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A Daily Dose of Linda | Motivational speaker

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A Daily Dose of Linda

Phone: +61 417 303 438


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25.01.2022 You are never too old or too young to try new things, set new goals or achieve your dreams. All you need is to take action, everyday do one thing that will get you closer to your dreams

23.01.2022 Most toxic people are like stubborn noxious weeds, they are so hard to get rid of, so you have to communicate with them in their language. I know you don’t like hurting anyone’s feelings but these people don’t mind crushing your soul. They rely on your kindness to get away with getting what they want and behaving badly. ... No one has the right to treat you badly, speak to you badly or make you feel bad about yourself. Being NICE doesn’t mean you have to be weak. Continue to be NICE and be strong, set those healthy boundaries and tell these weeds to F@ck oFF and send them off on their way with love Keep being a beautiful kind hearted person who knows how to take care of that glorious heart of yours

20.01.2022 Feeling stressed? Taking a deep breath not working? You can use the 5 finger breathing technique to help calm you down. This works because it combines deep breathing & your senses.... As you watch & feel your finger trace the thumb and fingers of your other hand, your focus and attention is brought to the present moment. IMAGE CREDIT: @thelowdownnz #Transformationcoach #coachLindapierson #wellbeing #adailydoseoflinda #selfcare

17.01.2022 Everyday is a gift and everyday you are learning something or doing something you have never done before, so be easy on yourself. Be present in the here and now, be grateful for today and tomorrow be grateful for today, and the next day be grateful for today because today in the beginning of the rest of your life.

17.01.2022 ACCEPT NO SHADE~~ Not everyone will like you. Not everyone will agree with the things you say, or do. Not everyone will understand why you are who you are, which trials and tribulations made you stronger, weaker, braver.... Not everyone will care enough to look beneath, peek behind, Or read between. That’s ok. Some people will. Some people will find you so fascinating that they will delve right into your depths. Some people will devour your words and commit them to memory, should they ever need to revisit them again in times of pain. Some people will crave your company like a flower craves the rain. Some people will not only appreciate your light but they will reflect it right back. They will charge you from the soul, like being plugged into the sun. Those are your people. Accept no shade from haters my friend, life brings enough of that. Always seek out the light.~ ~Donna Ashworth, From ‘The Right Words’ art: Sasha Ilichev

13.01.2022 Asking for help is not weak, being vulnerable is not weak, admitting that you don’t no it all is not weak. Strength and wisdom is knowing that it’s perfectly okay to say, I’m not okay... Can you help me out I need help I appreciate the help I don’t know what I’m doing, can you help Rise above your ego and embrace your humanity

09.01.2022 Me: Hey God. God: Hello..... Me: I'm falling apart. Can you put me back together? God: I would rather not. Me: Why?... God: Because you aren't a puzzle. Me: What about all of the pieces of my life that are falling down onto the ground? God: Let them stay there for a while. They fell off for a reason. Take some time and decide if you need any of those pieces back. Me: You don't understand! I'm breaking down! God: No - you don't understand. You are breaking through. What you are feeling are just growing pains. You are shedding the things and the people in your life that are holding you back. You aren't falling apart. You are falling into place. Relax. Take some deep breaths and allow those things you don't need anymore to fall off of you. Quit holding onto the pieces that don't fit you anymore. Let them fall off. Let them go. Me: Once I start doing that, what will be left of me? God: Only the very best pieces of you. Me: I'm scared of changing. God: I keep telling you - YOU AREN'T CHANGING!! YOU ARE BECOMING! Me: Becoming who? God: Becoming who I created you to be! A person of light and love and charity and hope and courage and joy and mercy and grace and compassion. I made you for more than the shallow pieces you have decided to adorn yourself with that you cling to with such greed and fear. Let those things fall off of you. I love you! Don't change! ... Become! Become! Become who I made you to be. I'm going to keep telling you this until you remember it. Me: There goes another piece. God: Yep. Let it be. Me: So ... I'm not broken? God: Of course Not! - but you are breaking like the dawn. It's a new day. Become!!! ~Author John Roedel Everyday is a new beginning

04.01.2022 Covid has giving us a lot of down time to self reflect and prioritise what is really important in our life. Use the time you have been given to decide how you want to show up in the world.

02.01.2022 Take a 5 sec pause before you text or speak and ask yourself T.H.I.N.K

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