ACYP NSW Advocate for Children and Young People in Sydney, Australia | Government organisation
ACYP NSW Advocate for Children and Young People
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9248 0970
Address: 219-241 Cleveland St 2010 Sydney, NSW, Australia
Likes: 4047
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25.01.2022 In this NSW, through their eyes interview, the Advocate Zoë Robinson speaks with Danny Mayson-Kinder, the CEO and Founder of Fly High Billie Danny shares her passion for empowering children to enable them to see that they each have the capacity to make a difference in the world by spreading kindness. Read more here:
25.01.2022 Keeping kids safe is everyone's responsibility.
25.01.2022 Congratulations to Gemma Yan for receiving the NSW Children’s Week 2020 Art Competition award for the 6 to 11 age category.
25.01.2022 To mark National Volunteer Week we would like to say thank you to all children and young people who support their community through volunteering. If you would like to register your interest in supporting your community through volunteering please visit
24.01.2022 ACYP endeavours to bring factual information to children and young people relating to COVID-19. In this video Grace Hill asks NSW Chief Paediatrician Dr Matthew OMeara questions that children and young people in NSW have asked about COVID-19. For more information about COVID-19 please visit
23.01.2022 Congratulations to Ramica Rajkumar for receiving the NSW Children’s Week 2020 Art Competition award for the 12 to 18 age category.
23.01.2022 In this instalment of the NSW, through their eyes series the A/Advocate speaks with two ACYP colleagues, who are young people working to improve the outcomes for all children and young people in NSW. See more at:
22.01.2022 ACYP is here during this time and is continuing to focus on the needs of children and young people. We are working closely with government agency colleagues and the social and community sectors. We will continue to provide information to you during this time.
22.01.2022 ACYP presents The Voices of Children and Young People with Disability Report. This report highlights the voices of the more than 370 children and young people with disability who participated in focus groups with ACYP. It shares their opinions on what is working well, what is not working well and what they would like to see changed to make NSW a better place for all children and young people in NSW. We thank the children and young people whose voices are featured in this rep...ort and hope that their voices will inspire other organisations to view the experience of young people with disability as a valuable tool that can be used to inform and improve services, supports and programs for children and young people. Read the report here:
22.01.2022 Happy NAIDOC Week! Continuing until 15 November, NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Learn more and find out what’s on by clicking here #NAIDOC2020
21.01.2022 In this video A/Advocate for Children and Young People Zoë Robinson, shares a message of support and thanks to all children and young people for doing what they can to help flatten the curve of COVID-19. ACYP continues to work with government departments and agencies to respond to the needs of children and young people. We are committed to continuing to provide information to you, you can check our social media platforms and for regular updates.
21.01.2022 Sign-up to this important NSW Mental Health Commission event and join us in sharing it with your networks.
20.01.2022 If you know or work with young people between the age of 12 to 24, and think they would be great at advising the government on decisions that affect their lives, then encourage them to apply for the NSW Youth Advisory Council 2020. Applications close 1 March, 2020.
20.01.2022 In this instalment of the NSW, through their eyes series the A/Advocate speaks with Amy Brown from the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet. In this video, Amy, a key leader in NSW Government, shares her career journey and her strategies to be a successful leader. Learn more:
20.01.2022 Applications are now open for the NSW Youth Advisory Council 2020. If you are 12 to 24, live in NSW, and want to represent your peers, then apply before 1 March, 2020 at:
19.01.2022 Enter the NSW Childrens Week 2020 Art Competition. Create an artwork to show how you are keeping safely connected with your family, friends and community during this time. There will be three winners for each age group: Under 5, 6-11, 12-18. Enter here
19.01.2022 PCYC NSW want to hear from children and young people across NSW, see how you can take part in their poll below.
