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Adam Bandt | Politician

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Adam Bandt

Phone: +61 3 9417 0759


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23.01.2022 22 gas giants. $49 billion in turnover. $0 tax. FFS.

22.01.2022 No one should be forced to live below the poverty line simply because they're unable to find work. JobSeeker must NEVER go back to $40 a day.

22.01.2022 Scott Morrison and his gas cartel have just lit the fuse on a giant climate bomb the Santos Narrabri gas project. This Morrison-backed project lines the pockets of big corporations but digs graves for our children. To have any chance of avoiding climate collapse, we must keep gas in the ground. There is simply no room for new gas projects if we want to avoid runaway global heating.... This project will keep gas prices high and trash the local environment. Gas is a fossil fuel and it's just as dirty as coal.

22.01.2022 What's the zero-emission fuel of tomorrow? Green hydrogen and if we make it here, Australia can export our sunlight. Instead of drilling it out of the earth, you make green hydrogen with water + electricity from solar or wind. Demand for this growing from markets like Germany and Japan, who need this fuel to get to net zero carbon emissions.... We need to grow new export industries as we replace coal and gas, and that’s what green hydrogen could provide. With the right investment now, Australia could become a renewable energy superpower.

21.01.2022 Tax cuts = cuts to services, cuts to health, cuts to education. Tax cuts for millionaires won’t help our recovery. We need to *invest* to recover.

20.01.2022 Exciting stuff. Enough new solar and wind projects locked in already that 3 coal plants will be replaced in the next 4-5 years. 3 down, 17 to go, and we've got to do it by 2030. Now can we start having a sensible discussion about how we support coal workers to use their skills in new jobs of the future?

20.01.2022 Thanks Jacqui. Now we just one more senate vote to block uni fee hikes and funding cuts! Tell Centre Alliance to bin this unfixable bill:... Rebekha Sharkie MP: (08) 8398 5566 - [email protected] Senator Stirling Griff: (08) 8212 1409 - [email protected]

19.01.2022 Well said. Failure to act on the climate emergency is not an option.

18.01.2022 Budgets are about choices, and those choices have lasting impacts. We can have a green recovery that invests in job-creating, nation-building projects while tackling the twin inequality & climate crises. We need a Budget for the million+ unemployed, not the millionaires.... Credit: ABC Insiders 27/09/2020

18.01.2022 No one should be forced to skip meals or take on extra debt just to keep a roof over their heads but it's already happening because of the Liberals' cuts to JobKeeper and JobSeeker. The Greens have a plan to fight the cuts and part one kicks off next week with a vote in the Senate to reverse the cuts to JobKeeper. But a few crossbench Senators are still on the fence, and we need to convince them. That's where you come in.... Can you send an email to the Senate crossbench telling them to reverse the JobKeeper cuts? You can get started here: As the Member for Melbourne, I know this crisis isn’t over. Many businesses aren’t close to being back on their feet yet and many of the jobs just aren’t there. And it’s not just JobKeeper, we’re fighting back against the cuts to JobSeeker, and fighting for the people who have been completely forgotten, like those on disability support pensions and carers. We’re fighting to make sure no one is left behind. Thanks for your help and stay tuned for more updates.

17.01.2022 Heatwaves are normal. But hotter temperatures, and longer heatwaves? That's not normal. BOM senior forecaster Jonathan How has called it "exceptional". What many people across the continent are feeling today is the effects of the climate emergency at 1.4C of global heating and we're on track for 4.4C of heating by the end of the century. The first duty of government is to keep Australians safe.... Instead, we have a government ignoring the science, committed to new coal mines and a gas-led recovery, refusing to take the urgent action required to tackle the climate crisis leading is all on a path to longer, more intense, and more frequent periods of extreme hot weather. The Greens are working in parliament every day to push the Labor and Liberal parties further and faster to tackle climate change. Join our fight: For those in affected areas, please keep an eye on local news and health advice, look out for your pets, local wildlife and vulnerable people.

17.01.2022 This Budget is set to attack young people. Treasurer Frydenberg has set a trickle-down target of 6% unemployment before austerity kicks in again. That means 2 million people - a third of them young - will still be without enough work when huge cuts start again.... Instead of giving Clive Palmer an early tax cut, we need a green recovery that invests in job-creating, nation-building projects while tackling the twin inequality & climate crises. We need a Budget for the million unemployed, not the millionaires.

15.01.2022 Labor in Qld froze the wages of teachers & nurses but has just given a multinational coal giant a tax break & royalties holiday. Greens will make big mining corporations and banks pay their fair share of tax to fund investment in public infrastructure and essential services.

13.01.2022 We're all working harder than a decade ago, but our wages haven't kept up. Instead, increased profits are getting hoovered up by shareholders and the people up top. We're trying to pull ourselves out of a recession - and the government wants people spending money they don't have.... Boosting public sector pay can fix that. When public sector wages grow, private sector wage growth rises to meet it. The Greens went to the election with a policy of 4% annual public sector wage growth. That will reward public employees for their hard work, & pull up private sector wages that have flatlined for years. Everyone deserves fair pay. Under this government, they're not getting it.

12.01.2022 The Government has cut JobKeeper and JobSeeker, throwing millions of Australians below the poverty line right in the middle of a pandemic. It’s heartless and cruel - but we have a plan to stop it

12.01.2022 Tax cuts for millionaires, or support for the millions whose jobs have been impacted by this pandemic? I know where I'd rather spend my money. Credit: ABC Insiders, 27/09/2020

10.01.2022 When I hear from this Liberal Government that they want to reform Australia’s workplace laws, alarm bells start ringing.

