Achilles Fitness Personal Training in Rosebud, Victoria, Australia | Sport & recreation
Achilles Fitness Personal Training
Locality: Rosebud, Victoria, Australia
Address: 1253-1255 Point Nepean Road 3939 Rosebud, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Athlete Dan Wilson pumping out 70%RM sumo deadlifts with ease this morning. - Dan has been putting in the work once again this preseason and will be a dominating force for the buds this year. - Dan is like a solider. Implements training strategies without question and always trusts the process. The progress he has made towards improved strength, athleticism and injury prevention is the result of such adherence. Always an absolute pleasure working with this bloke
25.01.2022 Dieting considerations. - Sup fellas! Its ya boy here. Currently 6 weeks into a dieting phase and feeling the pinch - Its important to take a few things into consideration when you step into a fat loss phase. These are some of the things I look at:... - 1) is the volume appropriate to current energy and nutrient levels. i.e are you in the gym smashing yourself or are you slightly regressing your total volume to accommodate energy levels. To do this for myself I simply reduced the number of days Im training. As oppose to doing 5 days I now do 4. My aim is to maintain as much strength as possible. Doing this helped manage my fatigue. - 2) are you deloading more often? Again this is another way to manage fatigue while attempting to continue progress. If you find you are absolutely knackered all the time chances are you need a lighter week. This is something I could work on - 3) are you keeping your protein high? Again this point couldnt be more critical. You NEVER drop your protein intake to loose weight. You will simply lose muscle this way. Keep it high and if anything raise it. - Hows your summer shred going my dudes? Feeling good or burning the candle at both ends? Let us know. See more
24.01.2022 Holidays are DONE! Time to get back to WORK - Applications are now open for new clients in 2020. We are looking for hard-working individuals who are looking for long term fitness success. - Applicants must be ready to work hard, committed, and ready to learn. Please dont apply if you are looking for a 12-week quick fix. We have 1on1 and online options available.... - Apply direct to the page or via Facebook. Lets get ready for a BIG year at Achilles! See more
24.01.2022 Success in fitness is not for the feint hearted. Its going to take sacrifice, consistency and a hell of a lot of patience. - The road to where you want to be is a long one. But you are always better off following it instead of looking for a short cut that leads to a dead end. Stay focused and trust the process. You got this @achillesfitnesspt
23.01.2022 ... and before we even began its called off. - Sorry guys, I really am sorry. I just have been informed that there is to be absolutely no social gatherings of any form whatsoever. It seems the government would rather have people be miserable than try and continue living a normal life. - Im sorry if I tried to be hopeful, for trying to be optimistic but this takes the cake. We cannot do anything at all. ... - I am/was seriously considering going through with it but it would be foolish to do so. - This is it for Achilles at the moment. Cant say when we will be back either. Im sorry. - Brendan. See more
23.01.2022 Hey everybody! - As you are all probably aware gyms and personal trainers can return to work as of next week Monday the 8th. - I am available for bookings as of today. If you are interested in returning or starting training with me please let me know and we will get the ball rolling for a great return to the rest of 2020. Just so you know I will be available only Monday through to Thursday to start but will increase my availability once I reestablish a workable client load. I... apologize if this causes any inconvenience. - I sincerely hope you have all been well during this extremely tough time and am looking forward to seeing you all soon! - Thanks!! See more
23.01.2022 What does a good meal choice look like in simple terms? - Here is todays lunch/breakfast/ first meal. A simple rice cakes, cottage cheese and tomatoes. Contents of 6x rice cakes, 450g cottage cheese and 6x cherry tomatoes. Nutrient breakdown of 550kcal/55p/55c/10f. Here is some of the things I look for when choosing a meal to eat: - 1. High volume of food for a low calorie payoff - this meal has the same amount of calories as a Big Mac but has a far larger volume of food - t...his appeals to my need to have large meals - same as most people. - 2. high protein content for relatively low calories - this meal is 50% protein. - 3. easy to make and requires minimal prep - most people dont want to spend hours cooking one meal, easy is best. - 4. satisfying (appeals to my desire to eat something you crave e.g something salty, sweet, tangy etc.) - 5. can easily be replicated over a number of days (goes back to prep time). - 6. Mostly Whole Foods - this means I try to choose foods that are in there simplest, least processed form. I do however eat processed food because its about balance, not restriction. - These are pretty good guidelines you can follow when choosing a meal to eat. In all honesty you cant really go wrong if you follow this. Cheers for reading. See more
