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Australian Accounting & Franchising Professionals

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 7 3422 7800

Address: Level 1, Building 15, Garden City Office Park, 2404 Logan Road, Eight Miles Plains QLD 4113 4113 Brisbane, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Hello, The 2018 Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast really showed us ‘What a Wonderful World’ we live in. To see the Commonwealth’s best Athletes perform live in front of my family and me, and together with many other spectators, gave me many wonderful memories. From team sports like netball and the beach volleyball, to the individual events at track and field, we were able to witness athletes from all over the world pushing themselves to do their best for their country and ...themselves. I was also glued to the TV to watch the other sporting events and even those that I know nothing about. Yes, I was a very proud Aussie of what our Australian Athletes achieved, but also I was proud watching all of the other country’s athletes and how much they were striving to do the best they can. Gosh, it was amazing and a privilege to be watching such athletic events and world class performances. Thank you to all who were involved in the 2018 Commonwealth Games, from the Athletes to the Game Shapers supporters to the crowds enjoying it. You were all wonderful and exceptional. This reminded me. To help us get the best out of our own lives, here are some tips that I believe can help make us world class performers: 1. Just like the Athletes, we all need to have a plan, goals and dreams. And, it must be for the long term. 2. Yes, it is okay to want more. You can make it happen and aim for higher. 3. The support staff for Athletes, being coaching, medical, administration and other supporters is no different when compared to your own Business and/or Family. We all need the right help and support throughout our lives. We are not on our own. 4. Just like the teams competing, you may be one individual, but you still must be part of the team. Whether that be in your Business team, Family team or any other team, your commitment to the team and your team mates is what makes it better for all and you. 5. There is a time for serious work and effort. Just as there must be a time for fun and excitement. We all need the right balance in our lives. So, if one part is bringing us down a bit, we have other parts that lift us up. 6. Imagine that you can become a world class performer in your respective field of expertise and/or your family. That is what makes us become life changers, as we continually seek to further improve and challenge ourselves. In sport and life, there are winners. Some do win gold medals. Many do not. But rather, it is the journey to become better, pushing your own skills and develop your expertise to a higher level. From this, you will be getting more out of life and able to make significant differences to those around you. You can award medals to yourself as you achieve your goals and dreams. That can make a Wonderful World to be in, as well as a Wonderful life for your family and you.

25.01.2022 Last week, my Dad celebrated his 96th birthday. He is a simple man, yet full of resilience and strength. I am very thankful he is my Dad. When we think life is tough, put it against my Dad’s life as a young teenager and man: 1. Born in Poland during 1919, just after the ravages of the Great War. One of four children with a Dad who was a bus conductor. 2. Grew up during the Great Depression. 3. When just finishing his teenage years, had his country invaded and taken over... during World War Two. 4. He was strong in his beliefs, helping the Polish Underground with propaganda information to the Polish people, but was arrested for this. 5. He spent his early 20’s in a Concentration Camp and only just survived. Fed poorly, beaten regularly, worked cruelly, but he was a lucky one. Very sadly, 85,000 people died in that same camp. They were being marched to another camp when he somehow escaped in May 1945. 6. However, the Russians took over Poland and yet Dad was still not free. He was tagged a liberator and the Russian KGB searched for him. Luckily, they never got him, as he moved all around Poland. 7. He had to make a choice escape from Poland, so he chose to come to Australia, just like his brother did before him. So he planned his trip to go around the other side of the globe. 8. In 1949, Dad arrived in Freemantle Western Australia, to a refugee camp that he stayed at for many months. You could not work if you were a refugee, so he just had to wait. He only spoke Polish and German. He had to learn English, which is a completely opposite language. 9. His brother organised for Dad to go and live in Adelaide. He was with family again, safe and able to live a new life. 10. Life did begin to get better, as Dad started working and living in a new country called Australia. So, when I think I had a tough day, I really cannot compare to what my Dad has gone through. But I do know this, what my Dad has gone through has made me a better man and one that is very thankful for what I have. Thanks Dad and by the way, Happy 96th Birthday

25.01.2022 Just some basic information on PAYGW: A PAYG withholding variation can be applied for in special circumstances, to vary the amount an employer is required to withhold from a withholding payment, i.e. wages. The main purpose of varying your amount of PAYGW withholding tax is to ensure that the amounts withheld during the income year best meets your end of year tax liability. An example is where the normal rate or amount of withholding would lead to a large refund at the end o...f the income year because your rental property is negatively geared. Another reason to apply for a PAYG withholding variation is to recognise the NRAS incentive which is paid for a rental property to you in the form of a Refundable Tax Offset. However, the ATO have advised that the NRAS incentive cannot be claimed through a PAYG withholding variation in the first year the rental property is owned.

