Absolute Health Institute in Perth, Western Australia | Fitness trainer
Absolute Health Institute
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
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25.01.2022 Client @kylie._.saunders perfecting her deadlifts! Holding everything locked down tight is a massive skill and takes hours and hours of practise to truly master!!!
25.01.2022 I'm in Love with the Coco! https://www.facebook.com/strengthsen/posts/1674552079426174
25.01.2022 This is what can happen in just 6 Weeks! When you put the work in and give it 100% in and out of the gym! Awesome Transformation with Jimmy getting ready for summer last year!
24.01.2022 It's not always about lifting weight. How often do you add aerobic training into your workouts ? . . Here is something you can do to increase your cardiac output.... Cycle for 2 minutes as hard as you can, then rest until your heart rate drops back down to 120bpm. Once it has reached that point then repeat the process 6 times. Do this once a week for 4 weeks and you will start to notice a significant difference in your fitness levels. Keep it simple. See more
23.01.2022 Breakfast of champions!!! Don't be fooled by marketing.... Weet-bix is not your friend
23.01.2022 Dan the mans back looking ridiculous!! Tip to training back, hit different angles with different types of pulling movements and pay attention to that squeeze or contraction!!! Happy Gains
23.01.2022 Stress part 2 You don't have to be mentally stressed to be physically stress "Are you beast moding your least mode ?" -Luke Leaman . . It's all well and good to train hard but are you taking time to rest and recover? ... By not giving your body the time to rest you enter an under recovered state which can lead to decrease in performance, sore tendons and joints, the weights feeling a lot heavier than normal, increased fatigue, easily agitated, not sleeping well, as you can see the list goes on and on. . . So this is why's it's important for you to take a days rest to really beast mode your recovery. Go for a walk, do some stretching you could even jump in a sauna. See more
23.01.2022 Dan Taking his chest workout up a notch! Finisher at the end of his session: Dips - Max Reps Push Up - Max Reps... Elevated Push Up - Max Reps No rest between exercises. Enjoy the Pump!!!
22.01.2022 Morning coffee and a quick read in between clients earlier this week. I've been guilty of scrolling pointlessly through Facebook and instragram when I've had 30-45min break. . Reflecting on this, I've decided that from now on, I'm going to be more productive when I have spare time. Do you find yourself in the same situation? ... What could you do to be more productive with your spare time? See more
22.01.2022 STRESS PART 1 Meditation! Now when we say this it doesn't mean sitting on the top of a mountain with your legs crossed humming away trying to find your place of zen... We are talking about investing 5-10 mins to focus being in and relaxed state and unwinding!!! A great way to learn some basic mediation techniques is by using the Headspace app from iTunes!!
22.01.2022 Learn to squat! Goblets squats are one of my go to exercises in the tool box for teaching someone how to squat properly. The weight being loaded in the front acts as a counter balance and allows you to sit into the squat and maintain a better position. ... We also added in a pause at the bottom position but KEEPING TENSION through the whole body! This creates stability and will ingrain better movement habits when adding more load in future!
21.01.2022 Nutrition Tip for the Time Poor - Cook extra at dinner so you have food prepared for the next day!
21.01.2022 Taking Karly and Aneen through some hollow body regression at the end of their GBC program. Hollow body holds are excellent for core strength and stability. When performing them you want to focus on keeping you lower back flat on the floor. Laughing is optional to hide the tears as these are a killer when done correctly.
21.01.2022 Embrace the journey just a much as the destination! It's always inspiring taking a step back and looking how far you've come!
20.01.2022 Protein Powder! What to use? - WPI (whey protein isolate) is your best quality and if possible source it from New Zealand! ... - Organic Pea or Rice Protein - Avoid Protein blends, generally they use lower quality proteins such as Soy!
20.01.2022 It's not all about the gym! Sometimes you just gotta get out and enjoy the simple things. Be grateful for how far you've come!!
20.01.2022 This isn't your typical 8-12 week change, this is a 3 year transformation. When i first started training Shimay, her body was a mine field of past and present injuries and her metabolic rate was nowhere near where it should have been. So over the years we have worked on this and made some big lifestyle changes to where she can enjoy weekends out with her friends and not have to worry about breaking her regular eating routines. She is now healthier than ever and the results speak for themselves.
20.01.2022 Jess smashing 90kgs for reps!! She has just come off a phase of deficits deadlifts and they have definitely done their job. Jess is now a lot stronger off the floor and is able to maintain tension through her lumbar spine!