23.01.2022 Sometimes I go outside and do cardio... but only to get my NEAT up - NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) makes up approximately 20-30% of your TDEE ( total daily energy expenditure ) which is far more than what you burn during exercise (maybe 2-5% of TDEE). So do yourself a favor and get those steps up, take the stairs not the elevator, and buy a push mower instead of a ride on. Youd be surprised how much it adds up. #doingitforthegram #wasfreezingmydickoff #worthit
21.01.2022 Bare-Bone Home Training: Session 1 Horizontal Focus - Here is the outlay of day 1 of my two day home Hypertrophy training phase. 1. RDL - steel pole with uneven weight on each end (around 50kg) 4sets of 15 reps, moderate tempo, 2min rest.... 2. Single arm floor press - single dumbbell with plates and chains (about 30-40kg) 15reps/arm, 4 sets, 2 min rest 3. TRX row superset w/ banded rear deltoid fly 12reps each, 4 sets, mod temp, 2min rest 4. Elevated split squat - 20kg chains 15/15 x2 sets, 2 min rest 5. Strict push ups - 20kg plate - mod tempo, 15reps 3 sets. 6. Tricep dips superset tricep extensions - bands, chains and plate, 15 reps each 3x sets. All movements performed around RPE 6-7, some maybe higher. - Session two will be coming tomorrow.
19.01.2022 12 week challenge results! - part 2 - Shaun Schofield came into the challenge having never stepped foot in a gym. Hed never touched a weight, looked at the food he was eating or what it took to live a healthy life. - Honestly, it took Shaun about 4 weeks to wrap his head around everything and change his attitude from a lazy man to a hard working machine.... - Despite Shauns shakey start he came home strong and lost a very respectable 8kg or fat in about 8 weeks. What really surprised me though is that about 4 week in Shaun developed a new outlook on training and really wanted to get strong. 8 weeks on Shaun is now deadlifting a whopping 135kg, squatting 65kg and making it look like butter and benching 60kg. - These changes in a persons outlook on training is why I do this job. Shaun will never go back to his previous ways and has found a new passion in health, fitness and strength - Big things still to come from this young man. Stay tuned have posted body change in comments because Facebook is and wont let me do it with video See more
19.01.2022 HIP THRUSTS - Here we have @laylainnes_ hitting some very clean barbell hip thrusts. This is one of my most commonly prescribed exercises for those wanting to build a tighter, firmer set of buns - This movement is best performed when the core/ mid-line is kept tight. Try to avoid extension in the lower back and aim to drive up through the hips. Keeping the head facing forward helps achieve an idea position. I also find a brief pause at lock-out results in a greater understa...nding of glute activation. - Give these a whirl next time you train glutes See more
19.01.2022 The barbell RDL is one of the fundamental movement patterns you will learn early on in your training with us. - We believe it is of absolute importance to be able to hinge (extend the hips) while keeping your core engaged, quads tight and lats flexed. This movement pattern transfers over to many other lifts in the gym. - If you arent hinging, you arent training. Learn how to use your hips efficiently and youll be much better off for it. @achillesfitnesspt
17.01.2022 Friday boxing work with @tessbouten5 - This is something you wouldnt classically see me do on this page but as some of you may know I initially started my health and fitness journey in a small boxing gym so I enjoy throwing this in on the odd occasion. - Tess wanted to improve her overall fitness. This includes strength, muscle development and aerobic fitness. I for one can vouch that boxing is one hell of an aerobic fitness builder. Since starting with me Tess has develo...ped a well rounded athletic profile and will one day make a great law enforcement officer! - (Boxing has made a solid inclusion into her training regime not only for her fitness, but to also toughen her up! ) - Keep up the great work Tess! See more
16.01.2022 12 week challenge progress! - @melissakuster_ absolutely smashed her 12 week challenge (1st place result). Mel dropped a total of 7.5kg of fat, gained muscle and totally changed her outlook on health and nutrition. - Mel is absolute testament to the results that can be achieved with hard work, consistency and adherence. She applied the targets we set from the get go and lost the weight at a very healthy pace of 0.5-0.8kg of fat per week.... - I couldnt be more proud and humbled to have aided her in achieving these outstanding results. This is only the beginning of Mels journey, big things still to come!! See more
16.01.2022 Helping people become strong is what I love and what I do best. - Why do I love it so much? Because of the numerous benefits of being stronger. - Being strong helps keep muscle healthy, helps prevent injuries, reduces pain (in my opinion the most effective treatment), enables you to perform everyday tasks with greater ease, keeps you mentally healthy (cause ya know, you can lift more than you did last time which is awesome!), is shown to delay the onset of skeletal, and muscular diseases such as osteoporosis, muscle atrophy and more. The list could go on but Id be here for days. - And always remember kids, ya cant go wrong getting strong see you down under the bar See more
