Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research | Scientist
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
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23.01.2022 Today marks the inaugural "International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste", which comes during the global #COVID19 pandemic that has brought about a global wake-up on the need to transform and rebalance the way our food is produced and consumed. We're proud to be working in partnership with IDRC / CRDI through a range of projects aiming to reduce food loss in developing country value chains. Thank you to all our partners who we're working with to strengthen the resilience of our global food systems. #FLWDay Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) UN Environment Programme
22.01.2022 Did you know it takes a litre of water to grow a calorie of food? With most adults consuming 2,000-2,500 calories each day, that’s a lot of water! Climate change and population growth are making freshwater an increasingly rare and valuable commodity. Ensuring we use what we have in the most efficient way possible is critical to our survival. We’ve been funding CSIRO for more than a decade to develop #innovative tools to help farmers make this happen. The Chameleon Soil Water Sensor is one of these tools, and it can help you save water too.
22.01.2022 New ACIAR-funded research finds a return to growing and eating more traditional foods (like Bele, Moringa, Chaya) in the Pacific could help save lives. This comes as diabetes and heart disease continue to account for an estimated 70-75% of all deaths in the Pacific, the highest rate of non-communicable diseases in the world. In partnership with Pacific-Community-SPC, The University of Adelaide, University of Tasmania and national government departments of Kiribati and Tuvalu. Read more:
22.01.2022 Ready to come on a science adventure?! Join an Australian research team in the Pacific as they investigate how seaweed can benefit coastal communities in Fiji, Kiribati and Samoa. The research was part of a five-year project we funded to identify innovative ways to farm and use seaweed to improve diets and livelihoods in the Pacific. Read more:
21.01.2022 Last chance to apply for this year's ACIAR Pacific Agricultural Scholarships and Support Program! The program offers a number of post-graduate research scholarships in partnership with Fiji National University (FNU) and The University of the South Pacific. Applications close this Thursday, 15 October, open to individuals from Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu or Vanuatu.... Good luck! Apply online:
21.01.2022 "It is innovations such as coral IVF that give us hope. It truly is inspirational and proves what can be achieved by bringing people and science together to save our irreplaceable reef and its marine life.- Anna Marsden, Great Barrier Reef Foundation. A great example of how long-term ACIAR investment researching coral reef restoration in the Philippines through Southern Cross University is now benefiting Australia
19.01.2022 A five-year research project has identified new ways to farm & use #seaweed in Fiji Kiribati & Samoa leading to more jobs and better nutrition for Pacific island communities. Funded through our Fisheries Research Program and led by USC: University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia, the project has better equipped seaweed farming communities in the Pacific region to explore new export markets for their products.
19.01.2022 Some great news coming from one of our projects in Papua New Guinea where new technology & farming practices are increasing & benefitting coffee farmers' incomes & livelihoods in the highland communities. Together with Curtin University. Read more
18.01.2022 #COVID19 has affected livelihoods and can be devastating to smallholder farmers and agribusiness Australia’s top institutions Australian Centr...e for International Agricultural Research, CSIRO and The Australian National University looked at how we can support food system resilience in the IndoPacific, including in the . Check out the full report here
16.01.2022 Today is the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction did you know almost 1/3 of all disaster loss is accrued in the #agriculture sectors? The impact is felt beyond the short-term and can significantly affect food production. #COVID19 is a sobering reminder that our food systems are under continuous threat. However, it also spotlights many opportunities for governments, communities and private sector organisations throughout the food value chains to help build more effective, resilient and sustainable food systems. ACIAR is deeply committed to playing our part on behalf of Australia. #DRRday #ItsAllAboutGovernance.
