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25.01.2022 The secret is in the journey, the map is in the classics, Masakazu Ikeda sensei is a legitimate guide
24.01.2022 Bridging the gap between TCM and Traditional Japanese Acupuncture workshop. Lake Como, Italy. July 2016
24.01.2022 Welcome to our 8th live webinar - Understanding Constitution in diagnosis. In the 8th in this series of Live webinars. Alan Jansson sensei will be talking about the importance of understanding the individual constitutions of your patients, for diagnosis of imbalances, but also for preventative health! REGISTER HERE... June 30th 2020 10:00PM Lisbon,Portugal/London,UK June 30th 2020 05:00 PM Eastern Time US New York July 1st 2020 07:00 AM Brisbane/Sydney/Melbourne The term constitution indicates our body's inborn character. Ideal health is a state where the body and soul are in balance. In Traditional Medicine, this is referred to as a person with good Yin and Yang balance". However, no one is in perfect balance. We all have weaknesses in our physical or mental aspect, or both. We live everyday with some sort of weakness in the body, but our body is capable of adjusting and covering up for the weaknesses. Some people tend to get the flu easily, others have a weak digestive system, and some can tend to get stiff muscles with pain. People are also affected by certain emotional states, which also depend on our constitution. There are also many people who come in for treatment for symptoms that are actually extensions of their constitutional patterns. Lets see what the Classics say about constitution!
23.01.2022 This extraordinary event was superbly captured on 4 cameras by manned by experts and brilliantly edited by a team of experienced professionals. The 6 part Video series is NOW available at Crew In attendance at the superb Traditional Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Herbal Medicine workshop with Masakazu Ikeda sensei at Bond University August 2018. 250 plus practitioners and students from all corners of the globe attended what looks like being Ikeda senseis final international workshop in the west.
23.01.2022 Teaching in New Zealand 2016
22.01.2022 Another time, another life, Imabari this day in 2016. Doing my best not to feel sad about our current circumstances but to be grateful for the many opportunities I have had to study with master practitioner and extraordinary educator, Masakazu Ikeda sensei. Apologies for distorting your head Takashi . #japaneseacupuncture #orientalmedicine #japanese moxibustion #traditionaljapanesemedicine #traditionalchinesemedicine #traditionaljapaneseacupuncture #fiveelementacupun...cture #meridiantherapy #acupuncture #worldacupuncture #alanjansson See more
21.01.2022 Once upon a time in Estoril, Portugal: July 2016
20.01.2022 Circa:Nov 2012 Masakazu Ikeda sensei leading us down a deeply rewarding garden path with assistance of our intrepid interpreter Takashi Furue.
20.01.2022 Traditional Japanese Acupuncture workshop in Prague 2015
20.01.2022 "G R A T U I T O" Já fizeram a vossa inscrição para participar: I JORNADA ON-LINE DE TERAPIAS ALTERNATIVAS .... . See more
19.01.2022 What an amazing Classical Acupuncture and Moxibustion workshop this was, probably the last of its kind, perhaps the best of its kind! This exceptional video series professionally filmed and edited is NOW available at
18.01.2022 Physiology of the Kidneys. Excerpt from Masakazu Ikeda senseis notes on herbal concoctions The Kidneys store the Jin Ye. As the Shao Yin meridian has a firming or contracting nature which is classified as Yin in nature, this action increases the amount of Jin Ye in the Kidneys. This action also has functions to hold Qi at the lower heater. When there is healthy amount of Jin Ye excess water(pathological water) will be eliminated as urine.There is also Yang Qi in the Shao Yi...n meridian which can be called original source Qi of the Triple Heater or the Ming Men. The Yang Qi of the Shao Yin meridian enters the Shao Yin meridian from the Tai Yang meridian. If there is healthy amount of Shao Yin meridian Yang Qi both defecation and urination will be promoted. The function of the Stomach and Intestines will also be good and the lower body wont chill. It is appropriate to call the Yang Qi of the Shao Yin meridian Kidney Yang Qi or Chong Mai. From Masakazu Ikeda senseis notes on herbal concoctions. See more
18.01.2022 "G R A T U I T O" J fizeram a vossa inscrio para participar: I JORNADA ON-LINE DE TERAPIAS ALTERNATIVAS .... . See more
18.01.2022 Yanagiya Sorei sensei, one of the key instigators of the renaissance of classically based Acupuncture in Japan early last century
17.01.2022 The Qi of the Sea, miraculous movement
16.01.2022 Smokin , Swiss workshop September 2019
16.01.2022 Coming soon to a website near you
14.01.2022 Yanagiya Sorei sensei, one of the key instigators of the renaissance of Classically based Acupuncture in Japan early last century
12.01.2022 DEPTH OF NEEDLING should be adjusted according to the season. An excerpt from Masakazu Ikeda senseis translation of the Classical Chinese Medical text the Nan Jing or Nan Gyo. 70TH DIFFICULTY Insert the needle shallowly in spring and summer, insert the needle deeply in autumn and winter. What does it mean?... Yang Qi rises upwards in spring and summer, so the amount of Yang Qi is increased towards the surface of the human body. If needling is not shallow, it will cause a decrease in the amount of Yang Qi. Yang Qi is sunken in autumn and winter so the amount of Yang Qi is increased in the deeper areas of the human body. That is why the needles must be inserted deeper in order to bring about their effectiveness. AVAILABLE NOW: See more
