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24.01.2022 Chin ups with a dead hang. When performing chin ups, a good way to maintain quality of reps is doing a dead hang for a few seconds between reps. This ensures that you are performing the movement through its full range. It also stops any cheat reps and stops you using the momentum from your previous rep. ... Give it a shot next time you do pull/chin ups!

23.01.2022 Overnight Chia Pudding . A nice simple breakfast that I have been having recently. Perfect for days when youre in a rush in the morning. What you need: ... 1/2 cup of Almond milk. 1 cup of Greek yoghurt (1 tub of @chobani**** does the trick) 3 Tbsp of chia seeds. Some nuts (I use a mix of almonds, walnuts and cashews). Some berries (I use strawberries & blueberries). Some granola. To make: Chuck the almond milk, yoghurt and chia seeds in and mix it round. Once its all mixed together top with nuts & berries. Pop that bad boi in the fridge overnight. Grab it out of the fridge in the morning, chuck the granola on and enjoy!

22.01.2022 Fermented foods & drinks . Fermented foods & drinks influence human well-being in a number of ways: Fermentation makes food more easily digestible, due to a pre-digestion effect. ... It lowers many anti-nutritional factors which inhibit digestive enzymes and hamper an optimum absorption of minerals. Contain health promoting components with antioxidants, anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetic and FODMAP-reducing activity. Fermented foods may also have probiotic activity. This provides the gut with bacteria that enhances our immune function, improves digestion, and nutrient assimilation. Some examples of fermented foods/drinks are: Yoghurt Kombucha Kimchi Kefir Sourdough Sauerkraut Melini, F., Melini, V., Luziatelli, F., Ficca, A. G., & Ruzzi, M. (2019). Health-promoting components in fermented foods: an up-to-date systematic review. Nutrients, 11(5), 1189.

22.01.2022 yOuR KnEE sHOuLdNt gO oVeR yOUr ToES . Weve all heard this one before. I remember being told countless times that my knee shouldnt go past my toes, but it just never made sense to me. Watch any field/court based sport and you will see the knee travel well past the toe. Even something as simple as walking up the stairs, your knee goes past your toe!!!... If you havent been training with your knees past your toes, this doesnt mean all of a sudden you should do everything with knees over toes. As with everything you must progress appropriately. And as always, it depends on the CONTEXT! Positions are not dangerous. They are only dangerous if they are untrained and/or overloaded.


21.01.2022 Farmer carries. The farmer carry is as simple as exercises come but there are so many benefits to be gained. To do a farmer carry, simply grab some heavy DBs or KBs, stand tall and walk slowly and controlled. ... Benefits from doing farmer carries include: Increased central nervous system drive. Increased grip strength. Increased muscle hypertrophy. Increased core stability. Increased work capacity. Increase strength globally. Increased volume/load in workouts. Better posture.

20.01.2022 Placebo and Nocebo Effects. Youve probably heard of placebo effects before, but not nocebo. Placebo and nocebo effects are the effects of an individuals expectations of a treatment/procedure, positive and negative respectively. ... The same can be said when it comes to your approach to training. If you think that the program you are doing is going to benefit you, theres a good chance it will. On the flip side, if you arent bought into the process then you wont see the results you desire. A bad program that an athlete is bought into will always produce better results than a good program with no buy in. Never underestimate the power of the mind.

20.01.2022 Happy birthday to my better half . May there be many more bicep curls to come .

19.01.2022 ATTENTION SWIMMERS!! ARE YOU READY FOR 2021?? THERE IS ONLY 2 WEEKS LEFT UNTIL THE DROP OF SWIMMING STRONG 2.0! Head coach and national s...wimming representative, Ryan Evernden, has formulated this programme to build up strength and technique from the comfort of your personal or local pool! Whether you're looking for a low impact substitute for your usual mundane training regime, or you're an experienced swimmer seeking to consolidate their technique and fitness efficiency, this 12-week intensive online programme is the perfect option to ensure an all-rounded and comprehensive solution to suit your paddle addled needs. With this programme, you will receive our SWIMMING STRONG 2.0 eBOOK which contains all of the information you will need to complete the programme successfully! Expertly written by our trainers, not only does this book contain easy to follow advice and instructions, explanatory video links are now inclusive within the book to provide more visual and helpful demonstrations! This eBook is easily accessible via your phone, tablet or computer device, so there's no more room for excuses! Training your body doesn't have to hurt. For movement, For mobility, #formidable.

19.01.2022 The weekly @formidablestrength_coaching training session. This weeks sessions is brought to you by @julian_ward95 . A nice quick hitting session, sure to get you feeling nice and juicy .... Deltoid Demolition Ladder : 3, 6, 9, 12, 9, 6, 3 reps of each A1) Military Press A2) DB front raise A3) DB lateral raise B1) Rope curls 3x10 B2) BB reverse curls 3x10 B3) SA tricep push down 3x10ea C1) Plate press 2x20 C2) Band pull apart 2x20 *footage of complete session was not captured as deltoids were well and truly demolished.

