the bigger picture and not just at the reflection on the water. Have a wonderful day.
14.01.2022 Yesterday I spent time enjoying a catchya with a friend before returning to lockdown today, here in Crete, Greece Time in a favourite cafe #koukouvaya located high on the hillside overlooking the beautiful Venetian Harbour city of Chania. Across the street is the parkland gardens are graves of the father Eleftherios Venizelos (1864-1936) and his son Sophocles Venizelos (1994-1964), both Prime Minister of Greece in the 20th Century. ... Yet, tucked away in a corner of the gardens lies the scattered ruins of the Eleftheria Statue In honour of Eleftherios Venizelos and in memory of all the freedom struggles of the Cretans. The Freedom Monument was erected next to the graves in 1937. It once stood the height of 20m, carved out of marble and resembling the Goddess Athena, and was known as the Eleftheria statue. The guardian angel over the city of Chania. Whilst the statue lies on the ground with Eleftheria's face looking up to the sky, her angelic presence is still felt as her feet are firmly standing on the ground. Interested in learning more about the wonders and magic that is found on the island of Crete? I invite you to read about Crete’s Ancient City of Eleutheras; Spinalonga ~ the Island of Refuge; Minoan Snake Goddess, Palace of Knossos and the capital of Crete; and more. See Soul Travel link in bio.
14.01.2022 With Mercury/Uranus creating a difficult square aspect today, it's best to leave any difficult discussion requiring cooperation until later in the week. Some people might have a short fuse & sparks are likely to fly. Mars7Pluto are meeting mid week & forming another square that is building, & inflaming any strained relationships. Particularly relationships with authority, superiors or anyone who tries to 'tell you what to do'. Be warned, be mindful of the possibility of loo...sing your cool, as there's likely repercussions when Mars meets with Saturn in a couple of weeks. With the Moon moving through Taurus in her disseminating phase early in the week & then into Gemini & her third quarter phase midweek,postpone any negotiations until the weekend or maybe even next week. Remember to exercise gratitude to those who have supported you along the way. This should help with keeping a more harmonious balance until the heavy energies pass. By the weekend the Moon will be in the nurturing and caring sign of Cancer offering some flow. And a great time to focus on your home and family. This weeks Amy's tarot general reading show us leaning on our friends/advisors, & gathering information for the next chapter in our lives. #Theworldcard shows us completion, as the summer is drawing to a close, and schools are trying to figure out how to re open here, there are a lot of decisions to be made as to how we are all moving forward in these arenas, & so many others in this new normal. How are shaping our lives in the upcoming season? The energy of the knave (page) of wands reversed reminds us to think about where our energy is going, how we are using it. A check in to what we want to bring into our lives. Take some time to ground, and focus. The #6ofswords, one of my favorite cards, reminds us to let others steer our boat when we need to. (Think of the rider-Waite deck, the person is literally being taken to the other side by a gondolier, the rider could quite literally not see where they are going). Look around for guidance, mentors, helpers and friends. They will help you move into this new beginning.
13.01.2022 There's a New Moin in a couple of days, in creative and joyful Leo. Each month during the New Moon, the Sun is highlighting a particular area of your life. Check to see which Astrological house is being highlighted for you, with your New Moon Guude, based on your Sun sign zodiac.... See link in bio. #newmoon #newmooninleo #letastrologybeyourguide #letastrologycanopenyourworld #astrologyandyou #newmoonguides #newmoonenergy
12.01.2022 The swift footed messenger God, Mercury moved into Leo today bringing a lighter mood and a little joy with communications. A delightful energy for me to finish writing not, one but two new free downloadable resources soon to be available to you. New and Full Moon ritual practices to support you with aligning and working in harmony with the Moon. If you haven't already downloaded the free Moon Phases resource, check link bio. ... With the recent Full Moon in Aquarius bringing out the need and freedom to be you, today with the Moon now moving through Pisces, it's a wonderful time to walk barefoot in the morning on the grass or the beach and grounding yourself, along with discharging electromagnetic pollution through your feet.
