Aberdeen Health Rooms in Geelong West, Victoria, Australia | Massage therapist
Aberdeen Health Rooms
Locality: Geelong West, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 5221 5377
Address: 38 Aberdeen Street 3218 Geelong West, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.aberdeenhealthrooms.com.au/
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25.01.2022 Using a foam roller or spikey ball to manage an injury in iso? Here are some dos and donts! Foam rollers and spikey balls can be used to release tension and reduce pain in soft tissues or activate soft tissues prior to sport and activity. If your aim is to reduce tension and pain:... 1. Foam roll after exercise - as tissues that have been "released" are more "relaxed" and not as responsive hence more prone to injury when exercising. 2. To achieve soft tissue release - apply sustained gentle pressure on tender areas for at least 5 seconds then slowly roll to the next tender point and repeat. 3. Avoid hard and fast rolling - this can result in increased tension and sometimes increase risk of injury. 3. Foam roll each muscle group for at least 60 seconds - but avoid too much longer than this - more is not better! 4. Do not foam roll the same muscle group on consecutive days. This tissue require at least 24 hours to recover from a foam rolling session. 5. When using the foam roller to activate muscles - foam roll before exercise - and keep it light and fast for 30-60 seconds for each muscle group. For any stubborn injuries that you arent able to manage with foam rolling alone - see one of our physios who specialise in the treatment of spinal, musculoskeletal and sports injuries. For all appointments call 03 5221 5377.
25.01.2022 Are you struggling to think of what to make for dinner? Accredited Practising Dietitian, Themis Chryssidis, takes us through five quick and easy recipes using what youve got in your pantry or freezer! Take a look below! https://dietitiansaustralia.org.au//cooking-during-covid-/
25.01.2022 Typically, back pain can come and go and get better or worse in severity. The best treatment usually involves being shown how to self-manage your condition most effectively now and in the future. The most effective treatments to help you achieve this is the McKenzie Method and a low back education and structured exercise program. We offer both at AHR! To make an appointment to see one of our physios who are specially trained in these methods, phone 5221 5377.
24.01.2022 When purchasing a keyboard for your home based computer work station - ask yourself, do I need the numeric keys on the right side? If not - consider purchasing a compact keyboard without the numeric keys on the right side. This will enable you to place your mouse closer to your body which means less strain on your neck and shoulders and reduces the risk of injury. For any more advice on computer work station ergonomics or a physio telehealth ergonomic assessment for your home based computer work station, contact 03 5221 5377.
23.01.2022 Creating a healthy home office Getting your desk ergonomics sorted will help your body feel more comfortable. Designing the space you work in along the lines of biophilic principles may help your mind feel and work better. Biophillia refers to the fact that as human beings, we have an instinctive bond with nature and our natural surrounds. Biophilic design takes this bond and works to apply it to the spaces we live, work and relax. Some things you can do to improve your hom...e office design: 1. Improve access to natural light and views of the outside (if you cant put up pictures of natural settings etc. 2. Utilise available outside areas where possible. 3. Incorporate natural features like wood and stone into your space. 4. Include indoor plants. 5. Ensure you have access to quiet space and make sure your room doesnt feel overly cramped or stuffy. Designing your space in this way has been shown to be associated with increased productivity, concentration levels, creativity and overall feelings of wellbeing. For more information on how to create healthy places to work, chat to one of our physiotherapists who specialise in occupational health physiotherapy on 03 5221 5377 or email [email protected].
23.01.2022 Remedial massage is back! Give us a call on 5221 5377 to book in with Nicole
22.01.2022 If walking or running this week, why not hit the trails? The advantages: Less impact on your joints and soft tissues More variety of movement (which reduces risk of overuse injuries) ... More exposure to nature (great for mental health) Enjoy!
22.01.2022 Active joint stretching can be a very effective treatment for most spinal and musculoskeletal conditions. For it to be most effective it usually needs to be in performed in the right direction, to the end of joint range and performed a little but often (ie 5-10 times every 2 hrs). It can also at times be made more effect with some firm over pressure (ie when a therapist or the patient themselves presses firmly on the joint being stretched). Heres an example of active stretch...ing of the middle back performed in an extension direction with over pressure being applied by pushing against a ball on a chair. McKenzie Physiotherapists are specially trained to instruct you in specific active stretches to treat your condition. To make an appointment to see one of our therapists for McKenzie-based treatment, phone 03 5221 5377.