16.01.2022 No gym? Get the F**K over it. - Here is a list of things YOU can work on without access to a gym. - 1) is your sleep routine in check? If not how can you make it better? Here is my top tips:... - make the room as dark, cozy and noise free as possible before you attempt sleep. - aim not to have any stimulants (caffeine) 6 hours prior to sleep. (Caffeine has a 6 hour half life so its still viable in your system for up to 6 hours.) - avoid blue light 1hour prior to sleep. That includes phones, laptops, tv etc. - 2) is your eating in check? This I know a fair few of you can work on. Do quality research. Throw away the bollocks youve read on daily mail and bought from fitness influences and invest in a quality ebook from a professional. Eating better isnt easy, but it can definitely be simple. - 3) is your social health in check? Are there relationships in your life that need fixing? Reach out to old friends. Are you lonely? - 4) reduce screen time. Boy is this a big one and a massive one Im a fan of. Social media is toxic in so many ways. Try to get off it and smell the roses a little more. - 5) heres some exercises: - can you perform a push up on your toes? - can you perform a pull up? - sit up? - plank for more than 1min? - hang from a bar for 2 min? - run for 15min without stopping? - is there injured areas that need focus? If you answered no to any of these post a comment below and Ill run you through a process to improve them. - These are all simple things you guys can be working on in absence of the gym and that generally cost nothing. Health isnt all about steel bars and dumbbells. - Thanks for reading! Also Ive been taking my own advice and staying away from social media. No apologies here, its been refreshing. Cheers. See more
15.01.2022 Being healthy is not something you commit to for a limited time. Living a healthy life is something you do forever. - The earlier you start developing good habits the easier they are to maintain. Dont let less important things become a priority over your health. - Here we see @taylahbeaumont doing exactly that. She has been working hard to improve her overall lifestyle habits to be more universally healthy, and doing a great job to! ... - She does however understand its a process and you cant be an expert at it straight away. Persistence, consistency and adherence are what we aim to strive for. Better every day Taylah! Keep smashing it See more
15.01.2022 Athlete highlight @elizabethandflo - Seen here is Lizzie repping a very comfortable 95 kg for 3 reps 4 sets at RPE 8. When she began with me a mere 5 months ago we started with just 20kg on the bar (and struggled to lift it). Nowadays she makes this lift look like easy work. - Liz was a blank canvas when she first began (meaning she was brand new to any form of weight training). This was perfect for me as a coach as we were able to implement correct lifting technique from... the get go. - Week after week Liz applied what we discussed during our sessions with full compliance. The result 5 months on is near perfect execution for many of her lifts (not just deadlifts) and she has drastically increased her strength. - Its amazing what can be achieved with adherence, quality execution and hard work. Keep an eye out for this one - Want to learn how execute a lift as good as this? Drop us a DM and well get you started @achillesfitnesspt See more
14.01.2022 Getting strong is a skill. - Strength development comes from the nervous systems capacity to activate muscle. The more excited your nervous system becomes, the greater the muscle contraction that occurs. - In basic terms, the better your capacity to activate muscle, the stronger you will be. This is achieved by improving your skill towards a specific movement. ... - It’s like learning to play the guitar. You learn the most basic cords first and repeat them until you can transition from cord to cord with ease. The bench press is similar, you learn to keep your shoulders depressed, legs driving down, breathe held, all while contracting hard through the pectorals. This is not a naturally acquired pattern of movements. You have to learn how to do them in a succinct and fluent matter just like playing a song on the guitar. - If your training consists of movements that change regularly simply to ‘change things up’ than you cannot expect to ever get stronger. It’s like playing the guitar one week and the flute the next. Yeah it’s cool to do something different but that’s not how progression occurs and you’ll end up moving like a broken record - If you want to start getting serious with your training and actually working towards building a stronger, more robust body, than get in touch with me via DM or pop into @afrosebud and chat in person. See more
12.01.2022 Awesome night celebrating a big year of hard work! Each and every one of you have improved ten fold. I couldnt be more grateful to have worked with such an outstanding group of people! - Thanks @soundbar_capelsound for hosting a stellar night and putting up with our antics!!
