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24.01.2022 Catching up on #IocTober here is day 7, a bathroom occupancy monitor. Have you ever hopped up and down outside a dunny door wondering if there was anyone in there? What if you knock and it's the boss? Or perhaps you walked the length of the building to discover that there's a queue. Maybe there's a free stall on the next floor? Let our bathroom buddy help you out......

24.01.2022 At Accelerando Consulting we blogged a life-changing #IoT product for every day of #IocTober, culminating in our "Blade Runner Month" homage: a voice controlled video microscope stage. See the full set of posts here: If these projects have got you thinking about solving your own problems (or if you want to try building one of our 31 #IocTober projects) come along to our Sunday (mad) Science event on Sunday November 10.... RSVP for our Nov 10 weekend event here:

24.01.2022 Accelerando director Christopher Biggs spoke in Christchurch about lessons learned on a project undertaken with a Brisbane Smart City vendor.

24.01.2022 The Brisbane Internet of Things (#IoT) Interest Group is back for 2020. Our January (Yes, I know, Australia Day collided with our usual date!) event is TODAY Monday 3rd Feb at Avestix Lab, Fortitude Valley from 6pm. This month we have Kim Adil beginning a series on the Internet of Cars. ... Our ongoing thanks to Avestix Lab for venue sponsorship. We are actively seeking sponsors for events this year, so if your organisation would like to sponsor food and/or beverages for an event, please get in touch. RSVP here:

23.01.2022 The Brisbane Internet of Things Interest group is back in the CBD from next monday 25th Feburary. Our first meeting for 2019 will look at all the news from the "LCA2019 - The Linux Of Things" conference, in Christchurch NZ, including a hands-on with Mozilla Home, a non-creepy voice assistant platform that can control your home and workplace with an inexpensive hub. Come along to Avestix labs (just around the corner from Chinatown Mall, at 143 Wickham St) for wine, cheese, pizza and all the technology you can eat.

23.01.2022 Can you crowdfund a meetup? Let's find out! The Brisbane Internet of Things meetup is on for this coming Monday 29th July. Our feature speaker is Warwick Powell of Beef Ledger, speaking on the applications of IoT and Blockchain to primary produce provenance and quality assurance. We are committed to keeping attendance free and open to all, however this month we do not have a corporate sponsor. If you appreciate this group and would like our undying gratitude, we encou...rage you to contribute what you can toward costs. If you can't contribute, come anyway!

22.01.2022 Here's #IocTober project number 12 - a sound activated sprayer for dealing with barking dogs and other nuisances.

22.01.2022 Tonight at IoT Brisbane, Christopher Biggs will talk about electronics as art, and how the combination of rapid manufacturing and highly integrated modules allows the process from Problem to Product to be faster and less expensive than ever before. Join us at UQ's iLab from 6pm for snacks, refreshments, hands-on with gadgets and all the news in the Internet of Things. And there'll be IoT Christmas decorations!... Hope to see you there! All welcome, RSVP (to ensure appropriate catering) here:

21.01.2022 We are enjoying the #SomethingDigital event The ethics of robot servants at QUT. Though the detail of the all-human panel disturbs us slightly. The only robot present is sweeping the floor.

21.01.2022 #IocTober day 4 brings a device for transmitting temperature readings to your phone. Readings from what? Anything you need. The BBQ smoker, your solar panels, refrigerator, pool etc. The promise of #IoT is extending your vision and reach to where you desire.

20.01.2022 TONIGHT! Come to the Brisbane Internet of Things Interest Group. There 20 or so seats left for tonight's IoT meetup at Avestix Labs, 143 Wickham St. We are back in the city with convenient parking right next door at chinatown mall parking station, and train and bus stops are directly adjacent. Tonight we focus on the power of YOU. We will tell some stories about people who had a problem, and an idea, and made a solution happen. It's not as frightening as you think, and ther...e is a whole community to help you on your way. We also present a hands-on walkthrough of Mozilla IoT - a non-creepy alternative to Those Other Voice Assistants that keeps your data private, not for sale to everyone. Please RSVP at the meetup page, and by all means bring a friend.

17.01.2022 IocTober Day 2 - Safety lighting for your home or workpalace

17.01.2022 Tomorrow, (I just found out, since my daughter "volunteered" me without checking first), I am teaching a group of a dozen or so girl guides to sew multicoloured illuminated brooches to go with the tie-dyed shirts they made last week. Now, perhaps you don't see a need for illuminated brooches at your workplace, but an Internet of Things workshop is a great way to introduce your team to the potential of IoT. We pick a theme (sensors, monitoring, visualisation, you name it) an...d spend a day learning to solve problems with technology. Or for more advanced teams perhaps a weekend "hackathon" where groups compete to find a novel way to make your workplace and business better. For example I know of one company in Sydney who ended up with a system to help cycle commuters find the nearest free shower in their multi-storey building. We can hold events at our air-conditioned Lab in Sumner, or we can come to you.

17.01.2022 On #IocTober 6 we bring you a project for air quality monitoring. Concerned about dust, stuffy air or organic compounds, this device will show you the levels on an OLED screen or via your phone.

16.01.2022 TONIGHT (Mon 24th) at Brisbane Internet of Things Meetup: Everything you never wanted to know about Bluetooth Part 2 of The Internet of Cars (retrofitting smarts to an older car)... At Avestix Lab, 143 Wickham St Fortitude Valley from 6pm. RSVP:

15.01.2022 Were creating an #IoT solution for every day of #IocTober. This project is about synergy. If you have a Google Home, Chromecast, or Amazon Echo, add a wireless motion sensor and have your home or office announce visitors.

