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Australian Indigenous Astronomy


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24.01.2022 7630 Yidumduma Formally known as 1979 MR2 is this a 6.4 km wide asteroid of the Koronis family, located in the outer region of the asteroid belt. It is thought to have formed 2 billion years ago from a major collision between two larger bodies. Bill Yidumduma Harney is a Senior Wardaman Elder near Katherine, NT who grew up in a traditional Aboriginal community. He is globally renowned artist, storyteller, and musician and was fully initiated in Wardaman Law. He has shared the... rich and complex astronomical systems of Wardaman astronomy in the books Dark Sparklers (2003) and Four Circles (2014), as well as academic papers on navigation. Uncle Yidumduma was featured in the Message Stick program Before Galileo and the Warwick Thornton film We Don’t Need a Map. Four of the six IAU-approved Aboriginal star names come from Yidumduma’s star knowledge.

23.01.2022 "Indigenous Astronomy is a living relationship with nature focused on the sky and celestial phenomena that is deeply embedded in keen observation and participation, anchored to heritage that goes back millennia, recognising that all living things are embedded with spirit and are therefore related." From the paper "Best Practices and Protocols for Including Indigenous Astronomy in the Planetarium Setting"

22.01.2022 Asteroid "7546 Meriam" Formally known as 1979 MB4, this is a 2.0 km wide asteroid of the Flora family, located in the inner region of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The Meriam are an Indigenous Australian group of people in the islands of the eastern Torres Strait who are united by a common culture and language (Meriam Mir Australia’s only Papuan language). Meriam people developed and maintain complex systems of astronomical knowledge centred around Tagai. Community elders have shared extensive knowledge of the stars, which has featured in academic papers, educational curricula, classroom activities, Planetarium displays, and an upcoming commemorative coin.

22.01.2022 Join us for 6 sessions on cultural astronomy across the globe, including several on Indigenous astronomy.

21.01.2022 Year 7/8 Educational Curricula: "Astronomical knowledge in art" In the visual arts, Indigenous narratives are shared through symbols and with materials made from and of country. The artworks featured in this resource show how Aboriginal artists represent astronomical knowledge and stories in different ways. The materials used in the artworks include logs and barks that are sourced from country and carefully prepared by traditional methods. The artists chosen are from Arnhem L...and, which is in the north of Australia and represents one of the richest art producing regions in the country.

21.01.2022 Years 5/6 Educational Curricula (Health): "Seasonal foods and Aboriginal astronomy" Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people pay close attention to the positions of the stars to determine seasonal change. This informs them about the behaviours of plants and animals that are used for food and medicine.

20.01.2022 "Kandimalal - Western Australia's spectacular meteorite crater" is an exhibition video that explores Aboriginal and scientific views of this ancient 900 m wide meteorite crater in diametre (aka Wolfe Creek), located in the remote East Kimberley of Western Australia. Aboriginal Elders Jack Jugarie and Stan Brumby share some of their knowledge about the crater, whilst scientific knowledge about the crater is also examined. Viewer advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander pe...ople are advised that this video contains the images of persons who have passed away. Producer: John Goldsmith, PhD Web: Copyright: 2014 Produced via the John and Robin de Laeter Science Engagement Scholarship, the video features at the Cosmology Gallery, Gravity Discovery Centre, Western Australia.

20.01.2022 "Best Practices and Protocols for Including Indigenous Astronomy in the Planetarium Setting" Indigenous people have nurtured critical relationships with the stars, from keen observation and sustainable engineering to place-based ceremony, navigation, and celestial architecture for tens of thousands of years. The Indigenous relationship and knowledge of the sky is exceptional in that it encompasses mind, body, heart, and spirit.... This panel is organized by the IPS's newly formed Indigenous Astronomy Working Group. It brings together Planetarium Professionals, Indigenous Star Knowledge Keepers, Indigenous Astronomy experts, Cultural Astronomers, and allies of Indigenous STEM communities from Canada, U.S., and internationally to discuss best practices for dissemination of indigenous astronomy specifically for science communicators and the planetarium community.

18.01.2022 School Curriculum (Years 5/6 English): Indigenous astronomy and song series. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to navigate across vast areas of land and sea, sophisticated knowledge systems were necessary. Their terrestrial and astronomical knowledge was remembered in cultural expressions, such song series (or song lines) which provided memory maps used to travel long distances across the landscape or seas. These songs and their rhythm (which are often composed of different languages) aided travellers crossing the land, telling them where to find food, water, and shelter by using landscape and skyscape features.