12.01.2022 Never to late or to early to be making a change for the better. I always say to myself; if you dont quit today youll appreciate it in a year from now. If you do though, youll wish you never did. - Dont take your body for granted. You only get one, so cherish it. Here is Michael, mid 40s pumping out body weight dips, chins and push ups with ease. A year ago, Michael could barely even stand on two feet confidently. He is testament to the value of living a healthy and active lifestyle. - Start now. Dont wait @achillesfitnesspt
12.01.2022 Off-season bulk starts for the big man Daniel Wilson after a stand out season at rosebud FC. - Its extremely important as an athlete to alter your training from intra-season to off-season for reasons such as fatigue management, performance, and also progression. - Daniel focused mostly on strength and injury management during season as it aided in his athleticism and sport performance: a strong athlete, is a better athlete.... - Now, in off season, Daniel will spend time working on building a bigger body, while also working to maintain his athletic qualities. I look forward to what next season has to hold for him. See more
12.01.2022 Big @dangrus_dave adding a very tidy 30kg to his deadlift max over the last 8-10 weeks and doing it with more in the tank! - Was really awesome seeing this as Dave has been struggling with a reason to train. Dave is starting to see the bigger picture beyond just training to have a six pack. Big things still to come mate! Well done! . .... . . . . . . #gym #weightlifting #gains #powerlifting #science #zyzz #jeffseid #gymshark #progress #deadlift #squat #booty #goals #inspiration #fitspo #fitness #nutrition #healthy #shredded #abs #personaltrainer #motivation #gymmeme #bodybuilding #tattoo
11.01.2022 Precision is - Want to be strong? Master the basics and practice them so many times you cant do them wrong. - Want to be lean? Master the fundamentals of energy balance. Eat so well you learn to eat exactly what you need with minimal variance.... - Want to succeed in anything? Be precise, consistent and very patient. - Enjoy the weekend my dudes See more
11.01.2022 Tomorrow is the day! - The long wait is over! We are finally able to return to the gym. I am so excited to return to the job I love and continue helping people live a healthier, stronger and better life. - Over the last 12 weeks I have been making changes to enable my style of training to be more accessible and cost effective for the community. I have improved my availability so I can help more people.... - Now more than ever people need to see just how important fitness is. As always, if you want to find out more, feel free to contact me @achillesfitnesspt - Props to the @afrosebud media team for the picture See more
11.01.2022 What do I actually do with my clients? - I feel like this is an important post I need to make. It’s easy to get confused by the things that I post on social media that all I do with my clients is throw around heavy weight and get them strong. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Not one of my clients train like me. Yes they perform similar movements but not one of them have the same goal. - Training and fitness is extremely specific. No goal is the same. My goal is to be ...strong and compete in powerlifting meets. Most my clients however just want to improve there overall fitness and be healthier. - I work with people from age 18 to 80. All of which I aim to improve all components of fitness, including: endurance, mobility, balance, diet, strength and much more. - So if you have been considering messaging me to talk about your goals but you are scared I’m going to have you squatting 200kg the first week, think again. The process will be cautious, meticulous and highly specific to you and your capabilities and experience. - Reach out today and GET SERIOUS about your goals. See more
10.01.2022 Been a bit slack on the old social media lately as real life helping clients always take precedence, but just wanted to keep you all informed were still out here putting in the work. - The last 10 weeks Ive been in a dieting phase and have dropped a clean 8-10kg whilst sustaining all my strength(pics coming soon). This is the FIRST TIME Ive been able to do this in a deficit. The defining line was this time I RESTED more and altered my volume to accommodate for my decreased... energy intake. Im shocked how doing less actually enabled me to stay as strong as I am at a higher weight. - This video is me repping 80%RM (225kg) x5. I also did another set but didnt film it. Id say this is probably about RPE 8.5-9 so gave it a fair whack. - Anyway my dudes hope you are all still smashing it and grinding out as much as you can before the silly season starts. Take care xo See more
