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Active Life Health Centre in Sydney, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service

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Active Life Health Centre

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 2 9747 1777

Address: 4-6 Tangarra St 2133 Sydney, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Benefits of Chiropractic We all know chiropractic treatment can benefit bad backs. But our backs arent the only things that can benefit from chiropractic treatment. Chiropractic helps a variety of ailments from headache through to asthma and infertility. It can be successfully and safely used from newborns through to the elderly. Chiropractic treatments focus on the musculoskeletal system and aim to restore alignment to the spine, skull and pelvis. Chiropractors identify and joint dysfunction. They help release this dysfunction through a variety of techniques so that the nervous system can function optimally. Chiropractic Safe for Kids Chiropractic treatment is safe to use on the whole family, including children and newborns. Some infant and childhood problems that benefits from chiropractic treatment are: Silent reflux Colic Sleep issues Digestive issues Ear infections Asthma Bed-wetting Eczema Coughs and colds Chiropractic Benefits Women in All Stages of Life Chiropractic can be of great assistance to women in all life stages. It can help with: Menstrual pain Infertility Preparing for giving birth Realigning the spine and pelvis after birth Rebalancing hormones and emotions Menopausal symptoms Restoring normal range of motion and decrease symptoms of osteoporosis in post-menopausal women Chiropractic Alleviates Pain Chiropractic is a safe, natural therapy that doesnt use needles or medication. It can help improve the recovery time from injury or illness, allowing you to return to your everyday activities much sooner than many conventional treatments. General benefits of chiropractic treatment includes: Minimises or relieves pain Improves mobility and range of motion of joints Decreases stiffness and muscle tension Improves blood flow Improves spinal alignment Improves immune system Reduces disc degeneration Treats the cause not just the symptom Improves vitality and overall health Many people have regular chiropractic treatments to maintain good health and prevent illness. Chiropractic treatment is a natural therapy that treats the whole person and aims to bring about good health and well-being.

24.01.2022 Chiropractic for Headaches Chiropractic is an ideal alternative therapy that works not only to relieve headache pain but to also restore normal functioning to the nervous system and spine. Please read on for more information. What is a Headache?... A headache is when someone feels pain or discomfort in the head and/or face. It is a symptom of many different conditions, and physiologically may be caused by a disruption to pain-sensitivity structures in the head. Headaches may be classified as either primary or secondary. Primary headaches develop on their own, whereas secondary headaches develop as a symptom of another disease, condition or illness. What is Chiropractic? Chiropractic is an alternative form of medicine that aims to diagnose, treat and prevent mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system via manipulation and realignment of the spine and other bodily structures. How Does Chiropractic Help Alleviate Headaches? Most good chiropractors employ the use of physical, orthopedic and neurological tests to pinpoint potential causes of the headache. The practitioner will then use spinal manipulation to treat the headache, thus: Improving spinal alignment. Reducing nerve irritation. Reducing muscle tension. Improving blood flow and circulation. A chiropractor may aim to reduce headache symptoms with massage and Trigger Point Therapy, and may even use x-ray to determine whether abnormal positioning of the shoulder and neck are causing the headaches. They may also recommend a suitable lifestyle plan including relaxation techniques, daily stretches, changes in posture and other exercises. Chiropractic and Tension Headaches Tension headaches result from muscular tension in the head, neck and shoulders. This tension ultimately leads to changes in normal posture and movement in order to compensate, which itself results in even more muscular tension, thus creating a vicious cycle that causes an increasingly painful headache. Chiropractic aims to resolve and break the vicious cycle by releasing any muscular tension, and by realigning skeletal structures. Relief is often experienced from tension headaches minutes after Chiropractic treatment, after which muscle tension has eased and nerve irritation has been reduced. Chiropractic and Migraine Headaches Certain triggers cause a sudden dilation of blood vessels in the head to occur, thus producing a painful migraine. Recent scientific studies have shown chiropractic may play an important role in treating migraines in its subtle manipulation and realignment of the spine. The adjustments also improve blood flow by reducing any irritation to nerves rooted in the spine which themselves are responsible for vascular system tension control.