25.01.2022 Hello, Welcome to Spring! The 1st of September brings all sorts of emotions out in us. We know it should start heating up and getting warmer. Goodbye to the cold morning starts. So, here is the best thing to do Go to your work, sit down and have a think. Think about the areas of your business and work that will start heating up and focus on how you will fully and properly attend to such areas. This will give you a great start for the next season. As well - do you need... a Spring Clean? There is always something you were meaning to clean up, sort out or throw out. How about you do that this month? Are you a Winner? September is all about finals. In footy, for both AFL and rugby league, the best teams are about to play and win seeking to become the Premiers. It is time to reflect over your past season of work and business. Did you achieve the targets you set at the beginning of the year? What strengths and opportunities did you seize upon and take full advantage? What weaknesses and threats were exposed? No one wants to win the wooden spoon, in any sport, or even in life. So, take a break to determine how you went this year. Are you a champion, or a champion in the making, or just a wannabe? The main challenge we face is to review ourselves honestly, accept what we found and then work very hard to significantly improve going forward. That is what life is really about. Are you a Winner? Yes, of course you are, and you can keep winning, just by continually pushing yourself to be better in whatever you do.

21.01.2022 I recently read a great saying. The world is his who enjoys it. We all live very lucky and fulfilling lives. ... Always enjoy life to the bestest and mostest you can. Then do it more better.

21.01.2022 On the last Sunday in August, our awesome AAFP team entered and successfully completed the Bridge to Brisbane 10km walk. Our walkers and runners were able to achieve personal best times (as most of us were doing it for the first time). Together with tens of thousands of Brisbanites, we started our epic walk at the base of the Gateway Bridge, then walked up and over, before following a trail beside the Brisbane River and ICB to eventually reach the Brisbane Ekka. Sadly, Rob was the slowest of us all. But, he has committed to train further and will be back next year. We all looked awesome in our maroon AAFP shirts. If you have not done this walk then you should join us next year. In closing, well done to our walkers and runners. Hopefully this has inspired you to keep fit in the future.

21.01.2022 Hello, I am writing this from the QE2 Hospital, as I sit beside my Dad's bed. He had a big stroke on Thursday. It has been very tough for him this time. It is only when such a bad event happens, do we remember to enjoy the simple things in life. On Sunday, my Dad was able to talk a few words with members of the family and I. Sometimes, that is all we may get in life, so grab it when you can. It is funny - Communication is such an important part of our lives. On Sunday, Dad made me happy by being able to talk a few words to me and enjoy a joke or two. It will be the last time we do. It's hard knowing these are the last few times we can do these kind of things together. Talking is such a great thing to do with everybody - we must never forget it.

21.01.2022 When I wore a younger mans clothes. It is always good to take some time out, think and remember some of the good times from when we were younger. Yes, it does make you smile, sometimes cringe, but most definitely think that we have had a good life so far. It is October 2015 - and this year is absolutely flying by. Time does not stand still nor still do I stand. In our lives, we have so many commitments, activities, jobs and so on to do. Here is my little piece of advice for ...this week. Please see the movie Hector & The Search For Happiness". It stars Simon Pegg as a psychiatrist who embarks on a globe trotting adventure in pursuit of happiness. It is an absolute cracker of a movie. Time may fly by, but we must make the best use of our own personal time. And it is best that we always strive and search for happiness. BE HAPPY. STAY HAPPY. ALWAYS.

