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24.01.2022 It’s been another hugely successful week on our Online 28 Day Challenge! Ashleigh has lost over 4kg and 15 centimetres so far.. Great to see our members are taking great care of their health, and losing weight in the process..... Join the AHF Online 28 Day Challenge before Easter and save $71! -Guaranteed weight loss FROM home (without a gym or any exercise equipment) -No set start date. Sign up, and start when you’re ready! -Improve your health, increase your energy levels, tone up, improve your fitness/strength, lose weight, gain confidence and feel great (whilst still being able to have a life and without having to cut out a single thing ;-) -5 home based workouts that are fun yet challenging and can be done in the comfort of your own home.. -Over 45 Tasty, Healthy and Easy to make recipes with everyday foods and NO weird crazy foods. -Join and connect with our Online support group including other 28DC members and your friendly mentors to get endless support, encouragement and accountability. Join the 28 Day Challenge today and save $71.. It’s just $28 for 28 days/4 weeks.. This Super Low price won’t last for long as it expires on Friday April 10th.. Secure your spot at this low price now by clicking here >https://absolutehealthandfitness.wufoo.com//m68n2it1bhoo/
24.01.2022 DIE - TS Disturbing Fact - The dieting industry makes more money if they keep people fat. How’s this for irony? ...Continue reading
23.01.2022 If you’ve been trying to lose weight but can’t.. It’s likely that you’re overeating.. Overeating ANY foods will prevent you from losing weight.. ...Continue reading
20.01.2022 Parmesan & Mustard Crusted Chicken with roast veggies and dill + parsley mayo
20.01.2022 It is now more important than ever to look after your health. With lockdown imminent, most people will just cosy on up inside their homes on the couch binge watching Netflix and scrolling social for the latest update BUT I cannot stress this to you enough... MAKE SURE YOU GET OUTSIDE and get some fresh air, vitamin d (sunlight) and grounding! Plus look at taking a vitamin c supp if you aren’t already. Powdered ascorbic acid or the likes.... Your immune system is so important to look after. The pic below shows what you can do right now, to support that. Your very own Corona Virus Action Plan. All of this information is supported by hundreds of scientific and medical studies. It is not about one thing it is about doing many things to improve your gut and your health outcomes. If you like this information or if you think it will help someone, please share it! Studies are posted on (https://www.drdingle.com/blogs/dr-dingle-blog) and in Gut Health Australia facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1351038408375613/) on a regular basis - Sim x
19.01.2022 The question I get asked the most - How do I stay motivated Well firstly - you don't stay motivated.... Motivation is fickle and unreliable. But discipline? Discipline takes time, work and effort. - Discipline is choosing to train instead of staying in bed. - Discipline is prepping and planning your food because you know you are to busy not too. - Discipline is making the choices that’ll take you to your goals MOST of the time. You have to train yourself to be DISCIPLINED so that you don't have to rely on motivation. When you are disciplined you just do the tasks you need to do regardless of how you feel as you know that your short term efforts today are always 1000 times worth the effort, sacrifice and cost of discipline. Discipline creates habits. Habits creates results. RESULTS create MOTIVATION (sometimes) Don't aim to find your motivation, aim to be disciplined Motivation is a myth. - Clint
18.01.2022 Are You Bored At Home During Isolation? Finding that through pure boredom - you’re overeating and moving less? And slowly gaining weight?... During these times people are. Gyms are closed... Outdoor training is very limited. BUT, we have Great news! AHF is STILL HERE and STILL servicing our online clients just like we have been for the past 10 years! We still have... 1. FREE online and phone consultations - AVAILABLE 2. Online 28 day challenge - AVAILABLE 3. Online 12 Week Lifestyle Makeover - AVAILABLE Our members are taking great care of their health, and losing weight in the process! Whilst keeping SOME form of normality.. Join before easter and save $$$ You can join our fully online 28 Day Challenge for just $1 per day when you sign up BEFORE Easter.. You’ll get - ***Online workouts that can be done at home with no equipment so that you can stay fit both physically and mentally plus you don’t even have to leave your house! ***24/7 Support via our online group for motivation, fun, connecting with others, encouragement, sharing success and accountability. ***Nutrition info including lots of easy to make but tasty recipes, plus a portions guide, a meal planner and more to make it simple and easy whilst not feeling like you’re on a ‘diet’’ ***Lose weight, plus improve your health both mentally and physically. This low price won’t last for long as it expires on April 9th - so register your interest to secure a spot at this great price by clicking here ---> https://absolutehealthandfitness.wufoo.com//m68n2it1bhoo/ Refer a friend to join - and you’ll receive an extra week for FREE! P.S - Have any questions? Need any help? We're only ever a message away :-) P.P.S - As you can see from the pics our 28 Day Challengers are KILLING it, one lady has already lost 4.6kg! It's only $28 until Easter so jump on board! https://absolutehealthandfitness.wufoo.com//m68n2it1bhoo/
