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25.01.2022 Vibrate the Cosmos and the Cosmos will clear a path Spring is in the air! Spring is all about blossoming, birthing and waking up from the long winter hibernation. ... All around us trees are growing their leaves back, flowers are blooming and baby animals are being born. This is the perfect time to birth the ideas that you planted through the long hibernation period of winter. This week we will work on the fifth Sutra in our series, Vibrate the Cosmos and the Cosmos will clear a path. In order to birth your Soul’s dreams you have to be in sync with the universe. This has been studied by many and practiced by many proven to give incredible results. In his book the Alchemist Paulo Coehlo says when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you. Joseph Campbell teaches through the hero’s journey Follow your bliss and doors will open where there were once walls. When your vibration matches the vibration of the Universe anything is possible! Kundalini Yoga is an amazing tool to bring your vibration into the Rhythm of the Universe. Through breath work, Kriyas and meditations it opens you up so your energy flows and when your energy flows you have the ability to create all your souls desires. It connects you into yourself and that’s where all your great treasure lies. ______________________________ Kundalini Yoga Zoom Classes: 4.00pm Sunday 6.30pm Tuesday Where: Zoom (if you can’t see link view in browser) Investment; $10/class Message me for payment details What to bring: Mat, blanket, cushion, eye pillow, water See you on the mat.
24.01.2022 Our Spring Equinox Manifestation Workshop is nearly here and have we got some goodies for you! As Spring is such a powerful time for manifestation it’s also the time the seeds you have planted in winter are ready to blossom. To celebrate this time of rebirth Bridget @kundaliniinspired and I are hosting our Spring Equinox Manifestation Workshop.... We’ll be practicing Kriyas to cleanse the body just as you would spring clean the house, a powerful manifestation meditation, long gong and a beautiful box of goodies including: journal crystal Palo Santo stick incense candle tea and chocolate Delivered to your doorstep if you live in the Eastern Suburbs or we will mail it to you if you live further away. When: Sunday, 19 September 3.00pm-5.30pm Where Zoom: Investment: $50 (plus $10 to cover postage if outside of the Eastern Suburbs) Booking link in bio What to bring: mat, blanket, cushion, eye pillow. water and of course yourself! If you are interested please register on our website at least 5 days prior to the workshop so we can arrange delivery. Let’s blossom together! See you on the mat.
22.01.2022 How is everyone feeling? The vibe here in Sydney is becoming more intense as we head into another four weeks of lockdown. Regardless of where people stand on all points of this pandemic the one thing we all have in common is the uncertainty of this situation and that we are scared.... This is a tough time. People are suffering and struggling for all different reasons and it’s a time to come together as a community to support each other with kindness regardless of differing views. Ram Das says in the face of uncertainty and fear people gravitate either of two ways. They will go nuts on buying (toilet paper!) or they will pick the side they believe to be good or right and condemn those who they believe to be wrong or bad in order to bring back the feeling of control, certainty and that they will be safe. He says this creates a divide and the only way to come together through fear and uncertainty as a community is through compassion. I’ve been down the rabbit hole of anger and fear and I get it that it is hard to show compassion when the situation is dire and you’re scared. But I also know that the anger and fear left me feeling like shit, didn’t help the situation and really only hurt me more because it was my body, my mental health, my spirit and my relationships it was affecting. So I work on being compassionate, understanding that everyone is scared, and listening to other peoples point of view instead of immediately discounting them as wrong if they don’t align to mine. I work on respecting other people’s decisions whilst deciding for myself what’s best for me. And most of all I am working on being kind and sharing my views with respect and from my heart. If all else fails I’m working on being neutral because adding my angry tinder to an already volatile fire only creates more fire and doesn’t help. The one certainty we do have is nothing stays the same and this too shall pass. When it does I hope we come out of this as a community who can look back, proud of the character we revealed of ourselves through this time. See you on the mat.
20.01.2022 I’m so looking forward to our Spring Equinox Manifestation Workshop this Sunday! Here are the packs we’ll be sending out to our lovely yogi participants including: journal... palo santo stick incense beautiful crystal infused candle crystal chocolate tea worksheet I’m in love with the candle! There’s still time to join us and receive your pack. If you live in the Eastern Suburbs we’ll deliver it to your door! When: Sunday, 19 September, 3.00-5.30pm Where: Zoom Booking: Link in bio Investment: $50 + postage if you live outside of the Eastern Suburbs Message me if you have any questions. See you on the mat.
