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25.01.2022 Lou Browns webinars are always excellent and informative. Learn about the role of dopamine this Saturday 5 September 9-10am Perth time or 11am-noon east coast time. Details and tickets on link.
24.01.2022 Untapped Brilliance is an ADHD blog for adults written by Jacqueline Sinfield, an ADHD coach based in Montreal. When I came across this blog, there were too many great articles for me to post just one! So this is a link to the actual blog. Sorry to cause an info overload but I think there is some really good and helpful stuff in this blog, especially for adults. Hope you enjoy!
24.01.2022 ADHD AND SPORT This video is about 7 minutes long and is the second part of a mini-documentary series on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Sport. In part 2, Dr Barry Lavay gives some sound advice for young people diagnosed with ADHD, and also talks about how parents play a very important role in their childs development. What does your child enjoy? Try a variety of sports - individual, team and lifetime (eg golf and tennis). Try not to take over, but think... about how your child learns best. Thank you for sharing this, Keith Ellis.
23.01.2022 Mindfulness exercises - something we can all benefit from!
23.01.2022 Here is a blog post from Dr Don Butler, a Sydney-based Paediatrician. From his experience and recent studies, he believes that ADHD medications to control ADHD symptoms in young people and adolescents helps them to think more clearly and manage impulsivity, so it helps them to resist risky behaviour such as substance abuse. ADHD MEDICATIONS AND LATER DRUG USE/ABUSE Parents rightly worry that using stimulant medication for ADHD increases the chance of later drug abuse. Unfortu...nately, ADHD sufferers have a much higher risk of using drugs later in life. Surprisingly the regular taking of stimulants like Ritalin reduces the risk of future drug use. This might seem counter-intuitive or illogical, but when you understand what ADHD does to brain function and why most people abuse drugs it makes sense. ADHD sufferers find it hard to concentrate and think through the consequences of their actions. They make impulsive decisions acting quickly regardless of the effects to themselves or those around them. Feeling low or anxious they have another drink. Need extra energy to have a good time? Take a stimulant like cocaine or methamphetamine. To take away the pain of your present difficult situation take an opioid, like codeine or heroin. To resist the temptation/urge to take drugs you must be thinking clearly and logically. The core issue with ADHD is impulsivity, that is acting without thinking of the consequences. If a young person or adolescent is regularly taking medication like Ritalin, Concerta or Vyvanse they can think before they engage in risky behaviour such as substance abuse. Studies show that when using ADHD medication this reduces the likelihood of substance use disorder, once a person is abusing, using ADHD medications is much less effective in stopping the ongoing substance abuse. It is therefore important to use medication regularly through adolescence to reduce the likelihood of drug addiction developing. ADHD is also associated with smoking and criminality. Untreated ADHD has so many negative impacts. Substance use disorder, SUD, is the persistent use of substances such as alcohol, marijuana, cocaine opioids and nicotine that result in harm to the person or those around them. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2014 March ; 16(3): 436. doi:10.1007/s11920-013-0436-6.
23.01.2022 Professor Michael Kohn, who is also Chair of ADHD Australia was recently interviewed by Dr Anne Chalfant. This podcast has a broad-ranging discussion on ADHD, including Michaels comments and views on diagnosis, the importance of an individual treatment plan, the need for more education of teachers and parents, and a strengths-based approach. He also gave three pivotal questions parents (and adults with ADHD) should ask in relation to treatments: Is it likely to be helpful? Could it cause any harm? What are the costs in time and money?
22.01.2022 There are lots of benefits if our kids are physically active....
21.01.2022 SMOKING, NICOTINE AND ADHD Another interesting blog post from Dr Don Butler Have you ever wondered why people smoke? Why we are seeing more adult ADHD?... Nicotine stimulates dopamine release in the brain, thus having a similar effect as the stimulants. Many people smoke as they cannot function without smoking. Just ask a mother of an ADHD child what they are like prior to medication. Many studies have confirmed this connection. Just Google ADHD Nicotine. With the success of the anti-smoking campaign, adult ADHD sufferers who previously self-medicated are no longer in control. It is either stimulant medication or nicotine to function. Do not blame the tobacco addict, blame the medical profession for not recognising the real problem and then treating rather than letting people kill themselves by smoking. Tobacco companies realised this years ago.