12.01.2022 If you missed receiving the New Moon Newsletter yesterday, for the Scorpio New Moon - here's a sneak peak. Emotions are likely to be high during this New Moon, however you may now be able to take action with deeply felt and possibly hidden feelings that have been stirring within in you for some time, now that Mars the ruler of this New Moon is again moving forward following a very lengthy rare retrograde period. This New Moon is offering an emotional reset as your desires... and intentions become more clear. For those of you who are ready, it's a time to set clear intentions and put your plans in motion regarding that project you've been stirring and mulling over over for some time. Your confidence may flourish and you may also find that you're feeling impatient with getting things stared. However, the planet of abundance and generosity, Jupiter is here to lend you a hand and provide all the support you need with an extra boost of optimism to get you started. For those willing to maintain the intense focus that brings rewards, you'll be amazed by the progress you can make during this period. I invite you to subscribe to my New Moon Newsletter, see link in bio - and not miss future Newsletters. Interested in learning more about how the Moon effects you, together with the Sun and other planetary bodies? Check today's stories and new consultation services, in 'Services' Highlight.
11.01.2022 Setting your New Moon in Leo intentions. Add some extra emphasis ~ speak your intentions out to the Universe. Connect with the power of the Sun and the Moon. Open yourself to consciously taking time to play and enjoy life.
11.01.2022 Bringing you a little Moon magic today, with the Moon in Aries in a challenging aspect with Jupiter Rx in Capricorn. While I'm enjoying some much needed and appreciated time out for me, on the Greek Island of Kythira Relationships are a major focus this weekend and this heavenly placement is suggesting you may experience some turmoil in this area. However, this is because Aries energy really does like to enjoy and experience life and Jupiter brings enjoyment to the fullest. Maybe it's best to spend a little time on your own nourishing and rejuvenating yourself. Ready for the change in energies on Sunday.
11.01.2022 "Let nothing dim the light that shines within" . Maya Angelou With the Sun shining brightly in creative Leo, let the magic that is you shine. The Sun is still in a difficult aspect with Neptune Rx and Pluto Rx. Find what brings your playful inner self joy, let it flow and let it grow.
10.01.2022 Apologies to my FaceBook followers, ooops the link from IGTV didn't connect. Please see below for Virgo New Moon recording. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CFLw_9dHkOc/
10.01.2022 Yeaaaa, yepeeeee Mercury is again moving forward from today (Monday). I've personally had a very challenging and trying Mercury Rx this time round. How's it been for you? Mercury in Cancer brings up concerns and issues around home, family and feelings of over sensitivity, fearfulness and caution. Learn to trust your intuition, your instinct and find safety in spending time in your home within. Monday also sees a sensitive Cancer Sun and an inspiring Pisces in Neptune wate...Continue reading
10.01.2022 Looks like we’re in for an interesting week! The planet Mercury, as many of you will know represents the mind, communication & short distance travel. Mercury is presently in Libra, a sign that is generally very amicable. However, this week Mercury is meeting with a number of planetary bodies that is likely to bring out tensions for some. To begin with, we have Mercury forming a difficult aspect with Pluto. This shows Pluto pushing for change & transformation in the realm...Continue reading
10.01.2022 Do you follow your intuition? Even had those moments of knowing where you are meant to be? Those unknown and unexplained feelings? The choice to follow your intuition, listen to the vouce, trust and do what you're being guided to do. I am often asked how did I end up being an Astrologer and living in Crete? Following a successful career as HR professional, living and working across my former home company of Australia ... I listened to my intuition and it 'just' happen. After a number of months here, in Crete I checked my AstroCartoGraphy and found that I'm right where I'm meant to be. Do you follow your intuition?
