Accounting Excellence in Sunnybank Hills | Business consultant
Accounting Excellence
Locality: Sunnybank Hills
Phone: +61 431 981 005
Address: 32 Terowi Street 4109 Sunnybank Hills, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 While adapting to the working-from-home life might have been difficult (well, maybe not for your pets ), at least you may be able to claim a percentage of thes...e expenses in your tax return! If youre eligible, you can use: our new shortcut method our fixed rate method or the actual cost method. Just make sure you have the right records to back up your claim. See which method is right for you at
25.01.2022 Heres an update & quick guide to Qld restrictions as of tomorrow!
25.01.2022 INCREASE TO CAR EXPENSE RATE: The cents per kilometer rare for calculating work-related motor vehicle expense deductions will increase to 72 cents from 1 July 2020. Work-related car expenses have been on the ATO radar and with the impact of COVID-19 and Government restrictions, the ATO are expecting to see a decline in the amount of deductions being claimed for car expenses in 2019-20 tax returns. Ensure you can substantiate any claim and take down the odometer reading at th...e start and end of each income year. #taxtips #taxplanning #deductions #carexpenses #taxtime #motorvehicles #ato #AccountingExcellence
24.01.2022 On 21 of July the government announced proposed changes to JobKeeper including an extension through to 28 March 2021. These changes do not impact JobKeeper payments until AFTER 28 September 2020. If you are receiving JobKeeper payments there is nothing you need to change right now. For more information on these changes, visit The ATO also have compliance activities underway to make sure JobKeeper payments are getting to eligible employers. The ATO has, and will continue to do audits, reviews and checks on businesses who have received JobKeeper payments to ensure the integrity of the JobKeeper stimulus and to identify fraudulent behaviour. #JobKeeper #covid19australia #SupportingBusiness #AccountingExcellence
23.01.2022 RENTAL PROPERTY OWNERS: Has your income from your property been affected by COVID-19? Tax Time Rental Property Q's & A's. #taxtips #rentalproperty #ato
23.01.2022 Thinking about making the move to XERO for the new financial year? XERO is offering 50% off the price of all new business edition subscription for 4 months, valid to 30 June 2020. #XERO Code is: BEAUTIFUL2020
23.01.2022 ATO DUE DATES: Need help meeting your ATO tax compliance? Get in touch with Accounting Excellence for assistance. 0431981005 [email protected] ... #ATO #atoduedates #businessadvisor #accountingexcellence See more
22.01.2022 Accounting Excellence is now XERO Payroll Certified and just became a XERO Bronze Champion Partner! #xero #certifiedadvisor #payrollcertified #accountingexcellence
22.01.2022 HIGH ALERT ISSUED OVER MYGOV TAX TIME SCAM The high alert comes after the ATO reported increasing instances of myGov-related SMS and email scams. The scams look like they have come from a myGov or ATO email address, and request that individuals click on a link to verify their details.... If clicked on, the hyperlink connects to a fake website that requests for details and other personal information for verification purposes. The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has warned that these emails or text messages mimic official tax time notifications from myGov or the ATO. To make them seem more legitimate, cyber criminals use technology that causes these messages to appear in the same conversation thread as genuine messages from the ATO or myGov, the ACSC said. As always, our advice is dont click any links and dont provide the information requested. Source: Accountants Daily & ATO #scams #ATO # myGov
20.01.2022 TAX PLANNING TIPS: Is your business in a position to purchase new or second-hand assets? You may be eligible to use the expanded instant asset write-off this tax time. Instant Asset Write Off up to $150,000 exc GST (Motor Vehicles up to $57,581). You must have your asset in use by 30 June 2020. Talk to us before you buy! Make sure the Instant Asset Write Off will work for you before you spend the cash ... #taxtips #taxplanning #ATO #InstatAssetWriteOff #EOFY #AccountingExcellence
20.01.2022 Attention office workers! Check out what you can claim this tax time!
19.01.2022 Have you got the right strategies in place to minimise your business tax? There is only 7 business days until the end of 2020 financial year! Now is the time for all business owners to act and put your 2020 tax planning strategies into action. To assist you can view the article top tax planning strategies and tips for 2020 EOFY. ... #2020TaxPlanning #SmallBusinessSupport #BusinessAdvisor #TaxTips #TaxStrategies #MinimiseTax #EOFY #BusinessSuccess #BusinessOwners #AccountingExcellence
19.01.2022 They're at it again, please beware!
18.01.2022 Happy mother's day to all the special Mums #happymothersday
18.01.2022 SUPER GUARANTEE AMNESTY: A reminder from the ATO to take advantage of the super guarantee amnesty which ends 7 September 2020. The amnesty period cannot be extended by law, so this is your opportunity to take up the amnestys benefits and sort any unpaid super. If you have any questions about this, please give us a call 0431981005... #ATO #tax #taxtips #super #supergaurantee #businesssupport #AccountingExcellence
18.01.2022 ATO DUE DATES: Need help meeting your ATO tax compliance deadlines? Get in touch with Accounting Excellence for assistance.