18.01.2022 Shout out to a valued 12 Week Lifestyle Makeover Member who has lost about 60kg on her weight loss journey and has also went from about size 22/24 down to size 12 whilst increasing her health, strength and fitness, but most importantly - her mindset. 4 years this journey has taken Jenny - and in that time I’ve seen many people stop and start their weight loss journey only to be in the same place again. This is why It’s so important to work on your mindset as well as your fitn...ess etc. And no, we did not help Jenny. We supported her and guided her - but it’s Jenny who turns up everyday. If you are willing to simply turn up everyday and put in an effort and be willing to change your mindset - please reach out as we can certainly assist you if you are willing an ready. Treat it like you have no choice but to change - and then it’s only a matter of time before things start to change When you change the way you look at yourself, your health, your nutrition, things begin to change. Congratulations Jenny Pyne, we're beyond proud of you :) - Clint & Sim
15.01.2022 LOCAL BUSINESS APPRECIATION POST! Get down to the Weir School carpark tonight and support these local hero’s and their fresh and tasty food! Highly recommend! Great service and outstanding food with loads of flavour!!... Yum! - Clint & Sim #localssupportinglocals #smallbusiness #townsville #townsvilleshines
14.01.2022 "My present actions, behaviours, thoughts and beliefs are NOT who I am. They're just something I do". This can be really powerful and liberating when you understand this concept. Know this.... You are NOT stressed - You just FEEL stress sometimes (which is normal) You are NOT an emotional eater - it's just something you do occasionally. You are NOT FAT - you simply have some fat on your body - as we all do! Sure - this is something that you may do/say sometimes, but it's NOT who you are. When you can see beyond your behaviours as being YOU and instead see them simply as something you do, it helps you to understand why you do these things to begin with. Which then helps you to stop doing those things.
14.01.2022 Some of the results our awesome members are getting on the Online 28 Day Challenge Want to lose weight from home? Without going to a gym?... Comment below or inbox the page.
14.01.2022 Self sabotage - why it happens and how to finally beat it in 3 super simple steps. Has this ever happened to you? You start your day with good intentions and feeling great....Continue reading
12.01.2022 WE COULDN'T AGREE MORE!!!! #coronavirus #covid19 #share
10.01.2022 The 3 best supplements you could have. - Magnesium is great for helping you to get a better night sleep. It has anti inflammatory properties, and can improve PMS symptoms, reduce insulin resistance, Lower blood pressure to name a few. 50% of people are deficient in magnesium. Very cheap yet very effective overall health supplement. - Vitamin c - one of the most important nutrients for the human body. Vitamin C is necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body ti...ssues. It's involved in many body functions, including formation of collagen, absorption of iron, the immune system, wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth. I find that it also improves my energy levels slightly. - Probiotics are great for your gut health. The immune system starts in your gut. If you have had years of poor diet, and excess alcohol and or medications - probiotics will help to increase the good bacteria in your gut which can drastically improve your health. For me - after 3 years of taking probiotics daily - I’ve found that I rarely get sick, and if I do it’s always mild. It’s improved my skin dramatically. It also improves my concentration and moods. And it has made a massive difference to my digestive system. I can now eat anything without getting bloated. I once thought I was intolerant to dairy and gluten. But after fixing my gut health - I find that I can have both dairy and gluten with no issues at all. Some people opt for fermented probiotics like Kombucha over these - but that’s a huge mistake made by many. Fermented foods a actually feed some bad bacteria making your gut health WORSE! There’s a load of rubbish overpriced useless supplements out there - but these 3 are worth their weight in gold.. Combined - these cost about 60 cents per day. A very very small price to pay for so many health benefits. What are your favourites and why? Post in the comments below. - Clint
09.01.2022 We hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy in these unprecedented times. Everyone is feeling it no doubt. Some more than others.... But together, I’m sure we can all overcome these times and come out the other side better & stronger than ever Obviously gyms have shut, fitness classes have shut. And personally, whilst I'm devastated to see so many gym owners who I personally know, having to shut their doors, I also understand that during times like these it's more important than ever to continue taking good care of our health. Both physically AND mentally. So, I have an offer for you. You can join our fully online 28 Day Challenge for just $1 per day when you sign up before the end of March. *** Online workouts that can be done at home with no equipment so that you don’t have to leave your house. *** Support via our online group for motivation, fun, connecting with others, encouragement, sharing success and accountability. *** Nutrition info including lots of easy to make but tasty recipes, plus a portions guide, a meal planner and more to make it simple, easy whilst not feeling like you’re on a ‘diet’’ *** Live group workouts where you can join in the fun and get fit. This low price won’t last for long as it expires on April 1st 2020 - so secure your spot at this great price by clicking here ---> https://absolutehealthandfitness.wufoo.com//m68n2it1bhooo2/ Refer a friend to join - and you’ll receive an extra week for FREE! Clint :) P.S - Have any questions? Need any help? I’m only ever a message away
09.01.2022 There is only one way to NOT reach your goal and that is to quit working on it before you reach it. Everyday you go to work because you have to - you’re committed to work and have no choice but to go. Look at your health and weight loss the same way.... If it is something you really value - It is something that you have no choice with. It is a commitment that has no other option but to everyday do what needs to be done in order to reach your goals.. When you create this kind of mindset - NOTHING can stop you.