21.01.2022 For the month of February, the clinic will be offerring GAP FREE Treatments to all members and there friends. Which means if you have a health insurance card (i.e Medibank private, HCF, BUPA), you will be eligible to receive free treatment with no GAP to pay !!! The Centre Offers Chiropratic/Physiotherapy and massage therapy, with xrays facilities also available

21.01.2022 Natural approaches to treating asthma Are you looking for natural ways to relieve the symptoms of asthma? With one in four children and one in 10 adults suffering from the condition, youre certainly not alone in your quest to find relief. There are many natural approaches to treating asthma that you can consider. Here we explore them Treating Asthma Naturally... Many natural treatments can be used in conjunction with conventional treatments, to help manage asthma. Typically, treatments focus on lowering inflammation of the lungs air passages and removing mucus that forms as a result of the bronchi spasming. Eat Well Nutrition is key to managing asthma. Omega-3 in particular is a brilliant anti-inflammatory and can be found in fish, nuts and seeds. For a quick boost, sprinkle walnuts and seeds on salad and enjoy fish a few times a week. Ginger, garlic and onion can also help reduce inflammation and break down mucus. Also ensure youre getting enough magnesium, as it relaxes muscles and may help prevent asthma attacks. Breathe Well You may also find yoga and the Buteyko breathing technique very helpful in staying relaxed, stress-free and keeping your lungs in good working order. Numerous scientific studies have shown both therapies to be helpful in reducing asthma symptoms. In particular, Buteyko is based on the idea that shallow breathing can help sufferers breathe easier. This is because the technique raises blood levels of carbon dioxide, which in turn relaxes and dilates the airway muscles. Other Effective Asthma Treatments Herbal medicine may also assist asthma sufferers. Tumeric, boswellia, mullein, ginko biloba, parsley leaf and butterbur are just some herbs that may help. They have been found to reduce coughing, inflammation, muscle spasms and respiratory conditions. Reishi mushroom is also a very potent anti-inflammatory that bolsters he lung and clears the airways. Asthma and chiropractic A clinical trial showed that asthma patients treated with chiropractic treatment experienced significant improvement of bronchial hyper-reactivity and saw a decrease of asthma severity. Another comprehensive clinical trial reported that the patient group that was treated with spinal manipulation showed significant improvement in asthma symptoms. Campsie Family Health Centre offers a thorough evaluation of asthma patients with our chiropractor, examining their overall physical and neurological data, as well as their diet, lifestyle and potential stressors. In this way, chiropractic care can offer invaluable support to asthma treatment. We work with patients to improve your motor coordination, respiratory and stomach muscles, as well as look into your overall quality of life. You can call us on 97877004 to make a booking and you will be one step closer to breathing better !

21.01.2022 What is Chiropractic? Chiropractic is a holistic healthcare discipline that focuses on the relationship between the structure of the body principally the spine and pelvis and the way the body functions. Chiropractic comes from the Greek words chiro, meaning hand, and praktikos, meaning concerned with action. Chiropractic is based on the premise that the body is a self-healing and self-regulating organism, and practitioners believe that if the main structures of the body... are out of alignment, then pain, not to mention ill-health, will ensue. The skull protects the delicate tissue of the brain and the spinal column protects the nervous system the intricate pathway of nerves that coordinate the way our body moves and transmits signals to and from the brain. If these pathways are impaired by an injury, or misalignment the bodys organs and tissues cannot function properly. Chiropractic treatment addresses these misalignments and impairments reducing nerve obstruction and allowing the tissues and organs to function without interference. Most people consult a chiropractor for lower back issues or neck pain, and report good results. Chiropractic Approaches A chiropractor will assess your health and body by asking questions about your past health, your lifestyle, your exercise habits and your diet. The chiropractor may conduct a manual examination using palpation or simply by observing the structure of your body. You may also need to have an x-ray. Chiropractors mainly treat using gentle adjustment to the spine or other areas that are not moving properly and may use other techniques such as heat or ice, ultrasound, exercise and acupuncture as well as advice about posture and lifestyle. Benefits of Chiropractic You can consult a chiropractor for more than just a sore back. Chiropractic can be used to: Eliminate chronic pain Relieve asthma Stimulate digestion Improve cognitive performance Improve fitness Improve memory


20.01.2022 WHY SUFFER !!! Do you have Headaches, migraines, neck pain, shoulder pain, arm pain, back pain or leg pain ? Special introductory offer... You will receive: Initial Consultation + thorough physical, orthopaedic and neurological examination for nerve pressure + report of findings, including full spinal x-rays.... AVAILABLE NOW FOR FREE !! (Normally valued at $195)