10.01.2022 What are great start to our week. Today & tomorrow are excellent days to advance those creative projects that have been brewing & bubbling in the background. Or make good impressions in prominent places. The start of the weeks energy is upbeat & a little fiery with the Moon, Sun and Mercury in Leo. Mid week sees an amicable aspects with Venus & Uranus adding to the extra emphasis on artistic expression. I hope you're making good with such positive energy. Romance & romant...ic gestures are also greatly appreciated. Thursday sees a whole lot of focus coming our way with Mercury moving into organised & analytical Virgo & the Sun following on Sunday. This makes not one, not two or three; but six planets in earth signs (Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto), with four in Rx. That's a lot of re-focusing on focusing. Keeping your feet on the ground as focus, ambitions & hard work on realistic goals are achievable. At least for the next three weeks. Looking for more astrologicial insights? Subscribe to my New Moon Newsletter, check link in bio. Have a wonderful creative week, sprinkled with a little romantic gestures. Amy provides the Tarot insights for the week with the cards showing us shifts in perspectives, shifts in how we look at things & adjust to that. The #6ofwands shows we are learning & growing. We are able to make the transition to the new way of thinking & living. As we all now on a global scale-shifts galore! #Thehierophant reversed shows us letting go of old ways of doing things. This is the shift that is here. New approaches. New habits, & they are coming. We are not wrapped up in, or attached anymore to the old ways. The #knightofcoins (pentacles) reversed shows us that we are taking time to integrate all of these shifts. We have the ideas, we are ready to make changes, but we also know we need patience, & are honoring that.
09.01.2022 Such a nice start to our week with Mercury having just slipped into sociable Libra for the coming three week & a change in communications - remember to also speak kindly to yourself. Venus has also now slipped into loyal & expressive Leo. What will this bring to your relationships? Remember, Mars is in Aries until January 6, 2021, a much longer stay due to his Rx cycle from Wednesday. Watch for any drama in your relationships. Be humble, open your heart with loving expres...sive actions that speak louder than words. From mid-week until the weekend, the Virgo Sun is in harmony with Jupiter Rx in Capricorn bringing an extra dose of optimism, however be aware of any possible false starts, with driving Mars now Rx. Generally speaking Mars/Aries energy is less fond of re-working & re-assessing, but this time is a perfect time to re-fine projects you've been working on. On Friday the Sun forms an opposition with Neptune Rx in Pisces. Be mindful of anything that seems to be true. There's a likelihood that a wrong derision may have long standing implications. The Moon in Cancer during the weekend is also adding tenseness. Again, remember to speak kindly to yourself, treat your thoughts & emotions with grace. Amy's tarot cards for the week ask us to look within to see how we can find balance & justice. They also ask us to tune in to see where & when we can create change? What needs to be done for transformation. My amazing teacher @lindsaymack tells us the #justicetarotcard is about engaging in the present. The here & now, & being honest about what’s going on. And there's ALOT going on that needs & is being addressed. Especially in the US-we see this reaction in the #3ofswords, but as we are able to see what needs working on we are able to create new ways of doing things. New paths for joy & abundance as we bring in the energy of the #empresscard. She is the great mother. The great creatrix, the calming caring loving energy we need right now. When we tune into this we can make changes. Changes that we can ride with, changes that we initiate with the #towerreversed. Please continue in the comments...
09.01.2022 The Moon in Gemini today is voc for most of the day, avoid starting any new projects. It's a better day to reconcile, rest and generally slow down as she is preparing for the New Moon Monday/Tuesday (depending your time zone).
09.01.2022 Tomorrow's (5 July) Full moon eclipse in Capricorn marks the end of a two year cycle of eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn. What have you learnt? , what has been learnt as a global society? Our world and each and every one of us, have seen and experienced much change on many levels. The first six months of 2020 has certainly pushed us along, by pulling us back. You may feel like you're just about to cross the finish line. However, there are a couple of loose ends that need to... be tie up before the end of the year. The final chapter, a last chance to clear the decks, either physically or emotionally. This may even prompt you to bring to life, that long held dream, vision, or important goal. The Cancer/Capricorn eclipses, during the past two years has been showing us, collectively the importance of creating connections with family, home, community, and care for one another. I'd love to hear how you feel collectively as a global society we have faired. Are we more tolerant, kinder? Are we more caring and less self focused, selfish? Capricorn's ruling planet Saturn has been retrograde for some time and has recently moved back into Capricorn, where he'll stay until December. Tie off the loose ends. A connection between Jupiter and Pluto is likely to reveal just how far you've already come. Whatever your focus and goals for the future, be they emotional, financial, physical or spiritual, you might find that like myself, you've had successes and failures in all these areas of life. Yet discover that you're a lot richer than you think. What does the next chapter bring for you?