20.01.2022 Hi All, Just an update of my family trip to Queenstown, New Zealand. Had a blast on the snow and land, just a beautiful little town would recommend everyone go and visits. Not a bad view from any spot in the town, spent the majority of our time on the slopes having a blast as usual and is always good not to have any injuries on the trip. Heres a couple pictures of what we got up to with the family. :)

19.01.2022 G’day, Footy season is nearly over. What will we do now? Well, maybe it is time to re-connect with the things that make us what we are. I was reminded of a story by my family - that the old Rob would have done this, but the current Rob would not. That got me thinking that sometimes, we need to remember who we are, what we are and where we came from. That way, the good things that make us what we are, will always be upfront in what we do in the future.... Think about that? So go and re-connect to make you a better you. - King Regards, Rob

19.01.2022 Hello, I am writing this from the QE2 Hospital, as I sit beside my Dad's bed. He had a big stroke on Thursday. It has been very tough for him this time. It is only when such a bad event happens, do we remember to enjoy the simple things in life. On Sunday, my Dad was able to talk a few words with members of the family and I. Sometimes, that is all we may get in life, so grab it when you can. It is funny - Communication is such an important part of our lives. On Sunday, Dad made me happy by being able to talk a few words to me and enjoy a joke or two. It will be the last time we do. It's hard knowing these are the last few times we can do these kind of things together. Talking is such a great thing to do with everybody - we must never forget it.

19.01.2022 Top 10 Things about Business from a Teenagers Point of View: - Always keep an open mind - Always be willing to learn new things from others assume you know nothing and you can listen and learn more - Never stress about changing your old ways to new and better ways... - Set weekly goals you can easily achieve for yourself - Set harder monthly goals that will make you challenge yourself and make you work to achieve those goals - Be willing to do tasks that are generally not in your job description - Always be willing to help others or put yourself out of your comfort zone to help others - Always put yourself out their to show your a dedicated worker/colleague - The customer/client is always right, so dont try to argue that they arent - Set a timer so you keep on track of your work and so you dont start time wasting "Talking not texting, talking is not emailing - You have to talk to people, texting or emailing the person is not truly talking to them." Hopefully these tips can help you in your business! Regards, Bec

18.01.2022 G’day, Footy season is nearly over. What will we do now? Well, maybe it is time to re-connect with the things that make us what we are. I was reminded of a story by my family - that the old Rob would have done this, but the current Rob would not. That got me thinking that sometimes, we need to remember who we are, what we are and where we came from. That way, the good things that make us what we are, will always be upfront in what we do in the future.... Think about that? So go and re-connect to make you a better you. - King Regards, Rob

18.01.2022 Over the past week, I have been speaking to a number of young adults in their early 20’s. They are all keen to take on the world and do amazing things. But, there is one amazing thing I needed to advise them. It is actually a Super thing. Yes, that is right Super annuation. These Twentysomethings are most likely going to live until they reach at least 90 years of age. So, if they retire at 55 or 60, they need to fund themselves for approximately 30 to 40 years. I t...hen told them they had to really put away some money for superannuation from now. So, the smart ones will put extra money into superannuation. They may go living today with a little less coffees, drinks, fancy clothes or something else. But at least they can smile everyday, as they know that little extra they put into superannuation now, will become a lot more as it grows over the next 30 odd years. Now that is definitely an amazing thing. All the best.

17.01.2022 Welcome to 2015 - What a great year it will be for you! The weather has been hotting up and now it is time for you to do the same.... Set quarterly goals for yourself. Have someone monitor your success. Then build up momentum to keep improving your results. Finally, communication must get better and better. The more it works, then the more can get done to achieve your goals. Go for it! Regards, Rob :)

16.01.2022 Federal Budget... The Federal Government will release their next 2015/16 Budget. The usual practice of issuing media releases and comments before the budget has begun. If you want to make sure you are covered under the existing laws, please consider completing certain business transactions before Budget night. To be best prepared, if you were going to do anything for your business, such as superannuation contributions, then it is best to execute the required documents and/o...r pay such monies before Thursday 14th May. Document what you do... Remember, it is always important to properly document important transactions and events. If you keep signed and executed records, notes and calculations, then you can confirm exactly what happened in past events. This is critical, should you ever be questioned by the Australian Taxation Office, State Government Departments, as well as your own business owners, employees and contractors.