19.01.2022 Should I Take a Daily Multivitamin? Much research has been done on the health benefits of taking a daily multivitamin. Whilst it is true that a daily multivitamin is highly recommended should the person not be getting enough nutrients through their food intake, this may not ring true for the person who is following a healthy diet therefore providing all the nutrients. Having said this, however, many people dont get all of their daily nutrients they need through their diet.... This is due to the fact that many people dont, for various reasons, follow an optimal food regime. A daily vitamin can therefore help bridge the gap; fill in the nutrition holes. The Harvard University of Public Health is in agreement that there is enough evidence to suggest that taking a daily multivitamin has positive health benefits. They say that the potential health rewards far outweigh the potential risks. A mineral that has caused havoc in the minds of nutritionists and nutrition researchers is folic acid. Fortified food is that which has been fortified with multi vitamins and minerals. One of the major factors of concern is folic acid. This nutrient has become central in the discussions of experts. This is because folic acid masks the symptoms of Vitamin B12. Whilst this is not of major concern to the general population, it is of relevance to those who either dont absorb Vitamin B12 or are deficient in it as folic acid can conceal the signs of Vitamin B12 deficiency. The solution cut back on processed and fortified foods and continue taking the multi. In nature, our food comes with a host of vitamins and minerals in the one package as well as phytonutrients and antioxidant. These nutrients all work together doing their varying jobs within the body. This is the reason why it is best to get nutrients from the food we eat. As mentioned previously, however, our diets dont always supply us with the foods that are rich in the necessary nutrients. Multivitamins and minerals cannot replace the foods we eat, but they can supplement them. As research continues, the general status quo, however, is that supplements act as an insurance policy for our health and nutrition.

17.01.2022 All Health funds, medicare, insurance claims, workers compensation and Veteran affairs patients acccepted. We Specialise in: Back pain, Neck pain, Headaches, Sciatica, Sports injuries, Muscle pain, Rehabilitation, Wellness care, Orthotics, Posture Correction, Work Conditioning programs, Post-operative Rehabilitation, X-ray facilities (all x-rays fully covered by medicare).

16.01.2022 For the month of January 2014, the clinic will be offering GAP FREE CHIROPRACTIC treatments to ALL members and there friends. Which means if you have a health insurance card (i.e Medibank Private, HCF, NIB, BUPA) you will be eligible to receive FREE CHIROPRACTIC treatment with NO GAP to pay !!! The Centre offers Chiropractic, Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy, with X-Ray facilities also available.

16.01.2022 Lifestyle advice to reduce stress Run ragged? Under pressure? Stress is one of the most common afflictions of modern life; all of us feel overwhelmed and anxious at times. Unfortunately, stress can cause a long list of health issues, including neck and shoulder pain, back pain and headaches!! Which is why reducing your stress levels is so important. Here we share lifestyle advice for reducing stress. Keep Calm and Carry On... When youre feeling stretched, the first thing to do is take a few deep, diaphragmatic breaths. You could also try meditation or yoga to reduce your anxiety. Often, just taking a few moments out is all you need to reduce your heart rate, refocus and keep on going. Take Time Out Along with deep breathing, walking away can work wonders for clearing your head and gaining clarity. You could go for a walk, see a friend, listen to an uplifting song, get a massage and a chiropractic adjustment, look at holiday photos or spend time with your pet. Whatever ritual relaxes you, give yourself a well-earned break to indulge and gain a fresh perspective. Eat Small Portions Regularly The Key to keeping your moods and anxiety levels stabilised is maintaining regular blood sugar levels. To do this, eat small amounts of protein-packed food every few hours. This could be a small handful of nuts, a tin of tuna or an egg. Healthy Herbs There are also many herbs you could reach for when feeling under pressure. St Johns wort, kava, chamomile, oats and damiana are wonderfully calming. You may also find withania, licorice, Siberian ginseng and rhodiola reduce your stress levels. Talk It Out Too often we push our problems down, which only increases our stress and anxiety. Chatting about your worries with a friend, family member or counsellor will help you feel heard. Even if they cant solve the situation for you, talking about it can help allay your worries.

12.01.2022 The Benefits of Fish for Older Women There are many known health benefits of fish oils for older women and the general population. Fish oils can be obtained by eating fish or by taking supplements. Coldwater fish such as mackerel, salmon, tuna have the highest amounts of omega 3 fatty acids. Research shows that fish oil have a high number of health benefits. These include:... Cardiac health; Lowering blood pressure; Arthritis; Dry skin; Brain health; Bone Health. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are two vital omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oils. Both of these have different major health benefits: EPA supports heart health; DHA supports brain health. Fish Oils for Older Women As we age, we are more at risk of certain conditions. For women, these conditions become more apparent once we reach menopause: Menopause For women, menopause is the end of menstruation and therefore fertility. Menopause is a normal part of the female biological process and on average occurs at the age of 51. Post menopausal women are at a greater risk of developing heart disease and osteoporosis due to a decrease in oestrogen. Studies have shown that fish oils act as an anti inflammatory agent and support cardiovascular health. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry suggests that dietary fish oils may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease through the modulation of both plasma lipids and inflammatory markers in healthy postmenopausal women. Osteoporosis Although it is more common in women, men can also develop osteoporosis. It is more common amongst the age group of 50 plus. Osteoporosis can have crippling effects. It is where the bones become weaker and more porous. Research suggests that fish oils can have a positive effect on osteoporosis by increasing and maintaining bone mass. There is an increased health concern with regard to the link between post menopausal women and bone loss which has the potential to lead to osteoporosis. Studies conducted have found that fish oils have a positive effect on bone health post menopausal. One study found that omega 3 fatty acids significantly increase calcium absorption in bones. The Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism suggests that fish oils have a positive effect on bone metabolism and have found that it might have be a good intervention in slowing the process of bone loss post menopause.