08.01.2022 Every morning you have a new opportunity to become a happier version of yourself. The Moon is in harmonious Libra for the weekend. Watch what you speak, speak with kindness and if heated words present. Use diplomacy. Spend time beautifying your surroundings. ... Have a wonderful weekend.
06.01.2022 It's a New Moon in nurturing Cancer today, or early tomorrow (check times for your location). New Moon's are a time to set your intentions, to plant the seeds of your desires, your dreams. The Cancer New Moon along with the Sun are in opposition to Saturn. It may sound like hard work, however it's a wonderful opportunity for new beginnings that bring long lasting results. Allow yourself personal space & personal time to explore & let new possibilities present. What do you... truly what, & why. Accept or surrender to extra responsibilities & that everything is possible, because nothing is impossible. Choices maybe confusing, so trust your intuition. It's a brand new start. On Wednesday the Sun moves into bright, loyal & creative self expressive Leo. Midweek also sees Mercury in Cancer/Chiron in Aries square that brings a testing time to communicate your needs. There's also a Mercury/Uranus placement bringing new ideas & approaches to improving these interactions. Any inner & outer tension that you experience can finally see sweet success during the weekend with the Moon in Libra providing a favourable time to exercise diplomacy, along with finding harmonious moments to nurture your own & others needs. Amy's tarot insights shows at this phase of quiet & new beginnings we are asked to look inwardly as reflected in the cards. The hermit reminds us to find time alone, to move with intention one step at a time as we shift into our future. Into the new adjustments we need to make while we're still learning to navigate the changes the pandemic has initiated. The high priestess also asks us to lean into our deep spiritual inner knowing. The peace & internal view that the hermit encourages allows us to settle into & connect to this knowing. The wheel of fortune is all about how we show up, karma & how are our actions affect others. How our are actions impacting our own karma. When we take this time during the new moon to delve into our deep knowing we will be more apt to do things in alignment with who we truly are. All the cards this week are major Arcana cards & speak of the importance of taking this time for ourselves & others.
06.01.2022 Two days into Mars Rx, did you feel the change in your motivation, drive and direction? Mars is retracing his steps until 14 November. Whilst Mars Rx will create some challenges on the global level as he re-connects with the Social planets of Jupiter and Saturn and the generational planet of transformative Pluto, all being in Capricorn. It's important to remember that Mars (now in Aries) is seen as one of the personal planets, meaning his energy has a more direct and perso...nal impact on each of us. During Mars' Rx he'll re-connect with Saturn Rx forming a difficult square on the 27 September. Think back to 25 Aug when Mars and Saturn Rx last formed a difficult square aspect. What plans were you putting in place. Is there something that needs a re-adjustment or re-work to strengthen the foundations? Mars also re-connects with Pluto Rx 10 October, forming another challenging square aspect. Again think back, to 13 August, when Mars and Pluto Rx were previously in a challenging square aspect; what significant shifts did you awaken to? We can't forget to include another square aspect between Mars/Jupiter re-connecting on 19 October. These two last connected on 03 August. With Jupiter now moving forward and Mars in Rx, Jupiter is showing us what needs to be re-viewed with creating a clearer vision of the bigger picture. 2020 has certainly presented many bigger picture views of how we individually have contributed to the collectively status quo, and how we individually contribute to humanity creating a brighter future. Think globally, however act locally. As 'to accomplish great things we must not only act but also, dream; not only plan but also believe'. Do you believe that a brighter future is achievable.