17.01.2022 The second coin from the Royal Australian Mint in the Indigenous Astronomy series is now out! "Nyarluwarri - The Seven Sisters" from the Wajarri-Yamatji people in the Murchison region of Western Australia. It features art from Christine Jugarnu Collard.

17.01.2022 Attention teachers and educators: Want to include Indigenous Astronomy into your curriculum? We will post a new module every day for the next 2 weeks. They focus on Indigenous Astronomy education for all subjects for years 5/6 and 7/8. We start off with Year 5 English: Law, Song, and a Meriam Moon Dance.,-song,-and

14.01.2022 7733 Segarpassi Formally known as 1979 MH4, this 1.9 km wide asteroid is located in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Segar Passi is a Dauareb man and highly respected Senior Elder on Mer (Murray Island) in the eastern Torres Strait. He is an award-winning artist who shares extensive traditional knowledge about Meriam ecology, meteorology, and astronomy.... Uncle Segar as co-authored academic publications featuring Meriam astronomy, including a papers on music and astronomy in the Torres Strait, how Meriam people observe the twinkling stars to predict seasonal change, and the link between death and Maier (bright meteors) in Meriam traditions.

14.01.2022 Congrats to Gamilaray astronomer Karlie Noon - a 2020 SuperStar of STEM!

14.01.2022 Year 7/8 Educational Curricula: "Indigenous astronomy, geography, and star maps" Star maps are song series encoded to memory using the stars. In these maps, stars correlate with landscape features and places to find food and water, while their orientations represent the directions of the pathways for travelling.

13.01.2022 Educators and others, Annette Lee is heading an effort to combine indigenous astronomy with NASA STEM education. The first presentation is this month.

13.01.2022 We. Are. Live!

13.01.2022 Wyndham City Libraries is sponsoring a free online talk on Indigenous Astronomy by Yorta Yorta ecologist Jessie Ferrari and cultural astronomer A/Prof Duane Hamacher from The University of Melbourne. Friday, 21 Aug at 7pm AEST. Register below....

13.01.2022 Available no AppleTV+ now! This new film by directors Werner Herzog and Clive Oppenheimer explores how meteorites have impacted our planet’s landscapes and cultures. It starts with a segment about Kandimalal (Wolfe Creek Crater) in WA and finishes in the Torres Strait with video of the Maier shooting star dance performed on Mer (Murray Island).

12.01.2022 Free webinar: "Indigenous Star Knowledge Symposia: A series of local and international gatherings, on the land and online." 22 September 2020, 09:00 AM AEST ***Registration Required!***... Organised by Ingenium in collaboration with the Institute of Indigenous Research and Studies at the University of Ottawa, and hosted on traditional Algonquin Anishnaabeg territory, this series of symposia (chosen on the dates of the Fall equinox, Winter solstice, Spring equinoxes and Summer solstice) will combine spiritual ceremony, presentations, activities and dialogue, both online and on the land. The symposia will feature gatherings of Indigenous Knowledge Keepers, Elders, educators and scholars to share and exchange towards reclaiming, preserving, and revitalizing Star Knowledge with Indigenous communities worldwide. Our original plan was to have a symposium in September 2020, but due to Covid-19 we have reshaped the entire program to spread out the timeline while combining physical and digitally-inclusive experiences. This blended format greatly expands our original intent to offer a space for teaching and learning, while bringing hope and healing through the Indigenous Star Knowledge and our work.

12.01.2022 Spread the word!

11.01.2022 New science, ancient land the SKA telescope inspires new Indigenous art.

10.01.2022 Why are certain groups of stars seen by different cultures in such remarkably similar ways? New research tries to find out using psychology, astronomy, and mathematical models.

10.01.2022 Between now and Dec 21 Saturn & Jupiter approach each other on the sky until a mere tenth of a degree separates them. Last time this happened Galileo was alive.... The solar system: A Cosmic Ballet, choreographed by the forces of gravity. Hayden's own Joe Rao tells all:

08.01.2022 Latest issue of COSMOS features an article about animal constellations in Indigenous Astronomy by Jessie Ferrari (Yorta Yorta biosciences major) and A/Prof Duane Hamacher at the University of Melbourne.

