Admin Advantage in Sumner | Business service
Admin Advantage
Locality: Sumner
Phone: +61 7 3879 9003
Address: Level 1 Unit 6 32 Spine Street 4074 Sumner, QLD, Australia
Likes: 124
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25.01.2022 Wow a double nomination, not only were Admin Advantage nominated, but our SUPERSTAR HR team member Kirstie Laycock has been nominated as a finalist for Outstanding Customer Service and we couldnt agree more!! Congrats Kirstie, please send your votes her way
25.01.2022 With QLD Covid restrictions back to basics, how is your work / office situation, have all staff returned to normal? With many changes to employment it can be overwhelming as an employer to keep up with changes / legislation. If you are needing help or updates please give the Admin Advantage team a call, where our HR Guru Kirstie can offer you advice.
25.01.2022 CASH FLOW BOOST - ATO UPDATE Employers: If you received initial cash flow boosts, youll automatically receive additional cash flow boosts when you lodge activity statements from June to September 2020. Youll notice some differences in the boost amount you receive in June. For more information, visit
25.01.2022 Mount Ommaney Business Awards THANKYOU again to all those who nominated Admin Advantage, we would love your vote in support of our #smallbusiness. Last chance to show your support before VOTING CLOSES TODAY
24.01.2022 Meet the Admin Advantage Team - A Personal Touch Shelby Dow works hard to make your work easy, a little about Shelby... Position/Role: Bookkeeper & carer for office dog Dudley (during office hours)... Likes: Going to the gym & shopping Dislikes: My credit card bill Favourite pastime: Can I say shopping again? Fun Fact: I’m suspicious of blue lollies. Favourite Quote: "Keep your heels, head & standards high"
24.01.2022 Why Hire A Bookkeeper? If you started your own business, its likely that youre passionate about running it and concentrating on the tasks you love doing. But if youre like most business owners, youre not so interested in recording all the details of every financial transaction. Thats where bookkeepers come in. They can lighten the load on the business. They can take away the day-to-day recording of receipts, invoices and other transactions.... Bookkeepers are trained and use the same financial recording methods as accountants. They do this so that your accountant can quickly and easily process your financial information.
24.01.2022 Thankyou to Kirk from Hitman for the lovely appreciation gift kindly bought to our office to thank us for taking care of his Bookkeeping
24.01.2022 Businesses: Its time to make your next monthly business declaration for JobKeeper payments You have from the 1st to the 14th of each month, to claim payments... made to your employees in the previous month. The sooner this declaration is made, the sooner you will be reimbursed. For more info, visit
23.01.2022 Looking to upgrade your current accounting software? Do you need advice on the most suitable package for your business? Our team can lead you through the process, from advising on your best options, installing software, helping with your subscription right through to taking on your Bookkeeping once a system is in place.
22.01.2022 The team at Admin Advantage are so thankful to all our lovely clients for supporting #smallbusiness during what turned out to be a crazy year, we wish you and your extended families a WONDERFUL Xmas filled with love & laughter, see you in 2021 While we are on a short Xmas break ‘Puddin’ is stepping in to help ...if you need to contact us during this time we will be checking emails and messages
22.01.2022 Employers.....QLD WORKCOVER REMINDER! Pay your premium in full or set up an interest-free payment plan quickly and easily online before the 30 September deadline. Get a 5% discount on your premium if your wages were declared on time and you pay in full by 16 September (discount not applicable for premiums of $200 or for policies renewed after 31 August).
22.01.2022 We got you.....and we LOVE bookkeeping (were an odd bunch), so if you would rather be doing anything else than Bookkeeping, get in touch with us to help you out!
22.01.2022 Meet The Admin Advantage Team - A Personal Touch Kirstie Laycock is our HR & ServiceM8 Guru / Bookkeeper, a little about Kirstie... Likes: Netball and Family time and a nice Cold Beer... Dislikes: Mash Potatoes and Spiders Favourite pastime: Shopping and Playing Netball they are both sports, right? Fun Fact: I like building flatpack furniture and power tools. Favourite Quote: "Live life today, Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come"
20.01.2022 Team Admin Advantage are sooo happy we can welcome back our neighbors now the boarders are open!! Puddin's just picked up her furry friend, WELCOME BACK!