10.01.2022 I’m the trainer you come to when you want to take things seriously. - What I do is no gimmick. I refuse to tell you what you WANT to hear. I give you the raw TRUTH and nothing else. - No cookie cutter programs. No fad diets. No ‘get shredded in 8 weeks’ false promises. ... - What I do is simple, but it’s not easy. It’s going to take commitment, determination and a hell of a lot of patience. - So when your ready to Get Serious with your goals, come and speak to me . . Song: Maintain. Belly (feat Nav) See more
10.01.2022 Humble restarts. - Alright guys lets be real here. 90% of us have regressed in some way with regards to fitness. The other 10% are the blessed ones who have access to equipment and/or only recently started there fitness journey. - Im posting this video of me deadlifting a mere 150kg for 5 reps to show that I too am feeling the pain many of you will soon feel when re-entering a gym environment. This was my first time touching a bar in nearly two months. 150kg now feels like ...250kg felt like 8 weeks ago. Ill be honest I was prepared for it but it still hurt the soul a little. - But anyway the main reason Im making a post today is in regards to one positive that will come from us all not being able to use equipment. It gives us all an opportunity to hit the restart button, put the ego away, and refocus towards technique. This is something I always prioritized but hopefully this will wake a lot of other people up to employ a good coach to get the basics right before loading up the bar. You will always impress me more hitting a light deadlift with impeccable technique than you would a heavy one with shit technique. - Hope you are all in good spirits! Ill try post more but dont hold your breath haha! Cheers! See more
10.01.2022 Big efforts scene from strong girl @elizabethandflo pumping out 9 total reps of her body weight on sumo deads. - In this video we see Liz breaking down her reps into groups of 3 with only a breath separating them. This teaches Liz to stay tight/brace when lifting heavy load from the ground. This technique also helps Liz build up her work capacity which is extremely important when the aim is to be strong ( ability to do more work under hard circumstances ). - Liz is only 8 weeks into strength training and is absolutely nailing it. Driven is an understatement. Keep smashing it pal
09.01.2022 Getting back to work. - Everyone is probably aware that gyms will be reopening on the 22nd of June. I for one am most excited about getting back to what I love. Helping people live a better, stronger and healthier life. - Running bootcamps in the mean time has been absolutely awesome and a breath of fresh air for many, including myself. ... - I just want to extend my appreciation to all who have supported me, and my business during this time. Its been hugely stressful but the future looks bright. - Bring on the bounce back #achillesfitness See more
09.01.2022 Train online with me! - Did you know that you can now get my training methods direct to your mobile device with the new AF Workouts Digital App? - Anytime Fitness Rosebud is now offering an online platform where you can benefit from my training strategies wherever you live, whenever you like and however you like.... - With this online platform I will be offering the same personalized training experience but with many added extras and at a fraction of the cost. You will find videos created by me to help you ensure your form is correct and to the standard I expect. Programs will be tailored specifically to your goals and will progress as you progress. - Drop me a DM or comment below if you are interested in finding out more! Alternatively, come speak to me in club @afrosebud to get the info first hand. - Getting serious with your progress has never been easier! Enquire today! See more
08.01.2022 Bare-Bone Home Training: Session 2 Vertical Focus - Here is the outlay of day 2 of my two day home Hypertrophy training phase. 1. Front squat - steel pole with uneven weights and chains (approx 60kg) 12x4, 2min break.... 2. Single arm OHP kneeling- single dumbbell with plates (approx 22kg) 12reps/arm, 4 sets, 2 min rest 3. a) Ring pull ups (dont have a pole high enough so have to do them with bent knee ) 6-8 reps x4 b) high to low band pull down AMRAP c4 4. Walking lunges (video not shown) 20kg chains 15/15 x2 5. a) Bicep curls 22kg 15x3 b) sledge hammer twist 12/side x3 6. a) 45 degree lateral raise 10kg 12x3 b) banded shrugs AMRAP x3 All movements performed around RPE 6-7, some maybe higher. - Thanks for watching my bare bone home Hypertrophy program. I aint going to lie, it sucks big time but its FAR better than doing nothing #getsthejobdone
