Achieving Abilities Exercise Physiology | Medical service
Achieving Abilities Exercise Physiology
Phone: +61 431 048 684
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24.01.2022 Loved this thoughtfulness yesterday.. Lauchie had some free drawing to finish the session yesterday after working hard (he’s also been working on his grip and handwriting with his OT.. so it’s therapy right?) He started writing Happy Christmas, then wiped it out to write something for Rememberance Day. He also changed our wooden people to have them salute our fallen soldiers They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.... Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. Lest we forget.
24.01.2022 One of my most used phrases with my clients I never set any one up for failure or ask them to try something I don’t think they can do, but I do help them achieve things they often don’t think they can do. And a genuine yes you can can go a long way in helping that happen
23.01.2022 We are very excited (and delayed) in announcing our team-up with Danny’s Place officially this year Lauren will be consulting fortnightly on a Saturday morning. Danny’s Place is home to a friendly team of specialists who help young people aged 10-18years, and their families, battle excess weight. ... At Danny’s Place we run a program called ‘Be Your Best’, where a dedicated team provide 10-18year olds and their families the opportunity to learn and grow into the healthiest version of themselves. The Be Your Best program is a complete medical, nutritional and lifestyle program for youth with significant weight and obesity related problems. The team at Danny’s all share the same passion - young people carrying excess weight will all have the opportunity to be the best, healthiest version of themselves Exercise Physiology is new to the program and we feel very privileged to be on board For more info on the Be Your Best program offered at Danny’s Place you can contact them directly, or chat to Lauren
21.01.2022 fitball hip bridges (a variation) I like this one because it adds more instability than the standard hip bridge on the floor, but still a good starting place for most. By using the fitball, there is greater core stability required to maintain balance and control. In addition, it works the glutes (butt muscles), lower back muscles and hamstrings (back of the thighs). ... How to do it: Start by sitting on the ball and walk your feet out so that your head is resting on the ball (the ball can be held for the individual to make it more stable to start with!). Ensure feet are roughly hip width apart, then drop the bottom to the ground. Then push hips up nice and high to the sky. Hold this position briefly, then slowly return back to the starting position. I recommend starting at 1-2 sets of 10-12, but start with less and work your way up if necessary
21.01.2022 Here’s a case study I put together for Exercise Right Australia to highlight some of the benefits seen working with the students at a high school disability unit. I started working with this unit in my final year of uni, and have continued on as a supervisor there now. The case study highlights the sorts of individual interventions, results and feedback from staff in the first year I was there.... The case study summarises how much the students have benefited in terms of health & fitness, but also improvements in skill, confidence, as well as social and cognitive benefits. One reason I love working with young people with Autism is that I see so much growth in more than just physical benefits in this population The case study in full is available on our website -
20.01.2022 The Goldilocks Day - the just right approach to children’s bone health UniSA have been doing some cool research into the best composition of daily activities in a child’s day to maximise bone health and function Examining 804 Australian children aged between 11 and 13 years old, the world-first study found that children need more moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, more sleep and less sedentary time to optimise bone health.... The study found the ideal balance of a child’s activities across a 24-hour period comprises: - 1.5 hours of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (sports, running around) - 3.4 hours of light physical activity (walking, doing chores) - 8.2 hours of sedentary time (studying, sitting at school, reading) - 10.9 hours of sleep. Lead Researcher Dr Dot Dumuid says: Higher levels of physical activity are known to be good for children’s bone health, yet we can’t just increase children’s exercise without impacting their other activities. The ‘Goldilocks Day’ tells us the durations of physical activity, sleep and sitting that are ‘just right’ for children’s optimal bone health. Up to 90 per cent of peak bone mass is achieved by age 18-20, which makes this especially important during childhood and adolescence. Some food for thought around the 24 hour structure of your child’s day Here’s the link to the article from UniSA News:
18.01.2022 Not that I’m encouraging spending long periods of time playing video games.. but this is cool and I do know a number of clients have difficulties with video game controllers and a number have Nintendo Switch consoles.. Just make sure you take lots of regular breaks and move your body Here’s a reminder of the sitting time recommendations: Those aged 5-17years aiming for no more than 2 hours recreational screen time a day for... break up long periods of sitting as often as possible. You can stand up and do some star jumps, walk to the kitchen and get a glass of water, go outside and play with the dog for 5mins, play Simon Says. You don’t have to take long breaks, just stand up and break up the sitting Those aged over 18: minimise the amount of time spent in prolonged sitting break up long periods of sitting as often as possible. Again, short breaks are all you need. So, when you’re gaming, at the end of a race, a level or mini game, or when you run out of lives (whatever comes first) what can you do to take a short break?
