Abbey Formosa | Businesses
Abbey Formosa
Phone: +61 408 006 495
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25.01.2022 I don’t do anything other than remind you of WHO THE F YOU ARE, how far you’ve ALREADY come & then we map out the crucial next steps to move you into who you’re ready to become. Head to the link in my bio for an intuitive guidance session from me x Thank you for this testimonial beautiful @iamjaimeeann
25.01.2022 To me, these words are potent. Choose wisely. ... Because in this life, we all have this one thing, FREE WILL. So what you CHOOSE is up to you. What you sign up for in this experience is a matter of what you are choosing RIGHT FUCKING NOW. And I am owning that I come from a privileged perspective, and so if this isn’t in alignment for you please ignore. However, if you have a phone, you have the capacity to be online, with this tool, reading this on social media, you’ve got some kind of privilege going on too. CHOICE, is a thing we forget to be thankful for. Only when our free will is taken from us do we start to understand what a gift it is. Take COVID for example, a lot of you think it is a PLANDEMIC, myself included, but the reality; our rights as humans to choose was limited, and is going to be limited, until we remember that we have choice. As self declared ‘conscious’ human beings on this planet it is up to us to make a stand for what’s right, and to take charge of our OWN LIVES. Not your mothers, or your sisters or your partners, but yours. Why yours? Because it was the life handed to you to give a F about. So do the thing. Your resources are valuable, your energy, your time & your money are the big ones. Can you promise me that you’re conscious of where you’re directing that energy? Fuck off anything that isn’t the highest alignment for your work here on this planet. So again; Choose wisely.
25.01.2022 You wrote a book? How come you didn’t tell any of us? One of my new friends asked me this today as we had breakfast together. Why hadn’t I told anyone I was with that I was an author? Was it because it’s a new thing? Did I not feel comfortable saying I’d written a book? Did I not want to feel like I was better than them because I pursued a dream and accomplished it?... Actually it was all of it. I wonder how many others have had successes in their lives and have felt uncomfortable or even ashamed to speak about it to others? I wonder how many people tiptoe through their life, parking their dreams so as to not outdo anyone. I wonder how many people let their dreams die not because they are afraid of failing but because they are afraid of succeeding? What if you actually do it? What if you actually succeed? What comes after that? I turn my dreams into my reality, it’s just what I do. The biggest ones started when I decided to travel Europe, and actually did it. I decided to move to London and actually did it, then move to Bali, I did that too. I decided to study health coaching and expand my online business, I did it. I decided to host sister circles and women’s events, and did it. I decided to write a book, I did it. I decide every day to do the shit I wanna do, and then do it. Our dreams are there to be made manifest, not sit in the abys of some day. WHAT FUCKING DAY??? What day other than today have you got to actually start doing what you want to do?? What moment is going to be better than this moment for you to put pen to paper and start planning this shit?? There is no real reason for this share other than to share my experience of shrinking myself in fear of standing out. I want everyone to be able to feel as excited about sharing their failures as much as they do about their successes. It’s easy to say what’s going wrong, but what about what’s gone right??? Can we normalise success? Can we normalise actually going for what we want? Can we normalise living our dreams? Plz and thx xxx Till the next rant, from ya girl Abbey #doingit See more
24.01.2022 Drove down south without a plan or a home or a van. Got my shit in my car and hoping to find one of the above. Currently in Noosa. Signed up for a 5 week ukelele class. Bought a Ukelele.... Learnt two chords. Enjoying being in life. Hope you enjoy my lil video #livinginlife See more
24.01.2022 Helloooo So my business and I recently took a little break, I don’t know whether you noticed or not. While I distanced from it on Social Media, I connected to it even more in the metaphysical, in my journaling and thus in my heart. ... During this break i received this lightcode for my business from @vickiprini & I want to share with you what was channeled. Abbey, your business logo has come through with three distinct parts. The first circular symbol at the top of your logo is representing your connection to spirit and how that comes through in your business since your business is very much an extension of you. I am hearing you are very much spirit led, you receive your guidance and act on it. I am getting that you are no different with your business. You are very supported in your business, I also feel like you are embarking on your soul work....very exciting! You are being reminded that there are no limits here for you. The crescent moon and the moth represent your intuition, your innate knowing and I feel that this is becoming very strong for you Abbey, I am getting here that you just know things and are learning to trust this more and not doubt it. This part of your code is connected to the mystic and the priestess and I feel like you are connected to these archetypes in this lifetime but this is also who you were in previous lifetimes and you are bringing this through again. I am getting here that your code is helping to awaken and strengthen these aspects of yourself too. The last past of your code is coming in with this grounding energy, this symbol is here to help you to bring in and anchor and share your big ideas. I feel like you receive many downloads and inspiration straight from spirit and this aspect of your code is helping you to energetically plant these ideas into the here and now. Abbey, your code is helping you to up level, to take a massive step forward and truly embark on the path of your souls work. I’m grateful to be reminded of my truth through the words of another. The break is over and I’m more inspired than ever to anchor my vision into the world. Watch this space #spiritled See more
24.01.2022 New offering | I now create poetic bios for spiritual business women; visionaries who are here to create change in the world through entrepreneurship. ... A piece of magic in writing that taps into the essence of what it is they are here to bring to the world. If you want to see your truth in words, message me and I’ll craft one for you xx For point of reference; Caitlins original bio was fine, but she wanted something a little more divine. Below is the original, swipe right on this image to see what I channeled for her. Caitlin Rose Taylor is an artist, creatrix, psychic, and an embodiment facilitator. With over ten years of photographic and creative experience, her main offerings include photography and design for purpose driven women. She also uses her gifts to empower and guide women to connect deeply to their truth, so that their brand matches the frequency and essence of their soul. She holds a safe and sacred space to allow for their true essence to shine through and be expressed. This tells you what she does, in my writing I guide you to FEEL what she does. If you feel this would be powerful for your business dm me for details x @caitlinrosetaylor_
24.01.2022 Stoked about life, wby?
24.01.2022 Most of what you see is illusion. It’s untruths cast in front of you, as a deception to what is truly alive within. Steer clear of the naysayers, of the people who make you feel small.... Steer clear of the ones who lead you to staring blankly at the wall. Come home to the truth of your inner sage. Celebrate the wins, the failures, find your stage. Living this life now is the only thing we know for sure. So please, don’t forget to open up the door. The door to see the true YOU that’s within. That little girl who’s dying to dance and laugh and sing. Please remember that your unique human expression is needed on this earth, today. Don’t keep her hidden away.
23.01.2022 Redefining success. I’ve always been chasing dreams, setting goals, & pushing forward in my life so that one day I can be successful. Well guess what... ... Today is that day. But so was yesterday... So was last week, last year & for all of my life actually. Who gets to decide if I am successful or not? Me. Not my parents, or my family, or society’s expectations of me to be functioning member of their version of modern day slavery. Success is here, now. Success is here; without the mortgages I thought I’d have been paying off for investment properties I’d later retire on. It is here without the high income job & successful business. It is here without the boyfriend / partner / husband. It is here without all the pressure. It is here while I am free, living life for me. I am successful, already. Because I choose to be. Because I exist. & because I live in deep gratitude and surrender each day, each moment, what will come next? Not to strive or to push, but to give & receive. I wish for everyone to realise the possibility to actually be young, wild and free. I’m not the only one. This isn’t a fantasy. It’s reality if you choose it to be. Life isn’t meant to be drained away, it’s not meant for mediocre, it’s meant for ecstasy. You’re meant to be in awe each day and wonder; How did I get so lucky? Heaven is here, it’s on Earth right now if only you choose to see.