09.01.2022 Morrison giving taxpayer money to cashed up tax-dodging companies so their lobbyists can meet and discuss ways to further destroy the planet is peak climate-denying neoliberal absurdity. The sooner we kick the Coalition out the better.

08.01.2022 Let’s do this across Australia

08.01.2022 The pandemic is not an acceptable emissions reduction strategy. You can talk about 2050 all you like, but what matters is what we do over the next 10 years.

08.01.2022 January 26 should not be a day of celebration, it should be a day where we all join with First Nations to recognise the date as a Day of Mourning. When we come together, to grieve and to mourn, we also come together to heal.

07.01.2022 The health and economic impacts of the coronavirus have hit our Melbourne community hard and exposed growing inequality. Thousands of people are out of work. Our friends, family and neighbours are finding it difficult to pay rent and put food on the table. Right now, the government is scrambling to recreate services and safety nets that used to exist. For years, the Liberal/National government has ripped funding out of healthcare, chronically underfunded our hospitals and c...Continue reading

07.01.2022 75% of Australians want net-zero emissions by 2030. You heard right - 75%. The Australian people are miles ahead of this government on climate.

07.01.2022 Reminder (because apparently we have to go over this every year): Margaret Court has said that being LGBTIQ+ is the work "of the devil". She’s compared homosexuality to Hitler. She is an enemy of the values Australians stand for and must not receive our highest honour.

06.01.2022 Coal miners know their industry is on the way out and they're being abandoned by those who should be helping plan for a future without coal. Imagine if, instead of competing to be coal and gas' biggest champion, Liberal and Labor were building a plan to look after workers and resources communities. Denying the reality of coal closures risks climate destruction and gives false hope to workers.... We must stop the race to the bottom.

06.01.2022 The Narrabri Gas project is a climate disaster and it’s just been approved against the will of the Gamilaraay Traditional custodians. We’re not going to recover from this pandemic by lighting the fuse on a carbon bomb. What's worse is this project is led by Santos the same company that contaminated an aquifer in the Pilliga with radioactive uranium (20x safe levels for drinking water) in 2014.... They were fined $1500. We need stronger environmental laws and a Federal ICAC immediately. This fossil-fuelled madness has to end.

06.01.2022 Terrific work, Tassie!

05.01.2022 The fight against the Narrabri gas project isn't over. The community has been fighting this climate bomb for a decade, and they’re not going to stop now. The Greens will be fighting with them.

03.01.2022 I’ve been the member for Melbourne for a decade now but I can’t think of a year that has tested our community as much as this one. Through it all, I’ve been so humbled, inspired and impressed by the countless local community organisations who have gone above and beyond this year to support our community. When hundreds were locked down in public housing towers in North Melbourne and Flemington, organisations like AMSSA Youth Connect, North Melbourne Language & Learning, and T...he Venny rallied to make sure the community had access to the food, medicine and support they so desperately needed. Across the electorate, cohealth has recruited over 80 public housing residents representing more than ten different languages to act as ‘health concierges’ across public housing estates to share health information in language and tackle the pandemic. The Carlton Neighbourhood Learning Centre has continued to run job programs supporting residents in public housing while St Mary's House of Welcome, just up the road from my office, has continued to provide over 100 meals a day to those experiencing homelessness. This is just the tip of the iceberg of all the incredible organisations who have worked tirelessly through challenging conditions to support the community and I wish that I had room to name them all. They've stepped into gaps left by cuts in government funding, making do with tight budgets. As we enter another summer holiday season, if you can, think about giving back to one of these charities, or an organisation close to your heart. #GivingTuesday

02.01.2022 As NZ today declares a climate emergency, the Greens are fighting hard to hold Australia’s government of climate criminals to account. Our continent just experienced its hottest November on record. We are in a climate emergency and we need the government to act now to keep Australians safe. The Liberals blocked our move, and Labor split their vote they supported the Climate Emergency declaration in the House of Reps, but inexplicably voted against in the Senate where our co...mbined forces could have actually gotten it done. Seriously, it’d be nice if Labor decided where they stood on climate and stopped siding with the Libs to protect the government.

02.01.2022 Moz's smile says it all. After an unimaginable ordeal, he and many of the Medevac refugees are finally free. In this moment, after years of fighting, many of them can finally celebrate. But we must continue the fight. We will not rest until all asylum seekers are freed, properly supported, and given a pathway to a life of safety and dignity.... #GameOver

02.01.2022 It’s time to wind back privatisation. The Australian people hate it and it has been a demonstrated failure. It is time to stop putting the big corporations ahead of people, to stop putting the millionaires ahead of the million unemployed.

02.01.2022 This drop in emissions is being driven entirely by the Covid-19 shutdowns. Covid is not a climate policy. If you look at where these reductions are coming from it underlines the fact that this government has no plan. Australia’s reduction targets are among the weakest in the developed world. It's time to lift our ambition and rise to the global challenge.

02.01.2022 It's official the green wave has continued south from Queensland and the ACT, and swept across Victoria. From Darebin to Dandenong, Stonnington to Shepparton, people have elected Greens local councillors to represent them for the next four years. In Yarra, which overlaps my electorate of Melbourne, you've even elected the country's first Greens-majority council.... With a growing movement of Greens across the country, we've got the team to make it happen.

01.01.2022 The Cashless Debit Card does not help people find jobs, it doesn't help with addiction the Card only makes life harder for those already doing it tough. Send a message to the Government and demand they #ScrapTheCard. We'll hand-deliver your postcard to the Minister:

01.01.2022 We haven’t even entered summer yet and the heat records are already falling. I’m in Canberra this week making sure action on the climate emergency is on the agenda.

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