Acupuncture Plus Traditional Wisdoms in Atarau, New Zealand | Alternative & holistic health service
Acupuncture Plus Traditional Wisdoms
Locality: Atarau, New Zealand
Phone: +61 7 3899 2274
Address: 89 Slaty Creek Rd 7871 Atarau, New Zealand
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25.01.2022 Sleep . . Hands up who thinks they are perfect at this (she says at 5am after being up for an hour). We are all under siege. I doubt that we will go back to what we thought was a 'hard' 1st world 'life' as before. Throws us back to self resources. They are less with less than ideal sleep/regeneration cycles. We need to get a handle on self mastery - and soon.... To aid with this - as a detective for those who have apparently unsolvable challenges - with health, bodies and often lives - I have been speaking of the need for nutrients - ingredients for as long as I have been a Qi Mover . .(acupuncturist). Also as a body worker - the need for circulation - and prior to this - without a decent sleep wake cycle we are stuck in survival. Tip for today . . Please take the time watching this Vit D3 - as a neurologist she discovered how to undo the 'need' for apnea machines. How wearing one stopped headaches (crippling ones) and how no one needs one - the answer is in correcting the Vit D3 levels and from there - most other pain and body/mind difficulties depart. Too simple? Yes . . .as with most things - return to the blueprint. AND To find out more on Vit D - as it is crucial for Jing expression - life indeed . . There is a collection of resources - mainly from medical VitD3 conferences over the past decade here - See more
23.01.2022 Do listen in . . One of the many lineages I carry . . Great missing piece in all modalities. .
23.01.2022 Been a bit quiet . March-June moved out of my teaching /treating clinic Sold my lovely house on the hill - last week Now renovating the cottage retreat I ran courses/intensives and am living here . . AND... 33 years ago I said I would do this. Book writing now in gear Why? It Is Time See more
23.01.2022 Once I was flitting about spreading Qi flow Only a year ago when we (and Victoria) and the world were innocently going hither and yon. Free . . *Top picture* - teaching mums and dads-to-be to be present with each other's bodies to prepare for pelvic opening - not only for birthing easily - but everyday life - no pain, all feelings as they were to be - fun - easy sexuality also . . *The What Dads Can Do manual* featured - now available from me - with moxa sticks and tokens to ...get you the eBook copy instantly, and the 2 videos that get you started - towards easy periods/fertility/pregnancy / birthing/maternity/breastfeeding. . (I have boxes of these in NZ awaiting shipping and my experiential classes taught by my graduate students as their text book) book . *All leaning backwards* - demonstrating to my students - already acupuncturists and body workers to get in touch with where there pelvic opening and ho wit shuts in labour when women are told to do what shuts opening down - lie on their backs. . Leading to HARD labour and uneasy lives as mums and dads from then on - we can change this. A foundational moves challenge will be up and started within a month - leading anyone anywhere into my online magic gems as clinical pearls that made all hard /tricky/'hopeless' conditions easy in my decades of acupuncture excellence - I moved the QI - but moving blockages to flow . . Join in - maybe pm me to register your interest? Empowering couples - induce at 39 weeks as the IVF made placenta is a 'week older' than normal What excuse will they think of next to hassle a perfectly healthy bub out too soon? Here we have the answer . . Use logic - and structural e)ngineering (do not close pelvis - open it up What Dads Can Do . .