23.01.2022 It’s up to you to decide. Whether you pick a flower. Or a weed.... The only difference. Is your perception. What do you choose to see? by @billirose #aflower See more
23.01.2022 I’m fucking tired. I’m so fucking tired of being the one who is attempting to communicate clearly and non-violently. I’m fucking tired of doing all the work and then being around others who have no idea what the work even is.... I’m fucking tired of seeing the same repeating patterns, of others self sabotaging, of burning themselves out, of choosing fear over love. I’m fucking tired of the rat race 99% of the western world’s humans live in not knowing their souls are dying as they stay asleep to the truth. I’m fucking tired of expectation, of you need to do x y and z to be a functional human of this society and being put in the lazy box if you are not. I’m fucking tired of seeing people go through their days only getting by and the best thing about their jobs be that it pays the bills. Fuck the standards your putting on yourself to be or do something that kills you slowly each day. Fuck that you need to numb your pain with alcohol, with drugs, or to stimulate your body with so much caffeine because you wouldn’t know what a natural high feels like because for so long you’ve been running on below empty. FUCK ALL OF IT. I do not want to live in a world that is as disconnected as this one. Where families don’t talk to each other. Where neighbours are too shy to say hi. Where no one has the energy for a conversation after work because the duties of the day have drained you away. IM SO FUCKING DONE WITH IT. I envision a world where communication is forefront, where we know where each other is at, and we don’t defend, but we soften, we hear both sides, and we LOVE even if we don’t agree. I envision a world where young men and women can grow up knowing that they can make their dreams a reality, that they can do whatever the F they want to do, not live in this constructed reality of modern day slavery. I envision a world where we choose love every day, no matter how hard it is, and no matter how many times we get it wrong. To decide to choose love again, and again, and again. I know this starts with me. And if you desire a world like this, then it also starts with you. Where do you choose to stand? #inlove See more
22.01.2022 One of my newest deepest loves in life is waking up early to catch the early morning air, with a cup of chai in hand digesting words of wisdom in tales of the magic of women. I’ve had this book now since July and look I can be a pretty slow reader, usually because I think I’ve got a bit of ADHD and can’t concentrate on any one thing at a time, let alone read just one book at a time. That’s not even mentioning all the other things I’m spending my time doing that don’t inv...olve reading. Anyway... I always put the book down randomly when I think I’ll read longer, could be only a few pages away from a new chapter and my mind is like keep reading at least to make it even and start a new chapter when I read again but sometimes I can’t. And. I stop reading and bookmark the page. Then, without a fail EVERY time I pick the book up the first thing I read on the first page I stopped at sends chills up and down my body as if past me KNEW what future me needed to read on the day I returned to the pages, sometimes days, weeks even months apart. Does this ever happen to you? And what are ya’s reading atm?
22.01.2022 I’ve created these 1:1 Soul Guidance sessions for anyone who needs a no commitment, reality check, and soul deep dive. We l tend to look external for answers, asking friends, family, google, for the solutions to our problems. But our problems are actually OURS to be solved only by us. I teach you how to tap into your own inner wisdom, and awareness that lies in YOUR own body.... This session isn’t about me telling you what you need to do, it’s about guiding you to access your own truth within. If you’re scared that you don’t have the answers, don’t be, you do. If you’re done settling for a life lived in indecision and misalignment to your soul purpose then hear me now, you don’t need to live like this anymore. The truth lies in the parts you’re ignoring, you’re shutting down. The truth is right there. DM me to enquire about a session or head to the link in my bio to fill in an application form & I’ll get back to you if I feel we are a good fit to work together. With love See more
22.01.2022 Check out these book reviews! @sseantretheway 5.0 out of 5 stars !... This refreshing account of one young woman's journey will either affirm that you are not alone, or remind you of the journey that you, yourself started so many years ago. It's honest and raw with lots of insight that will gently slap you on the face to help wake you up to your own potential. Written with love and bountiful energy, Abbey is someone to watch as she is certainly destined to live an interesting and valuable life! @BrianCantalupi 5.0 out of 5 stars ! Abbey does a great job of capturing what a modern day awakening looks like from the lense of a Gen Z . Her stories are real and inspiring. She is a 100 year old wisdom in a 20 something body. I wish I had this book 15 years ago! Thandi Ryan 5.0 out of 5 stars . A great read. It was wise, insightful and at times hilarious. I wish it had been around years ago. Thank you. Kenny Stevens 5.0 out of 5 stars . Have read the first page and I'm really enjoying it thus far! What's moving me is the realness, the honesty and the depth your can feel when reading the the words on the page. Have known Abbey for sometime now and love her mission. ? If you’ve started reading it please drop your thoughts / feelings so far below. (And if you haven’t yet you can get the ebook on amazon or the paperback at lulubooks; links are in my bio ) Thanks always for your support #booklaunch See more
20.01.2022 My soul knows what it needs and yet my human desires to stay clung to the idea of falling in love. @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland
20.01.2022 It’s been a vision of mine for some time now to work with youth. I applied for a youth support worker role earlier this year and soon realised after a few conversations that the role definitely wouldn’t have been for me. It seems that the children struggling the most are the ones who are being ENABLED to continue struggling; and there aren’t really any programs in place (that are mainstream) that are really going to make the change that’s needed for these kids to n...ot only survive, but to thrive. I want to make a difference in this world & so far I have had coaches tell me that I should focus on working with older people until I enhance my coaching skills and then move to younger ones; despite it being the vision from day one. I listened and followed them. They’re a coach so they know it all right? What I didn’t realise at the time was that my vision was bigger than their coaching container could allow for me to grow. And so now I know. There is no one size fits all for your dreams. The visionary vortex isn’t going to shrink you. It is going to allow whatever REAL vision that is there for you to land, so that you can take steps towards actually making it a reality. And we will hold you in those steps. The world needs more of us actually doing what we came here to do, doing what is calling us, not fitting into any boxes, and definitely not in any mundane 9-5’ers ESPECIALLY if we see something bigger for ourselves and the world. My vision is extending and growing moment by moment, thanks to @caitlinrosetaylor_ for the reminder when dropping into my vision. Onwards and upwards, and sideways and diagonals - because this shit isn’t linear. I don’t know what I’m doing but the calling is too real to ignore anymore. I’m no longer sacrificing my vision. I’m following it every step of the way. If you’re dying to actually step into your dream life & purpose work then message me about the Visionary Vortex, the collaborative community that @laurenreneeintimacy has birthed so you can activate your own vision. From this moment, YOU GET TO CHOOSE. Don’t settle for a mediocre life when you’re here for something extraordinary. See more
20.01.2022 You don’t need to know what this means. You just need to feel it. This symbolises the essence of my business.... If you see more than a symbol with a crystal in the background, I’d consider deeper what I may be here to offer you. If you feel something you can’t explain, explain that to me, because I’ll know what I’m here to bring you. There might be a piece that’s been dying to come to you to guide you forward. There might be something I can trigger in you for your own awakening & you don’t even know it yet. If you feel this, then I’d take a bet on that. Dm me the emoji if this symbol is calling to you & I’ll take things from there. See more
20.01.2022 Note to self and note for you. Breathe. It’s simple, and it’s unconscious, however when you bridge that unconscious to conscious it actually helps you calm TF down and move with ease into your day... or even just the next moment.... Right now I’m in so much internal chaos, inner conflict & disruption of past cast ideals of self and of the world. Thank god I have this tool to notice my breathing so my un-organised chaos of a life can become organised chaos and I can step forward with a level of grace and level headedness despite what might be present under the surface. Actually, it reminds me that what’s under the surface isn’t actually as bad as I thought prior to taking that breath, and actually what I thought was chaotic, was only that way because of my own incoherence with my state of mind or being. So long story short, take some deep breaths, remind yourself of who the hell you are, and keep on keeping on. Just a daily dose of age old wisdom from yours truly, while I come up with how I’m gonna reveal to you all the happenings of my daily life since I’ve written that book... Since then, I’ve basically gathered enough life content to write a whole other book... and actually I just might. Until then you could actually just read my current one that became a #1 Amazon Bestseller the night I launched,,,,,, the link is in my bio. Peace, xxx See more
