A1 Health in Padstow, New South Wales, Australia | Medical and health
A1 Health
Locality: Padstow, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9774 2949
Address: 41 Cahors Road 2211 Padstow, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.a1health.com.au/
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25.01.2022 Sounds like a winner for your stress.
25.01.2022 Its wonderful to be at Christmas time again. If its hard for you I have a podcast that will help. However think about taking up a sport or physical hobby or a musical instrument or new language to help dampen unneeded static in your brain. Good to include for new year plans for a better and healthier you.
22.01.2022 We know that sleep is important. This article highlights some of the contributions sleep deprivation plays in weight gain, diabetes, poor immunity and mental health. Decrease your electromagnetic radiation at night and the stimulus of light to the brain before bed. Eating a couple of kiwi fruit before bed and taking a probiotic after your mindful meditation practice. I think journaling before bed is a great way to empty your head before sleeping. ... Magnesium is important for sleep. Zinc is the protector for viruses and fungal infections. Australian soil is low in zinc. We need to supplement zinc. I have kryptopyrrole which means my body has trouble detoxing and I need to take a lot of zinc daily. See more
22.01.2022 Meditation for Beginners Join us to learn the basics of meditation with the goal at the end of the 4 week program to meditate for 20 minutes each day. In the presence of like minded souls, connect with your centre, to achieve a sense of peace, strength, inspiration and deep relaxation. Calming the mind with the power of the breath and different mindful practices.... Each week you will gently be guided exploring meditation, pranayama and mindfulness, meeting to share and discuss this wonderful journey of introspection. Each session will be themed to help you focus, relax and let go of stress. Book in today. Starting at A1Health Chiropractic on Wednesday, 18 March. 4 week program $80. With love and good health, Sonia from The Bella Concept
22.01.2022 Its wonderful that there is technological advances to help those people that need a liver transplant. However it is way more practical to take care of the liver you have. Eating well. Eating omega 3 foods such as oily fish like mackerel, sardines, herring and wild caught salmon or taking an omega 3 or krill supplement could be helpful. Stay away from sugar ( the processed kind). Alcohol is a poison so be careful if that is your poison of choice. ... The is 2 types of fatty liver. Non alcoholic fatty liver disease and a subset connected to glyphosate exposure. Alcoholic fatty liver disease. Read this article for more information. Love your liver. It has so many wonderful functions. 500 functions. Livers like fresh veggies and seeds such as linseed/flaxseed and pumpkin seeds etc that have omega 3. I guess less processed food and more real food. See more
21.01.2022 This is a different way to address the pain and dysfunction we are dealing with. I have been taking time out to learn and understand what signals are going to and coming from the brain. What is your body trying to tell you?
18.01.2022 A great poem by Mother Teresa.
16.01.2022 This is a great article talking about different defects that may occur in our DNA. I have learned about some of these through Dr Chris Astill-Smith is a very clever osteopath who has patented biochemical pathways. It really shows that each person is an individual and must be treated that way. Im currently traveling my own health pathway and have been diagnose with SIBO and kryptopyrrole. Many of the things I thought were healthy arent necessarily healthy for me at this po...int in my journey. I have found this rather confronting and a challenge to get my ego in check and do what I need to to be in my best health. I really want you to feel your best too. Sending love and support your way. See more
16.01.2022 Ive been having a regular massage each week in a bid to give some love and kindness to myself. This article talks about the scientific validation that massage reduces inflammation, helps with stress and improves your immune system.