16.01.2022 Meet Agnes Sumareke from Papua New Guinea, an incredible ACIAR alumna and recipient of the Alumni Research Support Facility. Her work with local farmers in the Lowlands of PNG is looking at the sustainability of Galip nut farming to increase food security and generate income through remote sensing techniques. Read more:
16.01.2022 Wishing our colleagues & research partners in Fiji a very happy 50th Independence Day. ACIAR is incredibly proud of our strong partnerships with Fiji, working together to grow the knowledge base for more resilient farming and food systems, and in turn, improve livelihoods of smallholder farmers and fishers. Happy Independence Day! #Vuvale #PacificFamily Australia in Fiji
15.01.2022 It is with great sadness that we note the death of Dr Colin Piggin, former ACIAR Research Program Manager, who passed away last week at the age of 73. Many in t...he ACIAR community will have known Colin, and many more will be aware of his substantial contributions to international agricultural research for development. Colin joined ACIAR in 1993 before taking up a position at IRRI in the Philippines where he led the Upland and Rainfed program (1995-1999). He returned to ACIAR (1999-2005) to lead our crop improvement research program. In that role, Colin assisted the then newly independent Timor-Leste to develop national priorities for agricultural development. Colin was also instrumental in building the Seeds of Life program, which benefited thousands of farming families through the development of new crop varieties and the establishment of a national certified seed system. In 2005, Colin moved to the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - ICARDA in Aleppo, Syria, and led the ACIAR/AusAID project developing conservation cropping systems in the drylands of Iraq. The project has had a long-lasting legacy in promoting conservation farming practices, improving crop production and increase farmer incomes. Colin will be remembered for his generosity as a mentor and his sharp and analytical approach to scientific challenges. We offer our heartfelt condolences to Colin's family.
14.01.2022 Last day to apply for our #Alumni Research Support Facility. Open to #ACIARalumni from and Australian science collaborators, the facility supports research initiatives focusing on #COVID19 impacts in agriculture and food security. Applications closing soon! Apply now
13.01.2022 Are you or do you know ACIAR Alumni in Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea, Cambodia, Laos or Myanmar? We're seeking agriculture research and extension concepts from these countries for Round 2 of our "Alumni Research Support Facility". Women are highly encouraged to apply. Find out more via the link below. Australia in Fiji Australian High Commission, Vanuatu Australia in Timor-Leste Australian Embassy in Myanmar Australia in Laos Australian Embassy, Cambodia Australian High Commission Tuvalu. Australian High Commission, Samoa Australian High Commission, Kiribati Australian High Commission, Solomon Islands
13.01.2022 Huge milestone for our research partners at CGIAR, Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) for their work on the recently launched ASTI cross-country analysis report, providing a detailed overview of agricultural research investments and outputs, and human resource capacity across the South-East Asian region the first of its kind. ACIAR is proud to continue our support and want to thank all those who helped support bringing this report to life. Read the report online here:
13.01.2022 Planning a trip to the Great Barrier Reef? Visitors can now help coral expert & ACIAR Project Leader Prof Peter Harrison from Southern Cross University restore the reef using mass coral larval reseeding, an innovative technique developed on an ACIAR project in the Philippines.
13.01.2022 A five-year research project has identified new ways to farm and use #seaweed in Fiji, Kiribati and Samoa, leading to more jobs and better nutrition for Pacific islanders. Funded through the USC: University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia, the ACIAR-supported project aimed to make the local industries more productive, lucrative, and resilient and supported diversification of seaweed industries in the Pacific island countries. Read more
12.01.2022 In a tough year, Borlaug will perform. In a great year, it will do exceedingly well. Fantastic to see Borlaug 100, a wheat variety developed by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), performing for Australian farmers in Queensland’s farming heartland. ACIAR is the fifth biggest funder to CIMMYT through our long-running commitment to the CGIAR. Australian agricultural industries have benefited greatly from CGIAR research for over five decades, with research outputs helping keep Australian farmers competitive in world markets by increasing yields and reducing costs. 98% of all wheat grown in Australia today is derived from CGIAR wheat varieties.