21.01.2022 Exercise is the best medicine for many musculoskeletal conditions, but often done best if: Its supervised by a health professional such as a physio. Exercise are tailored for you. Performed in a group setting. Guided by specific, measureable and reasonable goals set by you.... Leads to you regularly performing a physical activity you enjoy on a regular basis in the long term. We specialise in group physio exercise for hip/knee osteoarthritis, persisting low back/neck pain, sport injuries and pre/post-natal conditioning. For more info contact AHR on 5221 5377.
20.01.2022 After a recipe to switch up your family dinners during iso? This healthy lentil curry is a must-try! https://daa.asn.au/recipes/wholesome-lentil-curry/
19.01.2022 Trying to eat well during isolation? Eating snacky foods such as sugary or carbohydrate-rich foods often release feel-good hormones and chemicals such as endorphins and serotonin, which may be why we find ourselves snacking and craving a lot more at home. But these foods arent always the healthiest.. To reduce those cravings, eating regular, full meals (with lots of veges!) at the dinner table at usual meal times, and pre-portioning snacks for when youre peckish, may be hel...pful. For more info, have a read of the full article: https://www.abc.net.au//how-to-stop-snacking-duri/12115044
19.01.2022 Do you have a pain in the butt? We can help you get rid of it. Gluteal pain or pain on the outside of the hip is very common, especially for middle aged women. Cause:... - Prolonged standing and favouring one leg. - Sudden increase in the intensity in the intensity of exercise or the introduction of too much stair/hill climbing too soon. - Back injuries. Treatment: - Massage - Back stretching - Back and gluteal strengthening +/- dry needling (for stubborn cases). Our physiotherapist Louise Treston specialises in dry needling for this complaint. For an appointment, call 5221 5377.
19.01.2022 Action comes before recovery! There are rarely any magic fixes, wonder drugs or silver bullets when it comes to curing persisting or recurring injuries. Rather appropriate stretching, strengthening, cardiovascular training, the right day to day activity and a better understanding on how to move your body and avoid aggravating factors is what is needed.... Our physios specialise in this type of management. For all appointments, contact us on 5221 5377.
18.01.2022 Do you have persisting or recurring musculoskeletal issues? Poor mood, stress, social pressures, anxiety and a lack of understanding of your overall condition can contribute to the amount of pain you feel. Solution: 1. See a suitable health professional to get educated about your condition. 2. Dont allow yourself to get tugged in too many directions at the same time (its okay to say no sometimes). ... 3. Have a laugh - watch that cheesy comedy. 4. Exercise regularly - these activities will stimulate your brain to produce happy chemicals. 5. Practice mindfulness - start simple, try relaxed, deep breathing when you begin to feel stress or tense pain. We specialise in this holistic approach to injury management. To see one of our practitioners, contact 5221 5377.
17.01.2022 Alex Humphrys specialises in offering physio-designed exercise for: - Persisting back, hip, neck and shoulder pain. - Recurring sports injuries. - Pre and post-natal classes. - Womens health issues.... - Adolescent injuries and pain. See more
15.01.2022 Natural Movement Dampens Pain! If you have a painful joint, moving it helps to create better blow flow, movement and can help reduce pain. In our exercise and pilates studio, we have the Core Align which can help you perform functional movements more naturally and with less pain.... Its great to help you recover optimal function after an injury or just helping you move better! For any help with therapeutic exercise programs, come see one of our physios!
14.01.2022 This warm weather feels like the perfect time to enjoy a delicious and nutritious smoothie! We love this super easy straw-banana smoothie from Dietitians Australia. Simply blend 1 banana, 5 strawberries, 3 tsp chia seeds, 1 cup milk of your choice, 20g rolled oats and ice, yum!
13.01.2022 This is why you should consult the physios at Aberdeen Health Rooms via Telehealth for your home based exercise programs.