18.01.2022 Achieving Abilities are very privileged to have been able to share a space with @recoveright, which has now been renovated and become @peakphysique.norwood !! How good does the newly renovated space look?! We’ve got our own little room for those that need a quiet, private space to complete their exercise therapy, but also access to the bigger gym space and open space too for those it suits
17.01.2022 Day 9 of Elf Yoga Peacock Sit on the ground with your legs wide. Back nice and straight as you slide forward. Reach toward your toes.... Why is this good? Stretches the insides and backs of the leg. Tomorrow is the last day of 10 days of elf yoga
17.01.2022 The Easter spirit has seemed a bit lost this year with all that’s going on. Things like this remind me that there is still so much positivity and so many things to be grateful for. Tom has been excited about Easter for weeks, while most of us, including me, have been so focussed on everything else and almost forgotten it was here. I hope all our families have a wonderful Easter weekend.. at home
16.01.2022 A fantastic, short article highlighting the importance of an active classroom! Research confirms it - students need to be moving more. Teachers - get your students moving!... Parents - ask your student's teachers to get the moving! Students - ask your teachers to get you moving! "Simple changes to classroom routines, like standing up to answer a question..., could add up to overall school time physical activity and lead to improved academic performance" - Professor Emmanuel Stamatakis Lead author Dr Emma Norris from UCL Centre for Behaviour Change and UCL Psychology & Language Sciences said: Physical activity is good for children’s health, and the biggest contributor of sedentary time in children’s lives is the seven or eight hours a day they spend in classrooms. Our study shows that physically active lessons are a useful addition to the curriculum. They can create a memorable learning experience, helping children to learn more effectively.
15.01.2022 fitball squats These are a great functional movement, and great for strengthening the muscles of the lower body. Adding the fitball means we can work through the full range of motion with a supported back. It also means we engage our core muscles to help support stability throughout the movement. How to do it: - Have the ball between the lower back and the wall. Have feet in front, about hip width, or slightly wider.... - Looking straight ahead, slowly bend the knees knees as if you’re sitting down. There shouldn’t be any bending at the hips, the top half of the body should remain upright. The ball will roll to guide and support the movement. - Aim for knees to get to a 90deg bend, but less is okay if that’s what is more comfortable with to begin with. - Pause briefly at the bottom, then push back to an upright position. I recommend starting with 1-2 sets of 10-12 reps, but start with less and work your way up if necessary.
13.01.2022 Did you know Lauren has completed Level 1 Children’s and Teens Yoga teacher training? Combining that with her clinical knowledge base, and further study in Autism, Sensory Processing disorders and Developmental Delay she can tailor it to meet and support an individuals sensory needs and motor ability. ... There are SO many benefits for yoga for youth with not only Autism, but other conditions such as ADHD. Check out the blog Lauren wrote about yoga for special needs - Click the link below to a video we’ve shared previously about yoga for special needs Contact Lauren to find out more! #autismawarenessmonth
12.01.2022 Active idea Twister is a great game to play with friends or family! It helps with body awareness, balance, motor planning and coordination, taking turns, and of course strength and muscle tone to hold yourself in some challenging positions! Perhaps a good stocking filler this Christmas ... Or you could draw it outside with some chalk, and put your fine motor skills to use and make a spinner See more
11.01.2022 Day 10 of Elf Yoga Lotus Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Place your hands together at your chest and close your eyes. Sit up nice and tall and take some deep breaths in and out. ... Why is this good? It reduces stress and calms the mind and helps you to feel grounded. It also lengthens the spine and opens the hips. That’s a wrap on all 10 moves selected by one of our elves. Can you put all the moves together?