12.01.2022 After six years on Australia’s Commission for International Agricultural Research, we extend our heartfelt thanks to Catherine Marriott, for the legacy she leaves behind, including her commitment to improving gender balance, increasing the visibility of the impact of ACIAR-led initiatives and elevating women to leadership roles. Read more:
12.01.2022 We’re looking for the next graduates to join us in 2021! If you or someone you know is passionate about agricultural research for development we’d love to hear from you. Applications are open to Australian citizens:
11.01.2022 Did you know that antibiotic-resistant superbugs kill 700,000 people every year? #WAAW2020 Fiji is taking a #OneHealth approach to monitor and address antimicrobial resistance in partnership with ACIAR, CSIRO, and the Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security. Read more:
11.01.2022 African Swine Fever (ASF) is currently the biggest biosecurity threat affecting smallholder pig farmers in Southeast Asia, with no vaccine and almost 100% mortality rate! Together with CSIRO, we're boosting support to improve capacity in Papua New Guinea to respond to ASF and other animal diseases. Read more about the project via the link below.
10.01.2022 Do you work with purpose? We sat down with the IPAA ACT as part of a #podcast series covering meaningful work in The Australian Public Service. Join our CEO, Professor Andrew Campbell, as he leads a panel discussion with our Research Program Managers: Dr Anna Okello (Livestock Systems), Dr Robyn Johnston (Water) and Dr Ann Fleming (Fisheries) about the wide-ranging research we invest in throughout the developing world. Listen now:
10.01.2022 "The very nature of research-for-development is that things change, your assumptions may have been incorrect. Questions like 'What do we know now that we didn’t know before? And with this new knowledge, so what?' are imperative. You need to adapt your research to best reach the people you want to benefit the most from your research. Sounds like common sense, but often these perspectives come in hindsight, and that’s ok!". Big thanks to Tamaya Peressini, ACIAR Graduate Officer..., for sharing her key insights and learnings of how she kick-started her career in international agricultural research. Read more here: If you or someone you know is interested in agricultural research for development, applications are now open for the ACIAR Graduate Officer role 2021. More information available is via the link above. Researchers in Agriculture for International Development - RAID Network The Crawford Fund
09.01.2022 Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together. Our Actions are our Future. #WorldFoodDay Coastal communities around the world depend on fish for food, nutrition and livelihoods. However, coral reefs supporting healthy fish populations, are under threat from unsustainable human activity. In the Philippines, we've been funding #FoodHeroes like Dr Peter Harrison from Southern Cross University to research innovative ways to restore coral reefs. Peter and his ACIAR Coral Restoration Project, #together with researchers from UP Marine Science Institute, conducted one of the world’s first large-scale restoration of damaged reefs using coral larval reseeding. This #innovative research has seen ground-breaking results, with reefs the size of swimming pools restored and fish returning to their natural habitat, strengthening local #foodsecurity in many coastal communities. Learn more about the project here: Australia in The Philippines JCU: James Cook University, Australia
08.01.2022 Live now! Watch Australian High Commissioner to Fiji John Feakes officially launch a new #biosecurity laboratory, the first of its kind in the Pacific region. The Containment Level 3 lab is an innovative facility that will boost the research capacity of #Pacific scientists to study various pests and diseases requiring a high level of biosecurity containment, helping protect regional food security. The lab was built with financial support from ACIAR and is part of an ongoing project responding to emerging pest and disease threats to horticulture in the Pacific Islands.
05.01.2022 Together with the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) we're working to protect 1.7million wheat-growers in Bangladesh by developing a new wheat variety that is resistant to the devastating fungal disease, wheat blast. This body of work is now being expanded to scientists and researchers from Mexico and now Zambia to safeguard the economic wellbeing and food security of their farmers, countries and neighbours. Read more:
05.01.2022 As #COVID19 restrictions ease in Papua New Guinea our team was able to visit our research partners in East New Britain, including PNG's Cocoa Board, PNG National Agricultural Research Institute, Papua New Guinea University of Natural Resources and Environment who are playing vital roles in increasing production and improving the quality of commodities including #cocoa & #galipnuts.