16.01.2022 How are you sleeping? Do you have trouble getting off to sleep? Or perhaps drift off fine but wake in the night and cant get back to sleep. What are the factors? ... 1. Make a routine. Stick to it. Start at least an hour before you want to go to sleep. 2. Stop screen time an hour before. The blue light lights up your optic nerve and your brain. Youre giving the wrong signal to your brain about calming down. 3. Make sure your room is dark: completely. Dark is necessary for your pineal gland to help recovery overnight. 4. Use a bath with essential oils such as lavender, vetiver, cedar wood, lemon, wild orange, frankincense or Balance to calm you and relax you. Or diffuse in the house after dinner if your skin is sensitive. 5. Take a magnesium supplement after dinner. 6. Eat good fats such as avacado, Pepitas, to help your brain. Avoid carbs late at night that heat you up and wire your brain for action. 7. Journal your gratitude after you empty the rubbish can of your mind on scrap paper and dispose of it. Or write everything in your head on the left column of a book and on the right column your action to take. So tomorrow is taken care if and your mind can be calm. 8. Pray and meditate to have divine peace and connection. Read uplifting scriptures or articles. 9. Remove all electromagnetic sources from your bedroom. Get a wind up alarm clock and a battery operated light. 10. Turn your bedroom into a sanctuary. The bedroom needs to be for sleeping only and of course intimate moments with your partner. 11. Work on gut health by cleaning up your diet. Remove all processed food and go back to real food preferably organic or home grown. 12. Great rid of any mould in your home. If thats not possibly you may need to move or rebuild at the worst extreme. Fresh air and ventilation are very important. Dampness and wet areas cause mould and bacteria to grow and their by products are highly toxic to humans and animals. This sets off inflammation in our body that can spiral out of control. This could affect lungs (3-5am on the meridian clock) or liver 1-3 am or gall bladder 11pm -1am. Large intestine is 5-7am and thyroid and adrenals are 9-11 pm. If this is still not enough come in and have a discussion with us to see what us contributing to your sleep deprivation.
16.01.2022 Sleep is so important yet so many of us are sleep deprived. Melatonin is important in helping get ready to fall asleep it also helps with inflammation and weight loss. Are you having good sleep hygiene?
16.01.2022 We all know these things are good for us. Here is incentive to keep your mood better. The other aspects gut health. Who is living in your gut?
15.01.2022 If this is possible what else could we do to help ourselves?
15.01.2022 Food for thought on benefits of plant based milk.
15.01.2022 An inspiring young woman who valued every moment of her short life.
15.01.2022 There are many reasons we can have for a stroke to occur. Stress Diabetes Smoking Alcohol consumption ... Caffeine consumption High sugar diet Lack of grounding. Its also very important to get medical assistance immediately. The brain has neuroplasticity that can start to rewire the brain very early. Read to find out how to prevent and how to move forward if this occurs.
14.01.2022 Zoom get together for those interested in understanding more about energy healing. Tanya Ormsby is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Energy Workz Get Together Time: May 2, 2020 06:30 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney... Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86890995841 Meeting ID: 868 9099 5841 One tap mobile +16699009128,,86890995841# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,86890995841# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Meeting ID: 868 9099 5841 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbBtoP9Qak
13.01.2022 Good advice for all of us. Think positively and eat well, good friends and family members. Vit D, DHA, folate and magnesium were all included.
13.01.2022 Oregano is about humility and letting go of attachment to material things. It kills bugs. So helpful for supporting your immune system. Dilute heavily on your skin as it is very strong and spicy for your skin.
12.01.2022 Sleep is one thing that is vital to good health. Yet in this day and age it is one of the least acknowledged necessities. When we are stressed its harder to fall asleep. We can also have interrupted sleep. This can be due to organs or meridians not flowing properly. Also light, electromagnetic radiation, noise can contribute to poor sleep quality. Charge your phone in another room. Get a battery alarm clock with no light. Allow yourself to meditate at night before you ...sleep and when you wake. Journalbyour thiughts to get them out of your head. Sleep loss contributes to aging and weight gain. It prevents learning and cleaning of brain by the cerebrospinal fluid at night. For me it is the first thing that takes a hit when I have a lot on. What takes the hit for you? See more
11.01.2022 Gardening has many benefits. Growing your own produce. Connecting to nature. Reducing stress.
10.01.2022 Many people struggle to either fall asleep or stay asleep. This article explains some of the whys. We are having a class on Wednesday 12th February on starting your meditation practice with Sonia Nesci. Its at 7pm at A1 Health. ... Let me know if youre coming. See more
10.01.2022 We know there is a lot of pollution in our environment. More so after our bushfires. Many people have been sick. This article talks about lead, Mercury and PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonic acid) and how they affect your lifespan. I chose to have my amalgam fillings removed one at a time years ago. Also got very sick after sanding down walls and skirting boards maybe 10 years ago. I got a boil up my nose and looked like an alien. We got a spate of books after this. We unknowi...ngly get poisoned. We need to eliminate toxic metals and chemicals from our homes and our bodies. You could start with a hair mineral analysis. It is a lifetime journey to repair and support your bodys elimination pathways. It is a constant battle with environmental toxins. We breathe them, eat them and put them in our skin often times unknowingly. See more
09.01.2022 Our class on Wednesday night is on Learning with an open heart. 7pm Wednesday 13th February at A1 Health. We can want change in our lives and to grow. But to do that we have to be willing to discard the thinking that is preventing the change. We can support ourselves and our family members in their growth too. Listening and understanding. ... Thinking about their feelings. Diffusing oils to help pave the way for change. Checking for blocks in our body and in our thinking. Retained primitive reflexes can prevent change from occuring. Visualize yoursefl doing life differnetly. Hear yourself changing. Feels how that changes your body, your energy and your signal. See more
09.01.2022 I try and have s one on one yoga session each week. Some of the positions can be challenging and trying to still your mind. Its interesting to observe what is stuck in your body as you stretch an area. I can see an improvement in flexibility and strength. What are you ready to do to help yourself be fitter, healthier and happier?