19.01.2022 Ola amigos. I just wanted to share how happy I am for the support I have had from you all congratulating me on my book & how it has moved you. One of my friends recently shared how she finished it after being sucked into it. ... You got me answering questions I’ve wanted to answer but didn’t know it, got me curious about my world and how I view it & really thinking about my own reality and life. Boooommm Mission achieved. I wrote in the back of my book in the about the author section that my mission was to inspire each human to find their own individual truth. That’s the beauty of what’s between the pages, you’ll learn more about yourself not through what I tell, but what I DONT tell. The empty spaces are the places you need to see for yourself because only YOU can find the answers to your own souls questions. My work is to empower you to take inspired action in alignment to whatever you desire for your life. And that’s different for every single one of you. Please don’t get sucked into thinking you need to follow the leader, or conspire to be someone that you’re not. Please know that who you are and what you desire right now is some kind of perfect. No more tripping into a future that doesn’t exist or a past that is merely memory. You know everything that you know, but sometimes a gentle reminder will get you back in the flow. I’d love to hear what you think so far if you’re reading it, send me a message. If you haven’t bought it yet, you can grab the paperback or the ebook through the links in my bio. Or if you’re in Sunny Coast, give me a holla cause I got a few spares I can pass on. Much love. And remember it’s all within you. #becoming #1amazonbestseller See more
19.01.2022 Oh hello. Here is a lil reminder for ya. Nothing in life is linear. If it is, it’s not natural, and probably forced. (Figuratively speaking). ... Life is going to move us in all different directions, and sometimes have us questioning things we’ve ALWAYS believed. And even sometimes questioning things we have COME to believe through our own awareness over time. The truth is; we know nothing. But from nothing comes it’s polarity; everything. Every fucking thing. So drop the expectation you are placing on yourself to know WTF you are doing with your life. Bc truth is, you’re ALREADY doing it. YUP, right now you ARE doing the thing. It might not be THE THING that is the BIG thing you’d thought would be that thing...but it IS the thing right now. And later when you’re doing another thing that too will be IT. You still with me? You’re DOING IT. So be gentle on yourself. You might not feel like you’re where you want to be. But until you accept that here is where it’s at, only then you’ll be able to move forward and actually appreciate the place you desire when you arrive. Things change. People come & go. Life will ebb and flow. And sometimes the very core of your being and beliefs can be flipped overnight. And... they can be flipped back again. But ride it, trust it, and most importantly, trust that you’re all good & you always will be. And remember, nothing is permanent. These are my most recent thoughts about what I’m journeying right now, and it’s typical to be another cycle, another layer of the onion peeled back from something I learnt long ago and wrote an entire chapter on in my book; Becoming. The first chapter after the intro is about impermanence and how when we fully GROUND this truth into reality we can start to live in love. If you’re keen to read more then I’d check out my book. The links are in my bio if you wanna grab yourself a copy. #becoming #insightstoagenzawakening See more
19.01.2022 This is the part where I’m meant to say how our bodies don’t define us. But I don’t believe that. See our physical body is a mirror, and it can be a map to our internal world. ... Yes sometimes the body does weird shit. And sometimes the body holds fat it places we wish it wouldn’t. And sometimes the body contracts diseases. But what you forget when you are too busy hating / loving on your body and saying my body don’t define me, is that actually you’re bypassing a big reality; your body is a part of you. Your mind your spirit and your body are all connected. So when things are going on with you on a deeper level sometimes the body gets caught up in it too, to show you what you need to do. Like your acne. Like my swollen eyes. Like that weird lump on your chest. Like that blue mark on your thighs. Your body is showing you where you might need to focus some attention to your actual wellbeing. Sometimes it’s trapped emotions stored long ago that are ready to be let go. Sometimes it’s showing you that you need to slow TF down on the sugar or the coffee. Sometimes it’s asking you to give it some nourishment, maybe more water, better food, exercise, play or laughter. And if you don’t know what it’s trying to tell you but you wish that fucking problem would go away, simply ask. See what she is here to tell you. I’ve spent the last few years actually asking my body what my eyes need, how I can help them heal. YES, years. But I’ve had issues since I was 9, & this shit takes time. Upon asking I have received so many answers but it’s not yet been enough to eradicate the real disease, because I know it’s deeper than just too much caffeine. It’s deeper than a lack of sleep, or anxiety causing my fastening heart beat. It’s deeper than those little things, but they ALL do make a difference so I listen and act because i give a shit. So next time you’re looking at that thing you hate about yourself, or even when you’re thinking about how much you love yourself, ask what you really need & open the space for communication between body and mind. This is a connection worth making, and when nourished, it lasts a lifetime. Peace.
19.01.2022 ’ ... If you’re seeing this, it’s a sign. It’s guiding you to remember who you are.... It’s reminding you of the dreams you’ve let die. That so eagerly wish to rise from the dead. It’s a reminder that you are HERE FOR MORE. But like... seriously. Coz you wouldn’t still be following my account if your truth was otherwise. You’re here for a reason. And you know why. So what you gon’ do about it? . ? See more
18.01.2022 Do you hear her? She’s quiet but she’s loud. She’s direct but subtle.... She’s tame but wild. She whispers to you; don’t go that way. Or maybe you hear her when you’re at work thinking I should’ve had a sick day. Do you hear her whilst you’re in a conversation with someone who doesn’t even get you, and you know it’s time to break away. If you hear her, even if only quietly, know that she is trying to get your attention. Who is she? Your soul. If you’re a little lost in life, struggling to get clarity on your purpose work, finding it difficult in a certain relationship,,, (or insert other midlife crisis / daily struggle here) I’ve got you. I got the ears to listen, the knowledge to guide you through your blocks and limitations, the experience to know your dreams are possible, and the Capricorn nature to make sure you GET YOUR SHIT DONE that you say you’re gonna do (Accountability). These sessions are a complete free flow. I can’t tell you how they look because each one is different depending on YOUR unique situation. This call isn’t about what I can teach you. It’s about showing you what wisdom is already there WITHIN you. Are you ready to listen? #makeadecision The application form is in my bio for the ones who are ready to live an aligned life now, with no excuses.
17.01.2022 Life takes us in all different directions. Sometimes our plans change, sometimes our minds change, and then everything can change when we decide to live our lives for our own selves and not for everyone else. When we do this it causes upset in those who for years have been riding on your toes and keeping you closer to the lows that make up your mundane existence. ... My relentless pursuit of following my truth has only come this way because I’ve gone astray. I’ve pathed my own way. I’ve had to cause pain in those whom I love and who love me, and although I feel everything at the depths of my heart I know it’s desire is to be followed and not betrayed. So as I continue, following the calls of my own soul, I again surrender this idea that I can please everyone & focus instead on pleasing my own heart & giving my all to her each day. If you were to listen to your heart, tell me, what would she say?
17.01.2022 Lifting the veil on the reality of my business life in the next post >>>
16.01.2022 Trust yourself. But I don’t know what to do? Yes you do. You need not listen to the chaotic mind, because you have a deeper centre of truth that holds the key to your reality, and when you follow through; you will unlock your true potentiality. This centre is your intuition. Maybe you’ve heard of her before? ... Let me compare logic vs intuition below for you. The mind is like the naieve little sister trying to convince you otherwise of what you know to be truth. She is the reasoning, the justifying, the idealising, and she is often confusing. Your intuition is the big sister, she is merely a whisper, but she holds more conviction because as you go against her you KNOW. And when you follow through, you know. So beautiful human, trust yourself. And by that I mean the centre of wisdom, ignite the memory that for centuries has been instinctual action, that before language could be spoken and thoughts would form as words; it’s the deep, deep knowing. It’s your centre of truth. And look sometimes she doesn’t make sense, and it could feel like an act of rebellion to go against the new tradition of staying comfortable, yet living against your souls divine mission. which is to be more than a slave of the global financial agenda. To break free from this human condition, it’s only up to you. What is your soul calling you to do? Fuck the scarcity and the security that ties you to your souls death long before your physical decay. Lead with your heart, she won’t go astray, trust your own gut about that guy or that job that boss or that dress. Trust that you look good in red. Fuck what anyone else thinks, fuck reasoning and fuck logic, if anything reason yourself this; Why are you here, yet feel dead inside? She is calling you now, return to yourself, and come alive in life.
