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Aboriginal Insights


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25.01.2022 This has Rio Tinto ringtones. It sounds like, - We don’t regret the decision, but we apologise that our decision upset the Community. Seriously. ... Attempts to make this out to be anything other than clueless ignorance is stupid. The Community has responded about this issue and this statement basically ignores them.

24.01.2022 Good morning and happy Monday to everyone except the Queensland Firebirds.

23.01.2022 Cultural Awareness 101 for All Australian Workplaces Online Learning LAUNCH DISCOUNT ENDING TOMORROW. Use the coupon CLOSETHEGAPS2020 for 50% off... This is my Aboriginal Insights Cultural Awareness 101 and covers 6 main topics. These are: 1. The Myths 2. Many Separate Cultures 3. Aboriginal Identity 4. Core Cultural Differences 5. Recognise & Respect Traditional Owners 6. Truth & Reconciliation Enroll Today Course valid for 90 days. Click here to enroll

23.01.2022 Goodest Mornting!!! Here I am on national tv, doing a live cross calling out the education system and reminding people y’all are on stolen land ~ sovereignty never ceded. So y’know, run and tell that!!!

23.01.2022 Love it

22.01.2022 Deadly young fulla

19.01.2022 Coffee Anyone? Supply Aus has got you covered eith their new brand of coffee, Dhuwa Coffee.

16.01.2022 Mongrel!

16.01.2022 Yindjibarndi country is known for having many colours of ochre but these four are the main colours used in ceremony and painted on artefacts such as shields. Gurnan is our name for ochre but is also the name for black ochre, yellow is biyulu, red is mardarr and white is jilba.

15.01.2022 Are your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees just numbers? If not, do you know where they are from and who they are (their cultural identity)? If yo...u don’t learn our identities, we are grouped together and treated the same - one size fits all. Learn our identities to learn our differences. Then make sure that your Aboriginal Engagement Strategies accommodate these differences. The key to recruitment and retention is creating a Culturally Safe & Respectful Workplace. This happens through a commitment to learning about Aboriginal cultures via cultural education and building relationships with your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees and stakeholders.


13.01.2022 #JacintaDoesNotSpeakForAnyoneButHerself #NoIdea #Lost #IfThePriceIsRightSheWillSayWhatYouWant...

13.01.2022 If you ask these questions and you are not happy with the answers, find a school that provides you with the answers you expect.

10.01.2022 'If it was me, I'd walk off the court and let Mi Mi come on... Not to be' Super Netball's only Indigenous player didn't get a run during Indigenous Round.

10.01.2022 As far as im concerned the team and league should be disgusted. We should all be sending emails straight out and they should issue public apologies. Contradicting themselves straight out. Disrespect on so many levels where should I begin????

10.01.2022 Every Aboriginal person at some stage in their life will struggle with the challenges of the two worlds. The older we are when this happens, the better. The more people that understand, the better. Please recognise that by sending our young people away from their home, country, and family for education purposes means they deal with this earlier. This means that schools must have a Strategy in place to respond to this challenge. How a school responds to this can be the diffe...rence between a young person completing Year 12 or dropping out. #ClosingTheGaps #Education Once I finish my second online learning course, Developing Your Aboriginal Engagement Strategy, I’ll start on the next one, Closing the Gaps in Education. Access to any new courses is conditional upon completing my Cultural Awareness 101 course.

09.01.2022 Full acceptance. No excuses. Well done Netball Australia. I look forward to seeing the commitment implemented.

08.01.2022 When you’re on the cover of @vogueaustralia it’s quite impossible to read anything else!!! We’re still celebrating the recognition of our wonderful leader Betty... Muffler from @iwantja_arts Love and gratitude to @vogueaustralia and @nationalgalleryaus for this brilliant initiative. #hope #bettymuffler #iwantjaarts #apy #apyartcentres #aboriginalbusiness #aboriginalart See more