07.01.2022 This is an interesting article giving some great tips for hot flushes. A lot of the principles are important for all of us. As we get to menopause it becomes critical to have these things in order. 1 Get good quality sleep. NO EMR (electromagnetic radiation) IN YOUR BEDROOM!! Alarm and phone charging in another room. No computer in the bedroom. Dark is important but need the morning light. Also natural fibers in your sheets, pajamas and mattress. 2. Magnesium supplements t...o help with sleep and stress. 3. Connecting to the earth with your feet and walking or swimming or exercising outside. 4. Grounding yourself: Meditating, journaling, praying and de-stressing your body. You could use peppermint oil (which is also cooling), clary sage or Clary Calm for hormonal balance. Also vetiver to calm yourself. Zendocrine to detox your body. 5. Eat foods that wont spike your insulin. Avoid caffeine and high glycemic carbs. Eat good fats and help your liver and gall bladder to function their best. 6. Using your essential oils to make cleaning products that dont interfere with your hormone balance. Heavy metals and chemicals act as endocrine disrupters. Plastic falls into this category as well. Drink your water from a glass bottle. Get a filter and the purest possible water you can drink. Have lots of little sips throughout the day. 7. Take care of yourself with love. This is your body and it will serve you well with the greater love you give it. Try to be kinder to yourself. Choose the best food. Allow yourself to sleep enough and wear clothes that feel good and are good for you. See more
07.01.2022 The human touch is important to our health and vitality. Give more hugs to family members and friends. Bd mindful of elderly people that have no family.
06.01.2022 Here is the opportunity to start a meditation practice. Easy start. Lets help our immune systems by reducing our stress and allowing our bodies to thrive.
05.01.2022 This article talks about the effect of showing kindness without expectation. It also talks about expressing gratitude. Using art to express yourself. Also taking time to meditate. What are you doing to express yourself today? ... Can you do a random act of kindness today? See more
05.01.2022 There are many reasons for us to be tired all the time. Eating bad food or too much sugar and lack of sleep can be the main problem. But done health conditions can contribute as can grief and depression. Energy Workz is a course I teach to help decipher the bodys signals and release the emotions trapped in our body. The next course is 23-25 May and us for beginners and experienced muscle testers alike. ... Contact me if this interests you. See more
04.01.2022 Interesting facts around anti-aging. Intermittent fasting seems to be an important factor. Read this article to learn more.
03.01.2022 There is a lot to be said about our bowel and its functions. We need the garbage disposal end of our digestive working. Ideally we should poop every time we eat. But some people find it difficult. Some contributing factors: Not enough veggies and fruit ... Too much processed white flour and bread. Not enough water. Coffee and tea are like anti water. Too much sugar. Body then has to try and dilute that sugar. Not listening to the urge to poop and the rectum becomes stretched and less responsive. Being too stressed to poop. Allowing time to sit in peace. Toilet paper is not ideal for wiping your bottom. Yet to get a bidet but liked in Thailand that they have a hose to wash themselves. It would be like changing a babys happy with toilet paper. Wont work at all. Thoughts?
03.01.2022 Interesting actions of a US mum whose three children have many allergies. She fixed her kids and is now fighting for her community.
02.01.2022 We have the privilege of having Dr Singh speak to us on 17th April, 2019. 7pm at A1 Health. All welcome. Just let me knowthat you are coming.
01.01.2022 Interesting evidence for fluoride affecting infants and their learning and lowers their intelligence.
01.01.2022 Interesting information around coriander and cilantro oils. Help with the potassium channels to reduce seizures.
01.01.2022 Sometimes it's hard to visualize the before and after so here's an before and after photo to show how chiropractic treatments can help and chiropractors help your spine and posture stay healthy and happy.
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