08.01.2022 Virtual live show! "Two Eyed Seeing: Mayan Astronomy & NASA Moon to Mars - Register now! USA: Thursday, 17 Dec @ 6:30 7:30 pm PST Australia: Friday, 18 Dec @ 12:30 - 1:30 pm AEST...

06.01.2022 Education Curriculum (Years 5/6): Indigenous astronomy, communication, and digital technology. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditions contain a wealth of knowledge about the Sun, Moon, and stars. This knowledge informs cultural concepts about origins (creation stories), social practices and protocols (law), and ideas about life and death (philosophy).

05.01.2022 Going global...

05.01.2022 A recap with full details of the 5 asteroids named after Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities. New article coming out tomorrow telling the story behind the 2 new $1 minted coins. Stay tuned!

04.01.2022 Cultural Astronomy is a worldwide study of the night sky from the perspectives of many cultures. Hear one of our colleagues, A/Prof Jarita Holbrook, from the University of Western Cape, South Africa, introduce the topic of African Cultural Astronomy in her short video: You can follow her research here:

03.01.2022 ATTENTION TEACHERS! We’ve been collaborating with awesome STEM super stars to bring you, drum roll please. our COSPAR-K Paint the Sky Competition! World Spac...e Week is just around the corner and we want to encourage students to explore and learn about the ancient ways Aboriginal Australians observed the solar system to better understand and manage our precious natural resources. We want students to visually represent their knowledge of Ancient Aboriginal Astronomy and our Solar System in an original piece of artwork. Our competition comes fully equipped with a Student Activity Sheet and Teacher Resource developed by the wonderful @giftedandtalentedteacher Splat 3D and STEM Industry School Partnerships - SISP Program. Along with this, the prize packs (that right there are 20) on offer are out of this world incredible! Thank you to our generous partners DeadlyScience LTD @coreytutt_deadlyscience @macmillanaus Check out the link in our bio for full competition details and to access the Free Activity Sheet and Teacher Resource. Have an inspired time and good luck! . . . #cospark2021 #nasa #sciencerules #spaceexploration #stemgirls #scienceandtechnology #sciencelover #stemforkids #sciencelife #homeschoolscience #stemlearning #kidsscience #scienceteachers #sciencekids #stemactivities #scienceathome #nationalscienceweek #spaceresearch #cospar #cospar2021 #aussieteachers

03.01.2022 Learn about the new commemorative $1 coins developed by the Royal Australian Mint to celebrate #IndigenousAstronomy that feature artwork from Wiradjuri man Scott 'Sauce' Towney and Yamaji woman Christine 'Jugarnu' Collard. The coins feature Gugurmin (the Celestial Emu) and Nyarluwarri (the Seven Sisters).

03.01.2022 7547 Martinnakata Formally known as 1979 MO4, this is a 3.3 km wide asteroid of the Koronis family, located in the outer region of the asteroid belt. It is thought to have formed 2 billion years ago from a major collision between two larger bodies. It is 2.8 times further away from the Sun than the Earth and takes 4.78 years to complete a full orbit. Martin Nakata is a Professor and Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Education & Strategy) at James Cook University in Townsville, ...Australia. He is an Indigenous Torres Strait Islander whose traditional country is the island of Naghir (Nagi) in the western islands. He is the first Torres Strait Islander to earned PhD in Australia and his work focuses on the development of the Cultural Interface, which he describes in his book Disciplining the Savages, Savaging the Disciplines. Professor Nakata leads research and the development of educational curricula at the interface of Indigenous astronomy and Western astrophysics and worked to develop collaborations between tech-companies, libraries, and universities to enable Indigenous communities to share their astronomical knowledge on their terms.

02.01.2022 Grab the latest issue (#88) of COSMOS Magazine and read about Australian Indigenous Astronomy with Wirangu man and The University of Adelaide physics student Peter Reeve and A/Prof Duane Hamacher at the University of Melbourne.

02.01.2022 The new film "Fireball" by Werner Herzog & Clive Oppenheimer will premier soon on Apple TV+, featuring scenes at #Kandimalal (Wolfe Creek Crater) on Djaru country in Western Australia and the #Maier (shooting star) dance on Mer in the eastern Torres Strait.