15.01.2022 Inner conflict. It’s not a battle between right and wrong. It’s a battle between two rights.... And a battle between two wrongs. Which one is right? Not one but two? But it’s not about that, when dealing with you. When dealing you you, my madness unravels. It eats to the core of my famine in gravel, I dabble in the light, And in the dark. I wish for truth, Yet keep my eyes painted shut. My eyes are the vessels to see what is real, Yet one stays half open, The other can’t feel. The truth of the matter is not that truth is the matter. It’s that I have an inner conflict not ready to shatter. The ropes that hold me to polarity. Are the same ropes that if cast aside would lead me to profanity. Profanity of my will & of my lust for the devil. It leads me astray to keep me safe in the middle. But God exists to show me my true nature within. Which is that I’m here to follow no one but him. I cry, for I have sinned & I’m not ready to give it all in. #words See more
15.01.2022 Tripping into the future only leaves you missing the magic that is present in your life in every single moment. I’ve been future fucking myself again trying to make plans and sort my life out for the one millionth time in my existence. What if my life already is sorted out??? If I take a step back and actually acknowledge everything that has manifested into my existence rather than searching for the next thing; I would realise that I have everything I need and want alrea...dy. In. This. Moment. I’ve been living rent free for months. I’ve been earning money for my art; my writing, graphic design, branding, coaching, all in beautiful bite sized pieces, minus the push, with more time for play. The rest of the time I have been meeting new people, dancing, laughing, singing, painting, playing violin and guitar, drumming, van lifing, adventuring to waterfalls and beaches and rivers. I’ve been doing all the things. And I’ve been saving money. But most importantly I’ve been LIVING my life. And this lifestyle has been going on for years now... it always looks slightly different but for the most part I have been in control of my own freedom. Because freedom exists in the mind, and yes it looks different to everybody, which is why it is up to us to create it for ourselves in the way in which liberates us as an individual. Most people would dream of a reality like this, yet not fathom the possibility to create it for themselves. But I forget how magic it is cause it’s just my normal. I’m always celebrating others, encouraging others, empowering others & seeing the light and the life in others, yet sometimes get caught in my own stories that I’m alone in the dark. Until my light is illuminated again, and I remember I’m actually doing the things I’ve dreamed of. Right. Freaking. Now. So cheers to that. How bouttttt you have a look at where you’re at and see the beauty ever present right now too? (Promise ya it’s there).
15.01.2022 It’s up to you to decide. Whether you pick a flower. Or a weed.... It is the same thing. The only difference. Is your perception. What do you choose to see? by @billirose #aflower See more
15.01.2022 I remember this moment like it as yesterday. But at the same time it feels like a million lifetimes ago. I was 20, living in London and had just quit my street sales job that I’d been wound up in for 6 months during London’s cold winter. ... I started my self development journey in this company but it was founded on MONEY. On Income. On status. Not quite so much on impact. And I believed everything they said, I believed in the law of averages (because it worked??) I believed in the PPA meaning the only factors resulting you doing a good job is your pitch, pace and attitude. I believed that when I had a bad day it was all down to my shitty attitude, because the other two things were up to scratch. I believed that I created my entire day, and everything I did was a result of my action, or inaction. And then I realised recently actually that’s all a load of BS. Excuse the language. But if you’ve been following me this long now I guess you’re kinda used to it. The fact is we are not alone here, there are other forces going about on this plane that will effect our lives & yes I believe that to a degree we create our realities... but I mean this in the mind with our perception of our realities & our reactions. But all in all it’s actually a co-creation and that is between ourselves and God (Or the universe or whatever you wanna say although I’ve been feeling into God lately... more on that later hahaha). So in this photo I was reading yet ANOTHER self development book because I thought I really needed to know MORE, to be more successful, more smart, more rich, ++++. I wanted to be more because I was not enough. The self development game can be a MF trap, so if you feel yourself diving into this stuff and all the self love money mindset +++ I just wanna warn you that it’s just another rabbit hole which could lead you down a path of even more uncertainty. At that moment on the train I was going away for a weekend with my friend @anthongoussard who was visiting at the time & was actually the reality check I needed to realise the job I was in was doing me more harm than good. And I let it go. *More in comments* See more
14.01.2022 So this idea of creating your own reality, sounds super mystical and weird right? Well let me break it down a lil bit. You as a human, are creation in itself. ... Everything you do, every step you take, every decision you make, is you creating something. So the idea that you create your reality exists because well... you literally do?? But more than that, you have the ability to manipulate your reality based on your PERCEPTION of it. So where does perception come in? The way we perceive anything is how we EXPERIENCE it. So if our experience is shithouse, then it’s because our perception of said experience is... well shithouse too. So this comes into your MINDSET, what you think about your life. I talk about this a little bit in my book; how two people can have the exact same situations in life, same job, both married, same income, however two VERY different perceived realities. The only difference is the perception each person has of their OWN reality. Not of anyone else’s, of their own, only. Take 18 year old Abbey for example; she lived with her family in basically a beachfront mansion, had two jobs which BOTH promised her room to develop, amazing friends, men interests, fun weekends, blah blah blah... but she was miserable. So you can’t put someone in an ideal scenario and think that they’ll magically free themselves from their struggles. That Abbey fled across the other side of the world thinking it would change something. It didn’t. All that was different was a new view out the window. I was still dealing with the same battles, and as much as I would have liked to blame them on outside influences... it was the internal wounds I needed to face. So face it. You’re not going to get out of life alive, so you may as we enjoy being ALIVE while in life. Ya feel me? So... what needs to shift WITHIN you so that you can create the reality you dream of? P.S It’s probably easier than you think. I help you uncover your blocks and limitations so you can step authentically into the life you deserve. If you’re ready then send me a dm and ask how I can help you with my 1:1 sessions. See more
13.01.2022 Visionaries listen up!! You’ve got some magic to share with the world & the time is NOW to actualise that vision!!!! Tonight we are opening the space for the Visionary Vortex to ANYONE feeling the pull of this magnetic container.... To join us tonight is $22 one time only payment. We are going to be introducing the facilitators, there’s gonna be transmissions, MOVEMENT, intention setting & so much more. Come join us tonight to see what we are up to, the vortex is a 3 month ongoing portal for creative visionaries to manifest their gifts, but no pressure at ALL to join after tonight (but you’ll probably want to hahah). Head to the links in my bio to sign up for the ceremony tonight or dm me if you have any questions xxx If you’re still reading this then take the hint Excited to see you in there! We start at 7.30pm QLD time All my love xx
13.01.2022 Maybe you’ve noticed or not, that I have been shifting. A few years ago I found myself in London seeking freedom. That freedom was presented to me in the scope of online work, which meant I could be ANYWHERE and earn an income. This worked well for some time until recently last year I felt my desire to be connected decline. ... I slowly stopped doing all the things I was once doing to build my business. I connected more to my own truth and started living freely to my own prescription. Not one handed to me by the coaching industry which told me I was insignificant because I wasn’t yet earning $5k or $10k a month in my business. My own decision to step away from yet another system has me feeling crippling indecision about wtf is this existence??? And where does my puzzle piece fit into this... what is my mission? I did my final online client coaching session last Thursday & I have decided I’m moving my work mostly offline. This call came during a ceremony I participated in recently that showed me how much my energy is needed in real life and not through a screen. So idk wtf this looks like because I’ve been online not really working a real job for several years now and so it’s scary but this is the next step forward in my trajectory. Fuck connecting community across the planet; it’s the people who are in front of us in each moment that our energy is going to make the most difference on. I’m feeling in person retreats, workshops, collaborations, even a healing centre // cafe but I think I might be jumping the gun a little. Or maybe I’m not. And I might return to do some things online but for now I use this platform only as a bridge to the REAL FUCKING WORLD where we all need to return to. Our life and mission is calling us, into true connection with each other, not a wifi signal. (This picture with my sister @laurenreneeintimacy is so relevant because business hours have been swaying but life has been expanding, another little synchronicity on our journey together.)
13.01.2022 Life takes us in all different directions. Sometimes our plans change, sometimes our minds change, and then everything changes when we decide to live our lives for our own selves and not for the sake of everyone else.... When we do this it causes upset in those who for years have been riding on your toes and keeping you closer to the lows that make up your mundane existence. My relentless pursuit of following my truth has only come this way because I’ve gone astray. I’ve pathed my own way. I’ve had to cause pain in those I love and who love me, and although I feel everything at the depths of my heart I know it’s desire is to be followed and not betrayed. So as I continue, following the calls of my own soul, I again surrender this idea that I can please everyone & focus instead on pleasing my own heart & giving my all to her each day. If you were to listen to your heart, what would she say?
