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Active Body Sports Therapy & Fitness in Pakenham, Victoria | Sports & fitness instruction

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Active Body Sports Therapy & Fitness

Locality: Pakenham, Victoria

Phone: +61 409 977 540

Address: Pakenham 3810 Pakenham, VIC, Australia


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24.01.2022 10 WEEK CHALLENGE IS ON! #wednesdaynightteam #activebodyfitnesscamps

22.01.2022 The secret to change in found in your daily routine! Youve got to make the changes to create the changes!

22.01.2022 MATERNITY LEAVE Last day of work tomorrow but before I go what we think guys Girl or Boy I cant wait to find out! Also just a quick shout out to my beautiful clients, thank you for adjusting with me this year & for your ongoing loyalty. I’m so proud of you guys! I applaud you for your consistency & encourage you to keep up the great work while I’m on Maternity leave!

21.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day to our Active Body Dads & to all the Dads out there today hope you’ve had a great day!

21.01.2022 Porridge loaded with all the goodness! Perfect for breaky or as a post workout meal

21.01.2022 R u ok? Our doors are always open for a chat & our support is there for you It’s ok not to be ok, please know that you are never alone

17.01.2022 Lockdown 2.0 New routines, new structure & strong mindsets! We are still going in the best way we can keeping everyone safe, fit, healthy & strong Its a tricky time but nothing beats having the determination & persistence to keep going! Remember this wont be here forever, weve got this #keepgoing #staysafe #lockdown #active #mindset

17.01.2022 Kick start your fitness team of 2020 Although our 17th fitness camp had to be cut a little short this year the team certainly made the most of the 7 weeks that they had on camp & did such a fantastic job #activebodyfitnesscamps... Thanks to hubby who put together our team photo

17.01.2022 Because who wouldnt want to train outside on a night like tonight #fitnesscamppreseason #activebodyfitnesscamps Last chance to sign up for our Kick start your fitness 2020 - 10 week challenge!!! Registrations are closing!!

17.01.2022 Stay home, stay safe, wash your hands, play your part to save lives & workout youll feel much better for it! Who else finds their happy place when they are active!! Giving these a go today!

16.01.2022 Tomorrow we kick off our 10 week fitness camp challenge & what a team we have on board Some of my regulars, some past participants & some new faces! This will be fun Lets do this

16.01.2022 A little lost for words at the moment but so grateful for the understanding & incredible support from my clients. What a world we are living in right now through this pandemic. The decision to close all face to face services this week was inevitable in order to do the right thing & look out for the health & safety of not only ourselves but the others around us. Ill be online with some sessions soon, stay safe everyone

15.01.2022 Who else is happy that gyms & studios are open Things are certainly different & I know we still have to be very cautious but theres so much to be grateful for!

14.01.2022 R u ok? Our doors are always open for a chat & our support is there for you Its ok not to be ok, please know that you are never alone

13.01.2022 Hey guys! Sorry Ive been a little quiet on my business social media pages. It hasnt been a priority to be posting away through this time. Im still looking after online clients whilst growing our little human This year has been such a mixed bag of emotions but Im so grateful for the continued support & the time to adjust to this next phase in my life! Thank you to my loyal clients who are so amazing & sending my love & strength to everyone through this time. It hasnt been an easy year but just think about all the things we have to look forward to when life starts to get a little more normal again

13.01.2022 FOCUS your energy on whats important to you Remember energy flows where energy goes!

12.01.2022 Shout out to our Kick start your fitness 2020 7 week fitness camp winner, JOHN WRIGHT!! 4.6kg 3.2kg of body fat 2.9% body fat (14.3 to 11.4%) ... Overall body composition change of -23.33% Although we had to cut our journey short this season we still managed to get through 7 successful weeks on camp & the team certainly made good use of it! Well done to all of our participants this season #activebodyfitnesscamps

11.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all our Active Body Mums & to all the Mums in our life, family & friends we value so much! Enjoy your special day