20.01.2022 Fear is a deceptive bugger! and rescheduling our Radiant Body Retreat. How’s everyone feeling? It’s week four of lockdown here in Sydney and what I’ve noticed is huge amount of fear floating around. It doesn’t help that the media is sensationalising an already difficult time creating more fear and I can understand if you’re finding it a bit hard to see the woods from the trees at the moment....Continue reading
16.01.2022 The naval chakra This week we will work on your powerhouse, the naval, Manipura. The naval chakra is some pretty powerful energy because it is your power, but as it has been said you are all very powerful as long as you know how powerful you are and you know how to channel your power.... The naval is where it all happens to energise all your other chakras into action and get everything you want moving. It’s your life force energy, your kundalini and it’s the energy that gets you out of bed each morning. This chakra is all about motivation, endurance and commitment. It’s the colour yellow and is represented by the mountain goat because the mountain goat keeps on going and the naval keeps you going. When out of balance on one end of the spectrum you have little motivation, are easily pushed around and swayed from what you believe, easily distracted, give up too easily, and on the other end you push yourself too hard, suffer burnout, will be pushy, strongly opinionated and at the extreme bullying. In balance you are determined, committed focussed, have high endurance, you stand by yourself and your values, and you have a quiet strength that carries you through all the ups and downs of life. Great postures for this chakra are double leg lifts, stretch pose, bicycle, and pretty much any posture where you’re working the naval. Breath of fire is a great pranayam to fire the naval up. The beauty of the naval is the more you work it the stronger it becomes. ________________________________ Kundalini Yoga Zoom Classes: 4.00pm Sunday 6.30pm Tuesday Where: Zoom (link in bio) Investment; $10/class Message me for payment details What to bring: Mat, blanket, cushion, eye pillow, water See you on the mat.
14.01.2022 The Heart This week we work on what I feel is the most important chakra, the heart chakra or Anahata. Without the heart, the rest of the chakras have no meaning and are just going through the motions.... The heart is where some believe your soul resides and it how we connect into ourselves and to others though love, compassion, kindness, goodness and grace. The heart is pure love, it has a soft humble voice that wants the best for us and is always guiding us in the right direction. The heart is green energy and when balanced you are compassionate, courageous, warm, open, connected, humble, patient, strong character, intimate, accepting, loving and full of grace. When out of balance the ego overrides the heart and you may be disconnected, fearful, judgmental, unkind, cold, closed, angry, constantly searching, desperate, creatively blocked and life tends to have little meaning. We as humans tend to keep our hearts protected with an armour around it so as not to get hurt. But ultimately this armour leads to disconnection and pain and stops you from feeling all the good stuff, because you can’t numb paid without numbing everything else. An open heart is the key to all love, connection, intimacy, feeling all the feels, grace and bliss. It is where your truth lies and it will never lead you astray. It is your best friend. _____________________________________l Kundalini Yoga Zoom Classes: 4.00pm Sunday 6.30pm Tuesday Where: Zoom (if you can’t see link view in browser) Investment; $10/class Message me for payment details What to bring: Mat, blanket, cushion, eye pillow, water My friend and teacher Rob also has a wonderful Zoom class on Sunday mornings at 8.30am. Here’s the Zoom link if you would like to attend: If you have any questions or want me to send you the links message me. See you on the mat.
14.01.2022 Spring Chakra Cleanse continues 6.30pm tonight! Sacral Chakra, or the Swadhistana. This Chakra is feminine energy or Yin energy, it is all about your sexual and creative energy (one in the same), emotions and physically it governs the sexual organs and the kidneys. It is very much connected to driving the creation of your purpose here on this planet. ... Sexual or creative energy is also known as God’s energy and this energy creates, whether it be a baby or a project, it’s the same energy. It is the colour orange and represented by the crocodile because when out of balance it can be very dangerous. When out of balance on one of end of the spectrum it causes frigidity, lack of creativity, colour and dreams left unsaid. On the other end it causes addiction, obsession and complete burnout. It also affects the kidneys where we hold fear, so kidney disease, kidney stones and bladder problems are common side effects. When in balance your creative energy flows, you are in the zone of your purpose and you are a flow of colour and life. I’ve worked with clients whose sacral chakra is out of balance, they felt like they had no purpose or colour in their life, they were very much in the doing rather than the being, they lacked hope and felt like they had no direction. As this chakra balanced, I’ve watched them blossom like a flower and shine as they start to create their dreams. Kundalini Yoga is awesome for this chakra as it awakens your creativity and moves this energy. Frog Pose, Cat Cow, Kundalini Lotus and Sat Kriya are all effective in balancing this chakra. ________________________________________ Kundalini Yoga Zoom Classes: 6.30pm Tuesday 4.00pm Sunday Where: Zoom (link in browser) Investment; $10/class Message me for payment details What to bring: Mat, blanket, cushion, eye pillow, water See you on the mat.