19.01.2022 ACYP has launched the Digital Lunchbreak website. The new website assists children and young people with finding online resources and activities to do at home in their lunch break, around learning hours and on weekends. Find out more here
18.01.2022 Congratulations to Chrisnayeh Michaels for receiving the NSW Children’s Week 2020 Art Competition award for the under 5 age category.
18.01.2022 I recently had the privilege of sitting down with Youth Homelessness Advocate Simon Byrne to discuss his inspiring story of overcoming the challenges he faced as a young person. Hear what Simon had to say about the importance of education, services and employment, and keep an eye out for more videos coming soon.
18.01.2022 ACYP supports the Youth Insearch Foundation #endyouthsucide campaign. Together we can help raise awareness and prevent youth suicide. If you need assistance, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800. For more information, visit
18.01.2022 Congratulations and welcome to the 12 NSW Youth Advisory Council (YAC) members, who were officially appointed and held their first meeting last weekend. The YAC plays an important role in providing advice to NSW Government on issues that are affecting children and young people in NSW. To find out more about the work of the YAC visit
17.01.2022 Happy Friday! For this instalment of NSW, through their eyes the A/Advocate for Children and Young People Zo Robinson interviewed NSWRFS Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons about his lived experiences of the most devastating fire season ever experienced in NSW. Commissioner Fitzsimmons shares his sources of inspiration and his thoughts on the dedication and commitment young people show to a brighter future. You can view the video below.
17.01.2022 All children and young people have a right to feel safe. If you need help call the Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800
16.01.2022 Yesterday, more than 90 children and young people from across NSW were brought together for the NSW Children’s Parliament. Each participant gave a 1 minute speech on a topic of their choosing, and we were joined by Ms Abigail Boyd, MLC, Mr Dugald Saunders MP, Mr Greg Piper MP, Ms Jodie Harrison MP, and the Hon. Mark Speakman, SC MP. Thank you to everyone who marked Children’s Week by participating in this event.
16.01.2022 ACYP continues to work to bring factual information to children and young people relating to COVID-19. In this video, hosted by Grace Rowe, NSW Chief Medical Officer Dr Kerry Chant gives advice to children and young people on how they can protect themselves and those around them from COVID-19.
16.01.2022 Today ACYP launched the Children and Young Peoples Experience of Disaster Report. Following drought, an unprecedented bushfire season and floods, children and young people shared their opinions on what worked well for them in times of disaster and how we can continue to support their needs for the future. You can read the report here
16.01.2022 For the second instalment of the NSW, through their eyes series Multicultural NSW CEO Joseph La Posta took time out of his busy schedule to speak to me about diversity and inclusion. We also speak about Multicultural NSWs Remove Hate from the Debate campaign.
15.01.2022 Congratulations to Siwa Haberlah for receiving the NSW Children’s Week 2020 Art Competition award for the 6 to 11 age category.
15.01.2022 Great announcement from Minister Gareth Ward and The Centre for Volunteering about a new online platform that offers opportunities for children and young people to volunteer and support their community. Find out more and register here:
15.01.2022 Congratulations to Kiara Di Quattro for receiving the NSW Children’s Week 2020 Art Competition award for the 12 to 18 age category.
14.01.2022 These are the voices of some of the children and young people in NSW who have experienced disaster. Their voices and the voices of more than 1,000 other children and young people informed the Children and Young Peoples Experience of Disaster Report. You can read more at
14.01.2022 To celebrate the start of Youth Week NSW, in this instalment of the NSW, through their eyes series the A/Advocate speaks with 20 year-old Julie Charlton about her passion for sports and equal opportunities for all children and young people. Learn more about the series online at:
14.01.2022 Child protection is everyones responsibility
13.01.2022 Keeping kids safe is everyones responsibility.
13.01.2022 In this video A/Advocate for Children and Young People Zo Robinson, shares a message of support and thanks to all children and young people for doing what they can to help flatten the curve of COVID-19. ACYP continues to work with government departments and agencies to respond to the needs of children and young people. We are committed to continuing to provide information to you, you can check our social media platforms and for regular updates.