23.01.2022 What to do when all else 'fails'? Go inside .. .
20.01.2022 Birth - as she is to be . . Mammalian maternity assured . . mum is all a bub needs. Mum needs the tribe to keep her safe. . And dad to be there for her. . Bub needs mum to be totally present - as mum panda is.... How can we help mums and dads to birth/parent as nature/ biology intended? FREE charts here - print out and distribute - my 40+ years of actual pragmatic (following nature and wise women's ways) ) experience shines through See more
19.01.2022 What do YOU do when a hard case comes in? As in really challenging - life threatening. Hope that you can. . Pull out of the hat? Here is one such... See more
18.01.2022 Crones choice Expect a lot soon . . This week besides the letting out my maternal journey story - see my mothers heart FB page for more - a Kajabi Challenge . . And will soon have the entire Heathers Signature System (Qi/Damp Moving) FREE to anyone - as it is surely needed. For anyone. This is partially as the work needs to get out - and there is so much. Foundational Moves- as the elders knew - as is NOT now in the formal quals as all are in their heads - not heart anad n...ot looking/feeling life - hence we are here . A cross roads. Some will awake - and now would be good!! ANYONE can do this challenge - my personal challenge is to get all that follows it up and running online first and then I will release what is happening in Nobbys Creek with Kaliana Rose, Sita Tara and myself - or if the border issues get too silly - me on Zoom and you all having a ball as a real tribe - undoing your own stuff . . And playing Gentling Ways with each others bodies - so needed. Heart opening . . . 2-5th October . . I have not done up an offer yet - as it will fill up - by then we will be ALL OVER THIS. LLI will be repeated and will be in Gold Coast. LL II will be in Julienne space at Redcliffe, Brisbane. I am likely to let loose with Ethics II - Losing Your Religion - Belief Over Biology - seems fitting as the cult of jabbism takes hold. Let me know if you are interested (0nly 12 spots - 2 taken already) as we are going to go ahead - where I am on Zoom as I had to be to remotely teach the experiential Living Ligaments I in March . .so long ago . . Love to all
18.01.2022 Real life I worked at a birth center and was one of the few people in the building during a lunch hour when a couple came in with the baby who had been born on the way. The father called ahead and said the baby had been born but the secretary had not registered what he said. We knew they were coming in. So, imagine my surprise when I went to open the side door to the birthing room, and the father was holding baby. Placenta was in a grocery bag. "Oh, my. Come on in." I let the...m in, and fortunately one of the two doctors - she was not theirs - was in the back having lunch. The doctor walked in the room and said, "Ooaah my, what a beautiful day to have a baby outside." It really was. It was May. They'd had two children with epidural before and the mother didn't really know what actual labor felt like. She was waiting for the hard stuff to start. They had pulled off the I70 into a little park, she gave birth, and they came on in. We proceeded to calmly support mother-baby and father. A few hours later, baby and mom checked out by physician, they headed home, an hour away. You know how sometimes you just can't unsee things? And usually we say that about things we don't want to see, shouldn't have seen? Like a typical, chaotic, traumatizing hospital birth. Well, once you see a couple of home births or an emergency birth where there's no 5 alarm, no cops, no ambulances, no paramedics, no fire trucks. Just mom and baby and daddy settling in, taking it all in, integrating it ... yep. You can't unsee it - what is truly normal. And you know physiologic birth is the normal and should be the rule rather than the exception to the rule. You know that women really can reclaim birth. See more
17.01.2022 Sleep . . Easy and deep and refreshing . . If this is not you .. If this is a feature in those around you(C-PAP anyone??) and in these times) perhaps we need to widen 'scope of practice' to include . . .as with baking - ingredients to run the body. With all the uncertainty, our Shens may be disturbed. .... A recent talk I attended on sleep troubles did not start here - I am adding in what may be the beginning of a whole new phase of your and your patient's lives. Nutrients . . I will move into the Qiao vessel corrections later. . As with a chocolate cake - need the brown powder and the right method to make what you intend. See more
16.01.2022 Lungs - our 'tender' organ . . From an acupuncture perspective (as a teacher of all levels since 1981) - I can share that they are also where our Wei Qi - defe...nsive energy must work well. How can it when we purposefully contaminate our inner organs with the detritus we were exhaling/expelling? All for someone else's putative benefit? What about our own - that is all you are responsible for . . Do YOU want Legonnaire's disease? So many mold/damp situations you do NOT need. . SARS COV 2 is a minor next to some. See more