12.01.2022 Exercise is Medicine We all know this right? But not unlike oral prescription medication, if we dont take the right medication, right dose and complete the course, we cant expect it to work. ... The best way to get the right exercise for any pain or injuries that you have - is to see a physio or other specially trained health practitioner. If you want to make sure youre doing it right or lack the motivation to get started, consider joining a physio-led exercise group. The physios at AHR specialise in physio group exercise for recurring back and neck pain, hip and knee osteoarthritis, chronic sports injuries and pre and post-natal conditions. For all appointments, phone 5221 5377.
10.01.2022 Mark Cheel is back! Mark is one of our physiotherapists and is qualified in the McKenzie Method. His special interests include; treatment of spinal pain (back and neck) and upper and lower limb conditions and sporting injuries. If youd like an appointment with Mark, contact us on 5221 5377.
10.01.2022 The recommendations of international low back pain guidelines are: 1. Continue with everyday activities despite the pain. 2. Individually adapt patient education messages to give more knowledge and better understanding of the pain. 3. Supervised physical exercise.... 4. Manual therapy with defined end-goals. 5. Do not use MRI or X-ray routinely. Is your current treatment following these guidelines? Want another opinion? Come see the physiotherapists at AHR!
09.01.2022 Amidst our COVID-19 epidemic, more people will look to ditch the bus/train for the bike, e-bike or e-scooter to get to and from work. Check out the latest in foldable bikes from Vello. Find out more at: https://www.dezeen.com//vello-bike-plus-valentin-vodev-vd/
09.01.2022 We are closed today and on Monday due to the public holiday. We hope you have a lovely long weekend
09.01.2022 Since wearing masks will be mandatory for all Victorians soon, heres some tips on how to wear one properly according to the DHHSs latest advice: * Wash your hands before putting on the mask. * Make sure it covers your nose and mouth and fits snugly under your chin, over the bridge of your nose and against the sides of your face. * Do not touch the front of the mask while wearing it.... * Carefully remove your mask by holding the ear loops or untying the ties. * If your mask has filters, remove them and throw them away. Wash re-usable masks as soon as possible. * Dispose single-use masks after use responsibly. * Wash or sanitise your hands after removing the mask. See more
09.01.2022 "I started doing reformer pilates last year and it has been such a game changer, for my core strength and overall coordination. Such a tough workout." - Maddi Bazzocco We are offering group supervised exercise sessions, now limited to three people per class in accordance with social distancing regulations and increased cleaning procedures! To book, call 5221 5377.
09.01.2022 Five tips and things to keep in mind to help improve your mental health: 1. Mental wellness is just as important as physical wellness. 2. Movement is good for your mental health.... 3. Mindfulness helps reduce stress. 4. Mastering new skills gives a sense of achievement. 5. Finding your purpose and living a meaningful life is linked to resilience and better mental health.
09.01.2022 Physio Chi is back! Physio Chi is a modified version of Tai-Chi and is led by our trained physiotherapist, Janette Anderson. It can assist in improving balance, strength, joint flexibility, body awareness, posture, breathing control, stress, tension and overall wellbeing. Contact us on 5221 5377 if youre interested!
08.01.2022 Emergency treatment of low back pain (adapted from Robin McKenzies Treat Your Own Back book): 1. Immediately lie face down (or lie in bed if this is too painful). 2. If absolutely necessary rest for 2 days maximum. 3. Use a rolled up towel around your waist when lying in bed (place it in a stocking to stop it moving around when you turn).... 4. Avoid all movements which aggravate symptoms. 5. Do not slouch or bend forwards for 3-4 days. 6. Keep an upright posture at all times and use a lumbar roll or rolled up towel placed into the arch of your lower back when sitting. 7. See a physio or other health professional for advice on specific exercises that can reduce your pain and restore your movement and function. The physios at AHR specialise in the treatment of low back pain; for all appointments contact 03 5221 5377.
08.01.2022 We are CLOSED this week on Wednesday for Geelong Cup and Friday for Grand Final Eve. Take this opportunity to check out our local national parks and trails with the family. For more info see the Parks Victoria website: www.parks.vic.gov.au.