08.01.2022 Times like these definitely challenge us to get creative. I have been doing all I can to prevent going backwards with my progress. Ultimately its inevitable that some regression will occur but here is some of the things Ive changed to help minimize that. 1. Changed my current training aim from strength to Hypertrophy and conditioning - right now with literally bare bone equipment its impossible for me to continue getting strong. Thus I am forced to focus on other areas of 2. Increased my training volume and regressed my intensity (this is obviously a forced option due to lack of load). 3. Increased my calorie intake. This is for two reasons: 1) to prevent muscle loss and hopefully enhance muscle growth in hand with training protocol, and 2) eliminate another stress. Times are hard enough, last thing I want to worry about is staying within a certain food intake. I will post full session overviews of what I am currently doing in the coming days. In summary I am doing a 2-day program repeated 2-3x per week. Intensity is low/very low and volume is high-very high. If you have any questions about how you can mitigate training regression during this time, feel free to message me.
07.01.2022 Start the new year off right. - Alright guys, it’s time to stop feeling sorry for ourselves from the year that was. It’s a new year. That means new opportunities to improve our lives, be stronger and progress! - BIG things are brewing here at Achilles Fitness and @afrosebud so stay tuned.
07.01.2022 TEMPO - The man @dangrus_dave hitting a couple of snatch grip RDLs this morning focusing on time under tension. - Muscles dont just adapt to the reps they adapt to tension. Make sure components of your training include movements that exaggerate the eccentric part (muscle lengthening) of a lift as seen here.... - Snatch grip RDLs seriously light up your lats and help you learn to keep them tight during bigger lifts such as deadlifts. If you find this to be a weak area give these bad boys a crack! See more
07.01.2022 HAPPY NEW YEAR! - A new year means new goals to set, more progress to make, and new PRs to smash! - Cant wait to see more big efforts like those in this video! Lets make it a big one
06.01.2022 Rant - Fitness Professionals Deserve Respect - Ya know what sucks the most? What sucks more than being out of work for over 6 months? Sucks more than loosing your livelihood, income and stability?... Sucks more than loosing the grip on your mental health in more ways than one? - Being completely shafted by all people of authority sucks the most. It’s been made clear by government officials that the fitness industry is the bottom feeders of all industries. The disgusting, Covid spreading, disposable, useless industry of all industries out there. - We have been completely left out of all discussions. Left out of the bulk of support that is offered. Left out in terms of how important we are to many MANY people. And yet despite great success in Covid management in the fitness industry in other states/countries the Victorian government continues to treat us as ‘super spreaders’ and ‘breeding pool hot spots’ for coronavirus. - I know the fitness industry has a bad rep for many reasons mostly due to big box bootcamp facilities and lots of careless online ‘influences’ but for many who generally care, this image the government has created is a MASSIVE kick in the teeth and completely undercuts what we do as professionals. - PT’s and exercise professionals don’t just ‘get you sweaty’. We provide help to those who can’t help themselves. To those who struggle every day to move. To those who need help with an old injury. To those who need someone to talk to. To those who need an escape. To those who need help feeling better in themselves. WE ARE ESSENTIAL and we deserve respect. - So this is my personal message to you Dan Andrews. You are the grub who should be shafted. Who should be shunned. Who should be disgusted in the complete mess you have created due to your inability to do your job. - To all my friends and family in the fitness industry out there, never forgot how valuable your service is. Love and respect to you all in this tough time and beyond! See more