15.01.2022 Hello, The 2018 Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast really showed us What a Wonderful World we live in. To see the Commonwealths best Athletes perform live in front of my family and me, and together with many other spectators, gave me many wonderful memories. From team sports like netball and the beach volleyball, to the individual events at track and field, we were able to witness athletes from all over the world pushing themselves to do their best for their country and ...themselves. I was also glued to the TV to watch the other sporting events and even those that I know nothing about. Yes, I was a very proud Aussie of what our Australian Athletes achieved, but also I was proud watching all of the other countrys athletes and how much they were striving to do the best they can. Gosh, it was amazing and a privilege to be watching such athletic events and world class performances. Thank you to all who were involved in the 2018 Commonwealth Games, from the Athletes to the Game Shapers supporters to the crowds enjoying it. You were all wonderful and exceptional. This reminded me. To help us get the best out of our own lives, here are some tips that I believe can help make us world class performers: 1. Just like the Athletes, we all need to have a plan, goals and dreams. And, it must be for the long term. 2. Yes, it is okay to want more. You can make it happen and aim for higher. 3. The support staff for Athletes, being coaching, medical, administration and other supporters is no different when compared to your own Business and/or Family. We all need the right help and support throughout our lives. We are not on our own. 4. Just like the teams competing, you may be one individual, but you still must be part of the team. Whether that be in your Business team, Family team or any other team, your commitment to the team and your team mates is what makes it better for all and you. 5. There is a time for serious work and effort. Just as there must be a time for fun and excitement. We all need the right balance in our lives. So, if one part is bringing us down a bit, we have other parts that lift us up. 6. Imagine that you can become a world class performer in your respective field of expertise and/or your family. That is what makes us become life changers, as we continually seek to further improve and challenge ourselves. In sport and life, there are winners. Some do win gold medals. Many do not. But rather, it is the journey to become better, pushing your own skills and develop your expertise to a higher level. From this, you will be getting more out of life and able to make significant differences to those around you. You can award medals to yourself as you achieve your goals and dreams. That can make a Wonderful World to be in, as well as a Wonderful life for your family and you.

15.01.2022 Time flies... It is only 2 months until the end of the financial year. You should review your business and personal plans to see how you are tracking. As well, if you need to complete certain tasks by 30 June, then write down your plan to achieve this deadline. It is time to make sure you are achieving, as well as planning for the future.

14.01.2022 Hello All, Here is something for you all to seriously consider in your workplace. -- Workplace Health, Safety and Environmental Issures -- It all changed in 2011... Have you changed what you should be doing.. Do you know the responsibilities and penalties now that span across all parts of doing business the right way??? Did you know that all persons involved in undertaking a Business, including owners, staff and contractors are equally responsible for the Heath, Safety and E...nvironmental issues of business on a day to day level... The penalties for staff start at a minimum of $50k and go upwards and owner penalties can be as much as $1.5mil!!! Did you know that WHS Inspectors are actively fining people as this is a revenue stream for the Government??? Are you Compliant or at Risk - if not, contact us so that we can put you in contact with our representative who will assist you to become compliant and reduce your RISK OF DOING BUSINESS. Kind Regards, Rob Melin (Director)

13.01.2022 Hello, this is my first update. It is great to have received so many likes on our first day of facebook. Our team is working hard to keep improving the service we provide to our clients.... What I do know is that from little things - big things grow. We may be little, but we want to be big in the way we significantly help everyone we come into contact with. Welcome to our Journey and thanks for being a part of it. Regards, Rob

12.01.2022 I caught up with a good mate of mine today. He reminded me of a simple Purpose. That is - Thank God youre here. Thats right we should be thankful you are here. You and I are here for a Purpose. At times, we may forget that Purpose. So, just to make sure I am getting it right Our Purpose is to make a significant positive difference to those around us. ... Keep it Simple and get on with it. The Purpose makes us feel good by knowing that we have made a real contribution to Today, provided we keep focussed on the Purpose. I am, I will and I aim to keep focussed on the Purpose. Imagine what we could achieve?