08.01.2022 As we mentioned in a previous post, having views to nature or pictures of nature in your work space has been shown to be good for the mind whist increasing productivity and creativity. If youre after a new piece of art for your space with the added bonus of being created by Australian artists, we recommend Bluethumb
07.01.2022 As of today, all patients are required to wear a mask when attending the clinic for all services. Lets #stopthespread.
07.01.2022 Having trouble getting motivated to walk or hike? Combine it with a passion! Grab that camera and go snap some pics in our beautiful natural environment it will be great for the body, mind and soul! Check out this great doco on where Robert Oelman snaps some amazing pics of some of the incredible insects in the South American jungles: ... http://www.learningtoseefilm.com/thefilm See more
06.01.2022 Remedial massage is permitted under Stage 3 restrictions, woohoo! Our massage therapist, Nicole is currently taking appointments for remedial massage. Her special interests include: the treatment of back and neck pain, tension headache, shoulder, upper limb and lower limb pain, sports massage, relaxation massage and pregnancy massage. Give us a call on 5221 5377 to book!
05.01.2022 "Management of your back is your responsibility (and) in the end only you can really help yourself." Robin McKenzie The physios at AHR specialise in Robin McKenzies Method and its philosophy of more active patient involvement and extensive education in the management of low back pain. This approach will give you the skills and knowledge to manage your condition most effectively for the long term.
04.01.2022 Healthy sitting and standing time limits when working from home. It is well established that prolonged, uninterrupted sitting can be associated with neck and back pain and a variety of other medical issues, such as increased blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and weight gain. So when working at the office or at home, follow these guidelines: For sit-stand desk: sit 20 mins > stand 10 mins > stand/walk/stretch 1-2 mins > repeat.... For standard desk: sit 20 mins > stand/walk/stretch 1-2 mins > repeat. For more information on how to create a healthy office or home office environment, see the physios at Aberdeen Health Rooms. Call us on 03 5221 5377 to book an appointment.
04.01.2022 REMEDIAL MASSAGE A manual manipulation therapy which targets deep or shallow soft tissues of the body including muscles, tendons and ligaments, and can help relieve the symptoms of pain and stress, and ultimately improve limitations to mobility caused by a variety of conditions including; - Neck/shoulder pain... - Back pain and other back problems - Headaches or migraines - Sports Injury Management and rehabilitation of arthritis It is also great for maintaining health and wellness and for injury prevention, including stress and tension reduction. So don't let that small niggling pain or muscle tension turn into something bigger; get onto it and make a time to see one of our experienced and professional remedial massage therapists. For all appointments call 5221 5377. See more
04.01.2022 Do you have recurring neck or back pain and feeling you've become too dependent on the same old treatment or medication? Consider the McKenzie Method. Not only is it one of the most scientifically proven and most effective treatment solutions for your current episode of neck and back pain, it will empower you to self-treat and help prevent any future episodes of pain. To make an appointment with any of our certified McKenzie physiotherapists, contact 03 52 215377.
04.01.2022 NORI IS BACK! Now offering afternoon and evening remedial massage appointments! Nori has over 12 years of experience working as a Remedial Massage Therapist in private practice. Nori provides a detailed assessment and integrated treatment approach with her massage treatment. She has a special interest in the treatment of neck pain and headaches, back pain and sciatica, sporting injuries and pregnancy related pain.... For an appointment with Nori, call us on 5221 5377.
04.01.2022 Do you need to perform some rehab exercises for an injured body part but are having trouble sticking to your exercise routine? One of our physios Louise Treston has undertaken further training in the area of life coaching and lifestyle modification and has some tips to help you stick to your exercise goals. 1. Schedule in exercise rehab in your diary like you would a meeting. 2. Hook up with a buddy or family member for motivation.... 3. Have a goal to get back to exercise and physical activity that you actually enjoy. 4. Formulate achievable and realistic short term and long term goals to keep you motivated. 5. For optimal results consider performing your exercises in a physio led group exercise session. For more information or to make an appointment with Louise or one of our other physios call 52 215377.