05.01.2022 GOOMIG FARMLAND TRANSFER TO TRADITIONAL OWNERS It was a proud moment for Traditional Owners in Kununurra yesterday, after taking ownership of 665 hectares of ...farmland in Ord Stage Two. After waiting many years, representatives from the State Government and MG Corporation, signed off on the transfer of two land parcels in what's known as the Goomig farmlands. The land transfer comes as part of a native title settlement under the Ord Final Agreement in 2005. Agriculture Minister Alannah MacTiernan said this landmark moment would provide MG Corporation with security of tenure and the means to create a sustainable agricultural business into the future. It is an investment in the future capacity of the MG Corporation to explore avenues to build solid business and employment opportunities that will bring wide-ranging benefits to future generations and also add value to their existing Kimberley pastoral operations," she said. The MG Corporation is a critical stakeholder in the development of the Ord and has already demonstrated a willingness to work with other partners to progress opportunities such as cotton production. Today’s land transfer is part of helping to advance the next phase of agricultural expansion in the Ord, through increase in scale of production to support value add opportunities such as a cotton gin. It's a huge moment for MG Corporation, who have recently completed their first cotton harvest in partnership with Cubbie Agriculture on Goomig Lot 16. The cotton crop is the result of a JV between MG Corporation and cotton giant Cubbie after an MOU was signed in late 2019. MG Corp executive chair Lawford Benning said he was encouraged by what the success of the crop meant for the organisation’s commercial agriculture plans. Establishing a viable cotton business on MG land is a key part of our pathways to realising our economic potential, he said. This first crop could be the first step in establishing a substantial agricultural portfolio to benefit MG people. MG Corporation is also one of the founding members of East Kimberley organisations pursuing a cotton processing facility in Kununurra. The organisation has also entered into a Water and Environmental Management Infrastructure Agreement with Kimberley Agricultural Investment, who farm the balance of Goomig, to ensure the environmental obligations are appropriately managed into the future. Cubbie is preparing to plant next year’s Goomig 16 cotton crop in February. Photos by Courtney Fowler

05.01.2022 The State Library of Western Australia has acquired a valuable collection of Polly Farmer memorabilia, including Polly's 1960 Sandover Medal, 1959 Simpson Medal... and his MBE. As well as revolutionising the game of football, Polly also transformed the lives of thousands of young Aboriginal people through the Graham Polly Farmer Foundation. Polly believed that all Aboriginal children should be able to reach their potential and follow their dreams. Polly's daughter Kim and grandson Cole attended the unveiling of the memorabilia, together with Mick Murray and David Templeman MLA. #aimhigh #kickinggoals #legend #ambition

04.01.2022 Imagine this. Indigenous round is coming up and you're the only Indigenous player in the league. Outfits worn by the eight teams are inspired by Indigenous The match ball used during the round is designed by Wurundjeri and Yorta-Yorta woman Simone Thomson. You're used by the league to promote the round with a string of interviews leading up to the big game. Which (it seems) you're happy to do. You're proud and so you should be! You're excited, maybe even a little nervous. Your name is Jemma Mi Mi and you play for the Queensland Firebirds. This is Super Netball. Young Indigenous girls around the country are watching, looking up to you. We know there's awesome players out there in the community, but pathways to the league are lacking. What an amazing opportunity this is for the league to shine a light on your sport and show how inclusive it is for Indigenous people. "When I first ... found out I was the only Indigenous athlete in the Super Netball competition I was pretty surprised," Mi Mi said in an interview prior to Super Netball's Indigenous Round. "Because I guess I know there is so much Indigenous talent out there. I've learnt now to really own that responsibility and take on that pressure." The day arrives and you're on the bench. Time passes and you still haven't played. 1 minute left, the WA (wing attack) legs are cramping up ... you mouth to her "if you want" ... you're itching to get on that court, but the WA doesn't want and when you turn to look at your coach, she doesn't want either. You show a momentary look of disappointment then continue to cheer on your team as they win the Indigenous round. You're a team player! But guuurllll, your team wasn't supporting you this time! You've gotten good stats all season! Even if you just played in that last few minutes your team still would've won!! The most sucky thing of all, it didn't matter if your team won or lost cause it made no difference to the ladder. So why Firebirds? Why oh why exclude the only Indigenous athlete in Super Netball from the Indigenous round? You won and still don't qualify for finals. Do better. Netball Australia, this is your moment for change, not just one round out of the year, but every round. Lead. Image: Queensland Firebirds.

02.01.2022 I hope that the government doesn't allow Perderman Urea plant to be built in Murujuga especially since we're trying to gain World Heritage listing. The last we need out there is another plant which could be built in the Maitland industrial area instead. Like seriously, why can't they build their plant 30kms down the road away from the largest outdoor art gallery! See more

01.01.2022 As a #Cultural #Education provider, I also have lived experience as an Aboriginal person accessing mainstream health services. I’ve also been a Director of an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service for the past 8 years, which provides #Culturally #Safe health services and programs to my Aboriginal Community. So my cultural education relating to Closing the Gaps in health offers a unique #Aboriginal #Cultural #Lens. Once I complete the next two online learning course...s, my final one (at least for now) will be on Closing the Gaps in Health. For more information on my online learning courses, please contact my Online Learning Manager, Esther, via [email protected]

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