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25.01.2022 Hardest question of them all!

25.01.2022 We’re in the middle of tax time and here’s some tax tips for performing artists & musicians! This is the second half of the #indienow series I was honoured to be a part of thanks to Mojo Bullet

23.01.2022 Hi All! Long time no speak and I’m sorry! busy times for us Accountants... BUT I am speaking and a part of this panel tomorrow, talking about the Govt Stimulus packages announced due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Connect if you are in the arts/cultural/music business, sole traders and want clarification on all the information atm. Also a bunch of other awesome panelists giving practical advice and talking about initiatives to help the GC arts sector

23.01.2022 This makes me happy. My client Ella Fence who works extremely hard at what she loves and developing her career. Kicking goals! Fingers crossed....

22.01.2022 Wow two of the musicians I work with making the Triple J Unearthed home page together! Go Ella Fence and AQUILA YOUNG!!

22.01.2022 Hi folks, I am honoured to be a part of the Indie Now series filmed through Mojo Bullet Here I am talking about the good ol spreadsheet which is one of the most used tools in business. You must embrace it! Especialy when starting out and when a bookkeeping program may not be viable or needed initially. Thank you Mojo for having me and please check out the whole series available by signing up to the newsletter or channel (links below) You'll find loads of helpful information for independent artists on all sorts of important topics. Check it out!

20.01.2022 Thank god it's Friday... I had the pleasure of attending the GC Music Awards last night. Expressive Ground a venue I help run was a finalist for venue of the year as well as a couple of my clients who were also finalists for different awards. So stoked for them all! Then the best AQUILA YOUNG nailing it on stage. She's amazing this little lady Only a matter of time.....

18.01.2022 Hi guys, Some more information was released this week regarding the jobkeeper payments. You can read about it on the jobkeeper website link below.... It’s a lot to get your head around. The application form goes live on the 20th of April. If you need help navigating and applying please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Still no finer details regarding the alternative test and we are still not sure what will be required to apply for sole traders as you can’t pay yourself a wage. It looks like this will be manually reported instead of processing a pay run and reporting via STP to the ATO. Two things concern me 1. If you have employees you must start paying them the $1500 from the date you choose on your application. How do you know you have been approved firstly? 2. You must pay employees prior to receiving the jobkeeper reimbursements which are paid two weeks in arrears. Cash flow may be a struggle for businesses to do this I’m sure time will tell! Again happy to help anyone struggling with the jobkeeper application best to email me on [email protected]

14.01.2022 Hey Folks, Not only is it tax time but your performance reports are due by 31st of July. Get onto it!

13.01.2022 Hey folks! I'm one of the presenters at a workshop for APRA AMCOS and QMusic coming up on the 6th of June in Brisbane. I'll be talking all things tax for musicians as it's not long until tax season is upon us! It helps to be prepared. ... Please email APRA at: [email protected] if you would like to attend. Details below

12.01.2022 Xero Roadshow today. I’ve recently become a Xero Partner but have done quite a lot of conversions and training for clients in Xero now! If you need help converting to the cloud give me holler It really is worth it

12.01.2022 Check out the view from my office today! I've been helping GC Wake Park set up their Xero accounting system and got to see the park for the first time today. They got smashed by the floods recently not long after they'd just opened. Pretty devastating... It's so good to see them open for business again

11.01.2022 We now have legislation regarding the Alternative Tests to determine eligibility for the JobKeeper payments. Join me for all things Jobkeeper related Monday 27th at 3pm in a zoom session hosted by Gold Coast Arts & Culture

11.01.2022 Some of you might not know, but I am the Music Coordinator and recently, after our last AGM, became the Treasurer of Expressive Ground a not for profit Community Arts Group who lease a large warehouse space from the council. EG had to close last year so council could undertake repairs and Reno’s on our building. BUT we are officially re-opened!! Yay!

10.01.2022 Hi guys, I thought I'd share this article as it's amazing how many people think claiming meeting costs in cafes or restaurants is tax deductible. Unfortunately they are not. It's considered an entertainment expense and is not tax deductible. It can still come off your profit and loss (bottom line) as an expense but you can not claim it as an expense with the ATO in your tax returns. Nor the GST in your BAS.

06.01.2022 Here's the event page for the workshop I'm helping to present tomorrow night. Tax time is fast approaching and it helps to be prepared in more ways than one! The workshop will also go into budgets that help you manage your business. A must if you're plan is to make a living from your art

05.01.2022 For those who may have missed the discussions last week in the Gold Coast Arts Sector Webinar. Today the Jobkeeper payment will hopefully be legislated. I’ll aim to keep you posted!

05.01.2022 This article explains the $1080 in a nice simple way cause yep! Damn straight taxpayers are confused!

05.01.2022 Indie Artists! Please check out Mojo Bullet’s new interview series to help manage your career. There is going to be LOADS of useful advice for you, on a bunch of different topics, over the coming weeks. I am stoked to also be a part of this series with my interview coming up soon! Subscribe to the channel. Check out the new website. It’ll be worth your while

05.01.2022 This is mostly for those on salary and wages.

03.01.2022 Howdy y’all! Merry Christmas and that. Again long time no speak but have been heads down in business! Not to mention studying for my CPA and Tafe courses... which brings me to the reason for this announcement. ... I have released a new package! Yeeew! Introducing the ‘Taking Care of Business’ BAS & IAS package. Yes I am now a registered BAS Agent. So if you need help with your bookkeeping and lodgement of your Business Activity Statements or income activity statements get in touch! Or advice on GST? Remember the GST threshold is $75,000. If you start to earn over that you legally have to register for GST. Check out my website for more details. As always I like to finish with a tune. Some Heavy Duty rock. I want to hear you taking care of business

01.01.2022 A little series I’m helping organise at Expressive Ground. This is the first session on songwriting and musicianship. Check it out! Music

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