12.01.2022 In this instalment of the 'NSW, through their eyes' series the A/Advocate speaks with Amy Brown from the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet. In this video, Amy, a key leader in NSW Government, shares her career journey and her strategies to be a successful leader. Learn more:
10.01.2022 Enter the NSW Children’s Week 2020 Art Competition. Create an artwork to show how you are keeping safely connected with your family, friends and community during this time. There will be three winners for each age group: Under 5, 6-11, 12-18. Enter here
10.01.2022 ACYP continues to work to bring factual information to children and young people during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this new video, hosted by Grace Rowe, NSW Chief Medical Officer Dr Kerry Chant shares the latest information on hotspots, social distancing, social gatherings, testing and travel. Learn more:
10.01.2022 ACYP continues to work to bring factual and helpful information to children and young people. In this video, hosted by Grace Rowe, Professor Skinner provides information on how children and young people can look after their mental health and wellbeing through lockdown.
10.01.2022 Today ACYP launched the Children and Young People’s Experience of Disaster Report. Following drought, an unprecedented bushfire season and floods, children and young people shared their opinions on what worked well for them in times of disaster and how we can continue to support their needs for the future. You can read the report here
08.01.2022 For the second instalment of the 'NSW, through their eyes' series Multicultural NSW CEO Joseph La Posta took time out of his busy schedule to speak to me about diversity and inclusion. We also speak about Multicultural NSWs 'Remove Hate from the Debate' campaign.
07.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who entered the NSW Children’s Week 2020 Art Competition. We received hundreds of inspiring entries that showed the amazing ways that children and young people have been safely connecting during this time.
07.01.2022 18-35 year olds have the highest rate of COVID-19 infections. We need your help to reach them. If you are, or know someone who is in this age group, you can he...lp get the message out on social media. Increasing the testing rates of young people continues to be vital in our fight against COVID-19 in NSW. Watch this video to find out how you can help.
06.01.2022 Today is National Sorry Day. At ACYP we continue to work with our colleagues and peers in Aboriginal Peaks and Aboriginal Led Organisations to ensure the Aboriginal children and young people of New South Wales are supported and heard. We acknowledge the Stolen Generations Survivors and their descendants.
06.01.2022 This episode of NSW, through their eyes marks the beginning of Children’s Week tomorrow. This year Children’s Week runs from 24 October to 1 November. In this episode three children, Ollie, Max and Ruby, came together to ask the Advocate for Children and Young People, Zoë Robinson some questions about herself and her work to improve the lives of children and young people across NSW. Find out more about Children’s Week by visiting NSW Children's Week... See more
05.01.2022 On the eve of R U OK Day my heart is heavy. I am not OK. I am feeling the ache of knowing we need to improve our support and care for children and young people right now, but also knowing that we dont yet have all the answers. The high numbers of suicides, the increase in mental health concerns, safety concerns and the year that we have all faced, and particularly children and young people have faced, weighs on us all. I am overwhelmed by wanting to say to all children and y...oung people YOU MATTER, as you are, right now, every day, YOU MATTER. It is not only my job, but my role as an adult in society, as a parent, as a carer, as a friend, as an Aunt to consistently, unapologetically, lovingly and kindly remind children and young people that YOU MATTER. So today, tomorrow and every day lets support children and young people in feeling like and knowing they matter, lets really hear them, and show them all how fundamental they are to our communities, to our growth as a society and to our need for improvement. Children and young people you teach me today, tomorrow and all the days. YOU MATTER. See more
05.01.2022 Congratulations to Audrey Jingya Zhang for receiving the NSW Children’s Week 2020 Art Competition award for the under 5 age category.
05.01.2022 This week we had the opportunity to support the NRL Community and NRL - National Rugby League Road to Regions program in schools in Tallong, Bundanoon and Exeter. The children learnt about respect but we also had an opportunity to speak with some of the community around the impact of the bushfires. This week we also hosted a number of our colleagues and peers in a wonderful afternoon tea where the focus was on networking and sharing the great work everyone does in support of children and young people in NSW.