19.01.2022 Solid effort from this big man! Now time for Grilld!!!
17.01.2022 Inbody Scan! This is one tool we use to consistently track clients progress especially in regards to body composition! Currently in at Surge till Friday this week and then every 4 weeks. $30 per scan, if your interested in getting a scan done please Private Message us to get you booked in!
16.01.2022 STRESS Something none of us can avoid at times! What we can do is learn how to better manage it and the overall impact it has on our body!! Stay tuned for our 3 part stress series!!
16.01.2022 Even Coaches need a Coach! Awesome training session with the man Scott McCall. Now time to put him through it!
16.01.2022 This guys work ethic is off the charts! Runs his own business working 6-7 days a week and still makes time to train 5am most mornings! Great work @jaymiesale keep grinding
15.01.2022 It's that time again the Inbody scan is coming in this week. Contact us if you would like to book in for one.
14.01.2022 Meal Prep for the time poor! Cook extra a dinner so you have meals for the next day. This morning I put on a pork roast in the slow cooker for 9hrs, diced and steamed some sweet potato and lastly put 2 cabbages through the food processor to make a coleslaw mix. ... Find what works for you and make it a habit!!!!
14.01.2022 Do you spend most of the day sat behind a desk? Or sat behind the wheel at work? If so, this is the stretch for you! Being in a seated position for long periods of time causes tightness in your Hip Flexors and Rectus femoris. . . When completing this stretch you want to focus on squeezing your glute and driving your hips forward. Progression 1: Drive your hips up to the ceiling by tucking your pelvis up towards your stomach. Progression 2: Bring your knee closer to the bench.... Give it a shot and let us know how you go. See more
14.01.2022 Last year was a massive year of learning for Michael and myself, here is just a few pictures from last year. This year will be the same. We are both looking forward to the @musclenerds_health course tomorrow
13.01.2022 How much sun do you get a day? Are you actually absorbing any vitamin D when you are outside? - This app called D Minder is extremely useful for optimising your time spent outside. It tells you when is the best time to go outside and absorb as much vitamin d as possible without damaging your skin.
13.01.2022 Happy Easter!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend relaxing, spending time with family and having a few sneaky eggs
13.01.2022 Get Fat to Improve your Health! - Increase Sex Drive - Improve Energy Levels - Better Focus... - Reduce Stress - Reduce Inflammation - Improve Cellular Health QUALITY Fats are essential for improving your health! Don't fear or avoid them, learn to utilise them the right way for you and enjoy Absolute benefits!!!
13.01.2022 Taking Aimee through some conventional deadlifts. We tweaked her technique slightly after having sometime off deadlifting.
12.01.2022 Always stay ahead!!!!
12.01.2022 Client Matt hitting legs today with emphases on the posterior chain! Here's our final set of RDL's and Kettle Bell Swings. I like using these two movements because the RDL allows you to really add load to the hip hinge, while the KB swing is great for developing explosive power through the gluteus and hamstrings. Note!!!! The client must be able to perform the RDL sufficiently before adding the Swing! ... Happy Hinging!!!!
12.01.2022 Taking our online client through his next phase of training. This was his primary lifts for the workout: 5x5 deadlifts superset with 5x5 behind the neck shoulder press. This combination is excellent for building upper and lower body strength.... With the shoulder press we are making sure he is driving his body back into the bench, and squeezing his shoulder blades as he performs the movement.
11.01.2022 Donna showing us how to PROPERLY perform the Horizontal Back Extension! This movement is awesome for developing the gluteus and hamstrings not just aesthetically but for strength and performance too! Hip hinging movements are always a MUST in our programming
11.01.2022 Bang for your Buck mobility! Here's Cathy going through broomstick overhead walking lunges to improve overall range of motion through the anterior chain!
11.01.2022 Awesome morning coaching today! Summer is almost over but this lifestyle isn't just seasonal!!!! Healthy and strong all year round
10.01.2022 SUNDAY PREP Do you prepare your meals for the week to keep your nutrition on track? "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail." Awesome work @mario.moussa being accountable and keeping that nutrition on track!
10.01.2022 Catching up with good friend and mentor @timfrey_ over the weekend! Always good to be around people that inspire you to be bigger and better
10.01.2022 PULL UPS! Staple exercise for any upper body/back workout! TIPS - Mix up the grip (prone, neutral & supinated) ... - Full range of motion (all the way up & all the way down) - Use assistance if needed (bands, machines & spotters) - Tempo (control the movement especially the downward phase) - Progressive overload is king (did you improve in some way from your last workout) Apply these tips to get the most out of your pull up/chin up workouts!!