16.01.2022 Please share - we need to make better babes naturally
15.01.2022 Crone's choice Expect a lot soon . . This week besides the letting out my maternal journey story - see my mother's heart FB page for more - a Kajabi Challenge . . And will soon have the entire Heather's Signature System (Qi/Damp Moving) FREE to anyone - as it is surely needed. For anyone. This is partially as the work needs to get out - and there is so much. Foundational Moves- as the elders knew - as is NOT now in the formal quals as all are in their heads - not heart anad n...ot looking/feeling life - hence we are here . A cross roads. Some will awake - and now would be good!! ANYONE can do this challenge - my personal challenge is to get all that follows it up and running online first and then I will release what is happening in Nobby's Creek with Kaliana Rose, Sita Tara and myself - or if the border issues get too silly - me on Zoom and you all having a ball as a real tribe - undoing your own stuff . . And playing Gentling Ways with each other's bodies - so needed. Heart opening . . . 2-5th October . . I have not done up an offer yet - as it will fill up - by then we will be ALL OVER THIS. LLI will be repeated and will be in Gold Coast. LL II will be in Julienne space at Redcliffe, Brisbane. I am likely to let loose with Ethics II - Losing Your Religion - Belief Over Biology - seems fitting as the cult of jabbism takes hold. Let me know if you are interested (0nly 12 spots - 2 taken already) as we are going to go ahead - where I am on Zoom as I had to be to remotely teach the experiential Living Ligaments I in March . .so long ago . . Love to all
15.01.2022 My big week includes two of my children's birthdays - 26 and 34 (Kathryn on Saturday) plus this weekend (Friday- Sunday) has me cobbling together the present Gentling Way - Living Ligaments students (locked in or freshly released) as we review and bond (without me in small groups in various spots) and on Zoom and in person in Rangiora, NZ We reconnect ourselves back to our source, and within and as we assist others on their journeys. . Ahead of your potential online self pac...ed gradual immersion at every stage of self awakening through the energy embodied soul awakening possible - via the 8 Extras and meridian hierarchy of my decades of acupuncture teaching and clinical explorations. Advanced mentoring (especially 'high risk pregnancy back to easy mammalian maternity - human sustainability) is available also to a few . . .for living well in working in these new times. See more
15.01.2022 So easy . . All works . . Even on horses!!! Finger pressure, moxa use and of course - tending with loving hands and trusting life - and nature . .
14.01.2022 How did we get to here?
12.01.2022 Yesterday was a day of contrasts - I am so glad to be home . . After going over the Alps in rain to sunshine (and 31 C to have it plummet to days of 7-8C and then come back to the sunny (not wet) West Coast - and verdant pastures, garden going mad - Inspiring healers to look after themselves FIRST and then start simply undoing what is not supposed to be there - in our lives and our bodies. . (and minds). Internationally there were 9 locations online (locked in for some who ...dearly would have been in small pods on Zoom) and 4 people on site with me . . I am now setting up how others can be part of Heather's Gentling Way - a culmination of over 4 decades of thoughtful inquisitiveness . . Me bringing through what work for these times. .as a natural health troubleshooter - multi modality - multi lineage Gentling trauma relief - for those who are stuck . . The transformations we witnessed - seeing my students glowing - coming alive as their colleagues moved their lymph, liberating their Qi - and adhesions were undone. . Structure determines function . . We moved inner mountains of STUCK. The participants got off the table looking decades younger in some cases, with bursting into tears as they had a body that they had not felt in years - and no needles!!!! Rangiora (NZ) group on the left Brisbane on the right Others were singly - or forgot to take their group pic!!! See more
12.01.2022 Let your life also be your garden. And your garden be your life. . .
12.01.2022 Sometimes . . . What we get is not what we want
12.01.2022 Maybe time to stand up and actually be helpful - not fearful .. Do listen to the words of a senior solution finder - when nothing else works. (Sorry - sound not wonderful) 1 - Inner (emotional) 2 - Outside (climatic) 3- Miscellaneous... Become responsible for a sustainable future . . If you do want to talk with me I am in NZ over lockdown . . Now designing online course sin earnest - there are already a suite of them . Also training practitioners - and through mentorship. If interested, please reach out - by PM/chat. Love to help you shine brighter See more