10.01.2022 LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER Kick start your fitness 2020 - 10 week challenge!!!! An opportunity not to be missed to make the best possible start to your health & fitness goals this year! ... Included this season 10 Week nutritional meal plan Written by dietitian/nutritionist specifically for our camp this season + shopping lists! 2 Wholefood recipe books Healthy Breakfasts, Dinners, Snacks & Smoothies Additional recipes including guilt free sweets My top 10 tips to increase muscle, decrease body fat & maximise your overall health!! 2 Body composition scans Fitness tracking Goal setting Weekly focuses Camp singlet Private Facebook forum Mid way check ins & MORE!!!! OPTIONS with your training here at Active Body One on one coaching Group fitness classes RESULTS TAKE ACTION! Contact Stacey today for more information & to REGISTER! 0409 977 540

10.01.2022 GREAT ENERGY, DAY ONE OF CAMP! Kick start your fitness 2020

10.01.2022 Together we can conquer anything! Gold this season to represent 10 years running Active Body next month!!

09.01.2022 Not quite what I had in mind for a 10 year celebration running Active Body but here we are 10 years since the creation of Active Body Sports Therapy & Fitness on April - 12.04.2010! I am so grateful for everything that these past 10 years have taught me. Not only have I grown as a business but Ive grown as a person too. Being your own boss can certainly makes things hard at times & running your own business can be challenging (ask any business owner) Theres a lot of ...hours dedicated, a lot of heart, soul, decisions & hard work that goes into making a business successful. I must say though, having loyal clients that have been with me for 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 years (not even kidding) always reassures me that the services I provide are making a difference to peoples lives! Helping my clients fulfill their health, fitness & life goals fulfills my heart too! They are what motivate me to work as hard as I do Thank you to all my beautiful clients for your continued support here at Active Body & HAPPY 10 YEARS ACTIVE BODY SPORTS THERAPY & FITNESS!!! Stacey xx See more

09.01.2022 Happy Easter Everyone

09.01.2022 Lest we forget

08.01.2022 When was the last time you did something outside of your comfort zone?

07.01.2022 ACTIVE BODY ONLINE Do something everyday that keeps you healthy & makes you happy! Will get through this! Sending out Love & Strength to everyone

07.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to our Active Body Dads & to all the Dads out there today hope youve had a great day!

07.01.2022 Refining push up technique before getting stuck into our upper body session tonight Small shifts in exercise technique can help to activate the right muscles, in the right order, to avoid muscle imbalances. In turn this helps to optimise performance & results! Right on top of it here at Active Body ... WEEK TWO Active body fitness camps

07.01.2022 Evening Personal Training session in the lounge room, thatll work just fine #onlinepersonaltraining #activebodypt #stayingstrong

06.01.2022 You dont grow when your comfortable, get used to being uncomfortable

05.01.2022 Dreams dont just magically happen they take dedication & hard work!! Get out there & get out of your comfort zone WEEK TWO... Active Body Fitness Camp See more

04.01.2022 BRING YOUR VISIONS TO LIFE with our Create your own vision board WORKSHOP Put your goals out in the open where you can see them every single day! Once you start to visualise your goals & put them on a vision board the action towards them will follow. ... Our vision board workshop is a fun & creative way to express your goals! SPOTS LIMITED, BOOK NOW!

03.01.2022 STRETCH & MOBILITY CLASS This SATURDAY (22/2) at 9 AM Location: Active Body Studio... Through this 60min class you will learn how to stretch properly, foam roll & release areas of tension through different techniques. With my experience as a Sports Therapist Ill teach you about the importance of putting aside this recovery time to look after your body & give you the opportunity to tune out at the end of class to relax the mind as well. Feedback from previous participants have been that they walk away feeling amazing & really notice the difference it makes!! BOOK YOUR SPOT TODAY! Your body will thank you for it! There are only 9 spots available 6 LEFT !!! $15 p/person BYO Foam roller or borrow one of my spares Stacey, ACTIVE BODY

02.01.2022 Happy Monday! Dont forget something is better than nothing when it comes to incorporating exercise into your day Stay active & keep those spirits up!

02.01.2022 Hey guys! Sorry I’ve been a little quiet on my business social media pages. It hasn’t been a priority to be posting away through this time. I’m still looking after online clients whilst growing our little human This year has been such a mixed bag of emotions but I’m so grateful for the continued support & the time to adjust to this next phase in my life! Thank you to my loyal clients who are so amazing & sending my love & strength to everyone through this time. It hasn’t been an easy year but just think about all the things we have to look forward to when life starts to get a little more normal again

02.01.2022 Week 1 of 10 for our fitness camp team #activebodyfitnesscamps #weekone

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