18.01.2022 #ATO PHONE #SCAM - requesting bank account details for the #JobKeeper payment. The ATO are receiving reports of scammers pretending to be from the ATO calling members of the public and asking them to provide their bank account details. They are telling them that their employer has registered them for the JobKeeper Payment, but that the ATO needs their bank account details to deposit the funds into their account. Do not provide the information requested. Employees that are el...igible for JobKeeper payments will be paid by their employer and the ATO will reimburse their employer for these payments. The ATO does not need the bank account details of individual employees. If you are not sure whether an ATO call is legitimate, hang up and phone the ATO on 1800008540 to check. Scammers are constantly developing new ways to steal from the community, and will often try to take advantage of people when they are most vulnerable. You can help us stop scammers in their tracks by warning your friends and family to stay alert.
17.01.2022 Were supporting local jobs and industries as part of Queenslands plan to unite and recover for Queensland jobs The next round of our expanded Household Res...ilience Program is now open. Weve invested an extra $11.25 million so Queenslanders living in pre-1984 homes in cyclone prone areas can make their homes more resilient when cyclones hit. That means low-income Queenslanders living within 50km of the coast from Bundaberg to Cape York and west to the NT border may be eligible for funding to upgrade things like tying down old-fashioned roofs, replacing weak doors and sealing leaky windows. Already more than 1,700 homes have been upgraded under the program, with homeowners saving an average of around $300 on their insurance as a result. To apply or find out more information about the program visit or call 13 QGOV. #qldjobs #covid19
17.01.2022 Tax cuts from the recent federal budget are now in place. Employers must have their payroll systems updated by 16 November to reflect these changes. Most cloud-based solution like MYOB, XERO and QBO, the changes have already been made!! If you calculate your wages manually please use the correct updated tax table.
15.01.2022 Have you finalised your STP? A quick reminder, STP finalisations are due this Friday 31st July. If you need a hand, feel free to get in touch. #smallbusiness #stpfinalisation #smallbusinessaccountants #businessadvisor #payroll #ato #accountingexcellence
15.01.2022 The Queensland Premier has announced $51.3 Million dollar assistance package for community sports to bounce back after COVID-19 and restart in a Covid Safe manner. #grants #sportsandrecreation #communitysports #QLD #COVID19
14.01.2022 If youre unsure about claiming work-related expenses, remember the three golden rules: you must have spent the money yourself and not been reimbursed it must be directly related to earning your income you must have a record to prove it
13.01.2022 On Friday night, Accounting Excellence participated as a finalist in the Australian Accounting Awards first ever live broadcast event where finalists and their colleagues, family and friends joined in a virtual ballroom. We extend our congratulations to all the award winners in this year's Accounting Awards! #accountingawards #2020awards #AccountingExcellence
13.01.2022 If youve been financially affected as a result of COVID-19, you now have more time to access some of your super. Applications for COVID-19 early release of have now been extended to 31 December 2020. Remember You can still only apply once in this financial year. Check if youre eligible at
12.01.2022 JOBKEEPER UPDATE: EMPLOYEE ELIGIBILITY RETEST CRITICAL It is vital that all business in receipt of JobKeeper retest employees eligibility in light of the changes, not by choice but by obligation created under the scheme. From 3 August 2020 the relevant date of employment moved from 1 March 2020 to 1 July 2020. ... The new 1 July eligibility test will capture a number of new employees, including those hired after 1 March, and those who previously did not meet the definition of a long-term casual employee by 1 March but have since become long-term casual employees by 1 July. It will also cover employees who did not qualify on 1 March due to their age or visa status but have since become 16 to 18 years of age and meet the independence criteria and study or have obtained the necessary visa. Under the JobKeeper one in, all in rule, businesses need to include all new eligible employees into their JobKeeper scheme; otherwise, they could be liable to hefty penalties. All new eligible employees will need to complete a JobKeeper Employee Nomination Notice. The amended JobKeeper rules stipulate that the nomination notice must be provided to all new eligible employees by Monday 24th August. The ATO has provide employers until 31st August to meet the wage condition for all new eligible employees under the 1 July eligibility test. Source: Accountants Daily, ATO #JobKeeper #supportingbusiness #AccountingExcellence
11.01.2022 Are you a business that pays contractors? TPAR reports due by August 28th. #ATO #TPAR #contractors
11.01.2022 Now you have lodged your tax, you may ask What is this PAYG Instalment I have to pay? Check out my latest article: What you need to know about Pay As You Go (PAYG) Instalments. #PAYGInstalments #tax #PAYG #instalments #SupportingSmallBusiness #taxtips