13.01.2022 Happy Full Blue Moon in Aquarius! Aquarius is an air sign and represented by the water bearer so this full moon will be all about freedom of emotions and creativity. Aquarius also has an entrepreneurial energy so this is a good time to start those projects your heart has been yearning. This is also a great time to set yourself free of emotional baggage, so meditation and journaling are key tools at this time.... Write down your fears, frustrations and areas of the past that are still holding you back and either burn them if that’s safe to do or rip them up and throw them away as a representation of letting go. Journal what you want to create, don’t hold back, ask yourself the question - What is my heart yearning and let your pen take over. Don’t judge what comes out or try to control it just left it flow. It may surprise you what comes out. Debilitating emotions and anchors of the past can keep you stuck in procrastination, so today is a perfect time to be working on the third Sutra in our series, When the time is on you start and the pressure will be off. In this afternoon’s class we will work on a Kriya to create flow and do a special meditation for the full moon. Next week we are working on the fourth Sutra in our series Understand through compassion or you’ll misunderstand the times. For what’s going on right now in the world I feel this is one of the most important Sutras to master. Compassion starts with you and this full moon asks you to show yourself some compassion as you move through the tangle of your emotions. Once you master having compassion for yourself you will be able to show compassion to others regardless of whether you feel they deserve it or not. As the saying goes, Be the change you want to see in the world. Zoom Classes: 4.00pm Sunday 6.30pm Tuesday Where: Zoom (if you can’t see link view in browser) Investment; $10/class Message me@for payment details What to bring: Mat, blanket, cushion, eye pillow, paper and a pen See you on the mat.
13.01.2022 This Sunday is the 88 Lionsgate Portal and there’s also a new moon in Leo. This is an extremely powerful time for manifesting as the Sun and the star Sirius align each year on 8th of 8 which in numerology is considered to be one of the luckiest numbers and a symbol of infinity. This year it also coincides with a new moon in Leo which makes it even more potent. So on Sunday I will be teaching a special Lions Gate class finishing with the Magic Mantra meditation, one of ...the most powerful manifesting meditations in Kundalini Yoga. When: 4.00pm Sunday Where: (link in bio) Investment: $10 Payment Details: message me for my bank details Here’s a link with more info on this day: If you can’t make it, light a candle, meditate or do some ritual to mark this time as you send your intention out into the Universe. I know what I’ll be wishing for! See you on the mat.
08.01.2022 By meditating we take our garbage out How is everyone doing? We’re in week two of lock down here in Sydney and there’s been so much discussion and media hype about Covid, vaccines, lockdown and the list goes on that it’s understandable if you feel like your mind is in a whirlpool of information and you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed.... An overload of information causes confusion, frustration, exhaustion and the big one fear as it becomes difficult to see the wood from the trees and know what’s true. There are so many opinions flying around on what is the truth, so how do you know what to believe? The truth is within you. You have to trust in your own gut. Truth comes from a neutral place. It isn’t fearful or excited and it doesn’t belittle, bully or try to convince others they are wrong, it is the quiet voice within you that speaks with respect and compassion called instinct, your gut feel, your heart, inner wisdom, intuition etc. So how do you find your truth? Meditation. Meditation is so important as the saying goes, by meditating we take our garbage out so you can quiet the mind and listen to your own truth. A lot of people tell me they can’t meditate because they can’t empty their mind and stop their thought process. This is a fallacy. Thoughts are brain waves and if brain waves completely stopped your brain would be dead. Meditation is about slowing your brain waves down. When you slow the thoughts down, the body slows down and relaxes, your mind quiets and you can hear the truth of your heart. The Kirtan Kriya is a great meditation to start. It has been studied by a number of universities and has been endorsed by the Alzheimer’s foundation for increasing cognitive ability and calming stress. There’s lots of information online about how to do this Meditation and please feel free to message me if you would like to know more. ________________________________________ I’m excited for our Winter Reflection Workshop with Bridget @kundaliniinspired. As we start to head out of winter towards spring it’s a good time to reflect on: what was and what you’ve learned and achieved what is and where you are now and what will be as you plant the seeds to blossom in the Spring. There will be: Kundalini Yoga Meditation Luscious long relaxing gong workshopping Journalling We will provide: a journal a crystal and chocolate! Where: My Asana Yoga When: Sunday, 25 July, 1.00-4.00pm (subject to Covid we may change the date) Investment: $70 Join us and let’s plant some beautiful seeds that as we nourish them, in the Spring will blossom. See you on the mat.