20.01.2022 IN THE WORKPLACE, SHOULD YOU DISCLOSE YOUR ADHD? See the case for and against in this fact sheet from ADHD Australia and Neurodiversity Media. Please click on the link to access. We would love your feedback and comments.... Thank you! See more
20.01.2022 Yesterday we put up a post about part 2 of this series about key concerns for adolescents, but we should have started with part 1. Sorry. So here is part 1 of this three-part series. If you register you can watch it any time after the live webinar.
19.01.2022 Have you tried focus music when you work or study? A number of people with ADHD have said it is very helpful, but I few have found it distracting. What do you think?
18.01.2022 ADDitude provides some great content. They have a webinar on 26 August on diagnosing and treating ADHD in adolescents. Although these webinars are for the US market, they typically provide good info. If you register you can watch it at a time that suits you.
18.01.2022 The experience of ADHD can be varied for those living with it. In trying to help people understand and to reduce the stigma, Dani Donovan creates cartoons to help illustrate the experience of living with ADHD. Thank you for letting us share Dani and your work in reducing stigma and increasing understanding!
18.01.2022 Below are details of ADDitude free webinars in August. They are run in the US but you can register and watch at your leisure rather than staying up all night...
18.01.2022 Apologies if you found the article in our previous post on helping your child manage anger too long. So here is a short video on anger (about 2 minutes).
17.01.2022 An insightful piece this week in the Huffington Post. Thank you Carolyn for sharing your experiences of ADHD with us all.
17.01.2022 Any relationship can be challenging, but having ADHD adds to the challenges. And sex is rarely mentioned, so we thought we should share this short article.
16.01.2022 RUOK? Day is today and it is for everyone. Please care and dont be afraid to ask RUOK any day, not just today. And please continue the conversation if someone says they are not ok. There is more to say after RUOK? Please click on the link below for more information.
16.01.2022 Yesterday a post was put up on the ADHD Australia Facebook page which speaks to the topic of discipline. This post, as well as some previous posts on the same topic, were not in line with our evidence based and best practice approach to ADHD and we sincerely regret this. ADHD Australia are greatly appreciative to the community for their support and we are working to rectify the situation immediately. Kindest regards, ... Len Russell CEO ADHD Australia See more
15.01.2022 Genazzano FCJ College (Institute of Learning and Brain Science) have just run their annual "Explain the brain" compeitiion for schools across Australia, NZ and Malaysia, sponsored by Untapped. The topic for 2020 was Neurodiversity. There were 120 entries, which referred to dyslexia, autism, ADHD etc. Here is a youtube link to the winning entry by Asiya Shajahan. It is fantastic! Thank you for sharing this, Andrew Eddy from Untapped.
15.01.2022 THRIVING AT WORK FACT SHEET ADHA Australia and Neurodiversity Media have created this fact sheet on practical strategies to help you thrive at work. Please click on the link. We would really appreciate any feedback. ... Thank you. See more
14.01.2022 Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) is excited to share with you their fourth eBook: Exercise for Kids launched today. Did you know that less than one-quarter (23%) of children aged 514 meet the minimum requirement of 60 minutes of physical activity every day? Inactivity is already a serious problem in Australian children and adolescents. The aim of this eBook is to act as a free resource for Australian children and families to encourage them to become more active, as... well as to educate them on the importance of exercising right for their personal health. The ESSA Exercise for Kids eBook can be accessed via this link: This eBook contains chapters on a range of conditions common in children including obesity, asthma, ADHD, autism, mental health and more. As well as including important information on physical activity and sedentary levels in Australia children and the importance of sport (with a range of advice and tips included!). All chapters have been written and peer-reviewed by Accredited Exercise Physiologists and Accredited Exercise Scientists who are working within the community to engage more Australian families in physical activity. For more info Here is the link to the eBook again:
14.01.2022 Dr Danielle Einstein on the impact of devices on our brains, moods and families, and what we can do about it. 22 September, 7-8:30pm online event, details below.