19.01.2022 Gym Hack . How to easily load and unload plates from a trap bar. Simply step on one side of the trap bar and tip it onto its side. ... Slide the plates on and off, its as simple as that!

19.01.2022 Body fat. There is a misconception within the health and fitness space that the less body fat you have, the healthier you are. Through mainstream media and magazines, we are sold the idea that a healthy body has next to no fat. This is not the case however, in fact having body fat is vital to our health. One of the main reasons our body needs fat is for optimal hormone production and function.... The proposed healthy body fat % range for males is 12-25% and 21-36% for females. What is healthy is different for everyone. Body fat also provides many other essential functions to the body which include: Energy storage Protection of vital organs Insulation Construction material for tissues and organs Carrying vitamins Immune function

18.01.2022 Reverse nordic curl. The reverse nordic curl is a bodyweight exercise that targets the quads and is a great way to build strength with limited equipment. To perform: ... Kneel down with your legs about hip width apart (I recommend using a mat). Start in a tall kneeling position, squeeze your glutes, lock your ribs down and brace your core. Keeping your body nice and rigid, lower your shoulders towards the floor, bending at the knee. If you are bracing properly through your core and squeezing your glutes, you shouldnt feel any strain in your lower back. Lean back as far as you can control, then squeeze your quads to return to the starting position. You may not be able to get very far to begin with, but aim to gradually increase the range of motion each time you do it.

17.01.2022 When you realise tomorrow is Monday


15.01.2022 Is muscle soreness an indicator of a good workout? Often we hear people say things like Im so sore from my workout yesterday, it was sooo good. But does muscle soreness actually mean the workout was good? This all comes down to context, sometimes you do want to push yourself and train yourself to a point that you will be sore the next day. Other times, the workout you do should not lead to soreness the next day.... A good rule of thumb is that the soreness you experience post workout should never impact your next workout/training session. This might indicate that you are either training too hard/much or you are not recovering adequately.

15.01.2022 So many people complain about not progressing or not seeing any results. But when you ask them what they are doing, they say theyve been doing the same exercise routine for the past year. The human body is amazing at adapting to the environment and stressors placed upon it. By nature the body is lazy and wants to figure out a way to do the same exercise with less effort. It achieves this by building muscle, increasing strength etc. However, if the body isnt given any reason to adapt then it wont. So if you are constantly doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, it aint gonna happen.


13.01.2022 Technique should never be compromised. Here, coach Harper is showing a great example of how to keep a close eye on technique. When I train clients, I place a large emphases on technique. ... I make sure you are able to perform each exercise you do with great technique. Technique should always be proficient before loading up an exercise. And even once you progress the emphasis should still be on mastering technique. Nail the basics

12.01.2022 B Stance hip thrust. The B stance (aka staggered stance) hip thrust is a great exercise to work the posterior chain unilaterally. To perform: ... Stagger your stance, place the heel of your support leg in line or a little further than the toes of the working leg. Keep your working foot flat and elevate the toes, resting just the heel of the support leg on the ground . Your weight should be almost completely through the working leg with the other leg there just for balance.

12.01.2022 Anti-rotation alphabet. One of the key roles the core plays in health and performance is the ability to resist rotation. Trunk stability and strength is important for instances in which you are pushed, slip or are carrying something uneven or awkward. Your body must be able to handle the torque placed upon it and resist the rotation. ... The anti-rotation alphabet is a fun progression from the Paloff press that really challenges core stability and strength and the ability to resist rotation.


11.01.2022 Banded Adductor Rock. This exercise is a fantastic one to throw into your warm up before squats and deadlifts. It is great for activating the glutes, as well as improving mobility in the hips and adductor. To perform: ... Grab a band and anchor it to a pole. Step inside the band with one leg and place it around your hip. Kneel down with the leg that has the band and straighten your other leg, stepping out to the side. Start tall, you should feel tension in the band. Allow your hips to drop back with the pull of the band (you should feel a stretch in your adductor on the straight leg.) Drive the hips through, finishing in the starting position. Emphasise squeezing your butt. Id recommend 2-3 sets of 6-12 reps on each leg.

10.01.2022 Taking the slack out of the bar

10.01.2022 Kneeling Hip CARs. Hip controlled articular rotations (CARs), are a fantastic way to challenge the hip through the full range of motion. It can be done just kneeling with your arms out by your side, or if you are struggling with balance then you can use a stick/pole for balance. ... You don’t want to compromise your ability to get through full range of motion under control, so make sure you are able to stay balanced. Start by bringing the knee as high as possible. Then turn your foot out and bring it around as if you are stepping over something. Once you make it all the way around then reverse it back. Maintain an upright torso throughout the movement.