12.01.2022 Why Post Surgery Massage is Beneficial If you are having a surgery, it is normal to feel anxious and worried about the procedure itself, the pain that you might feel afterward, and the scarring that may occur. While there are some great conventional therapies that can help you with all of these, why not complement them with massage? Getting post surgery massage will help you feel better, stimulate healing, reduce pain, and it can even help to reduce the appearance of scars. R...ead on for more information. Massage after surgery is beneficial for a number of reasons. Firstly, it helps to relieve the pain that can occur after surgery, reducing the need to take conventional painkilling drugs. It also helps to relax the muscles that can tighten after surgery as they tend to contract in order to guard the area that has been operated on. Massage can also help to reduce the swelling that can occur after surgery as it stimulates the lymphatic system to drain more efficiently. Massage also increases the blood circulation, ensuring that oxygen and nutrients can get to the affected area easily. The massage can also help to strengthen the immune system which is important in guarding against post operative infections and helping the body to heal. Massage also helps with the formation of scar tissue. This is because it can soften the skin through reducing and softening the build up of excess collagen fibres which lead to obvious and sometimes painful scars. Breaking down the excess collagen will result in smaller scars. Massage is also very relaxing which is important emotionally, helping you to release the stress and anxiety that is often associated with surgery and the pain afterwards.

11.01.2022 Happy valentines day everybody !!

11.01.2022 Chiropractic adjustments is 1/3rd of the solution ! We have a wholistic approach to each treatment !!

10.01.2022 The Role Of Calcium Calcium is a mineral important to everyone, especially women. Calcium plays an important role in bone health. The body stores most of the calcium that it consumes in bones and teeth, while some of it is stored in blood and the tissues of your body. Our bodies are able to monitor their calcium content and remove calcium from the bones if needed. Calcium helps the body to strengthen teeth and bones and also plays a role in enzyme function, blood clotting,... the nervous system, heart function, and muscle function. Strong Bones Although the body stores most of its calcium in the bones (keeping them strong) it can regulate the level of calcium in the blood. If the body realises that there is less calcium in the bloodstream, as compared to what there should be, it can signal to the body to hold onto as much calcium as it can (usually by restricting the amount the kidneys excrete). Calcium can also be removed from the bones to be taken elsewhere in the body if there is not enough calcium digested and absorbed from your food. Over time, a decreased intake of calcium can lead to even more calcium being taken from your bones and this can leave them brittle and prone to fracture. Osteoporosis Later In Life Strong bones help to reduce the risk of falls and injuries later in life, although osteoporosis is a major health issue, especially for women. Osteoporosis occurs when the bones become thinner and have less strength. This leads to more falls and more fractures. A low calcium intake throughout life can increase the risk of osteoporosis as peak bone mass may not be reached in growing years. The higher your peak bone mass, the lower your risk of osteoporosis. Pregnancy Women who are pregnant must also be aware of their calcium intake. The growing foetus needs calcium to support the growth and development of its own skeleton. Although pregnant women are not advised to consume any more calcium than non-pregnant women of the same age, they should still include a number of calcium rich food sources in their diet regularly. In Australia it is thought that around 90% of women do not consume the recommended dietary intake (RDI) of calcium (Australian Nutrition Survey). Although supplements of calcium are available it is better try and consume calcium from food sources first. Sources Of Calcium Probably the most well known source of calcium is dairy products. This includes milk and milk products (like cheese, yoghurt, sour cream). Calcium is also found in some leafy green vegetables but the body may not absorb as much of the calcium, and you would need to eat a very large portion of these to get a significant amount of calcium. Canned fish with bones (for example sardines) also contain calcium, as does soy and tofu (look for fortified products). Nuts, including almonds and brazil nuts also contain some calcium. You can also use other foods, like breakfast cereals which have been fortified with calcium.

07.01.2022 Post-surgical massage treatment.. The most important part of post-surgical care !!


06.01.2022 Campsie Family Health Centre has now relocated to 4 Tangarra st, Croydon Park and is now called Active Life Health Centre. Chiropractic, Physiotherapy and massage therapy services are now all available. For bookings please call 02 97471777

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