05.01.2022 Happy #WorldFoodDay for 2020! Behind our food, there is always someone who produced, planted, harvested, fished or transported it. Since 1982, we have been working with millions of smallholder farmers across the Indo-Pacific to improve #foodsecurity and reduce poverty. This World Food Day, we take the opportunity to thank these #FoodHeroes who, no matter the circumstances, continue to provide food to their communities and beyond - helping to grow, nourish and sustain our world.
04.01.2022 As part of our response to #COVID19, we have commissioned an in-depth assessment of food systems in the Indo-Pacific, examining the vulnerabilities, impacts and opportunities for future investments. Conducted by The Australian National University and the CSIRO, the study comprises five assessments, focusing on the first six months of the pandemic (JanuaryJuly 2020) in Indonesia, seven Pacific island countries, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and Timor-Leste. The report wil...l provide a basis for planning future research and development to support food systems resilience in the Indo-Pacific region, primarily from the perspective of smallholder farmers and fishers. Download now at:
04.01.2022 #ThrowbackThursday One of the most valuable innovations to hatch from ACIAR-funded research has been a new #vaccine for Newcastle disease. With ACIAR and Australian Government research investment starting in 1983 and totalling $10.8 million, the resulting I-2 vaccine has been administered to more than 60 million chickens creating an estimated $479 million in value for Africa. This significant return on investment$60 for every $1 investedhas further bolstered food and nutrition security in ACIAR partner countries of Tanzania, Mozambique and Malawi. Read more:
04.01.2022 #Innovation is not just about creating new technology; it's about using tech in a way that creates value. In Tanzania farmers are saving precious time and water through an ACIAR-funded project led by The Australian National University with tech developed by CSIRO.
04.01.2022 In a first for the Pacific region, a new biosecurity lab was officially opened this morning in Suva by Australian High Commissioner to Fiji John Feakes and Deputy Director-General of the Pacific Community (SPC) Dr Audrey Aumua. Located within the SPC Narere campus, the new facility is the first Biosecurity Containment Level 3 lab in the region. Designed to bolster regional capacity, the plant health laboratory enables SPC scientists to study various pests and diseases requiring a high level of biosecurity containment, such as insects, fungi, viruses, and bacteria. #IYPH2020 Read more about the new facility:
04.01.2022 Our alumni and their research in agricultural development amidst #COVID19 is something we're incredibly proud of. Currently there are 40 alumni in our partner countries who are delivering programs around pandemic-related issues. Dr Sonnthida Sambah is a researcher in Cambodia who has received support under the program. Her project will research the impact of COVID-19 on the prices of fresh vegetables supplied through the main wholesale distribution centres in Cambodia to info...rm future crisis planning. Read more: In partnership with UNE International Development, GEAReD,
02.01.2022 Wanting to save on your water bill this summer? The Chameleon Soil Water Sensor was developed by the CSIRO through ACIAR-funded research and is innovating how farmers in Africa irrigate their crops, saving time and water in the process. It can help you save water too! Learn more and get involved at #ACIARInnovation
01.01.2022 Australia's Foreign Minister Marise Payne shares how the ACIAR Meryl Williams Fellowship is continuing a long-running focus on gender equality in Australia’s development assistance program, and changing lives in the process. "It can change lives. It can change their own lives, their own trajectory, but also lives in the communities they come from." Minister Payne. In partnership with University of New England, AU, UNE International Development, GEAReD,Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
01.01.2022 "This clearly indicates a need for investment in the technology and the research. You may encounter a problem at any time, but you cannot generate the technology overnight. A new study from International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), IRRI and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research has shown how an unprecedented adoption of agricultural technologiesincluding the ACIAR-funded #innovation Happy Seederwards off negative impacts of COVID-19 in northwestern India.