12.01.2022 I recently had the privilege of attending a good friend’s funeral. His life ended all too soon. But listening to the stories of his life being told by his family and friends, I knew he had LIVED. The priest at the service told those congregated that the biggest fear of those who were close to death, was not that they were about to die. But rather, they were afraid that they had not lived their lives to the fullest and not made the most of opportunities. That reminded me that... we are here on this good Earth for a limited period of time. In that time, we must do as much as possible, whenever possible and try to have as much fun, joy and good times. I really believe that a funeral service is a celebration of life. We come together to pay respect to our lost loved one, but more importantly celebrate the things that loved one had enjoyed with ourselves. I say that those that pass on to the next world, always leave us with a little bit of them in our memories and hearts. But, we also have left them with a little bit of us, for them to take. It is all about togetherness, they lived, I lived and we all lived. What a wonderful world we have. To my good friend John you made me become a better person by pushing me to perform beyond my existing goals. I am very sad about your passing, but I am very glad to have had you in my life. Gosh, what a wonderful life you had, and how much more you made it wonderful for all of us.

11.01.2022 SuperStream - The new government reform to improve the efficiency of the superannuation system: Employers will need to make superannuation electronically under SuperStream. This will come into effect for small employers (19 or less staff) from the 1st of July 2015, and for larger employers (20 or more staff) started from the 1st of July 2014. Small employers can use the Small Business Superannuation Clearing House (SBSCH) - a free online super payments service. Your default f...und may have an electronic channel they manage or can make transitional arrangements for you. SuperStream is free with your MYOB AccountRight subscription. This allows you to pay directly from AccountRight in one payment which takes care of all employees and each of their superannuations, and includes an automatic update entries with this one payment.

10.01.2022 Gday, Footy season is nearly over. What will we do now? Well, maybe it is time to re-connect with the things that make us what we are. I was reminded of a story by my family - that the old Rob would have done this, but the current Rob would not. That got me thinking that sometimes, we need to remember who we are, what we are and where we came from. That way, the good things that make us what we are, will always be upfront in what we do in the future.... Think about that? So go and re-connect to make you a better you. - King Regards, Rob

10.01.2022 Just a big congratulations to Rob Melin, who on Friday Night at the QLD/NT Annual Australian Franchising Council Awards Dinner received the prestigious David Acheson Award. A well deserved recipient after dedicating countless hours over the past 22 years!

09.01.2022 Hello, I am writing this from the QE2 Hospital, as I sit beside my Dads bed. He had a big stroke on Thursday. It has been very tough for him this time. It is only when such a bad event happens, do we remember to enjoy the simple things in life. On Sunday, my Dad was able to talk a few words with members of the family and I. Sometimes, that is all we may get in life, so grab it when you can. It is funny - Communication is such an important part of our lives. On Sunday, Dad made me happy by being able to talk a few words to me and enjoy a joke or two. It will be the last time we do. Its hard knowing these are the last few times we can do these kind of things together. Talking is such a great thing to do with everybody - we must never forget it.

09.01.2022 A TRIBUTE TO PARENTS Parents are needed to create life. They also create opportunities, support, ideas, sustenance and most importantly, love. When I was a very young boy, my Mum bought a record single for me. It was titled "No Charge". The theme was about what a Mother does for their son, at No Charge. In the song, the son wanted to charge his Mother for doing work and chores around the home. But, after hearing all the things that his Mother did for him, he wrote a simp...le note to his mother saying "No Charge". The boy simply needed to say "Thank you" and "I Love You". Parents do so much for their children. It is done without care or concern for their own selves. Rather, it is done to allow their children to have a better life. All they need to hear is a 'Thank You' or a 'I Love You'. So, how does this relate to Small Business. Well, a Small Business Owner usually treats employees as members of their extended family. That Small Business Owner will do things to support and create opportunities for the employees; pay wages for sustenance and then seek to pay bonuses to allow a better life. Most importantly, the Owner loves doing what they do, so that the Small Business grows, and in turn, the lives of all employees and all respective family members can also grow and get better. Funny thing is that Small Business Owners do many things to help customers, employees, suppliers, etc., all with No Charge. Wouldn't it be nice if we all could say Thank You, when it is needed most and that is basically every time we are helped in our lives. It can be done at no charge. Yet, when it is said, it can be most powerful words to lead others to a better life. SO, THANK YOU TO MY PARENTS. I WOULD NOT BE WHERE I AM TODAY, WITHOUT BOTH YOU. I LOVE YOU. AND, A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL THE SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS THAT EMPLOYED ME, HIRED ME, ENGAGED ME AND HAVE RELATIONSHIPS WITH ME. ALSO, I WOULD NOT BE WHERE I AM TODAY, WITHOUT YOU. Yours in Business, Rob