05.01.2022 As we approach the end of the year it is the perfect time to reflect and say thank you to the children and young people who have worked with us and all of those who have worked to improve the lives of children and young people in what has been a challenging year. Please watch the below message from the Advocate.
04.01.2022 Today Gareth Ward and Bronnie Taylor MLC announced that following a one year term as Acting Advocate for Children and Young People, Ms Zoë Robinson has been appointed as the NSW Advocate for Children and Young People. Zoë and all of the team at ACYP look forward to continuing to work to improve the welfare and wellbeing of children and young people in NSW. Click on the link to read the announcement -
04.01.2022 Congratulations to Laura Zhang for receiving the NSW Children’s Week 2020 Art Competition award for the 12 to 18 age category.
04.01.2022 Congratulations to Diva Verma for receiving the NSW Children’s Week 2020 Art Competition award for the under 5 age category.
03.01.2022 This week we had the opportunity to support the NRL Community and NRL - National Rugby League 'Road to Regions' program in schools in Tallong, Bundanoon and Exeter. The children learnt about respect but we also had an opportunity to speak with some of the community around the impact of the bushfires. This week we also hosted a number of our colleagues and peers in a wonderful afternoon tea where the focus was on networking and sharing the great work everyone does in support of children and young people in NSW.
03.01.2022 In this NSW, through their eyes interview, the Advocate for Children and Young People Zoë Robinson speaks with 23 year-old Julia Weber who was Harvey Norman Young Woman of the Year Award finalist in 2020. In this interview Julia shares how her experiences of online bullying drove her to work to prevent other young people having the same experience. Julia is passionate about ensuring young people gain confidence in financial literacy to allow them to live the live they want to. Read more:
03.01.2022 NRLs Brad Fittler has an important message to share with the people of NSW, keeping kids safe is everyone responsibility.
03.01.2022 In this instalment of the NSW, through their eyes series, Grace Rowe speaks to a primary school teacher, a nurse and a Woolworths Store Manager about their experiences as frontline workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
02.01.2022 Youth Week begins today and runs until 9 April. If youre between 12-24 years of age, reach out to your local council to see how you can get involved. #NSWYouthWeek
02.01.2022 In this instalment of the NSW, through their eyes series the A/Advocate speaks with 16 year-old Bailey Pickles who recently achieved instant fame through a TikTok musical challenge. In this interview Bailey shares his love of creativity and music.
02.01.2022 In this instalment of the NSW, through their eyes series the A/Advocate speaks with singer songwriter Mi-kaisha Masella about how she uses music as a medium to deliver social justice messaging and as a way to remain connected to culture. See more at:
01.01.2022 The 2020 NSW YAC have now been sitting for three months, the 12 Council members bring a wealth of diversity, knowledge and passion to improve the lives of children and young people to their work. You can find out more about this year’s YAC members and the issues they are striving to address in this video. For more information visit
01.01.2022 This episode of NSW, through their eyes features the 2020 Harvey Norman Young Woman of the Year, Hannah Beder. Hannah is a successful Software Engineer who is passionate about addressing the underrepresentation of females in the technology industry. Interviewed by her friend, Julia Weber, Hannah discusses the ways in which young girls can get involved in and enjoy technology. Read More:
01.01.2022 Congratulations to Charli Gerrey for receiving the NSW Children’s Week 2020 Art Competition award for the 6 to 11 age category.
01.01.2022 This week we bring you information from NSW Police Force on how children and young people can continue to protect themselves and their community from COVID-19. This information video features Paul Simpkins, Youth and Crime Prevention Command and Crime Prevention Support Unit being interviewed by PCYC NSW 2017 Young Achiever of the Year Ankit Bailwal.
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