10.01.2022 Keep your eyes for a series of fitball exercises coming soon (bloopers not included ) I LOVE using fitballs with clients, you can do so many different exercises and develop so many different areas, they can provide great sensory input and they’re FUN !
10.01.2022 We are still open, and keeping our distance! (As well as wiping everything THOROUGHLY after use and multiple times through the day, and following all recommendation from SA Health and ESSA, and minimising shared equipment). We are also offering more home visits, which has also vastly reduced in clinic traffic to almost less than a 1/4, and Telehealth consults have started too for those self-isolating even more. We are sending some equipment home to support during Telehealt...h consults, as well as equipment to leave at home for the home visits again to minimise sharing as much as possible. I’ve continued to keep in very close contact with all families and clients very frequently over these tough and changing times to try and keep everyone moving as much as possible, adapting day by day as we go, and trying to keep a sense of normalcy for kids and their routines! I appreciate the support of all the families I work with always, but even more during these times, we are all in this together and I love the collaboration, flexibility and support around me!
10.01.2022 Merry Christmas to all my wonderful, amazing, incredible, funny, inspiring, hard-working, goal-smashing clients and their families Each of you bring me so much joy and I cannot thank you all enough for your ongoing support, and letting me be a part of your journey Have a wonderful Christmas
09.01.2022 This March @exerciseright_aus are re-launching their Exercise Right for Kids campaign This is super exciting because we love all the increased interest and awareness in Exercise Physiology for children and adolescents AND because a number of the blogs Lauren wrote for Exercise Right will be re-shared ... AND factsheets Lauren wrote previously specific to Achieving Abilities have also been published into Exercise Right’s format and are available on both our website, and at Want to know more, or how we can help a child or adolescent you know? Contact Lauren today! m) 0431 048 684 e) [email protected] w)
08.01.2022 We wrote this, have a read if you haven’t already If you have any questions about exercise or exercise physiology for a child, adolescent or young adult with Autism we’d love to hear from you! You can also check out our website for a range of Autism specific information, as well as a whole bunch of other condition-specific factsheets e) [email protected]... m) 0431 048 684 w) See more
08.01.2022 Great first week back supervising final year UniSA students at Murray Bridge Highschool Disability Unit. This unit will always hold a special place in my heart as it was where my journey into the world of special needs kids began back when I was in my final year of uni. I was one of the first Exercise Physiology students here on placement, and my time there opened my eyes to a whole new world and passion. This unit is why Achieving Abilities exists and I’ll be forever thankful
07.01.2022 Today is World Autism Awareness Day. At Achieving Abilities we celebrate different and unique. So here’s to all my clients with Autism - thank you for all the joy and laughter you bring to my week. Thank you for helping me think differently. Thank you for helping me to see the world differently.... Thank you for making me more patient and understanding. Thank you for all your fun facts and knowledge. Thank you for inspiring me every day. Thank you for helping my find my purpose. Thank you for making me a better person. Thank you for being YOU See more
06.01.2022 A throw back to where the name Achieving Abilities came from Still love this video SO so SO much it’s worth a watch for the warm and fuzzy feels on a Friday
05.01.2022 If you missed it Monday night, Today Tonight shared a story on Danny's Place, a childhood obesity clinic that our Exercise Physiologist Lauren also consults at. Danny's Place is the only of its kind in South Australia, and offers support to individuals aged 10-18years and their family to support lifestyle change to help weight management through their Be Your Best program. The story highlights the rate of childhood obesity in South Australia, and showcases one superstar clie...nt and her family, brave enough to share their story and life-changing success through Danny's Place. Lauren also features a few times throughout as the her and Felicity do some exercise