12.01.2022 Sometimes the hardest part in helping your child manage anger is staying calm yourself. Here are some tips from
10.01.2022 Research suggests that for some people, changing their diet can help to reduce symptoms. Here is an overview of current research findings, including supplements and diets.
10.01.2022 ADHD and relationship issues - when one partner has ADHD...
10.01.2022 Here is a guide prepared by Finty Money & Mental Health - Practical Financial Skills to Manage Money Its full of useful information about how money pressures affect mental health, and provides practical skills to better manage finances and debt (with no advertising or pressure).
10.01.2022 How might we build better home environments for children and adolescents with ADHD? UNSW are looking for parents and carers to assist in research identifying aspects of the home environment.
09.01.2022 Some good tips on rebuilding your confidence after an ADHD diagnosis by Toya Haynes, who was diagnosed at 41.
09.01.2022 Thank you Kerwin for generously sharing your story. ADHD can have complex and diverse impacts on the lives of people living with it. By sharing our stories, we hope to reduce the stigma, increase understanding and improve support.
08.01.2022 Jessica McCabe has ADHD and is an inspiring success story. She hit a really rough spot in her life at 32, but was able to turn things around and now produces YouTube videos on "How to ADHD". This is her deeply personal TED talk about some of her experiences. And also a big goodbye. My daughter Amanda and I set up this FB page in mid-2019. Having resigned from the ADHD Australia Board a few months ago, I am delighted that Genevieve Donnelly, who recently joined the Board, has ...taken over this page. Thank you to everyone who has liked, followed, commented or looked at our page. We now have over 4,700 followers and really appreciate your support. Thank you also to everyone who participated in ADHD Australia's survey. The Board will be sharing the results of the survey with you very soon. Best wishes to everyone, Dianne Cassen
08.01.2022 Online event Sunday 20 September 1-5pm $45
08.01.2022 Tips to help your children with reading, writing and maths from AdditudeMag...
07.01.2022 Macquarie ADHD Parent Support Group will be running a webinar series, replacing their parent talks for the remainder of 2020! The first webinar will be held on Thursday 27 August, 2020 by Adam Wright from the Resilience Centre, Epping, titled, ADHD and the School Environment. This first webinar is capped to 100pax (as a trial) before extending to a broader audience for the September webinar. Only financial members of their group have been emailed the registration details, b...ut if places are available on 20 August they will fill spots with any non-members on the wait list. If youd like to sign up as a financial member, please do so here: If youd like to get in touch, or go on the waitlist, please use this email: [email protected]
07.01.2022 The link between ADHD and intense emotions...
07.01.2022 Today, Saturday 10 October is Mental Health Day. Here is an article on how to take a mental health day when you are feeling stressed and make it work for you. This article is general in context, not specific to ADHD, and has some good tips and advice.
06.01.2022 DISABILITY ROYAL COMMISSION - CALL TO ACTION The Royal Commission is currently running a major inquiry into disability and has already held five public hearings into various issues affecting disability, eg access to health services.... Please consider making a personal submisison on issues you or your family have faced in relation to ADHD which fall into the relm of violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation. For example, your child may have experienced neglect at school, you may have found it hard to access professional health services relatig to your ADHD, or you may have experienced forms of abuse in the workplace. Specific examples directly relating to ADHD would be the most impactful. Full instructions of how to make a submission (it can be in many forms) are in the link. Please act quickly as the Royal Commission is already underway and the closing date does not appear to be on the link. Thank you.
06.01.2022 PAID RESEARCH: CALL OUT FOR STUDENTS WHO FIND IT CHALLENGING TO LEARN IN A CLASSROOM The Centre for Inclusive Design (CFID) and NSW Department of Education are doing some research on the Tell Them from Me survey. CFID is running remote, online sessions to find out how to make the survey more engaging and easy to read. Depending on the child or young person and what they have to say, these sessions can take up to one hour. Younger childrens sessions will be shorter than for older children. To be part of this study students must: 1. Go to a public school in NSW 2. Be between Year 4 and 12 at school 3. Have challenges with learning in a classroom. This could be because of a disability like ADHD or dyslexia, or because English is not your first language. 4. Have a desktop or laptop computer or tablet (eg. iPad, Samsung galaxy) at home with a microphone, webcam and good internet connection. The sessions will run outside of school hours between 3/8/20 to 26/08/20. Students will be given a online gift voucher upon completion of the session at $50 per hour. If you are interested or would like more information please email [email protected] or call 02) 8378 5002.