05.01.2022 The soul has been given its own ears to hear things that the mind does not understand.Rumi Have you ever experienced a profound sense of Soul knowing and acting on what your Soul is guiding you to achieve, guiding you to be where you physically need to be? Today marks a five year anniversary, that set me on a course of the unknown, yet a knowing that it was time to go. ... After selling my (then) home in Melbourne, Australia I had asked the Universe "where in the world you like me to go for four months, that is close by water and cheaper and less populated than Australia! The answer was Crete. So, I came for four months during Winter. Little did I know after six months of being away, and on my return to Australia I would feel like Australia was no longer my home. Fast forward a couple of trips back and forth across the hemispheres and I've now been living permanently in Crete for close to the past four and a half years. What's more, I have no desire to return to my birth country. Something profound and magical can happen when you listen to the calling of your Soul. Find some new insights with the relocation of your horoscope. Do you - Trust your Soul?
04.01.2022 As sure as the Sun rises each day in the East, bringing a new day with greater consciousness and wisdom; so to the day turns to night and the Sun retires allowing darkness to rule. He we find ourselves facing the West with a heart filled with the promise of another new day. Today the Leo Sun is shining brightly and connecting with the wounded healer Chiron Rx in Taurus offering much needed healing to those needing self love, self worth and self respect.
04.01.2022 This week marks a significant annual event for everyone and two very personal events. Today would have been my Dad's birthday, however he's again spending time with my Mum who passed away on 11.11.2017. Two very important personal days for me. It has become an annual ritual to visit a local church to light a candle for each of these memorial events. Wednesday, 11.11.2020 also marks Remembrance Day, lest we forget. ... Astrologically, this week sees Mars stationing to turn direct on Friday/Saturday (check times for your location) following 59 days in Rx. All those two steps forward, one step back kind of starts will now be given the green light. * What have you learnt? * What goals/projects have you been re-assessing? * What have you learnt about the way you respond/react to fulfilling your desires, your wishes and your dreams? Jupiter and Pluto (both in Capricorn) are also meeting on Friday for the third time this year. Think back to the first meeting on 5 April, and the second meeting on 30 June. * What new approaches came to light? During this third meeting you may see tensions running high, as new solutions of a recurring theme that has been dragging on for sometime finally sees some positive insights. Now is your time to build new structures that support and facilitate the transformational change that you've been experiencing (feeling). This could very well be a personal experience regarding money, sexuality, power and/or authorities. Check your horoscope (if you don't have one, check link in bio to download yours for free). For those with Cardinal placements (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) near 22 you'll feel the transformation stronger than others. * What are you waiting for? I's time! Then Sunday we have a New Moon in Scorpio. More on the New Moon soon. Sunday is also the last day for those interested in learning more about themselves through the lens of Astrology. Secure your place with a 25% discount for a 12 week one on one Mentoring program. See "Services" Highlight for more information and DM, let's connect.