04.01.2022 With everyone now on school and uni holidays, we need to be especially mindful of how much time we spend sitting, and our screen time. Here's a reminder of the recommendations: Those aged 5-17years ... - aiming for no more than 2 hours recreational screen time a day for - break up long periods of sitting as often as possible. Those aged over 18: - minimise the amount of time spent in prolonged sitting - break up long periods of sitting as often as possible. Again, short breaks are all you need. Try to come up with ways to break up your screen time, or time spent sitting. You could set a timer to remind yourself to have a break, or come up with another way to remind yourself, such as at the end of 4 races, or the end of a level, or the end of an episode or movie etc Ideas for breaking up sitting time, it doesn't have to take long, just give yourself a movement break: - go outside and play with the dog - do one of your chores between a game, or episode - try some of our elf yoga moves - move your body on the spot - star jumps, run on the spot - play some active video games, like Just Dance or wii fit - go for a walk with a family member - throw or kick a ball for a couple of minutes - go to the playground - walk or run up and down the hallway A movement break can be anything! The key is you move your body for at least 5mins
02.01.2022 Yay, this looks fun! We need more Inclusive Playgrounds like this one at Hendrie Street, Parkholme If you click the link below, they’ve listed all the features included at this playground.
02.01.2022 Today is World Autism Day Here’s a flashback to a blog we wrote for Exercise Right about the benefits of exercise for individuals with Autism To all my clients with Autism, thank you for always brightening my day and providing lots of joy and laughter
02.01.2022 Update - Friday November 20th Based on the most recent Government directives the clinic will be open on Monday 23rd for face to face appointments again. I would like to reinforce that if you have any cold or flu symptoms, or have been at any of the locations specified by SA Health, or been in contact with someone who has, we ask that you reschedule your appointment and follow relevant SA Health protocol. ... We will continue to have longer gaps between appointments to ensure time for cleaning of equipment and to avoid client cross-overs at the door, and we are following all of SA Health's regulations and procedures. If you would prefer to continue with Telehealth appointments at this stage, or have any other individual concerns, please let us know.
01.01.2022 89% of Aussie teens are failing to meet the Physical Activity Guidelines. That's only 1 in 10 that are actually getting enough exercise. That ranks us as one of the worst performers when it comes to teen physical activity levels according to data from the World Health Organisation (WHO). Their report shows that Australia comes in at number 140 out of 146 countries, which is dismal at best. Obviously, large scale change is required at all levels of government, however, there things parents can do to help their kids be more active. Firstly, it's important to know how much exercise teens need! For children and young people aged 5-17 years: - for health benefits, accumulate at least 60mins of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity every day -physical activity should include a variety of aerobic activities, including some vigorous intensity activity -on at least 3 days per week, children should engage in activities that strengthen muscle and bone -to achieve additional health benefits, children should engage in activities that strengthen muscle and bone. HOWEVER, something is better than nothing! As a start, we should all be encouraging our children, teens, and everyone (!) to MOVE MORE and break up that sitting time! Secondly, it's important to lead by example. Research shows that children with at least one inactive parent are 68% more likely to be inactive themselves... So get out there and move as a family! For ideas on getting active, contact Achieving Abilities today!
01.01.2022 Day 8 of Elf Yoga Dove Staet by sitting on your heels, or on hands and knees. Scoot one leg back, and bring the other forward, bending at the knee. Place your hands flat on the floor as you open your chest forward.... Hold for a few breaths, and then repeat on the other leg. What’s this good for? It stretches the thighs, groin, abdomen and glutes, and opens the chest and shoulders. Have a go adding this one in!
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