05.01.2022 Research has found that men and women with ADHD have more similar rather than different symptoms, however in reality, their lived experiences are quite different.
05.01.2022 Selina Lee started this petition to Greg Hunt and others, and is aiming to get at least 10,000 signatures. Whether you believe in petitions or not, it is another way of getting the message across. If you have already signed it, thank you and please consider sharing.
04.01.2022 THE PROBLEM OF TOO MUCH TIME PLAYING VIDEO GAMES An Iowa State University study of some 3,000 children and adolescents from Singapore, measured over 3 years, found that children who spent more time playing video games were more impulsive and had more attention problems. Researchers interpreted the findings to suggest that video game playing can compound kids existing attention problems. But the study results dont offer supporting evidence that the games cause or worsen t...he attention problems they just suggest that kids who play the most have more severe ADHD symptoms. It could be that kids who have the most severe ADHD symptoms are the most drawn to video games. That isnt to say that kids spending an unlimited amount of time playing these games isnt harmful, but its a different kind of harm. The problem is that all that screen time means time not spent doing other things more valuable for their development, including interacting with family and friends. See article in link below for more details...
04.01.2022 Here is a very short vid about creating new routines for children during Covid. It is not specifically about ADHD but it should be helpful. Thank you Peter Diaz from Workplace Mental health Institute.
03.01.2022 "IM FINALLY UNDERSTANDING THAT I AM NOT MY THOUGHTS..." Being more mindful has great benefits for children, teens, and everyone, whether you have ADHD or not. An interesting and relevant article from the Child Mind Institute.
03.01.2022 Helping to increase awareness and decrease stigma. Thank you Rachel and Triple J's Hack team.
03.01.2022 Should be an interesting and informative webinar. Dont forget you can register and view at your leisure. Free of charge.
03.01.2022 This is a slightly tongue in cheek article about adults and ADHD by Rick Green from his blog Totally ADD. He explains many facts with a light but informative touch.
02.01.2022 What's it like to have ADHD - a video for kids to help them understand.
02.01.2022 For those in Melbourne, our thoughts are with you and sorry for not posting this sooner. XX
02.01.2022 OMG, have you ever felt like this? I still want those shoes! Here are some useful tips to help you manage, hopefully better.
01.01.2022 For those that might not have seen the segment last week on The Morning Show, here is a link. To Manisha and all those that have so generously shared their stories in an effort to increase awareness and reduce stigma around ADHD - thank you! This takes courage and we are grateful to each and every one of you for your personal contribution.
01.01.2022 MAPPING COGNITIVE IMPULSIVITY THROUGH ONLINE TESTING An Australian research project participation opportunity for 2020 which can be completed online from home. The team at Monash University is developing an on-line, game-like, cognitive test of impulsivity. Impulsivity is a complex aspect of cognition that includes multiple components. The researchers are interested in understanding how adults with ADHD perform on this task and the relationship with both ADHD symptom ratings ...and questionnaire measures of impulsivity. The results will tell which aspects of cognitive impulsivity are particularly associated with ADHD. This understanding may assist in developing targeted interventions in the longer term to help individuals with ADHD manage impulsive behaviors. The research team is recruiting adults with a confirmed clinical diagnosis of ADHD to the research study. Participation is completely on-line and involves 30 minutes of online games designed to measure different aspects of your thinking, and 30 minutes of questionnaires. The study is completed entirely online on a laptop or desktop computer. Participants will receive a $60 Coles eGiftcard upon the successful completion of the study. You are welcome to take part if you meet the following criteria: *Have a diagnosis of ADHD *Aged over 18 *Do not have a history of head trauma or neurological illness (e.g. epilepsy, Parkinsons disease, multiple sclerosis) *Are not colour-blind or have other visual impairment (corrected vision is OK) For further information, here is a link to the project flyer:
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