13.01.2022 Ever since I got my van I’ve wondered why I ever lived in a house... People warned me that van life would be hard but fmd waking up outside every day with my feet straight on our earth, feeling the breeze kiss my skin and hearing the songs of the birds in the trees as nature’s alarm clock has been most serene & connected thing I’ve experienced in this life. It’s hardly been challenging because it’s aligned with the path of my soul; which is not to be rooted like a tree but be walked and roamed like a human who can move, like the fluidity of the ocean, like the whispers of spirit are tuning into the frequency of my soul & guiding me back home. Not to a box, but to a place deep deep inside. I hope that you too can experience this serenity in your life if it’s calling to you. #vanlifeaustralia
12.01.2022 I don’t have words this time. Because what I feel I can’t describe.... I know that deep inside, I’m trying to hide. Find me; coming alive.
12.01.2022 If you’re not spending chunks of time hanging upside down; giggling like a child, then are you really alive? Swipe for the real me @ Mullumbimby
12.01.2022 Sometimes all your soul needs is a 2.5 hour barefoot walk with someone you give a shit about, and who reciprocates that. @taylahfrench thanks for your baby tiger vibes in my life
12.01.2022 It’s my birthday!!! What a time to be alive
12.01.2022 This year has already been such a fucking trip, I want to tell you more about it but there are no words for the depth of what I’ve felt; here is my version of wordless expression.
12.01.2022 We are all flowers in different stages, of different flavours and at different phases, so chill tf out on wondering when it’s your turn to bloom. It’ll come. Appreciate what’s already there. ... Acknowledge that with life there is death too, & maybe you can’t grow until you accept what’s to comes after you finally do.
11.01.2022 Deeply listen; To the murmuring. When she whispers, Come home. ... But where is this place? I do not yet know. For to me, it has not been shown. I’ve been searching for a space, But it’s not in a place, It’s not in someone’s embrace, It seems, I cannot trace. Until I stop, and listen, And I hear it’s song. For my home, it beats; I’ve been here all along. My Heart Poem & artwork by me; Are you searching for something that already exists within you? Can you slow down to notice? Can you listen, deeply? #listen #slowdown #mindful #heartishome
11.01.2022 Flash to 4 years ago when I thought the best thing for my life was getting a brand new car. I was on track for a head start in conditioned living, was even going to put a deposit down for a mortgage (I was 18... ). My truth showed me that there were more things to strive for than the typical car, boyfriend, job, house. ... 6 months later I sold the car, packed up and moved overseas. Life has never been the same. Don’t settle for a life you didn’t choose. P.S. This doesn’t mean that getting a new car isn’t good... it could be. So long as the decision came from awareness of your actual truth; not what you thought was the next logical step, like my decision was back then. See more
10.01.2022 This year has been ridiculous, here’s a summary so far - cause I know you’re dying for it I was living in BALI before flying home just as the ol’ pandemic stared doing it’s thing. I wrote a book, published it, and became and author to an amazon bestselling book?? ... I traveled around QLD, multiple trips extending locations from Byron Bay to The Daintree and everything in between. Got a few spiritual / psychic attacks that scared the SHIT out of me like am I summoning demons??? kind of scared so switched directions and decided to be a born again Christian (not really) for a couple of weeks, thank you Jesus. Amen. Started living on this Christian farm with two lovely devotees, I was saved. Realised that my fear was what was propelling me into trusting instantly something that was bigger than me (cough religious programming & fear mongering). I came to my senses remembering my own power and knew I needed to be anywhere else, not on the farm. Saved by a guy I met on bumble; (maybe a Jesus incarnate?) I went on a spontaneous 3 week trip in his car-van up to Bowen and back down. This experience reminded me that I CAN actually co-exist with another human being happily??? My independence streak discontinued momentarily. More realisations have surfaced; more on them later. Now I’ve been offered to stay on a bean farm near Gympie, to support this farmer / scientist man get his EPIC vision of sustainable farming out into the world. I’ll be living in a caravan (that needs my interior design skills desperately) & spend time hanging out with Pip the cat & the neighbours sheep when I’m not doing all the things that seem the be flying my way in the realm of branding, writing & coaching. Post written not to brag, but to allow you to explore the idea that your life may be living you, not you living it. And it is a choice. I choose the latter. Hby? P.S the pic is from when I found a pinecone on the return journey from said trip with beautiful stranger; it sits on my alter. If you google the historical meaning of pinecone, you’ll be shook, pretty trippy. Thanks for reading, x See more
10.01.2022 MAKE A LIFE OF ART. Art is in everything. Creativity is at the core of our being.... We are CREATION. And we are constantly EVOLVING (evolution). Can’t creation and evolution be the same thing? Think about it. Things are created as we evolve and as we create, we evolve. Anyway, these past few months since leaving Mackay (again) I have become so in tune with life and with my own ART. The art that exists in the words that come out of my mouth in conversation. Or through the ink of my pen in my journal. The art that is my BODY. The art that is my relationships with others. The art that is me being in the right place at the right time CONSTANTLY living in synchronicity. The art that is my business almost running itself while I have taken SO many social media hiatus’ and word of mouth referrals for different pieces have been what’s keeping me going, and flourishing Art that is meeting people who feel like family. Art is devoting my time voluntarily. Art is charging for my work. Art is my new philosophy. How can I create beauty around me and within me?. How can I inspire you to tap back into your own creativity? What does your inner child wish you would let him / her do? Paint? Write? Sing? Play? Whatever it is, this is your permission to DO IT. How can you make a life of art?
10.01.2022 Hey human! I have been noticing a lot of new friends and requests here lately so I’mma introduce myself a lil bit. My name is Abbey, I’m from Australia although I have spent the most part of the last 3 years being anywhere BUT here. (Not to say Oz isn’t great, it is but I got my whole life to be here, and the world was calling). ...Continue reading
10.01.2022 Surrender is the key to manifestation. Like full surrender. Deciding; Fuck this I don’t even want it anymore, & watch it float through for you.... A new chapter coming soon...
09.01.2022 Missing you. Thanks for being my rock as I be the sea Love ya sis, you the real MVP. @nadiaformosa
09.01.2022 Shit’s getting real I’m collaborating with @laurenreneeintimacy as a support facilitator of THE VISIONARY VORTEX.... In my work as a something coach I have realised that a lot of what I do is really activate people into their potential in BUSINESS. And when I say business I don’t mean business as it was, I mean business as it is to BECOME. The visionary vortex is collaborative community that is here to help creative visionaries like Y.O.U. step into your magic and begin to birth your creative gifts into the world; (and actually get paid for it WHAAT???). Yeah, you can actually do this. We are living examples & here to guide you. I know many talented & inspiring people in my field who have an IMPORTANT mission to bring through into the world, that only THEY can bring in but the fear the doubt the SYSTEMS, structures, the network, all the things??? This portal is all of it. This portal allows for us as leaders and creators of the new earth a space to actually do what it is we are all here to do & amidst that; feel supported along the way. No more lone wolf entrepreneur, it’s time to co-create and collaborate. If you’re ready to actually turn your dreams (yeah those things you think about doing but your day job or insert bs excuse here that gets in the way of you doing it) into reality, then come join us. We are here to guide and support in ALL ways that we can. (And it’s ever growing as we speak). The VISIONARY VORTEX has been growing and evolving moment by moment since it first landed in Lauren’s womb, and it’s only the beginning. DM me for info or click the link in my bio to learn more. xx If you feel this, follow this. Now is the time. No more hiding. We see you. Founding Facilitators; @laurenreneeintimacy @iamginafrances @ruthbalcke @abbeyformosa
