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A Simple Shift

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25.01.2022 Can't remeber how it started, but most evenings end with oats at our place. An after dinner snack for the kids before bed. Not much packaging Plastic free... Super cheap Filling, healthy Quick, easy Add a dash of milk and a few sultanas and we're set.

24.01.2022 Keen to reduce some of the single-use plastics in your life? Find out more about Plastic Free July? These two FREE zoom sessions will be a great way to get started. ... All brought to you by the Port Environment Centre

24.01.2022 Being at home more at the moment means - more time in the garden - trying harder to eat more of what we grow... Freshly picked and ready for dinner. But how many eggplants can you really eat... Still enjoying the summer veg. Never ending tomatoes. Time to plant the winter greens.

24.01.2022 How cute are these? Grateful to be here in Adelaide where BYO is still welcome at lots of places. But keep it clean. No one wants a dirty keep cup. OR if you can't avoid a takeaway cup - can you go topless?

23.01.2022 What to feed the kids? Rushing out the door this morning I quickly threw together a pretty typical low-waste snack pack / lunch for me and the kids. Nothing fancy. Pretty healthy. Super quick.... Scraps back home to compost. A quick bakery stop for an apple bun (in a paper bag) and we were set. Fruit, veg, toasted sandwhich, nuts and some home dried fruit. Often we have something nice in the fridge ready to grab too - oat slice, banana bread, cheese and crackers, almond muffins, hummus or pesto. But not today. Would they rather something else? For sure! Wouldn't we all! #plasticfreejuly

23.01.2022 Nude salad anyone? Heading round to a friends.... We've got a roll of gladwrap in our drawer that's been there for years! Only reaching for it in total emergencies. The rest of the time things go nude We use lunchboxes or containers... A plate put on top A clean tea towel Or a beeswax wrap See more

22.01.2022 How can we change things? How can we make a better world? We need to go beyond our own homes and yards and learn to use our voices. This can be hard though, it can be daunting to know how or where to start and is something we don't do very often. I would love to be able to support you all to use your voices better to create changes that go beyond our homes and lives. BUT - I just don't have the time!... SO instead, here's a fantastic alternative. Shift Australia runs month long Shift groups, helping you learn and practice using your voice on issues that matter to you. They're looking for people right now to join their June Shift Groups. (sign up form below) Completely FREE and volunteer run this is such a cool program to get involved with - I'd love to hear if you join and how you find it. Each Shift group runs for four weeks, led by two experienced facilitators and with up to 10 participants (run online at the moment). You'll end the month with an understanding your power as an individual, and the most effective ways to achieve systems change on big issues like climate change, environmental protection, gender equity, First Nations justice, refugee rights and more. You'll have fun, gain confidence, learn tools and skills, and meet some awesome people.

20.01.2022 Want to do more but don't know where to start? This is a great way to learn heaps in a short, interactive, online way. I know both of the presenters - and they are both fantastic people - super knowledgeable, and great communicators and educators. I can't recommend this enough.... 2 x 1.5 hour online sessions. only $10 Would love to hear if you sign up.....

20.01.2022 Garden salad. Kale, spinach, tomatoes, parsley, beetroot leaves. Super local. Super fresh.... Green leafy things are so good to grow. Pick and eat all year round. No more soggy, slimy lettuce floating round in the fridge.

17.01.2022 In these strange times we need to stick together. We need to remember that we come from a place of abundance (not scarcity). Together we have so much. Look to your local community for support. It is such a reminder to embrace a more local, slow, and simple way of doing things.... Check in on those around you and support those that need it. Use this time to think about how you could make your home, community, neighbourhood, our environment and way of life more sustainable in the long run... Use this time to learn. Use this time to think. Use this time to start a little veggie garden. Use this time to enjoy the simple pleasures of a good book or sitting outside listening to the birds. Stick together, help each other out, and come from a place of abundance. There is enough for all, if we remember there is enough for all.

16.01.2022 In these uncertain times... My garden brings comfort, peace and calm. If you're thinking about getting started in the garden, in some small way, These online sessions might be a great help... Based in Tassie but relevant for all.... Getting your hands dirty, growing a little bit of fresh produce, finding calm, feeling strong. Everyone has to start somewhere. Start small and see where things go!

