Acupuncture at Vogue Medical in South Yarra, Victoria | Medical and health
Acupuncture at Vogue Medical
Locality: South Yarra, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 9828 7500
Address: 670 Chapel Street 3141 South Yarra, VIC, Australia
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22.01.2022 Pain is an unpleasant feeling and emotional experience that can be caused from tissue or nerve damage. It may be described like sharp, dull or stabbing, etc and presented as lower back pain, neck and shoulder, sciatica, headache and so on. On the other hand, in Chinese medicine it is said that could happen because of; Something not flowing in the body When a part of the body does not get enough blood or nutrient supply When your energy is congested ... ‘Not flowing’ means congestion or blockage. Every component in the body system has to be flowing or circulating to do its own function. For example, blood circulates within the blood vessels and does its function such as collecting toxin and delivering nutrient and oxygen. If your blood system is not in free flow, and rather congested then make a blockage on the energy pathway. Then it creates pain. The trigger factors that cause the pain can be varied. But in Chinese Medicine it could mainly be wind, cold, damp, phlegm and blood stasis. Pain could come from insufficiency of blood and nutrients supply. For example, it can happen when you do exercise after a long time, or overexertion When the energy is congested then it can bring the pain as well. Energy blockage on the meridian system can be from a few different reasons but most commonly in Chinese Medicine quick emotional change (anger or stress) can make the energy flow congested and make you feel uncomfortable with breathing and give you headache etc. To manage the pain you have, exercises, stretching are very important. And from the Chinese medicine perspective meditation is a good way to control your emotion in order to prevent the energy blockage. Acupuncture is another option to manage your pain as well. Acupuncture is a technique that regulates the energy flow on the meridian system (vital energy pathway). As mentioned ‘something is not flowing or not passing through’ causes the pain in Chinese medicine. Regulating energy and blood circulation via needling into a specific pointe promotes the self-healing system, and it brings more energy and blood flow into the affected area in order to unblock the energy pathway and reduce the pain. See more
03.01.2022 Natural Immune Booster Try Apple Carrot Juice!! 1. Get 1 apple and 1 carrot ( the ratio 1:1)... 2. Clean the apple and carrot and cut into small pieces 3. Steam or boil the carrot for 15mins 4. Run those through Juicer machine (without Juicer, put those into blender and add cup of water or coconut water) 5. Drinks it with empty stomach Apple contains pectin, Phytochemicals, polyphenol, and carrot is rich in beta-carotenes and anti-oxidants that clean up your gut system. These two combination will supply a various multivitamins and nutrient, and will fuel up your body and make your day
03.01.2022 Feeling pain, tension or discomfort in your neck and shoulders? Poor posture, stress, excessive use, or a combination of all of these can contribute to this discomfort. There may be other underlying causes too. You don't have to put up with this type of discomfort though. It tiring, and it's your body's way of telling you that something's not right. We can help you. Acupuncture has a wonderful way of releasing the tension and easing the pain, all whilst you relax on the treatment bed.
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