09.01.2022 TIME IS MONEY. CHARGE YOUR WORTH. IF THEY REALLY NEED YOU THEY WILL FIND A WAY TO PAY YOU. ... These are that of a few things that the coaching industry dictates for coaches to abide by. And for a while I did. I didn’t want to be giving my time away for free because my time is SO valuable! I didn’t want to charge less than $150 for an hour of my time because my work takes a lot of energy! I put all these boundaries on how much I could give others based on what they paid me for, restricting myself from giving because I needed to value myself. But actually I was closing off on the opportunity to actually do what I love, and that is HELPING PEOPLE. NOW MORE THAN EVER we need more selfless giving. Since being meshed half in normal society out of my Bali bubble for six months, I understand how important it is to actually share my work. So I’m dropping the boundaries, I’m dropping them to give more love. I’m dropping my regular $150/hr 1:1 session to one which YOU choose on a sliding scale of what you can afford. This price is only going to be available for 1 week so if you feel the call then don’t wait If you are needing a reconnection with your soul, if you’re overwhelmed with life, if you’re stuck on your next move, if you’re just needing some god damn support then I’ve got you. Right now I am choosing to make my work more accessible because I know there is suffering that I can heal. And all the world needs right now is a little less pain, a little less dictation, and a LOT more love. My arms are open. The link is in my bio to see if we’re a good fit & I feel I can help you with where you’re at. There are only 10 spaces for this offer x I choose love. See more
09.01.2022 So today I cried, sobbed actually. I’ve somehow ended up on a farm helping a Christian couple out with some things (more on this later) and I was sent to the paddock today to gather wood that was cast everywhere into piles to be burnt. Yeah that’s easy! I can do that!... I was really excited about doing some physical work after so much of my time being spent online on zoom calls with clients or doing my social media & marketing stuff. I thought I wanted out of it & this opportunity came up at the most perfect time especially considering everything else going on in my life So anyway, today I was shown the paddock where the wood was, and I asked; In a cows paddock?. You’re not scared of cows are you? Yeah a little bit, nah kidding I’ll be fine haha!. And then I was alone. With the wood. With my wheelbarrow. With the cows. I put my AirPods in and tried to cast my mind off the fact there was a herd of cattle only a short distance away from me & no fence in between. I want to live on the land and be in nature, - I reminded myself of what I had been saying for weeks. I could feel one of the cows looking at me. I looked at it. And then I looked away worried that if I looked at it, it would think I was a threat, like what happens with the monkeys in Bali. If you give them eye contact, they go savage. So I looked away. Omg you’re so scared, stop being scared because you’ll attract them charging at you, you’ll manifest it! Not wanting to take responsibility and release what I thought I knew from my spiritual beliefs I tried to adopt this Christian couples beliefs instead; God will protect me. I instantly felt better with the second belief. But then moments later I felt the cows eyes again, not just one now, a few of them. And then they started walking towards me. FFS God, why you no listen? The cows start walking faster, my heart starting beating faster... Continue in comments* See more
09.01.2022 Hey humans!!!! I’m hiring for a virtual assistant role within my business! It’ll be super chill, work your own hours and to your own genius but basically I need someone who can help with a feeeeew things.... Who are you?? You’ll be passionate about the mission & vision I have for my work & how it impacts the world. You’ll be organised, responsive, creative, be able to take instruction but also innovate new ideas when things come up! You’ll be open for back and forth communication or calls to discuss implementation and ideas. It’s a role that you can expand into as my business grows. Tasks; Calendar Management Social Media Engagement & Assistance Mailchimp & Email Marketing Backend organisation & workflow Roughly 15hrs per month; online position so you can work from anywhere. Please send me a 2 two minute voice clip of why you feel aligned to this role & working for me as well as what experience you have etc & I’ll get back to you! (Credentials aren’t super important to me; what’s important is your desire to learn, contribute and implement; experience is obviously a plus ) Also share with anyone you think of when reading this! Excited to connect with you if it’s a fit!! #hiringava #virtualassistant See more
08.01.2022 Inner Guidance Sessions I am not a coach, I am not a teacher, I am a guide. Simply put, I activate the potential that’s inside of you in accessing your own wisdom and truth.... No-one can tell you what’s right for you, and it be truth, except for you. Most of us go on living life looking outside of us for all the answers to our own questions. Highlighting: our OWN questions, the questions that only we can know. So why ask John or Jack or Joe? In these sessions I don’t desire to tell you what to do, I don’t intuit what will be your next move, I allow a safe space for you to actually find the answers within you. What is a safe space? It’s one of no judgement, no belittling, no shrinking you to make myself feel big. No degrading your inspirational ideas, it’s one where I actually give space & LISTEN, I won’t talk over you or tell you what you’re doing is wrong or what you should do instead. All that wisdom will come from yourself, it’ll arise from within. Inner guidance; awakening you to YOU. These are for anyone whether you’re 88, 16 or 22. They come in a pack of 6, that you can use at any time within 4 months. There will be a sliding scale & payment plans available so that my packages are affordable and suit the needs of anyone who is feeling the call to work with me, not limited by circumstance. Things I can help with; Holistic / Integrative Health Binge Eating Handling Emotions Relationships Mindset Support with Anxiety and Depression Sensitivity Wanting to change your life but in FEAR Mindfulness Manifestation Getting out of your Comfort Zone Finding Likeminded Friends Tapping into your Intuition LIFE & living a happy existence // other things, we usually figure it out as we go. Also, maybe you don’t have anything specifically you want help with but could use some loving guidance and support on your journey, I’d love to be that person. Maybe these sessions are for you, maybe they aren’t but you know someone they might help, it could be a xmas present (given their consent). Please pass onto anyone you think this could help. & if it’s for you, send an email to [email protected] and let me know how I can help x With love,
07.01.2022 Who am I? Abbey; an oracle of her generation bridging the wisdom of an old soul through the lens of a young leader. The text within the pages of Abbey’s amazon bestseller; Becoming - 13 Insights to a Gen Z Awakening delivers the facilitation of deep awareness, introspection & awakening in the (3rd) eyes and hearts of it’s readers & receivers. ... To Abbey, success need not be defined. It’s not always about the to-do’s and the strategy for those you of who know the truth of embodying the masculine and feminine in all that you do. Abbey holds the pillars of the ‘nurturer’ and the ‘get shit done’er’; integrating the two. She guides by simplifying the chaos in our minds that speak lies trying to convince us otherwise of what we know so deep in our SOUL to be true. That the way of a new world is up to me & it’s up to you. The same world that tries to deceive us, trying to make us believe that we aren’t _____ enough to do what we know we were MADE TO DO. To that, she see’s through. Emphasising the importance of turning a dream; into a MUST DO. Abbey’s path dragged her through periods of anxiety, depression, disordered eating, and drug + alcohol use & abuse; all merely symptoms of the real illness; disconnection. The antidote; a deep connection to all facets of expression. Her journey in holding space for others’ transformation was activated when she began to seek truth; to which she saw through the mundanity of our modern-day society (aka: slavery) & now lives within the confines of her OWN desired version of reality. And knows that you can too. Abbey’s work is undefined, like you; more than a name or a title, believing deeply that there is no one size fits all in anything & that in order to really grasp what life is here to bring us we need to connect to our OWN damn truth. She whispers; how can you embody all of YOU? This is your purpose. Connection; the medicine the whole world needs to wake up to. As a life observer, deep thinker & awareness shifter; she holds space for you to strip the layers & pull in the truth of what’s below the surface stopping you from embodying your authentic truth. See more
07.01.2022 A car crash scene in a movie I watched recently had me remembering & then grieving a moment I wasn’t emotionally available for many years ago. Eyes glued to the computer screen, I was sobbing about an accident I should have mourned when I was 18. Numbness ruled my body and mind when I was in this tough time, something that should have been tragic...., I couldn’t cry. ... Have you ever felt so numb that when someone you loved nearly died, you didn’t mind? I have. Since then my sensitivity has returned, it made it’s first appearance in a while last year when I almost fell off a cliff riding my scooter in Bali & an old man rescued me. A tear on my cheek and gratitude lay in my heart as I realised I wasn’t alone & didn’t have to do this all by myself. Since then, my softness came back, my guard is down, and I might be dying to love, again. If you want to know what happened all those years ago & how I see everything now... then you can read about it in my book, Becoming. The link to the ebook or the paperback is in my bio. Find chapter 4; suicide notes posed as love letters. And if you don’t wanna read it, just know that your past doesn’t define you, you can choose to make the tragedy a part of the homecoming, the returning to your true self. All my love.