02.01.2022 As part of the NAIDOC Week celebrations, The three radio telescopes at CSIRO Parkes recieved official Wiradjuri names. The ceremony included traditional dance performances in front of the main 64 metre dish, followed by an announcement of the names by Senior Wiradjuri Elder Uncle Stan Grant Sr. #NAIDOC2020 #wiradjuri #aboriginalastro

02.01.2022 7809 Marcialangton Formally known as 1979 ML1 this is a 4.3 km wide asteroid located in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. It is 2.3 times further away from the Sun than the Earth and takes 3.6 years to complete a full orbit. Marcia Langton AO is Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor, Associate Provost, and Foundation Chair of Australian Indigenous Studies at the University of Melbourne. Born in Brisbane, she is a Yiman and Bidjara woman whose traditional countr...y is central Queensland. In 2018, Professor Langton spearheaded the Indigenous Knowledge Resources for Australian School Curricula Project to incorporate Indigenous Knowledge of fire, water, and astronomy into the Australian National Curriculum for all subjects in primary and secondary school. She also developed the new Indigenous Knowledges Institute at the University of Melbourne, which will feature Indigenous Astronomy as a major focal point.

02.01.2022 Amazing Seven Sisters artwork.

02.01.2022 The full-length 90 minute documentary feature 'STAR STORIES of THE DREAMING' revealing the oldest celestial knowledge on the planet, is now available from http...s:// Ghillar Michael Anderson, Euahlayi Lawman and knowledge holder, shares some of the oldest knowledge on the planet - Stories of the universe, humanity and Celestial Law handed down from his grandmother's grandmother. When I listen to my grandmother, that's my Dad's mum, she was taught by her grandmother who was an old woman when the whiteman first come into our Country and she taught my grandmother. In our way of teaching we skip a generation. That's how we compress knowledge and that's how we keep that knowledge pretty much intact ... Ghillar, Michael Anderson. In the meeting of minds between Ghillar and Prof Ray Norris, Australia's leading astrophysicist responsible for EMU Evolutionary Mapping of the Universe, extraordinary parallels emerge within the two cultures - such as 'wormholes' and the pathway to Bullima, the Euahlayi Sky Camp, via the hollow Coolabah tree, which lives on the Old Riverbank. 'Star Stories of The Dreaming' is a force for changing the awareness and Respect of the depth of knowledge First Nations’ hold. The initial 52-minute version of ‘Star Stories of The Dreaming’ opened the door for Cultural Astronomy, which is now on the national curriculum for schools and Melbourne University has a department assigned to the subject. Increasingly First Nations people in Australia are recognised as the first astronomers. Star Stories of The Dreaming include the Euahlayi & Gomeroi/Kamilaroi Stories for: Wurrum-boorrool - Big river in the sky (Milky Way) Mil-Mulliyan - Eye of the Creator Venus Evening star Mulliyan-gar - Eye of the Creator - Morning Star - Mars Goolee-bhar - Coolabah tree hollow, way to Bullima, the Sky Camp Coalsack Dark nebula Moo-dthe-gar - White cockatoos 5 Stars of Southern Cross Goomar-why - Sacred Fire near coolibah tree Alpha Centauri Pointer of Southern Cross Wunnargudjilwon - 3rd wife of Bhiaime - Large Magellanic Cloud Wullar-gooran-bhoon - Younger brother to Wunnargudjilwon - Small Magellanic Cloud Birringooloo - Mother Nature Uluru her resting place Gunumbielie - 2nd wife of Bhiaime, Caterer who now lives at Goomar-why, Sacred Fire Gwaimudthun & Gweeghular Night & Day Dark & Light - moieties 19 mile plain, Brewarrina Garwaar-ghoo - Featherless Emu - Dark nebulae in Milky Way, Dust lanes and Galactic bulge Bahloo - Moon, Waan crow; Oolah wood geckco Yhi sun Mei Mei Seven Sisters Pleiades Narran Lake and surrounding lakes; Bigoon water rat; Gayadharri platypus, Ghay-gharn - wood duck Birray Birray Brothers Orion's Belt Womba Womba yiraay Crazy Old Man at his camp - Aldebran Wirrawilbaarru Whirly wind Bad spirit travels inside whirlywind lives behind Scorpio and entry in and out is through black holes in Scorpio; Buuliis baldy mounds Star maps/astral navigational waypoints two chains of waterholes Beta Sagittarii to Gamma Arae; Beta Sagittarii to Zeta Scorpii Special thanks to Greg Priestley for generously sharing 'Tempus Velocitas'. Here's the TRAILER ...

01.01.2022 For our Victoria/Melbourne based followers, you can enter a raffle for astronomy prizes with the Astronomical Society of Victoria (ASV).

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