09.01.2022 It never ceases to amaze me that we live in a lucky country. When you read the world news, many places report about tragedy, disasters, wars and so on. I just wanted to say via Facebook - Thank You to all Australians, past and present, who have helped to make this great Southern land become Australia. For it is these people that have allowed us to be part of a lucky country.... Just imagine, if we all made a conscious effort to make a significant positive difference to all the people in our lives, including ourselves. Surely, that can only make Australia continue as a great place to live. That is something we at AAFP strive for making a significant positive difference. Yes, we are doing fine in the lucky country and I am proud to call Australia my home.

08.01.2022 I caught up with a good mate of mine today. He reminded me of a simple Purpose. That is - Thank God you’re here. That’s right we should be thankful you are here. You and I are here for a Purpose. At times, we may forget that Purpose. So, just to make sure I am getting it right Our Purpose is to make a significant positive difference to those around us. ... Keep it Simple and get on with it. The Purpose makes us feel good by knowing that we have made a real contribution to Today, provided we keep focussed on the Purpose. I am, I will and I aim to keep focussed on the Purpose. Imagine what we could achieve?

08.01.2022 Hello, Welcome to Spring! The 1st of September brings all sorts of emotions out in us. We know it should start heating up and getting warmer. Goodbye to the cold morning starts. So, here is the best thing to do Go to your work, sit down and have a think. Think about the areas of your business and work that will start heating up and focus on how you will fully and properly attend to such areas. This will give you a great start for the next season. As well - do you need... a Spring Clean? There is always something you were meaning to clean up, sort out or throw out. How about you do that this month? Are you a Winner? September is all about finals. In footy, for both AFL and rugby league, the best teams are about to play and win seeking to become the Premiers. It is time to reflect over your past season of work and business. Did you achieve the targets you set at the beginning of the year? What strengths and opportunities did you seize upon and take full advantage? What weaknesses and threats were exposed? No one wants to win the wooden spoon, in any sport, or even in life. So, take a break to determine how you went this year. Are you a champion, or a champion in the making, or just a wannabe? The main challenge we face is to review ourselves honestly, accept what we found and then work very hard to significantly improve going forward. That is what life is really about. Are you a Winner? Yes, of course you are, and you can keep winning, just by continually pushing yourself to be better in whatever you do.

07.01.2022 Over the past week, I have been speaking to a number of young adults in their early 20s. They are all keen to take on the world and do amazing things. But, there is one amazing thing I needed to advise them. It is actually a Super thing. Yes, that is right Super annuation. These Twentysomethings are most likely going to live until they reach at least 90 years of age. So, if they retire at 55 or 60, they need to fund themselves for approximately 30 to 40 years. I t...hen told them they had to really put away some money for superannuation from now. So, the smart ones will put extra money into superannuation. They may go living today with a little less coffees, drinks, fancy clothes or something else. But at least they can smile everyday, as they know that little extra they put into superannuation now, will become a lot more as it grows over the next 30 odd years. Now that is definitely an amazing thing. All the best.

07.01.2022 Come visit us at the Small Business Expo!

06.01.2022 We are all getting older... My dad turned 95 last month. He has done many things in his life a combination of good, bad and ugly. So, what are your plans going forwards. Everyone needs 2 Plans - One for Business and One for Personal. ... We must have a Personal Plan as that gives us a life we are happy with. If we are happy, we live better and work harder. Then, the Business Plan is easier to achieve. So, Plan Twice, Not Once!

06.01.2022 It never ceases to amaze me that we live in a lucky country. When you read the world news, many places report about tragedy, disasters, wars and so on. I just wanted to say via Facebook - Thank You to all Australians, past and present, who have helped to make this great Southern land become Australia. For it is these people that have allowed us to be part of a lucky country.... Just imagine, if we all made a conscious effort to make a significant positive difference to all the people in our lives, including ourselves. Surely, that can only make Australia continue as a great place to live. That is something we at AAFP strive for making a significant positive difference. Yes, we are doing fine in the lucky country and I am proud to call Australia my home.