07.01.2022 Ladies, let’s talk about TTOM Cravings for chocolate. Sugar.... Pain in your boobs AND in your lower abdomen Feeling lethargic Heavy bleeding... The list goes on Yeah, not fun things, AT ALL. I’ve found something super simple that helps me combat all of these super annoying things. Something you can literally have everyday. Something super yum HOT CHOCOLATE But not just any ol hot chocolate. I concoted this little recipe years ago when I discovered raw cacao powder Now, on it’s own this stuffs pretty bitter, but when you team it up with a little sweetener of your choice and a dash of cream or milk? It’s a winner! So all you need to do is grab yourself a mug, boil the jug and while that’s getting ready, pop a heaped teaspoon of raw cacao powder in your cup, along with your choice of sweetener. My favourite is maple syrup. I’m talkin the real stuff, not that maple flavoured syrup crap. Then pour your hot water in and add in a dash of cream or milk or whatever you prefer and give it a stir. I have one of these most nights PLUS I also add in a teaspoon of raw cacao powder into my morning breakfast smoothie. And ever since I’ve been doing this (like 10 years ago) I noticed significant changes at that time of month for me. I now have little to no lower abdominal pain at all at that time of month. Plus rarely any breast tenderness at all. Now, I’m not saying this will work for everyone, because we’re all different of course, but it sure has made a massive difference for me. Not only that, raw cacao powder is packed full of lots of vital nutrients in particular MAGNESIUM, which is what we tend to lose a lot of during our period due to the blood loss, so it’s no wonder we crave chocolate or sugar around that time! There’s definitely a link! Plus it has a range of other nutrients including selenium, chromium and manganese. And BONUS, cacao also contains iron that is readily absorbed by your body, unlike some other plant sources of the mineral which means vegans and vegos especially benefit from this as their sources of iron are sometimes a little limited. Meaning the benefits of having this power packed little beauty are endless. Give it a try and let me know what you think!
07.01.2022 DITCH THE DIETS FOREVER! After too many years of following those popular fad diets, Karen's weight was up and down like a yo-yo and sadly she ended up gaining even more in the end. She was fed up with it all.... - The dangerous and unsustainable fads.. - Shake diets. - Dieting pills and the likes. Karen was done. Until she found the one hidden thing that the dieting industry didn’t want her to know. And it changed her life completely. She completely transformed her body and has ACTUALLY KEPT THE WEIGHT OFF for the past 3 years. And I want to show you exactly how she did it. I’m confident our unknown system is easy and very repeatable, so I want to give you a FREE Ebook to teach you how you can replicate the exact results that Karen attained. All you have to do is Click the LEARN MORE button below to download your Free ebook instantly.