07.01.2022 ? ? ! Maybe you want some guidance on what to do next? Maybe you’ve heard about the law of attraction and have tried to manifest things in? ... Or maybe you have just been overwhelmed with information overload from podcasts or books you’ve read with paradoxical solutions and no fucking clue for a legit answer. I’m sure you’ve tried things that haven’t felt quite right... like not totally you??? Here’s the thing. YOU are the only one who can guide your life in the right direction. (Yes you ) Anyone else’s advice or opinions aren’t going to get you closer to your truth. Because your truth is UNIQUE. Your truth is individual to, ahem*, YOU. Obviously. So stop looking outside of yourself. The answers are within you. And blehh I know this is so cliche, but it’s the MF truth!!! So on that note, I have created a little tool for you guys, to help you tap into YOUR truth. It’s called Sounds groovy hey? Well it’s better than that! You get to see all the different areas of you life laid out in front of you, mapped like a birds eye view so YOU can see wtf is going wrong and where a little care and attention will do the world of good. Because our life isn’t linear, our relationships aren’t linear, our business isn’t linear...and the work ALWAYS starts on the inside. And it’s multifaceted, and usually the problem isn’t actually the problem, if you get me, there’s always a million layers. So get to it, link is in my bio. I got you x See more
06.01.2022 I was once Cinderella waiting for Prince Charming to show up. Last year I thought I was finally ready for a relationship again after a 4+ year stint of being single. So I did what I had done with most things at this point and thought I’d try to manifest one. I wrote down EVERYTHING I wanted from my dream man waiting for his manifestation to come into my existence, as basically everything else had done with the help of Bali’s magic. ... Even when I was sitting Vipassana, (a 10 day meditation course) I rebelled against meditating their way and visualised my future boyfriend. I spent a whole hour on him, I basically built him from the ground up, and went into DETAIL, but here were the main things without being too cringe. I imagined he was strong, health focused, committed to his personal goals. He was a successful conscious entrepreneur changing the world with his visions and actually getting bank for it. He had loads of investments and so was basically financially free, his work was just for IMPACT not survival. He took time to spend with me but he stayed present with his mission external to the relationship. He helped me grow my own mission and vision. He was grounded yet carefree, had his shit together but didn’t take himself too seriously. Sounds dreamy right? And then after a while, and him NOT showing up, something clicked. My build-a-man was who I wanted to be. Read that again. My build a man was who I wanted to be. Yes, ME. I wanted to be all of those things. This desire for a partner was just a projection of my OWN HIGHEST SELF, my soul was craving for me to step into HER. She’s not a man, she’s me, up in the quantum waiting for me to release my blocks and grow into her. And she might change over time, and that’s cool too. (She already sort of has, she has simplified but I’ll tell you about her on another IG post). So the point; WHENEVER you are looking OUTSIDE, remember, it’s inside. It’s always inside. My question for you to reflect on is this; What do YOU need to do to be that which you desire? Because it starts with you. Love you (Image Source Unknown)
06.01.2022 I think it’s really hitting me I actually AM a health coach. But not a typical one which is why I feel that I haven’t fully aligned with the word or the title at ALL since I got my qualification in Integrative Nutrition. The reason why I haven’t felt aligned to the title is because I see that I help people with so much more than what you would normally call health. ... No I don’t give a shit about your calorie intake or how many reps or kgs of weights you do at the gym. No I don’t measure your nutrient levels to understand if you’re deficient or not in something. But what I facilitate is intuitive EMBODIMENT of what health should be for more people and that is the feeling of ALIVENESS in your body. Feeling PASSIONATE about the days to come. Feeling DEEPLY CONNECTED to your body so that when you DO eat shit you won’t regret it because you THINK it’s bad for you you will actually feel it’s negative effects in your body and make conscious decision to change. I do not work by a plan, or tell you what you need to do to get from A to B, because in my experience it just doesn’t work like that. I also think I haven’t wanted to use the health title as I am still seeking answers on my OWN health journey relating to my eye condition. BUT this doesn’t mean I am not qualified and experienced to help you find balance in your life; as I have done with my and so many others. Balance provides you with the foundation for finding JOY in your life. And what is living without joy? I facilitate deep change in my clients lives, a remembering of who they are and what they’re here to do. Health as you know it is only PART of the story, but it’s the journey to a fulfilling life AND successful business. Psst, success to me is actually enjoyment in your business,,, not any dollar figure or insert *make $10K a month quote here* BLEEEEGH. Because you WILL be successful when you’re aligned in all areas of you LIFE. So; I’m excited to be sharing with you a new offering I am getting jiggy with to serve in the way that feels soo aligned to the vision I wish to create in the world & for you. Dm for info or stay tuned for launch x See more
06.01.2022 Hey sooo, my hair is finally long enough to braid again. This is a milestone for me since cutting my hair short 2 years ago today, and I’ll tell ya why now... I cut my hair when I returned to Aus after living abroad for 2 years, I felt a lot of shifts internally and felt I needed to do something external to match. ... Cutting my hair allowed me to realise how much I attached my beauty and self esteem to my hair & how I gained validation from having long and thick hair my entire life. From receiving compliments on my hair, (which I loved obvs, my ego was like mmm yes ty) to then feeling like I’d lost a part of myself. I felt ungrounded as fuck, anxious, weird- like I didn’t know who I was anymore. So much so that I really had to look at myself. Who am I without my hair? Why do I feel so different? Why do I feel ugly? I felt like a boy. I felt unattractive. It felt yuck. Almost the entire time I was in Bali I was battling this fight with my hair and my self esteem. I threw out all of my dresses and skirts and bought baggy pants and shirts to match how I was feeling on the inside. I envied other women who had beautiful long hair, thinking wtf had I done. One day not long after my Vipassana I attempted to cut my own hair and made it worse hahaha, then I tried fixing it by going to a hairdresser who fucked it more. I then moved to a quiet coastal village, Amed, and forgot about my appearance really embodying my inner tomboy. I was able to because there were hardly any westerners around or beauty standards / expectations to meet out there. After moving to Canggu however, things shifted things for me and I decided I didn’t wanna be a beach bum anymore. I was so fortunate to find an amazing hairdresser; one who reminded me of my hair’s natural beauty. For years I had gone to hairdressers and they would always suggest things I needed to do, wash it more, use heat tools, dye it for better colour etc... which is basically always CHANGING what I had been given naturally. Like what I am isn’t good enough, I needed to be something else. (Contd. in comments)
05.01.2022 It starts with YOU If you are not aware of yourself (your - self) then how can you expect to feel good in your business, make progress & hit goals? Where are you pointing your fingers at problems outside of you without first checking that your OWN hands are clean?... I’m not making enough money. I’m doing well but I haven’t had a chance to even enjoy my success. Look I get it, you want to be successful. You wanna launch your vision out there into the world. You’ve got the drive, you’re hustling like crazy, but there’s something missing. You’re GO GO GO, but a part of you hasn’t caught up. Most new entrepreneurs rely on their mind for most of the work. Sometimes they extend to connect with their heart. But what I do is get you connected to your SOUL. You have innate wisdom inside of you WAITING for you to tap in, so that it can guide you to live the life of your dreams with ease & grace all whilst building your successful business. YES you can have both. #ABUNDANCE And I KNOW you’ve totally got this on your own, you wouldn’t have made it this far as an entrepreneur if you didn’t have it. But here’s just a little reminder (because I know you know ) of what you can do to connect back to yourself & your soul. Meditate. I don’t freaking care what kind of meditation, just do it; EVERY DAY! MOVE! Connect with your body through movement like yoga, dance, sport... but make sure you do it mindfully. Breathe into your heartspace. Ask it a question, what do you need from me?. Allow an answer to come through. Act on it. Journal. Every freaking day. It doesn’t matter what you write just let the pen flow, write to-do’s, visions, brain dumps, poetry, etc, just get it out of your head and onto paper! Pay attention to your thoughts feelings and actions. Just notice. & Now that you’ve read all of this, please make an effort to actually implement at least one suggestion! Also If you’re looking for more intimate help then message me about my 1:1 Soul Guidance Coaching Session to align your life & business MINUS the burnout. Let me know below if & how this has helped you! See more
05.01.2022 I’ve had so many experiences in such a short amount of time, such have been nothing short of changing my life. But when I attempt to write something down my mind decides to go into overwhelm. I want to share the highs and the lows, the purging of my deepest sorrows. The becoming of my highest light, the washing away tears of fright.... Unbecoming again and again, tearing at each little thread that remains sewn to my ego trying to keep me safe, and stuck, it’s so. Poison me to let me purge, up and out please let this serve; only the highest good of all for here I am to be no more a pawn, but an act of light in service from birth, a keeper, a guardian of our sacred mother earth.