15.01.2022 In May the Brisbane Internet of Things Meetup is holding a special event as a Saturday afternoon workshop. We'll build an internet connected garden soil monitor from simple plug-together modules, then go through the process of how one would design an all in one circuit board for an IoT project. We'll culminate with a tour of a working electronics factory showing how designs become reality. Reservations for this event close April 13, so please book your place here:

14.01.2022 Here's #IocTober project 11 - A battery powered wireless camera you can observe from your phone. It also detects motion, so alerts you to people in your reception, driveway, yard, loading dock, or wherever. Be that spouse who always greets their returning partner with a glass of wine because you spotted them arrive in the driveway thanks to your #IoT super-senses :)

13.01.2022 One week to go until the next Brisbane Internet of Things (#IoTBNE) event. This month we are back at the stylish and welcoming Avestix Labs at 143 Wickham St. We will focus on the cloud data component of #IoT with Ian Bennett from Ipswich City, and Dean Dobson from Sensaverse speaking about data collation and visualisation practices and tools. Join us from 6pm on Monday 25th March....

12.01.2022 Due to popular demand, ticket sales have been extended for this event (several folks have asked 'oh no is it too late too book?' today). Tickets are still on sale until sunday, but that's it. Secure your place now!

09.01.2022 On the Fifth Day of #IocTober Accelerando sends to you....pervasive Wambenger Surveillance. This project creates #IoT activity monitors for the nests of the rare Wambenger, a weasel-like Australian carnivorous marsupial.

08.01.2022 Accelerando director Christopher Biggs also spoke in Christchurch about how rapid manufacturing can take a project from dream to reality in as little as a week. A custom solution to your technological itch can be yours fast.

06.01.2022 Introducing IocTober - where we create an Internet Of Things device every day of October to solve serious (and not so serious) problems. What's on your Tech Nirvana wish list?

06.01.2022 Join us for a sausage and a chat at the reboot of the Brisbane Hardware Startup Meetup. You are invited to our open day and BBQ on Sunday June 30 at Accelerando Lab. Meet the startup community and discuss your opportunities and challenges over a beer and burger. Well be here all day, you can drop in for as long as you like, a quick bite or spend some time hands on with our printing, prototyping and machining tools.

05.01.2022 In the month of #IocTober we created 31 IoT devices to address serious (and not so serious) problems ( What solution could you create with access to the right tools? Brisbane Internet of Things invites you to join us at Accelerando Labs Sunday 10th, 1-4pm for Sunday (mad) Science. We're at 1/14 Spine St, Sumner Park. Brainstorm your idea with the group membership, and use our makerspace facility to bring it to life.

05.01.2022 One last #IocTober project to round out the week, here is project 14, a Beer-o-Clock Siren. The smoko siren is still a thing in some factories, and this is an update on the concept using a network of wireless sirens and an IoT transmitter.

05.01.2022 What is the internet of things for? Here's a story that illustrates our answer.

04.01.2022 Accelerando turns two. Click through for some photos from our huge 2018.

04.01.2022 IocTober Day 1 - "Put the Kettle on, Alexa". Here's a device which lets you put the kettle on while still in bed. We're creating a life-changing Internet of Things product each day of October. We'll solve some serious problems, and a few silly ones. What's your Tech Nirvana wish?...

04.01.2022 Here is an #IocTober design for sending one-bit messages to your spouse (or to whomever has the other half of this button-encrusted cylinder). Remember the milk. I'll be home late. Call me. Something a little more personal.

03.01.2022 Number nine in our series of #IocTober projects is this #IoT Honeypot Alarm. If a hacker compromises your network, the next step is always to scan the network looking for easy targets. This device presents itself as an easy target, listening on commonly attacked services. If an attack or scan happens, the device lights up red (and sends an alert).

02.01.2022 We're hosting Sunday (Mad) Science, this Sunday, 8th Sept from 1pm with the Brisbane Hardware Startup and Brisbane IoT Meetups. Do you have an idea to make your life easier but don't have the tools or know how to get started? Your tech enterprise is stuck on a challenge? You just want to tinker? Come to Sunday (mad) Science, bring a problem, find an answer.... Families and kids welcome (games room if they tune out). This Sunday 8th Sept 1-4pm at Sumner Park.

02.01.2022 Here is #IocTober day 8 - a drink-your-tea reminder. This device attaches to your cup, and if you do not lift your cup often enough, it chirps at you. Shuts off when removed from cup.

01.01.2022 Yesterday's #Iot Brisbane event "Sunday (mad) Science" was great fun for all. Jash and Rrodolfo made a voice assistant. Yazmin and Sergey noodled with LoRaWAN. Ivan and Peter made a bathroom occupancy monitor, and Jordan learned how to solder. Hannah and I explored IoT in finance and ePaper. George made a Raspberry Pi Router for his home network, and explored the inner workings of a salvaged mains distribution frame. ... Plus Yaz brought cookies :) Some people brought their own projects, others were stumped for ideas, so I suggested some projects from our #IocTober series.

01.01.2022 IocTober rolls on with Day 3 - behaviour modification for cats and other menaces. My wife asked me to create this product to keep our young cat from destroying our greenhouse in search of the perfect, ahem, dumping ground.

01.01.2022 Today (Sun 8th Dec) is the final Sunday (mad) Science for the year. In this open afternoon at Accelerando Labs, bring your problem, your idea, or your project underway and benefit from talking with your peers, and using our sophisticated mechatronics laboratory. Whether it's a christmas light, home automation or the next IoT revolution, we welcome you to join us from 1pm in Sumner Park....

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