16.01.2022 Hello little fish. Where did you come from? We love sushi rolls as a quick, low packaging, healthy(ish) snack when out and about.... Best is if you remember your own container or lunchbox (but I rarely do). Second best is to get them in a paper bag (that you can take home to compost or put in the green bin). Can you say "in paper please"? But these little fish are sneaky and you've got to be quick to avoid them. Can you use the soya sauce in store, go without, or BYO washed and refilled at home?

16.01.2022 Let's kick this off by sharing some inspiration and ideas. Think back over the last few years and share with us something YOU or your kids have been given, that you have really LOVED or appreciated - but that wasn't something NEW from the shops. Big or little examples Christmas or other occasions... What have you received that was a lovely gift, that didn't cost the earth.... (we'll get onto experiences as gifts later this week - for now let's think of things you've received that have been pre-loved, second hand, homemade, or were gifts of time or help)

16.01.2022 It is no secret that we love second-hand treasures. After a year of trying to buy nothing new (back in 2018), second hand things have become our normal. There are so many thing already in this world, it feels hard to justify buying new and adding to it. But what about second hand presents? We love receiving them - it shows that people get what we're trying to do.... But giving them can sometimes feel a bit awkward. But can also lead to fantastic conversations and getting others thinking about doing things differently. From an old silver jewellery box, to the perfect book, or some great toys, there are so many second hand treasurers out there waiting for you to find them. Tell people you are okay receiving secondhand gifts. Or that you've found them something interesting that has it's own story. Slowly we can all make this a normal thing to do. Gumtree, Op shops, Facebook marketplace, A garage sale, The back of your cupboard, Your local Buy Nothing group....

14.01.2022 Noticing the seasons change through the changing food in our garden. Marking time with the flow of different fruit and veg. From oranges, passionfruit, brocolli and snow peas, things slow and shift to not much more than broad beans. The first ripe strawberries appear. A few potatoes are unearthed.... Waiting for the apricots and summer crops to come. And the leafy greens and herbs continue... See more

12.01.2022 Can less be more? When I was little, I remember our family Christmas gatherings involved a huge shared lunch, and then SOOO many presents. Everyone gave everyone gifts. With aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents it was huge. But then a while ago our extended family tradition started to change. I can't remember when or how, but we started doing Kris Kringle / Secret Santa or not so Secret Santa. For the adults, one present for one person each. ... Less to stress about buying, Easier to get and give just one gift, Often with a hint of something they might really like, And sometimes with a second hand theme. It just needs someone to organise (thanks Aunty Hewina) This is just one example of how a large group of people made a little shift to a less is more Christmas. Slowly changing traditions and making new ones. Or as mentioned by an earlier commenter - I know of families who no longer do adult presents. Often big shifts like this happen because someone asks the question, or starts the conversation. It might not happen straight away, but maybe this Christmas is the time to ask the questions or start the conversation for next year.

11.01.2022 Isn't this just said perfectly. Here is our chance to shake things up and redefine what our new "normal" looks like. A world of community A world of local A world of care... A world of 'enough' A world of respect - for nature and our place in it See more

11.01.2022 Who's joining us for the City Nature Challenge? This fantastic world-wide bioblitz starts TOMORROW and runs until Monday (Friday 24 - Monday 27 April). It's simple and fun to join in.... 1. Take photos of as many living things as you can find during this period (birds, plants, insects, etc.) 2. Download the iNaturalist app 3. Join the City Nature Challenge 2020: Greater Adelaide event project (in the app) 3. Upload your photos and add a quick description 4. Check back in later and find out how others have clasified and named your finds. Plus you're contributing to real science, and helping to build a big data base of living things. We've been having a play with iNaturalist the last week and it's been a great way for us (and the kids) to learn more about our local plants and animals. A few tips: - Clasify things as best you can. Don't know what type of plant it is? No problem, just put in the level of detail you do know (i.e. tall tree, flowering bush, groundcover) as this will help others to identify it faster for you. - You can upload multiple photos under the one entry, so take photos that will help others to identify your find. - Tick the "captive or cultivated" option if it is a garden plant or a pet. - If you're uploading lots of things from your backyard, and want to keep you location private, enter the observation location as the suburb only. - Or you can set the location visibility to obscured (where it will be put somewhere in a 20km square). - BUT make sure you DON'T select private location as this will prevent it from being recorded as part of the City Nature Challenge.