12.01.2022 And we join North Korea, China, former USSR countries and Cuba in being prohibited from leaving our country. Not something that I am proud of, even our cousins across the ditch in New Zealand can leave their country! How in the hell can this happen in a democracy, totalitarian rule indeed! Not a word in MSM and a (NOT)Liberal National Party federal government to boot. And here is the clincher !!!... Usually when governments pass legislation, they provide definitions of key terms. However, no definitions for any exemptions are included in the travel ban determination, which was made by Hunt and not reviewed by parliament. The ban on leaving Australia was put in place by Health Minister Greg Hunt on March 25, as an emergency requirement under the Biosecurity Act. It is the first time Australia has had such a ban, and it was made on the advice of the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee. The determination says plainly: An Australian citizen or permanent resident must not leave Australian territory as a passenger on an outgoing aircraft or vessel. The accompanying statement explains, [This] is in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which continues to represent a severe and immediate threat to human health in Australia and across the globe. See more
11.01.2022 So grateful to have spent time with this excellent group of enthusiastic participants and enjoying the generous hospitality of our hosts. Sharing our beautiful medicine, alerting inspired students and practitioners to the clinical potency and flexibility of utilizing the refined skillset of Traditional Japanese Acupuncture & Moxibustion based on the the theories espoused ancient Chinese medical classics is a privilege indeed
11.01.2022 This morning a colleague asked me to define what Ikeda sensei does in clinic. This is my best shot at describing his work. "Masakazu Ikeda sensei practices Traditional Japanese Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Herbal Medicine in the main based on the Classical Chinese Medical Texts. He uses some Meridian Therapy techniques but is not restricted by Meridian theory as he also incorporates Zang - Fu theory in the 25 syndrome patterns he has discerned using but again not restricted by the 69th, 75th and 81st chapters of the Nan Jing. " See this master practitioner in action and learn the ancient secrets to clinical excellence here:
10.01.2022 2 years ago already, time has become a veritable vortex
10.01.2022 Practitioners and students of Acupuncture from 20 countries including Brasil, Ireland, Portugal, Australia, Czech Republic, USA, France, UK, India, Taiwan, Equador, Chile, Canada, Germany, Panama, Slovenia, Kuwait, Belgium, Switzerland and Spain attended the recent Introductory level Online Certificate in Traditional Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion seminars. The video recordings will be available soon through the shop. The seminars were p...resented in English with live translation into Portuguese and Spanish covering some of the basic concepts of the gentle but very powerful art/science of Traditional Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Prosperity through Practice comes in a myriad of forms but surely delivering increasingly positive treatment outcomes in a truly consumer friendly and deeply relaxing manner is one of the keys to longevity and success practicing our beautiful medicine. It certainly has been the case for me and a vast majority of my dedicated and committed students/practitioners over the past 26 years.
09.01.2022 A very pertinent question asked of my student Henrique in Brazil: Actually, we were discussing about Liver8 point and a student asked: "Ah ... another thing ... lol .. I tried to ask a question yesterday on YouTube , but I think I didn't know how to express myself very well ... is that from what I understand, you use the Liver 8 point to tonify (regardless of manipulation of the needle) because it is the water point, isn't it? The point of the mother element ... but I learned... that these points of sedation and toning change according to the season ... so for me, it is difficult to understand this ... since in the fall the F8 sedates, instead of tonifying .. it is like a paradox ... I know that I am interpreting in a fragmented and westernized way, but my mind still does not reach .. lol .." My response to our learned friend: Our needling technique is the most influential aspect of treatment anywhere on the body regarding tonification and dispersion. We can do either anywhere on the body just by altering our needling technique. My understanding derived from my work with Ikeda sensei of Liver 8 is that its nature is to tonify the Liver meridian but it surely can be dispersed by changing needling technique. The 69th chapter of the Nan Jing is the basis of the nourishing theory. The idea that we tonify Liv 8 regardless of needling technique is from my clinical experience, false! The seasons have an influence on the function of everything however needling skills in my opinion have a far greater impact on treatment outcomes . Seasons are relevant of course but not crucial in my experience See more
08.01.2022 I believe this valuable information is from a reliable source
08.01.2022 Whoa, brilliant questions from the elite crew who attended todays Traditional Japanese Acupuncture study group. Thank you for your inspirational commitment to excellence in practice
08.01.2022 In my 25th year of practicing Traditional Acupuncture and Moxibustion from this now legendary clinic. Seen tens of thousands of patients and taught 100s of students under this roof.