10.01.2022 DONT WAIT . We always hear people say ___ starts Monday. The funny thing is, there is nothing special about Monday. It can be hard to dive head first into your goals, but the reality is you dont have to.... Taking some small steps and gradually building some momentum will ultimately get you better results than if you waited until Monday and then the next Monday. Start with small steps and create consistent habits that progress you towards achieving your goal. Dont wait until Monday, do something today!

10.01.2022 Wheel Barrows. Wheel barrows are a great way to challenge core and shoulder stability in a dynamic environment, as well as improving upper body strength. The ability to resist trunk flexion and rotation is crucial for athletic performance. ... As well as day to day activities. You dont want to look soft doing two trips carrying the shopping? Oh and theyre also really fun too.

09.01.2022 Pump day Friday . Something a little different this week. Did some rock climbing and bouldering for the first time. Provided quite the forearm pump, can tell you that much for free. ... A fun challenge and very humbling

09.01.2022 Whos calves are bigger Yesterday it went down, the calves were measured. My left calf after 7 weeks of atrophy or @julian_ward95s left calf. ... Who would be victorious? Watch the video to find out.

09.01.2022 Glycemic index (GI) vs glycemic load (GL) . Both are measurements of how our bodies respond to carbohydrates but they are slightly different. GI measures how quickly food breaks down to sugar in the blood stream, rated on a scale of 1-100. However, it does NOT take into account serving size. ... GL takes into account the amount of carbohydrates in a serving of food and the GI of the food. The formula for GL is: GI x Carbohydrate (g) content per portion 100. . Why does this matter? Lets look at an example. . Watermelon and bagels both have a GI of about 72. However, GL = 14.4 vs GL = 35.3. This is because bagels have more carbs per serving. Therefore, GL is a better indicator of how a food will affect blood glucose levels because it takes into account the amount of carbs in the food. Low GL foods will generally keep you feeling fuller for longer and without significantly spiking your blood sugar

07.01.2022 Exercising/working out vs Training. We often refer to exercising, working out and training as the same thing. But are they really all the same? Anyone can exercise/workout, it is simply doing physical activity that gets the heart rate up and gives you a bit of a sweat. It is beneficial to our health but it doesnt really help us achieve any goals.... Training on the other hand is planned and structured exercise that will help you progress towards a goal. If you are having trouble reaching your goals, maybe you are spending too much time just exercising and not training.

07.01.2022 Something is better than nothing. A lot of people have this all or nothing mentality when it comes to exercising. For some reason we believe that if we arent completing a full session it doesnt count. Think of it like the fuel example, if you dont have a time to complete a whole session but you have 15 minutes. Do 15 minutes. ... Doing some exercise whether its half a session, a short walk or run will always be better than not doing anything at all!

07.01.2022 Programming sleds into training. I often get asked how to use sled pushes in training and as always my answer would probably be ‘it depends’. However a few ways I like to utilise sled pushes are: ... A client with a relatively low training age, majority of the initial training will be focused on technique of movements so there won’t be much load. This is where sleds are fantastic as it allows you to load heavy due to small learning curve. For power, you can use a relatively heavy load but focus on moving it quick. No eccentric contraction and minimal stability requirement allows for large force outputs. They can also be used for conditioning, using different weights with limited rest intervals (as you can see @lorena_g.g enjoys these) Furthermore, sled drags are also great to incorporate in order to target the anterior chain, particularly the VMO (tear drop muscle of the quad). What ways do you use sleds in your training?

07.01.2022 Bear to crab to bend back. Sam from the FSC youth program decided to take the bear to crab with extension to a new level. Start in the bear crawl position flip to crab without resting your hand on the ground and then reach into a bend back. ... Give this one a crack and tag me in your attempts. Always exploring .

06.01.2022 As many of my friends know, I have been participating in Movember for the past 21 years and 10 months with little to show for it. I still wanted to contribute to raising awareness about mental health and donate some money along the way. I found a pair of shoes that are too small for me and just collecting dust so figured I’d raffle them off. ... With that being said I present to you an exciting opportunity to win some shoes for as little as $1! Up for grabs are a pair of Nike KD 4 ‘think 16’ Sz 11 Worn once To be eligible: - follow @komatsuaa on Instagram ( - Make a donation to this link (link in bio) - $1 will equal 1 entry so for example if you donate $5 you will get 5 entries to the draw, $10 = 10 entries etc. - if you donate $20 or more receive DOUBLE TICKETS! Winner will be drawn on the 1st of December! If you have any questions please comment below and tag anyone who may be interested! Thank you