10.01.2022 ATO 2020 AUDIT HOTSPOTS: The ATO is preparing for a tax time like no other as millions of Australians claim expenses for working from home during the pandemic. This years ATO audit hotspots are work related expenses, travel and investment properties. TRAVEL & WORK RELATED EXPENSES With more people working from home, working reduced hours or unfortunately not working at all, we expect to see claims for laundry expenses or travel expenses decline this year ATO Assistant Comm...issioner Ms Foat. If you arent travelling for work, you cant claim travel expenses. If you arent wearing your work uniform, you cant claim laundry expenses. Its still important to meet the three golden rules: you must have spent the money and not have been reimbursed, it must relate directly to earning your income, and you must have a record to prove it. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES Investment property deductions are a top priority for the ATO as the ATO are expected greater rental property losses for many clients. Remember deduction can only be claimed if the property is rented or genuinely available for rent and deductions must be apportioned for all private use of the property. All of those COVID-19 impacts on rental properties are likely to be tested by the ATO this year. Source: Accountants Daily & Financial Review #TaxTimeTips #audithotspots #taxtips #travel #deductions #rentalproperty #accountingexcellence #investmentproperty
08.01.2022 WAIT TO LODGE The ATO are urging taxpayers to hold off from lodging their returns until their employers have finalised their income statements as tax-ready. For the 201920 financial year, employers with 20 or more employees will have until 14 July 2020 to make a finalisation declaration, while employers with 19 or fewer employees will have until 31 July 2020.
07.01.2022 QLD SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS: Are you a small business struggling due to the effects of COVID-19? The #QLD Government is offering a new Small Business Adaption Grant Program of up to $10k. This program is to support small businesses subject to closure or highly impacted by the coronavirus (#COVID-19) shutdown restrictions announced by the Queensland Government, to adapt and sustain their operations, and build resilience. Details can be found here. #QldGovernment #SmallBusiness #Grant
05.01.2022 JobKeeper 2.0 legislation has now been passed
05.01.2022 QLD SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS: Are you a small business struggling due to the effects of COVID-19? Great news! The round 2 for the COVID-19 Adaption Grant Program of up to $10,000 will open on 1st July 2020. This program is to support small businesses subject to closure or highly impacted by the coronavirus (#COVID19) shutdown restrictions announced by the Queensland Government, to adapt and sustain their operations, and build resilience. Details can be found here.... If you are interest in the grant, be sure to be quick with your application. The first round of COVID-19 Adaptation Grant closed within 3 days due to an overwhelming number of applications. #QldGovernment #SmallBusiness #Grant
05.01.2022 JOBKEEPER MONTHLY DECLARATION: The Commission of Taxation has now granted a deferral of the due date for the #JobKeeper #scheme monthly declaration to the 14th of each month, commencing from June. Businesses will need to keep in mind, that the later the monthly declaration is lodged, the later businesses will be reimbursed gor its Jobkeeper payments. #ato #businessadvisor #AccountingExcellence
04.01.2022 The JOBMAKER PLAN, aimed at rebooting the economy from a pandemic-induced slump, will be revealed in its entirety by the October federal budget. #JobMaker #tax
04.01.2022 PROPERTY INVESTORS Check out this great resource from the AustralianTaxationOffice ATO for your 2020 tax return. #propertyinvestment
03.01.2022 Tax deduction tips for emergency service workers! #taxtips #deductions #emergencyserviceworkers #ato
02.01.2022 I am extremely excited and humbled to have been announced as a #finalist in AccountantsDaily Australian Accounting Awards 2020 for Start Up Firm of the Year The Australian Accounting Awards is regarded as the industrys most prestigious accolades recognising excellence across the entire accounting industry. The awards pinpoint professional development and innovation, showcasing both the individuals and firms which are leading the way in the industry. A huge thank you to ...everyone who has been a part of this journey from my clients, family, friends and follows The winners will be announced at the virtual awards ceremony on Friday, 19 June. Fingers crossed Accounting Excellence Bringing excellence to make your life easier! #AccountingExcellence #accountantsdaily #2020AustralianAccountingAwards #awards #businessadvisor
02.01.2022 Employers: If you received initial cash flow boosts, you'll automatically receive additional cash flow boosts when you lodge activity statements from June to Se...ptember 2020. You'll notice some differences in the boost amount you receive in June. For more information, visit
01.01.2022 If you're wondering what work-related deductions you may be entitled to claim this tax time, the ATO's handy guides by occupation and industry can help! #taxtips #ato
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