04.01.2022 IT IS THAT TIME OF YEAR WHEN... 1. You need to review your business and financial position, so as to plan for the 2015/16 financial year. What worked and what didnt - that is why you must plan for the future, re-align goals and update your targets and Key Performance Indicators. 2. If you have had a good year, then it is very likely you will be paying tax. ... Some options to consider are: 1. Defer Income to July 2015, subject to your business cashflow. 2. Prepay certain expenses, such as amounts due in July that you pay in June, or interest in advance. once again, this is subject to your business cashflow. 3. Pay superannuation for your employees and you before 30 June 2015. That way, you get the tax deduction now. 4. Review your assets register to verify any items sold, scrapped or obsolete. 5. If you have inventory, please complete an accurate stocktake. 6. For those businesses with annual aggregated turnover of less then $2,000,000, you could purchase items of plant and equipment, etc, that cost less then $20,000 (net of GST), and obtain a full 100% tax deduction. This announcement was made in the recent Federal Budget. 3. Document all important transactions and events. Minutes of meetings, that are duly signed, are a great way to confirm important decisions. It also confirms what documentation may need to be executed to verify the transactions. WE KNOW THAT THE ABOVE COMMENTS WILL HELP YOU. Have a great business day.

04.01.2022 A TRIBUTE TO PARENTS Parents are needed to create life. They also create opportunities, support, ideas, sustenance and most importantly, love. When I was a very young boy, my Mum bought a record single for me. It was titled "No Charge". The theme was about what a Mother does for their son, at No Charge. In the song, the son wanted to charge his Mother for doing work and chores around the home. But, after hearing all the things that his Mother did for him, he wrote a simp...le note to his mother saying "No Charge". The boy simply needed to say "Thank you" and "I Love You". Parents do so much for their children. It is done without care or concern for their own selves. Rather, it is done to allow their children to have a better life. All they need to hear is a Thank You or a I Love You. So, how does this relate to Small Business. Well, a Small Business Owner usually treats employees as members of their extended family. That Small Business Owner will do things to support and create opportunities for the employees; pay wages for sustenance and then seek to pay bonuses to allow a better life. Most importantly, the Owner loves doing what they do, so that the Small Business grows, and in turn, the lives of all employees and all respective family members can also grow and get better. Funny thing is that Small Business Owners do many things to help customers, employees, suppliers, etc., all with No Charge. Wouldnt it be nice if we all could say Thank You, when it is needed most and that is basically every time we are helped in our lives. It can be done at no charge. Yet, when it is said, it can be most powerful words to lead others to a better life. SO, THANK YOU TO MY PARENTS. I WOULD NOT BE WHERE I AM TODAY, WITHOUT BOTH YOU. I LOVE YOU. AND, A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL THE SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS THAT EMPLOYED ME, HIRED ME, ENGAGED ME AND HAVE RELATIONSHIPS WITH ME. ALSO, I WOULD NOT BE WHERE I AM TODAY, WITHOUT YOU. Yours in Business, Rob

04.01.2022 I recently read a great saying. The world is his who enjoys it. We all live very lucky and fulfilling lives. ... Always enjoy life to the bestest and mostest you can. Then do it more better.

03.01.2022 When I wore a younger man's clothes. It is always good to take some time out, think and remember some of the good times from when we were younger. Yes, it does make you smile, sometimes cringe, but most definitely think that we have had a good life so far. It is October 2015 - and this year is absolutely flying by. Time does not stand still nor still do I stand. In our lives, we have so many commitments, activities, jobs and so on to do. Here is my little piece of advice for ...this week. Please see the movie Hector & The Search For Happiness". It stars Simon Pegg as a psychiatrist who embarks on a globe trotting adventure in pursuit of happiness. It is an absolute cracker of a movie. Time may fly by, but we must make the best use of our own personal time. And it is best that we always strive and search for happiness. BE HAPPY. STAY HAPPY. ALWAYS.

03.01.2022 It is a great time to get rid of things that don't work, with Spring it is always good to try new things, so decide on changes that will have a positive and significant impact in your lives. Remember if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. All the best to you during this Spring Season.

03.01.2022 It is a great time to get rid of things that dont work, with Spring it is always good to try new things, so decide on changes that will have a positive and significant impact in your lives. Remember if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. All the best to you during this Spring Season.