10.01.2022 DIY wicking pot. Veggies to gift to others. Make your own self watering pot (with a water well at the bottom). These were made from things lying around at our place... Pot plants are often hard to keep the water up to, so this is one way to help them thrive.... Google 'wicking pots' for other ideas.

09.01.2022 Another year, another Plastic Free July! Who's joining me this year? What are you going to focus on this July?... This month long challenge can be as big or as small as you want it to be. A chance to focus in on some of the single-use plastics in your life and see if you can reduce some of them. You don't have to be totally plastic FREE, just a bit LESS. Keep it real, keep it realistic, but also see if you can make some positive changes. A month is a great amount of time to make some new habits. For us, it's going to be heading back to the bulk store to restock the panty, and trying to cut back on some packaged snack food - aiming to make more of what we eat from scratch. Sign up and be counted. The Plastic Free July website also had lots of great info to get you started, and send out encouraging emails throughout the month. If you want to find out more - I've had a go at a blog post for work.

07.01.2022 As we head towards Christmas its time to start thinking about how we can celebrate and show family and friends that we care about them, while also caring about our beautiful planet. How to have a Christmas full of joy, but without a mountain of waste. I'm going to try and share some different ideas in the lead up. It's not always easy and there is plenty of room for conflict and guilt - especially when it comes to our kids and making sure they still feel the Christmas excite...ment. I'd love you to share and join in this conversation over the next few weeks as we navigate things like peer pressure, family expectations, and getting caught up in pre Christmas advertising. Can you share this, and ask some friends to follow along with A Simple Shift. With love xx

05.01.2022 This is something too good not to share (especially those with little people in their lives). Nature Play SA have put together a FREE guide for families to help us survive and thrive (with nature) through COVID-19. There is so much in this fabulous guide.... Information and links to help you nurture yourself and your family through this time, plus practical, fun, low cost ideas of things to do (to stay healthy, slow down, have fun and enjoy our beautiful world). If this is too much to digest in one go, they also have lots of FREE downloadable checklists with ideas and inspiration for free and easy ways to connect and experience nature with little people. How have you used this time to stop and enjoy little bits of nature? Would love to hear some of your favourite memories from the last few weeks.....

05.01.2022 Discovering the wonder of seeds. Each so different. Each containing a tiny little plant. Getting ready for summer.... Things are warming up. Don't let them dry out. Watching the little green shoots emerge. Education for little ones and big ones. But it's also really easy to fail! Plenty of casualties at our place. If you're getting started in the garden, seedlings will help you see results much quicker. We use to know what to plant when. Who knows what these different seeds are? Extra points for the black one (as I forget)

05.01.2022 Fresh food fast.... What's in the back of your pantry that you could sprout? I haven't done this for years (flash back to sprouting mung beans in my uni days for some reason?!?)

03.01.2022 Bulk spices. So pretty. These are often a lot cheaper bought loose like this. We get ours from @Whole+Some in the Adelaide Central Markets. Take our own little refill tubs then keep in small, old glass jars at home.... I've also seen lots of bulk spices at Foodland Pasadena Fresh food. Lots of herbs and spices. Luke's the cook. Lucky me.

02.01.2022 Need some motivation to cut a few wrappers out of your day? Or to find an alternative to a zip lock bag? This is what is left when the food is gone.... Plastics headed for our beautiful oceans. ... To become fish food, to breakdown into tiny little bits, to enter our food chain, to last forever. 5 mins to eat your snack, a moment of distraction, a gust of wind, a downpour of rain, and its at the beach. #plasticfreejuly

02.01.2022 SA friends. This is a great short course (2 x 1.5 hr online sessions) that helps you learn how to take simple actions in your households and communities today and how they fit into the bigger picture of collective change. This is a perfect opportunity for those that want to take action on climate change, but don't know where to begin.... Held over two 1.5 hour sessions and run by some fantastic Adelaide people. #52climateactions #1000soflocalsolutions Let me know if you sign up!

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