06.01.2022 10 weeks of adherence. - Hello again dudes, me again. Just wanted to share with you all the results of my 10-week dieting phase, and exactly how I did it. - First off, I started my dieting phase coming off a powerlifting comp that required me to be as strong as possible. You cant be strong if you are eating not much so I was obviously holding a bit of chub (a little more than Id like) and was sitting at 108kg.... - I know exactly the amount of energy and nutrients my body needs to change so I started off in about a -750kcal deficit and adhered to it 100% during the 10 weeks. This deficit enabled me to loose around 0.7-0.9kg/week OF FAT not just weight! I am now sitting at a comfortable 98kg and maintained 100% of my strength! This is sooo important to me. - Now, the key to these results come from two things: 1) adherence and patience. All to often people give up if they dont see change in the first 2 weeks (I didnt notice it until I was 8 weeks deep). So stay patient! And 2) Precise nutrient consumption. I didnt just eat nothing and run around like a headless chook (in fact I didnt do any additional cardio). I just kept my protein high, and lifted my weights. Simple. - Let me be clear that not all results will arise this fast. I was able to achieve this due to YEARS and YEARS of dieting adherence and learning exactly what I need. But, its never to late to learn this process. - Anyway, thanks for reading legends! Have a great weekend and stay on track!!! See more
05.01.2022 RANT: DOSAGE MAKES THE POISON, NOT THE SUBSTRATE - As I sit down after a day of attempting to educate people on the truths surrounding nutrition, I see once again the media producing absolute garbage, fear-mongering stories surrounding the foods we eat. - The topic for tonight was chicken gives you cancer. I shit you not that was the headline for the story. Now, to the educated person whom has even some basic understanding of nutrition or biochemistry, this would be brus...hed off as more media fear mongering but to the untrained eye this is taken as truth and gospel. - To start, the research they provided was even debunked by the provider as having no true correlation to chicken giving us cancer. The researches followed 500,000 people over 20 years and of whom 25,000 developed cancer. Thats approximately 1 in 20 people... which is far far lower than even the national cancer average regardless of what they are eating (research suggests 1 in 3 develop cancer). - It absolutely fu*king blows my mind why the media insist on spreading bullshit for the sake of views. Its honestly disgusting. - Now, on to my point. With literally ANYTHING we consume the dosage makes the poison. This means that anything we consume is only poisonous to us at a certain QUANTITY or AMOUNT. This goes for everything people! - I have included an image of what chemicals are found in a plain ORGANIC banana as a reference. Many of the chemicals found in a banana are class 1 carcinogens meaning they are found to be linked to cancer. HOWEVER only at certain quantities. This does not mean that eating bananas will give us cancer. Maybe if we ate 45 a day we MIGHT be at an increased chance but still debatable even then. - STOP listening to what the media tells you and QUESTION FU*KING EVERYTHING! - RANT OVER! See more
04.01.2022 One of my favorite squat day accessories is the lateral step up. - Why? Teaches you to keep the hip abducted and tight during a quad dominate movement. It also teaches you to really think about the muscles (quads and glutes) while performing it. - How? Select a box/step that allows you to start with your leg at a right angle (similar to where a squat would finish). Start by abducting your hip (squeeze outer glute and keep tight). When initiating the movement think of it as a into the box with the leg that is up as oppose to a jump from the ground: this ensures you are actually activating the quads and not just jumping off the ground. On the way down keep tight through the glutes while slowly lengthening the quads. Do this as slow as possible. - Give this a crack next squat day. Cheers cobba xo See more