02.01.2022 WATCH OUT FOR TAX OFFICE SPAM EMAILS AND TEXT MESSAGES. We have recently seen Scammers sending false Australian Taxation Office messages by either emails or texts. They usually request a payment or providing details to a false internet address. ... DO NOT RESPOND OR OPEN SUCH EMAILS OR TEXTS, THAT IS THE BEST WAY TO DEAL WITH THEM. If you do receive one, please contact us and we can assist you.

02.01.2022 Business & Instalment Activity Statements go paperless: The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is not issuing paper forms for BAS or IAS if you lodge electronically. They will notify you of your activity statement requirements via email. If you lodge via a paper form, then you will still receive this form in the same manner. The next monthly activity statements for February 2015, are due for lodgement and payment by the 23rd of March 2015. The next quarterly activity statements for the March 2015 quarter are due by the 28th April 2015 or if lodged electronically by the 26th May 2015.

02.01.2022 Did you know: Superannuation Guarantee increased to 9.5% from the 1 July 2014 and will remain at the same rate until 30 June 2021, when it will jump to 10%. SuperStream compliance date has been extended for medium to large employers until 31 October 2015.... In the 2015-16 income year, the government is allowing a start-up company, trust or partnership to immediately deduct a range of expenses incurred when starting, such as professional, legal and accounting advice, previously apportioned over a five year period. Date Reminders: 30 June 2015 - Super guarantee contributions must be paid by 30 June 2015 to qualify for a tax deduction in the 2014-15 financial year. 14 July 2015 PAYG Payment Summaries are due to be given out to employees. 14 August 2015 Annual PAYG Payment Summary statement to be lodged with the ATO, either in paper form or electronically. 28 August 2015 - For the building and construction industry, the due date for lodging the Taxable Payments Annual Report is by 28 August 2015. Businesses in the building and construction industry need to report the total payments they make to each contractor for building and construction services each year on this report. And Finally: Todays quote from Dave Isay: Ive learned about the poetry and the wisdom and the grace that can be found in the words of people all around us when we simply take the time to listen.

02.01.2022 Last week, my Dad celebrated his 96th birthday. He is a simple man, yet full of resilience and strength. I am very thankful he is my Dad. When we think life is tough, put it against my Dads life as a young teenager and man: 1. Born in Poland during 1919, just after the ravages of the Great War. One of four children with a Dad who was a bus conductor. 2. Grew up during the Great Depression. 3. When just finishing his teenage years, had his country invaded and taken over... during World War Two. 4. He was strong in his beliefs, helping the Polish Underground with propaganda information to the Polish people, but was arrested for this. 5. He spent his early 20s in a Concentration Camp and only just survived. Fed poorly, beaten regularly, worked cruelly, but he was a lucky one. Very sadly, 85,000 people died in that same camp. They were being marched to another camp when he somehow escaped in May 1945. 6. However, the Russians took over Poland and yet Dad was still not free. He was tagged a liberator and the Russian KGB searched for him. Luckily, they never got him, as he moved all around Poland. 7. He had to make a choice escape from Poland, so he chose to come to Australia, just like his brother did before him. So he planned his trip to go around the other side of the globe. 8. In 1949, Dad arrived in Freemantle Western Australia, to a refugee camp that he stayed at for many months. You could not work if you were a refugee, so he just had to wait. He only spoke Polish and German. He had to learn English, which is a completely opposite language. 9. His brother organised for Dad to go and live in Adelaide. He was with family again, safe and able to live a new life. 10. Life did begin to get better, as Dad started working and living in a new country called Australia. So, when I think I had a tough day, I really cannot compare to what my Dad has gone through. But I do know this, what my Dad has gone through has made me a better man and one that is very thankful for what I have. Thanks Dad and by the way, Happy 96th Birthday

01.01.2022 Happy Easter holidays everyone! Hope everyone had a good 4 day weekend, eating lots of chocolates eggs and enjoyed spending it in all your one special ways! I had a great weekend away Stanthorpe with my family camping! We did wine tasting, road trips around town, exploring a beautiful place each day and on the last day we climbed a massive mountain so heres a few snaps of me from the last day! :)

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