07.01.2022 For interested colleagues, some great words of wisdom from Edward Obaidey sensei
07.01.2022 Ondan a smokeless form of Kyutoshin or needle head Moxibustion. Lausanne, Switzerland Traditional Japanese Acupuncture workshop September 2017
06.01.2022 A definitive Beauty and the Beast image. Sylvia and I digging deep to deliver the English/Espanol version of the introductory seminar of the Online Certificate in Traditional Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Gracias/thank you to all who made it possible. The secrets of our beautiful medicine lay within the ancient Chinese medical texts. ... I must acknowledge and thank Masakazu Ikeda sensei for opening the vault door, Edward Obaidey sensei for locating the door, Takashi Furue and crew for making the knowledge within the vault accessible, Maria Pereira for putting her foot in the door preventing me from shutting it, Sylvia Flores-Lorraine and my beautiful daughters for their relentless encouragement to walk through the door. To them and my courageous students from the past 27 years, thank you for your inspirational commitment to learning more about our beautiful medicine
06.01.2022 Team Jansson together again at The GABBA .
05.01.2022 That was then this is now, how incredibly fortunate we were to have had another opportunity to study with an authentic master practitioner of Traditional East Asian Medicine
05.01.2022 Masakazu Ikeda sensei a legitimate master practitioner with Edward Obaidey at the inspirational Wisdom Of The Classics workshop. Strength in unity of purpose
05.01.2022 Masakazu Ikeda joining the diagnostic dots at Wisdom Of The Classics. A true master of traditional East Asian medicine in action!
04.01.2022 THE ZANG AND THEIR ASSOCIATED MERIDIANS HAVE OPPOSING FUNCTIONS. The Liver stores the Blood, and the Liver becomes active in spring. The Liver also triggers the generative function by using the nature of Blood. In TCM, this function is called Shu Xie [/flowing and generating]. On the other hand, the Liver meridian has an astringent function, which can be classified as the function ofYin nature.The Blood is collected into the Liver by the astringent function of the Liver mer...idian.The Kidney meridian also has a cooling and firming function, so it is appropriate to say that the Kidney meridian functions asYin nature as well. The Tai Yin meridians (Spleen and Lung meridians) have a radiating function, but the Spleen organ holds and wraps the Blood, whilst the Lung organ has an astringent function. This is a simple explanation of the relationship between the Zang organs and the meridians.The functions of the Zang organs and the functions of the meridians are completely opposite. Masakazu Ikeda excerpt from: Contemporary Clinical Foundations of the Classics available at See more
03.01.2022 LAST CHANCE to register for this once only Online seminar Introduction Traditional Japanese Acupuncture Presented in ENGLISH live translation into ESPÃNOL. Seminario en línea Acupuntura Japonesa Introductorio 14, 15 Noviembre 2020 17:00 - 21:30 Santiago, Chile 15:00 - 19:30 New York, EUA / Peru / Colombia 20:00 - 00:30 Portugal 06:00 - 10:30 (AEDST) Australia 15th & 16th November Alan Jansson sensei presentará al estudiante los fundamentos de la acupuntura tradicional japonesa, proporcionándoles una base sólida para que evolucionen como practicantes de la acupuntura tradicional y la moxibustión. Poder practicar de manera constante y ofrecer tratamientos más suaves de acupuntura y moxibustión son claves esenciales para establecer una práctica clínica que crezca y mantenga su longevidad. Este seminario se realizará en línea con una duración de 9 horas. La grabación estará disponible por la duración de 6 meses. This online Traditional Japanese Acupuncture workshop will be offered ONCE ONLY with live translation from ENGLISH into SPANISH. Designed to assist you to evolve as a practitioner and prosper through the practice of our beautiful medicine. Your teacher of Traditional Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion will be Alan Jansson sensei. This is a unique opportunity to benefit from his 37 years clinical and 26 years teaching experience.
02.01.2022 Starting very soon our Monthly Study Group exclusive for Members of World Acupuncture. Are you a member? You still have time to join us! Become a member today...
02.01.2022 Starting to wonder if this will happen again? Locked up in our antipodean cage, Australians have to apply to the government for special permission to leave the country. What happened to democracy ?
01.01.2022 Such a wonderful outcome! One of the best feel-good stories from my 37 years of my practice of Traditional Acupuncture & Moxibustion