03.01.2022 Let the storm pass early in the week when fiery Mars in Aries makes a tense square with Saturn Rx in stable & grounding Capricorn. Mars in Aries doesn't like to be limited or controlled resulting in inner tensions raising & creating outer conflict. As the storm passes, we'll see Wednesday through to Saturday being inspirational days with Neptune & Venus making a harmonious aspect. New & unconventional ideas are likely to pop up from everywhere, however be mindful of any that... really do seem to be over the top. Wednesday & Thursday with the Moon in Sagittarius is also adding to any over the top kinda ideas. Whilst creative & spiritual quests are favoured, they'll still need pass the down to earth quality control of six planets still in earthy signs; & remember three are also still in Rx. Another storm is brewing with Venus/Pluto lining up on Friday, Saturday & exact of Sunday to oppose each other. This may lead to some challenging circumstances for some relationships. Find your inner calm and minimise any obsessive behaviour. The storm will pass. Amy's tarot reading for the week is showing us to learn to walk away from what we don’t need/what doesn’t serve us. Finding stability & with this allowing us to grow more & more into ourselves & our gifts. In this we find a renewed feeling of accomplishment & fulfillment. The #5ofcups card is reminding us to walk away from things. To take time to sit with our emotions, to see what’s working & what can be walked away from & let go. As we do this we find our grounding. We find our stability & with that stability the strength & self assurance to grow & express ourselves. We find what brings us joy can be our gift, & share our talents to help others find theirs. #theemperor represents that stability. And it’s in that space that we feel best. Feel like we are riding high, victorious, & able to share our gifts. This week take time to turn into the emotions in your life, your heart. Go towards the ones that bring you joy. Walk away from those that weigh you down. Make time for quiet & time to find what makes you feel stable & balanced. Have an amazing week ahead. Somewhere Under the Sky
03.01.2022 A potent healing is taking place. Chiron, known as the sacred wounded healer is presently retrograde in firey Aries and conjunct Mars now. Thier meeting can accentuate low level aggression, headaches and more generally, the state of the world doing your head in. ... However, it also opens the doorway to mystical healing. We're being called to confront the feelings we've pushing down instead of processing and addressing. Are you open to healing and rebalancing emotional and mental issues? Chiron together with Mars brings us hope and helps each of us to see a divine way forward. Use your divine wisdom and choose your clashes and battles wisely. Chiron continues his retrograde in Aries until 16 December.
03.01.2022 Venus has been stationed for the past couple of days following her retrograde through Gemini and starts moving forward from today. What has presented to you during this this Rx cycle? What adjustments were made as to how you communicate with yourself, and others? Her first connection is with Jupiter Rx in Capricorn, where she'll keep company until next Thursday. An opportunity to check in on your daily routines around your health and general well-being. ... Venus is also connecting with the Moon in Virgo today, adding extra focus to addressing any health and well being concerns. Making today a wonderful day to gift yourself a rejuvenating treatment. Have a wonderful day.
02.01.2022 In recent weeks I’ve connected with a number of new followers and I’m truly grateful to see you here. Thank you for joining me and sharing the journey. I look forward to get to know you more and learn about the amazingness that you are each bringing to our shared world. It’s incredible to see that we are now in the middle of September, how the year has flown by. There’s no denying that 2020 has been a year ‘full’ of change for everyone, on many levels; and we’re far from ...Continue reading
02.01.2022 How are you going after the Full Moon eclipse? The Moon has now moved into Aquarius bringing with it more thoughts about how your feeling. The tension and intensity of the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction stays with us this week and the rest of the month. Personal challenges are likely as you rework your beliefs around power, money, ambitions and sex. It's also likely that finding new insights or transforming your perspective will challenge you. Let the Cancerian Sun shine a gen...tle nurturing glow on you. Mercury Rx in Cancer creates a challenge with Mars in fiery Aries bringing some inner tensions that may lead to arguments and communication breakdown. A word of advice would be to avoid particular topics midweek that could create some sparks. Let the energy pass and have the conversation/s over the weekend when Venus and Chiron are working harmoniously together and offering healing. Mercury will station, ready to move forward and the Sun is also in harmony with Neptune (both being in water signs), providing flow and encouraging empathy. Be gentle with your beautiful heart and know that love wins. From Amy: This weeks cards. #Thestar is #Aquarius energy and reminds us to do the work of healing & clearing; of nurturing our wounds and letting them heal. This is so needed now. We all, globally, have been though ALOT. And we need to take the time to nurture ourselves and our communities. I think we will and are, doing just that. How will we get here? By creating a solid base, with the #4ofpentacles leading the way. Building a strong foundation, to nurture and protect our hearts, and connection to spirit. There’s rebuilding and shifts going on that will help us find a new & stronger foundation, personally & globally. Find time for grounding work, meditation, movement & quiet time. Tune into what your heart needs. Make time for healing. The #knightofpentaclesreversed shows the need for patience, no need to rush. Look within. Rest. Also be patient with others at different stages of their journey. The #6ofwands shows we'll come through victorious, better and stronger. Love & compassion always helps. The little champagne bottle image reminds me of the peaceful Goddess and something that what we're working towards. Peace...abundance
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