07.01.2022 How beautiful is this Spring weather! I’m so enjoying feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin, dipping my feet in the ocean, wearing less clothes and enjoying the colours of the flowers that are blossoming! This week we start our Spring Chakra Cleanse series. The Spring clean of your energy centres and we begin with the Root Chakra! The Root Chakra is your base Chakra. This is your chakra for safety and security on this planet. Do you have a safe roof over your head. you financially stable, do you have enough food, is your home safe etc etc. When closed this is the Chakra that tends to hold a lot of fear. The ground you stand on is known as Maya or an illusion and can be pulled out from you at any given moment. That’s why it’s important to have a strong energetic platform that holds you up when the ground beneath you is unsteady. Think of this Chakra as your foundation or energetic platform you stand on. When out of balance it can be like a rocking ship in a storm where you are sliding from one end to another. When open or in balance this Chakra provides you with an energetic platform that is steady, calm and unyielding and it holds you steady through all the ups and downs of life. The body has to have an input and output and this Chakra is the output area for waste both physically and energetically. As we can get physically constipated we can also get energetically constipated too and fear is a big cause of these blocks. Great postures for the root chakra are crow pose, squats, body drops and spinal flex with spread legs. Anything that pushes the energy out. Kundalini Yoga Zoom Classes: 4.00pm Sunday (next Sunday 19th the regular class will be replaced by our Spring Manifestation Workshop) 6.30pm Tuesday Where: Zoom (link in bio) Investment; $10/class Message me for payment details What to bring: Mat, blanket, cushion, eye pillow, water See you on the mat.
05.01.2022 There is a way though every block It seems with the added restrictions we are facing in NSW it’s never been a better time to work through the second Sutra for the Aquarian Age, There is a way through every block The mind or ego needs to be in control and it creates all blocks. Using emotions such as fear, anger, judgement, intolerance, jealousy, holding a grudge, being unforgiving, it creates resistance and resistance causes blocks. As the saying goes what you resists ...persists. There’s is a way though every block seems impossible. What if the block is a million foot high concrete wall?! Yes I’ve thought about this a lot! Lol! Over the years I discovered through my practice that the way through every block is surrender and acceptance. When I surrender and accept what I can’t control the block dissolves because I’m no longer resisting it. Kundalini Yoga is a powerful practice to learn how to move through blocks. On the mat I will be challenged and the more I resist a pose the harder it is, but as soon as I surrender to it, the block dissolves and an ease settles in. I have spoken to students who feel surrender or acceptance is a sign of weakness.I don’t believe this to be so.When I surrender and accept with grace, it dissolves the block, I create space to open myself to new ways and one way or another I move forward. Today in class we will talk more about this and work on a Kriya to balance our State of Mind. Mastering your mind is key to dissolving blocks, so join me today at 4.00pm and let’s master our minds so they don’t master us! Classes: 4.00pm Sunday 6.30pm Tuesday Where: Zoom (link in bio) Investment; $10/class What to bring: Mat, blanket, cushion, eye pillow, water If you have any questions or want me to send you the link message me. See you on the mat.
03.01.2022 Understand through compassion or you’ll misunderstand the times. This week we are working on the fourth Sutra in our series Understand through compassion or you’ll misunderstand the times. For what’s going on right now in the world I feel this is one of the most important Sutras to master. Compassion breaks down barriers and connects us to ourselves and each other.... As with everything compassion starts with you. How you treat yourself and how much compassion you show yourself flows out into the world. Compassion is allowing your heart to open and allowing for what you need to feel to be felt without judgement, resistance, avoidance or trying to fix it. It’s giving yourself love and understanding even when you may feel you don’t deserve it. Once you master having compassion for yourself you will be able to understand where others pain is coming from and show them compassion regardless of whether you feel they deserve it or not. This week we will be working on some beautiful heart centres Kriyas to connect to your heart. As the saying goes Be the change you want to see in the world. Kundalini Yoga Classes: 6.30pm Tuesday 4.00pm Sunday Where: Zoom (link in bio) Investment; $10/class Message me for payment details What to bring: mat, blanket, cushion, eye pillow and water See you on the mat.
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