05.01.2022 When the Corona Virus finally exhausts itself and the danger is over, let's do something good for our country. Let's spend our holidays in Australia, eat in local restaurants, buy Australian products, buy local meats and veggies and support local businesses. These businesses are going to find it very difficult to get back on their feet and survive without our help, they're suffering badly now. Our products are some of the best in the world and our country is one of the most b...eautiful in the world. Let’s look after it and its loyal people. share if you agree
04.01.2022 ATTENTION TOWNSVILLE - LOW COST, LOW RISK "NON" BOOTCAMP NOW AVAILABLE As you may know - I’m a local personal trainer. So I've decided to include bootcamps into our services here at AHF. Sessions will be located in the park on the corner of Derwent Circuit and Riverparks Boulevard KELSO.... - This would involve ONLY body weight exercise as a means of not spreading germs via exercise equipment - Done in a setting where you would be kept at a distance from other members with no partner based exercises like boxing etc - Sessions are between $5-10 per person, per session (message the page for more details) - With sessions going for 30-45 minutes max Session times are as follows for this week Tuesday 17 March - 6pm Thursday 19 March - 6pm You would also get access to an online forum where you can get healthy simple recipes. Online support is also available and once your apart of the AHF family we will link you to the private group. As a health professional - it’s important that we try to keep some normality in challenging times. Comment or inbox the page now if you’re interested or know anyone who would be. If you bring a referral - there could be price deductions. All ideas are welcome too. It’s times like these that we can grow and adapt. Cheers :) Clint
04.01.2022 If you’re going to stick to a new lifestyle for more than just 3/4 weeks, you must find ways to enjoy it. Otherwise it wont last. In other words - don't do a diet.... Or a challenge. They never last.. They're NEVER permanent.. I enjoy my lifestyle, so its actually pretty easy to maintain good health and a healthy weight year in/year out.. The diets I see most people do? I couldn't last more than 1 week to be honest.. That's why I choose a lifestyle that's enjoyable. And maintaining a healthy weight is a by product of that. - Clint
04.01.2022 The (unnecessary) War on Sugar.. It was only yesterday when I read something that said - 'eating fat won't make you fat, but eating sugar will make you fat' The truth is - It’s all about the CONTEXT, which most uneducated extremists in the fitness industry have no understanding of.. ... Eating sugar will NOT necessarily cause weight gain or prevent weight loss.. Eating TOO MUCH sugar is what can cause weight gain or prevent weight loss. Just as eating too much of ANYTHING will cause weight gain or prevent weight loss (albeit you’ll find it extremely hard to overeat veggies etc) In other words - you won’t lose weight if you overeat ANY foods! Sugar gets a lot of bad wraps. But the reality is, it's fine in moderation. Sure, if you put sugar in everything you eat - cutting back will be a great idea.. It has zero health benefits after all.. But at the same time - having a little bit each day/week will not hurt you... In fact - having a sweet here and there can break up the monotony and make your HEALTHY LIFESTYLE more enjoyable and thus more sustainable (which is key for life long sucesss) And yes - you can have sugar and be healthy despite what you’ve been conditioned to believe. Having a bit of sugar does not automatically cancel out all of your good work which sadly many people believe to their own detriment.. Again, It’s all about the context.. P.S - My role as a health professional is bringing context and balance to an often unbalanced extremist approach to all things health and fitness which is one of the biggest reasons why people struggle to lose weight and keep it off. #nodiets #nofads #noextremiststupidity - Clint
03.01.2022 Being in iso - it’s soooo easy to overeat.. And of course - overeat ANY food (including your gluten free/dairy free/sugar free/Guilt free food) and you gain weight. It’s as simple as that..... Tips to avoid overeating - -Have a drink of water instead of eating more food.. -Go for a walk around your house/prison.. -Do any activity to keep your mind from boredom -If you’re not actually hungry - just wait another 30/60 minutes before you eat.. -Eat balanced. When you give your body what it needs - you’re less likely to be craving food all of the time.. -Breathe - rest - relax.. -Eat foods high in fibre like fruit and veggies. Fibre keeps you feeling fuller for longer - in others words eat your fucking veggies!!
01.01.2022 The biggest mistake you can possibly make with exercise! And it’s not because you’re lazy or not committed either! For many people - exercise is a bad word ... The thought and idea of exercise alone is scary And even painful. Sometimes it’s associated with negative memories and experiences from the past. And often we sabotage ourselves from the get go with exercise plans. It’s because we focus on the physical benefits alone. Most people choose an exercise modality based on things like - -What burns the most calories -What’s cool, popular and tending -What feels the hardest -What their friends are doing etc But keep In mind - If you don’t enjoy the exercise you’re doing - you’ll never stick to it for long enough to get the full benefits. You’ll likely only commit long term if you ENJOY it. Like I said - Exercise for a lot of people is can be a scary negative experience But it doesn't have to be this way anymore It can be fun And it should be fun It doesn’t have to hurt And it should make you feel better, not worse.. Your ideal exercise may not even be exercise It may be gardening Or Fishing Walking Dancing Sport Choose based on what you enjoy the most Choose enjoyment Not flogging yourself You could have the best exercise program in the world.. But if you don’t enjoy it and look forward to it - it’s USELESS to you. It may take some experimenting and trying new things - but it’ll be worth it Hate the gym? Then quit! Love walking on the beach? Do that instead! - Clint
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