11.01.2022 Life . . Love it
11.01.2022 One of my masters . .
10.01.2022 26 years ago I had a C section to release my last child. That propelled me into the work I now do - as C section keep on giving - adhesions and blocked flows - forever after. Not that we are warned then . . It may take 20/30 years to show itself.... What am I doing this weekend? Revisiting the trainings done early this year. online and in person - for those in the Christchurch region of NZ - thus - most are scattered around the globe. Revisioning all of life as well - as I am locked into NZ. Soon we will have a new range of Gentling Way Living Ligaments workers. Extensive online and practicals all filmed as self paced easy . . Coming next year - presently the class are getting ready to start teaching themselves. if you are interested - maybe PM me? We start online classes anytime - already to go now. . The hands on are a wee bit trickier. See more
10.01.2022 Some say - "but it is too expensive". Yes. I know. 30 years on ... Staying stuck IS a trial . . . Cannot live well without tools to quickly allow the Light through. Especially now. See more
10.01.2022 Sometimes . . . What we get is not what we 'want'
08.01.2022 And so it begins. The release of this chapter of maternal trauma
08.01.2022 One of my masters
07.01.2022 Why my upcoming online courses - high risk back to easy babies series. We look at normal blueprint and natural healing first . .
06.01.2022 Hopefully you have never heard of Lichen Sclerosus. If you have - perhaps - this may help? As always - become more educated and go back to nature.
06.01.2022 Cognitive dissonance is not only about the jabbing cult. AND - why are they using mice, when they make their own BC so NO drugs trials will be helpful. Guinea pigs - do not. Beyond the OH DEAR!... From the mice issue. . Why are they using rats AND mice as they have nothing to do with human's inability to make their own anti toxin/stress release. . Science? All about selling stuff . .
06.01.2022 Plants are our friends . .
05.01.2022 Maybe it is time to ponder. Why am I even 'in practice?" How can I help/serve me first? Maybe - reach out? Move Your Qi challenge starting soon. .... Leading into Pelvic Trauma Relief - incorporating all I have distilled into the Life Alignment/Gentling Ways See more
05.01.2022 Lungs - our tender organ . . From an acupuncture perspective (as a teacher of all levels since 1981) - I can share that they are also where our Wei Qi - defe...nsive energy must work well. How can it when we purposefully contaminate our inner organs with the detritus we were exhaling/expelling? All for someone elses putative benefit? What about our own - that is all you are responsible for . . Do YOU want Legonnaires disease? So many mold/damp situations you do NOT need. . SARS COV 2 is a minor next to some. See more
05.01.2022 What to do when all else fails? Go inside .. .
05.01.2022 Maybe it is time to ponder. Why am I even in practice?" How can I help/serve me first? Maybe - reach out? Move Your Qi challenge starting soon. .... Leading into Pelvic Trauma Relief - incorporating all I have distilled into the Life Alignment/Gentling Ways See more
04.01.2022 Out of the horror. Answers were found . . Help arrived - people came! One too many jabs (pre pregnancy) and one too many amalgam exposures (in pregnancy) - meant that my body did not do its job well enough. Protecting my precious daughter against mercury and adjuvant exposure and subsequent micro (zinc)and macro(magnesium) nutrients bio-availablity - meaning - massive brain injury/lives inexorably altered/future destroyed. Please do not let this also be you.
03.01.2022 Who would have thought that I would have agreed with Dr Paul Offat? He says early on - reproducibility is more important than peer review . . . . . except the 'side effects'. (Read vaxx inserts)
02.01.2022 So much to learn!!!
01.01.2022 Heartsful Of the rescuer - "he will never be the same"
01.01.2022 Over the past nearly 2 decades I have commissioned this wonderful being to bring through many profound tools to enable healing on levels usually not possible. Sexual, reproductive trauma and heartbreak back to wholeness. If you feel attuned, please listen in.
01.01.2022 Maternal fierceness . . Paternal perserverance? Both needed when you are dealt non standard. AND a team of helpers. . .... We all do it differently This is what I did to get my much loved daughter OUT OF the prognosis set in place from her in utero toxoplasmotic attack and ongoing vaccine poisoning . . NOT to be as expected - deaf, blind, massively cerebrally palsied, epileptic (except after MMR at 4 1/2 years old and ongoing) and profoundly intellectually impaired - AND the scan could not show - profoundly autistic - as a baby - BEFORE the vaccines - all just got much worse. . I did not do what was suggested - wait for her to die. Did I follow what he paid 'experts' said to do? NO as they had no idea how to fix her central computer- brain damaged. (This is also true for coma arousal and most other brain /neurological impairments). Intensity, frequency, duration
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