10.01.2022 Liam hitting an all time PB of 160kg for 1 rep. 8 weeks ago Liam hadn't really deadlifted before, so for the first 4 weeks we spent some time using the trap bar instead of a straight bar. . . This phase we are doing a 7/5/3 wave load, first time he deadlifted in this phase he was struggling to hit 130kg for 3.... 3 weeks in he was hitting 150kg for triples on his last set. Liam wasn't meant to pull this weight in the video but he was feeling good on the day so after his sets we loaded him up and it turned out pretty well. Safe to say his programming and hard work is paying off. @surgefitnessclarksonwanneroo See more
08.01.2022 Are you struggling to eat your veggies or simply not eating enough of them? Here is an extremely easy tip to increase your daily veggie intake by up to 1-3 cups a day. . . All you have to do is cut up some vegetables, put them in a blender, add a handful of mixed berries (optional - but it does make it taste better) and your done!
07.01.2022 Take responsibility for the food you eat! Your relationship with food is extremely important... Plan for long term success and sustainability not just short term, intermittent results! Your health and wellbeing should always come first
07.01.2022 SLEEP How many hours of sleep do you get at night? Is your sleep undisturbed or do you wake several times? Do you go to sleep stressed? These are just a few of the question we ask our clients! . Sleep is one of most overlooked components when it comes to seeing results. By not achieving good quality sleep at night it inhibits fatloss and muscle gain.... Which is something that can slow down your progress and can lead to frustration. . . If this is something that you feel effects yourself or someone you know, we would suggest trying some mediation, reading a book or stretching before bed, this will allow you to unwind and will hopefully lead to a better quality of sleep See more
07.01.2022 MEAL PREP MADE EASY - Make extra with dinner so that you have quality food for the next day! Daily actions determine the success of your goals! TAKE ACTION!!!
07.01.2022 Does your Recovery match your Training? Top Recovery Methods - Nutrition... - Sleep - Soft Tissue Release - Epsom Salt Baths See more
06.01.2022 @jaymiesale coming to the end of his strength phase! Hitting a 130kg Bench Press for 2! Seen massive progress in all his key lifts and will be looking to take all the new strength gains into his next phase which will be more Hypertrophy based!
06.01.2022 New Record set by client Mike Wilding! 86 feet in just 30 seconds!!!
06.01.2022 Great analogy from phil learney!
05.01.2022 New toys to add to the quest for mobility tool kit!
05.01.2022 Brett hitting some FF Elevated Split Squats for developing structural balance and single leg strength. Awesome movement for anyone with tight hips! Add in a pause at the bottom like Brett demonstrating here to get the most out of that lengthened position!
05.01.2022 Bang for your Buck! One of my favourite warm up/mobility drills. Great for freeing up those ever so tight hips and opening up those rounded shoulders prepping them for the punishment the workout holds! - Squeeze the glute of the trailing leg! ... - Pack the shoulder blades down and back! - Ease into the bottom position don't force it! See more
04.01.2022 Clients smashing their meal prep and working towards their goals!!! Love it
04.01.2022 Cathy with a great PB last week hitting 80kg on the deadlift! This has gone up 10kg in a week, awesome effort!!!
04.01.2022 Awesome afternoon sharpening up our knowledge and talking about training philosophy's and programming! Warren is an all round awesome guy, accomplished coach and powerlifter Be sure to check him out @bronxtraining
04.01.2022 Just a mushy bowl of goodness! Loads of colourful veg packed full of nutrients!!!
04.01.2022 STAY ACTIVE It's not all about the gym, get out and enjoy the outdoors, play with the kids, play a sport or get down the park and just enjoy being active!!
04.01.2022 Results speak for themselves! Dan after 4 weeks Transforming Your Physique - Assess Current Training and Nutrition Protocols... - Apply Appropriate Changes - Train your ass off and work for it! We used different Training and Nutrition Protocols this time round as Dan's main goal was to stay lean while increasing his Lean Muscle Mass in the shortest amount of time possible!
03.01.2022 Every single client hitting a PB on there major lift this morning!!! Could not be happier with the awesome work ethic!
02.01.2022 @mdwilding get the work done this morning! Gotta love those quality rows
02.01.2022 Monday! Get your week sorted, plan your success and reach your goals!!!
01.01.2022 Don't normally promote individual supplements but I have been absolutely loving starting my day with a good dose of quality nutrients. Heaped teaspoon of this stuff or any organic greens powder with a glass of water first thing in the morning will put your body in a great alkalised state ready to tackle the day ahead!
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