04.01.2022 We hope you had a lovely long weekend! Our clinic will be open from 9am today.
03.01.2022 Getting back into exercise and increasing your current levels whilst you’ve got a long standing joint strain/osteoarthritis or chronic muscle/tendon injury: 1. Regular exercise or physical activity will be a large part of the cure - so yes do it! It is likely that you will feel some of your pain whilst exercising - that is okay, as long as: Pain during exercise must be perceived as acceptable ie. less than 5/10 pain Any increase in pain during and/or after exercising sh...ould subside within 24 hours 2. If you haven’t exercised for a while, follow this return to training guide for volume of training: 1-3 month break - train at 50% of your usual distance/volume/load > 3 months - start from scratch 3. Limit an increase in distance/volume/load to < 10% per week. 4. Limit speed or fast-paced training - this increases your risk of injury, think slow and steady". 5. Get a specific exercise program from your physio or other healthcare professional to strengthen and stretch your injured body part. For more, come and see one of the physios @ AHR.
03.01.2022 PHYSIO TREATMENT OF VERTIGO (BPPV) Through careful assessment of signs and symptoms and with the use of infrared goggles, we are able to accurately determine the cause of your vertigo and treat accordingly. In BPPV, the infrared goggles allow for a recording of the direction of nystagmus (rapid involuntary movements of the eyes) which indicate which canal your otoconia (inner ear crystals) are irritating. This in turn dictates which Canalith repositioning manoeuvres our physi...otherapists use to reposition them ideally to a place in the inner ear where they dont cause symptoms. This technology can make treatment of BPPV far more effective and reduce the risk of making your condition worse. To book an appointment to see our Vestibular Physiotherapist ANNE AFRICA for management of your dizziness and vertigo phone 03 5221 5377.
03.01.2022 Your physical capacity is not only dependent on your cardiovascular fitness and how strong and flexible your muscles and tendons are, but also can be effected by how well you move your body, your general health, how much sleep you have had, if youre mentally stressed or anxious or if youve generally got too much on your plate. To get optimal results with training you want to train up to your physical capacity. If you train beyond it; youre likely to overload and sustain an injury. If you dont get anywhere near it, you want see the optimal benefits. If youre generally unwell, havent slept much or are feeling more stressed etc, your capacity will be reduced and you should adjust your exercise volume / intensity accordingly.
02.01.2022 Shine a light on me! If you have to read through a lot of hard copy materials whilst working from home - ensure you have good lighting. Poor lighting can result in eye strain or strain to your neck joints and muscles, as you crane your neck forward to read in a poorly lit room. ... If you dont have adequate lighting in your home, consider purchasing a table task lamp. If purchasing a light with a lamp shade - make sure the lamp doesnt protrude pass the shade as the light can shine in your eyes and be a glare source. If purchasing a flat panel task LED light - place the lamp below eye level so the task is illuminated and the lamp doesnt shine in your eyes.
02.01.2022 Not only is COVID-19 still around, its also flu season which means we should be keeping on top of our immune systems and staying healthy to give our bodies the best chance of fighting an infection. Consuming a range of foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, and E and minerals iron, zinc and selenium is key in boosting your immunity. This means eating a range of fruit and veg of all colours, as well as legumes, dried beans, meat, chicken, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds and wholegrains. Simply put, a wide variety of whole and fresh foods is very important! For the full article visit: https://www.abc.net.au//can-you-boost-your-immune/12085036
02.01.2022 Joe Arico is continuing to provide physiotherapy treatment at Aberdeen Health Rooms. He has over 23 years of experience in private practice and his special interests include; - Treatment of back and neck pain, musculoskeletal injuries and chronic sports injuries. - Physio exercise for hip and knee osteoarthritis and recurring low back pain.... - Ergonomic consulting for computer work stations. If youd like an appointment with Joe, contact us on 5221 5377.
01.01.2022 Introducing Physio Designed Exercise Programs! Gyms are closed again wanting to work out from home? Rather than go to YouTube and get exercises that are ineffective at best or cause you injuries, see one of our physios and get a program that is tailored to you and designed to restore optimal strength, flexibility and reduce pain, as efficiently as possible.... For all enquiries, contact 5221 5377. Telehealth consults are available!
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