05.01.2022 I’ve been feeling resistance to letting you all in on the reality of my life a little deeper; which is weird cause all my darkest secrets are literally printed in pages of a physical BOOK for anyone to read. I guess it’s easier to talk about the past and the dark when it’s a place we have moved away from, it’s harder to share when we are actually in it. But I’m gonna try anyway because I want to be open with you all & with myself.... At the beginning of this year, I was coaching at least 4 x 1:1 clients at a time, in the process of writing & editing & publishing my book, in creation mode for a group program, AND working a Virtual Assistant job for another business owner. Sounds pretty standard for someone in the coaching world. Maybe to an outsider that’s not in this business bubble it could sound like a lot, and actually it fucking was. Why is this busyness a standard??? The truth is, when my book launched, I FREAKED out, it goes to show that old saying your fear is not that you’ll fail but you’ll be powerful beyond measure or something like that, is definitely on point. I knew that I could have done MORE to get my book out there, some PR, some podcasting, extra promotion etc etc, but come launch day it wasn’t calling me. I actually forgot to even post the hard copy book link because I was spending quality time with my friends at home by a fire (typical Abbey). And the truth is, that’s who I am at nature. I’m not so much the person to be launching programs left right and centre, being in endless coaching containers, creating for success, I am actually someone who desires to live with presence; simply, creatively, and lovingly. And sometimes I compare myself to other entrepreneurs in this sort of work and think fuck me I’m not at 10 figures a month yet, or even 5? I better move my ass!! And then I remember; we are all at different stages, and actually we all should have different DESIRES. We don’t all need to want the same thing????! The 10 figure month idea doesn’t actually align with how I want to be living my life in this moment. (Continue reading in comments). See more
04.01.2022 Drive and desire Set me on fire... Take me to bed What’s in your head Show me your spark Light up this dark I’m done with dim Show me to him The one who holds truth The seer of wisdom Caught in my dismal World of dark Find me here Lay me to rest I stay in my nest I yearn for the zest That you showed me that day And i remembered my way Into the light Yearning tight For your embrace To taste your face Coiling my hands Fingers between yours Show me the door Or I’ll fall to the floor Here is the truth Im dying for more
04.01.2022 WTF AM I DOING?? I was up until 2am last night and then spent all day today getting clear on my branding and deciding how I want to show up in the online world and in my business.. So here’s a beach pic until I hit you hard with all the rest in the coming weeks ... ... Practicing what I preach about taking space for vision to land clearly. There’s no push from me, only alignment. I needed a little business hiatus for the alignment and vision to return & that it has. If you feel frustrated, feeling like you’re pushing, and hitting road block after road block, just allow yourself to take a break. Like seriously, chill the fuck out. It will do more harm than good if you keep going on an empty tank. And you might actually begin to fall in love with your work again knowing it’s coming from passion & purpose not scarcity and lack; the latter is a trap. Trust that your good intentions will be received by the universe & that which seeds you plant will grow with some love, water and sunlight. The same goes for you #space #takeabreak #recharge #getintonaturenow See more
04.01.2022 Sometimes it’s not always easy, We think we know what we want and then we get it and we move onto the next thing. Constant evolution. A new revolution. But what if we sink into what’s present,... And by that I mean what we already have. Who we already are. Not an idealised version of some life we are striving for. Not a place far in the future we are yearning for. Wishing we already had everything we’ve been asking for. No, no, no. Because everything we have now is once what we asked for. Every breath we breathe is a gift of life we need to be thankful for. In remembering the truth of this treasure we come back to what we are alive for. And it’s this moment. This experience right now. This heartache, this obstacle, this climb, and this fall. Sometimes things aren’t always easy, But in each individual, we hold the meaning to life that we’ve been searching for. (Context: I’m future fucking myself again wondering what else I can do, forgetting that only months ago I was dreaming of being where I am now, in my home on wheels, in nature, ceremony, connection, freedom. I have it all yet I’m looking for something else. This is it. Remember now.)
04.01.2022 My week has been RIDICULOUS. Hby? I have so much to update you all with but.... for now here’s a testimonial from another happy client of mine. P.S. The sliding scale opportunity for a soul session is only available until Monday; if you’re eyes have been on it then this is your chance to work with me at this price. ... Big love xx See more
04.01.2022 Feeling so resistant to technology, so here are some flowers captured in nature to bring you back to real life if you’ve been caught in the scroll. Got you. Now go outside and look around.
03.01.2022 ATTENTION: Calling all Free Thinkers! Pros: Open Mindedness, Expanded Awareness & Discernment. ... Hearing something and choosing whether you will believe it or not. And if youre reading this you’re probably like well duhhhh we all think for ourselves?. And if you follow my stuff then I’m sure you’re also a free thinker like me. But we weren’t always as so or I definitely wasn’t. There comes a point where we start to question things. But not everyone does; remember we are the black sheep’ which means the MINORITY! I was definitely conforming to everything around me at different stages in my life,,, even to spirituality, something that should be sacred to the individual; up until recently actually. It wasn’t until I was in Bali where I really had to put on my skeptic glasses as I had all sorts of beliefs thrown at me, which all contradicted each other in ways. Well something mustn’t be right. And that was the start. Before that I was open to everything spiritual, I thought it was all love and light, but now I see where the darkness plays its part. And so here’s to us, the free thinkers! Cause although we chose this path; it’s definitely not the easy path. It’s a hell of a lot easier to read everything in textbook or some kind of holy text and claim to know the full truth. It’s a hell of a lot easier to trust everything handed to you on a silver spoon. It’s easier to believe what you were taught from a young age and keep to those beliefs your entire life. It’s a hell of a lot easier to agree with everything you hear from those you love or idolise. It’s easier, but it’s not your full potential, your amazing HUMAN potential, the gift of free will and of a free mind; if you allow yourself to go there. I realise that actually no-one has a freaking CLUE about what’s really going on; and if we were meant to know - we would. And when we need to know; we will, we are seekers after all But please be easy on yourself, this freaking life can be all sorts of confusing, hang in there & remember WHO YOU ARE!& what you’re capable of. *A note for me as much as it is a note for you. See more
03.01.2022 Join me for half an hour where Kylie from @ameaningful.lifebydesign and I scratch the surface of the journey to awakening as a Generation Z human. I dive into; Traveling Europe & living in London at 19.... Personal Struggles with Mental Health. Why I do what I do & how I coach clients! How to quit being the victim. Insight into my book; Becoming. & more! Go check it out! Link is in my bio See more
03.01.2022 I’m taking time to notice the simpler things in life. Like the small weed flowers that have been growing everywhere since spring opened its doors to us. Like the taste of Earl Grey tea & how that flavour brings me back to the kitchen table with my Dad, Josey (Dad’s Partner) and my sister when we’d finally catch up after maybe days, weeks, months, and at times years & how happy it would make me being in their presence. @joeformosa @wings... Like the feeling of the soft sand underneath my feet as I walk on new earth having found myself in a new place, again. Like the smell of my curry cooking as the onion & spices fill the room. Like the flavours of my curry, not gulping it down but sending thanks before my meal and actually tasting each bite, slowly & mindfully. Like the home I have found in myself, despite not knowing where I’m going or for what reason. The trust I have that I’ve totally got myself, and alongside that, something far greater than me is the conductor of this. Like the feeling of my chest and belly expanding as I take deep breaths to recollect myself in stressful moments. Like the feeling of being immersed in live music; that gentle pull of each guitar string, stirring at the pieces of my body that responds with prickles on my skin. Don’t forget that it’s the simple things that are really what’s worth being alive for. If you feel that you’re on some kind of ascension pathway or really going up some kind of ladder, I wish to ask you to pause for a moment and ask yourself..., for who? Are you really doing this for others? Are you doing this for yourself? Who are you living for? Who do you want to live for? Make your own answer and then match it up. I’m coming closer to other belief systems that have rocked me to my core & I just invite you to check in with where you’re at & how that truly feels, whatever path you’re on. You’ve got your own free will, to what will you do with this? #decidetolive See more
02.01.2022 I own one mug. This one.
01.01.2022 ; i take everything i see as symbolic, there is always a greater meaning. this shell is another bread crumb on my journey.... these breadcrumbs are known as synchronicity... follow them and you begin to follow your souls calling. welcome to the ; #synchronicity #spiritualbusiness #intuitivecoach See more
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