06.01.2022 Understanding energy balance. Often we hear the terms calorie deficit, calorie surplus and the phrase calories in vs calories out. But what does this all mean? ... Calories are a unit of measure for heat/energy. The food and drink you consume is the energy you intake. Your body expends this energy in 4 main ways: BMR, NEAT, EAT and TEF (swipe to see what they are). If you are consuming more energy than you are expending you are in an energy surplus and overtime you will gain weight. If you are consuming less energy than you are expending you are in an energy deficit and overtime you will lose weight. If you are consuming the same amount of energy you are expending then your scale is balanced and you will neither gain or lose weight overtime. Of course the human body is much more complex than this and there are other factors that effect this, but I hope this gives you a better understanding of what energy balance is.

05.01.2022 Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Delayed onset muscle soreness (more commonly known as DOMS), is the pain and stiffness that you feel in your muscles 24-72 hours after a difficult session or doing an exercise that you are unaccustomed to. Exercise causes micro trauma to the muscle fibre. DOMS is a symptom of this. This is why you may be sore after trying something new for the first time or after working really hard!

04.01.2022 Invest in your health. As a society we spend a lot of time and money treating illness that is preventable. If we took the money and time we spent on treating these illnesses and voluntarily invested it in our health (better food, gym membership, going for a walk etc.) then not only would we have reduced expenses on healthcare but increase the quality of your life. ... If you dont voluntarily invest in your health now it will become an expense later. We must view it in a similar sense as to how we view education and our jobs. We invest in our education knowing that this investment will help us get a job that we will get some return on in the future.

03.01.2022 Using bands to decrease bodyweight. Bands are an extremely versatile piece of equipment and can be used for a variety of purposes. Sometimes our own bodyweight is too heavy for certain movements, this is where bands come in handy. One of the most common examples of this is band assisted pull ups. ... By putting tension into the band, you are essentially unloading some of your bodyweight. By reducing your bodyweight, you are now able to perform the given movement. In the video, Tyson is performing a band assisted pistol squat as he doesnt have the strength/stability to complete it with his bodyweight.

03.01.2022 Extensive plyometrics. Extensive plyometrics are sub-maximal plyometrics that are typically performed at lower intensity for longer durations, for example, skipping or pogo hops. These exercises allow for system loading to be sub-maximal but localised loading to still be demanding. Sub-maximal exposure allows for tissue stress that isnt necessarily challenging the capacity to produce maximal effort but improves capacity to handle volume. The consistent exposure leads to adap...tion, eg. calluses vs blisters. Extensive plyometrics improve our: Tissue capacity. Tissue tolerance. Technique. Function. Base

03.01.2022 Progressive overload . Progressive overload is the gradual increase of stress/load placed upon the body, week over week during a structured exercise program. Our body will only produce change if it is forced to do so. Doing the same workout week in week out wont produce the results you desire. ... Swipe to see some ways that you can implement progressive overload into your workouts. Note that implementing 1-2 of these variables at a time is best.

03.01.2022 Crawling . I love to utilise crawling, it challenges coordination, timing and improves body awareness. Its also fantastic for getting into positions that are unusual and challenge mobility. This partner variation adds a reactive component to crawling: reacting to the call to flip over and reacting/avoiding the stick. This further increases the difficulty to coordinate and understand where the body is in space. ... Inspired by the great man @vernongriffith4

02.01.2022 Train a purpose not exercise. When it comes to training often times we get too attached to exercises and lose sight of why we are doing those exercises in the first place. There are many different pathways to get to your desired goal. ... Understand what you are trying to achieve and you will find the exercise most appropriate for you. If you get too caught up on a single exercise this may prevent you from getting to where you want. For example: Exercise = Back squat Options: not a lot Purpose = increase lower body strength Options: a lot (sled push, squat, lunge etc.)


01.01.2022 Ipsilateral loading. Ipsilateral loading is when you are holding a weight in the same hand as the leg that is doing the work. Ipsilateral exercises make the body engage more stabilising muscles in order to counteract rotational forces. This helps to maintain form and limit compensatory movements. ... By challenging the body in this way, you can increase central stability and help develop the ability to offset forces during sport and other dynamic movements.

01.01.2022 Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) NEAT is more than just your step count, it is all the incidental physical activity that you do throughout the day. NEAT for the most part is subconscious. Your environment and how you spend your leisure time largely effects your NEAT. ... NEAT is the second most modifiable factor after caloric intake in the energy balance equation. Many people make the mistake of trying to increase their planned exercise eg. Going for a run, going to the gym. But this only makes up a small portion of the day. What you are doing for the rest of the day is just as if not more important!

01.01.2022 The final set of 4x25 curls brought to you by @ryan_evernden. Blood flow for dayz, engorged with blood . Juiiicy pump .

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