04.01.2022 Dont complain. Just do it. - This post is in regards to mindset and a persons approach to activity. If you find yourself telling yourself you cant be bothered your to tired or youll do it another day, than this post is for you. - Now let me start by saying its rare even for me to start my session with 100% intent. After a long day of helping other people stay motivated, the morale can be low when its time to train myself. I always start by saying, the sooner you s...tart, the sooner you can finish or the moment you start moving, you will feel better. - Its the times where you are least motivated that matter the most. The times where it takes every effort you have to get into the gym and put in work. The number one most important thing you can do when it comes to training success is CONSISTENCY. I know it seems obvious but youd be surprised how many people expect the body of their dreams after 12 weeks work. Think Long game, thats where success is found. - So the next time you find yourself struggling to get into the gym, remind yourself why you started, drag yourself off the couch and perform the most basic movement you can (push ups, bird dogs, whatever it is) and youll be ready to go! - Thanks for reading (vid: deadlifts cause theyre hard but make you feel invincible after). See more
02.01.2022 Strong Mind = Strong Body. - Without getting to spiritual here, Id like to talk about the importance of a strong mindset and its effects on performance, particularly strength in this case. - Today I witnessed again the true power of a persons mindset. Strength client @cassandrahenry94 was scheduled to attempt a new PR on deadlifts after many weeks/months of progression at submaximal amounts. We were both very confident she could hit the new benchmark of 140kg. Her technique... with submaximal amounts is so precise that you would struggle to find differences in the way she performs each rep. But, when a mere 5kg increase is added to her previous best her mind instantly started to doubt her capabilities. This was not the first time I have seen this, and I always preach that each rep is to be treated the same as a warm up. - To be honest her first two attempts were very out of character, sloppy, rushed and generally not what we had trained for. I was ready to pull the pin but she stopped me and said she could do it. Admittedly, I was doubtful. On the third attempted she set herself better, took a deep breath, flexed the bar and pulled it up with ease. Her mindset shifted from I dont think I can do this to My body is strong, Ive got this. - The importance of this post stems to many other areas of training and life in general. If you go into the gym/ sport field/ work place with a stuff this attitude your performance will reflect it and will be generally trash. If you walk in tall, with head up high, ready to work hard, youll do great things. - Your brain controls the body, so make sure the signals you send invoke success, not failure. - Thanks for reading my dudes, have a great weekend! - spiritual master Brendan See more
02.01.2022 Technique and its importance in muscle stimulation. - As we should all well know solid technique is critical to improved muscle stimulation. Performing a movement without good intent leads to unnecessary fatigue and more than likely delayed progress. - Lets take the lateral pull down for example (one of the more commonly incorrectly performed movements). If we perform the movement with an excessive amount of momentum, anterior shoulder rotation and poor range of motion, t...han we are simply generating fatigue for the sake of generating fatigue. The actual stimulation on the desired muscles (latissimus dorsi , posterior deltoid, teres major, middle/lower trapezius + more) is minimal, and the intended usage of the movement becomes void. - Its become the latest craze in modern day exercise fads to perform as many reps as possible with minimal rest and in busy environments to do exactly this - build up maximal fatigue with minimal actual stimulation. - We at Achilles Fitness PT pride ourselves on being perfectionists when performing an exercise and nothing is ever rushed. Thus you get THE MOST out of your training. - Stop falling victim to exercise fads and fatigue building boot camps. Do it right and watch your progress boom @achillesfitnesspt See more
01.01.2022 12 week challenge results! Part 3 - @taylahbeaumont lost a clean 8kg of just fat over 12 weeks, zero muscle loss. This was pretty much exactly what we had planned for (approx 0.8kg/week of fat). - Taylah had a difficult start to the challenge finding it hard to balance social life and her goals at the same time. It can be hard to say no to big nights out, trust me, I know. But at around the 4 week mark Taylah set her sights on what is more important; her health. Taylah came ...home strong the last 8 weeks and really nailed her training and nutrition. - Eventually Taylah will be able to balance the occasional big night out and still stay on track. This is only the start of an exciting road ahead for her. I look forward to working with Taylah over the next year and watching her achieve more sensational results! - Fantastic work! See more
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