20.01.2022 Luckily WE LOVE OUR WORK!! If youre needing Bookkeeping or HR help in your business, give our friendly team a call on 07 3879 9003 or email [email protected]
18.01.2022 Admin Advantage like to lead my example... We keep digital records We have organised offices We are up to date with ATO ... We ensure our clients businesses comply to national standards Where is your business at, do you need some help to get started on the right track with your bookkeeping & business requirements moving into the new year, give us a call!! #bookkeeping #business #brisbanebookkeeper #localbusiness #supportlocal #businesssolutions #businesssuccess #healthybusiness #localbookkeeper #adminadvantageteam
17.01.2022 FINANCIAL YEAR COUNTDOWN - A FEW THINGS TO CONSIDER ACTION REQUIRED PRIOR TO JUNE 30TH 2020: *Additional superannuation contributions need to be deposited into the superannuation fund.... *To take advantage of the "instant asset write-off" for 2020, you will need to purchase and install the item costing up to $150,000. *If you are a trustee, it is important that you make a declaration to determine which beneficiaries will receive the income of the trust. *If you have a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund and receive a pension or income stream, you will need to ensure you have met your minimum payments. *If you employ staff and would like to bring forward your deduction for this quarters employer superannuation contribution, ensure payments are made. *If you pre-pay interest, rent or other items, please ensure these payments are made. *Planning to sell property or other investments which result in a capital gain, consider signing the contract after 30 June 2020. For those selling at a loss, consider signing the contract before 30 June 2020.
17.01.2022 Are you looking for a simple way to manage jobs in the field? As small business reopens, its a good time to think about what tools can help their business run more efficiently. ServiceM8 allows you to manage any field service business from your clients first call to job completion, invoicing and payment. Its one of our staff picks in the App Marketplace as it provides an end-to-end field service package. Take a look
17.01.2022 Happy FRIYAY to all our followers,have a wonderful weekend!
17.01.2022 Wondering whether you can claim your new COFFEE MACHINE or your COVID19 UNIFORMS (pyjamas) this tax time? Check out this podcast from the ATO for the answer what you can and cant claim if you work from home how to make lodging your tax return easy the importance of reviewing your claims in light of recent events, and more!...
16.01.2022 Happy ‘Hump’ Day....can you smell the coffee, it tastes as good as it looks As a local 4074 business, our doors are always open for you to drop by and chat about how we can HELP you better your business!! Ps: (we make great coffee too )
15.01.2022 FYI ATO Updates for maintenance
15.01.2022 Do you have a myGov account? You will need a myGov account to lodge your tax return online. To get started you will need to: Step 1 create a myGov account... Step 2 link your account to the ATO. MyGov is a fast, simple way to access government services online. A secure myGov account lets you link to a range of Australian Government services with one username and password, all in one place.
14.01.2022 ATO Reminder - Single Touch Payroll Deadlines Youll need to finalise and report by: 14 July, if youve got 20 or more employees 31 July if you have fewer than 20 employees.... Theres still time left on the clock, but if your datas ready to go now, why not avoid a last-minute rush? Find out more at
14.01.2022 The Admin Advantage Team wish our clients and friends a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.
14.01.2022 Minimum Wage and Modern Award Wage Increases Employers did you know that the Fair Work Commission handed down its decision regarding an increase to the National Minimum Wage. The commission determined that it was appropriate to increase the minimum wage by 1.75 per cent from the first full pay period commencing on or after 1 July 2020. This will be broken into 3 groups commencing in 3 stages:... Group 1 - 1st July 2020 Group 2 - 1st November 2020 Group 3 - 1st February 2021 See more
13.01.2022 EMPLOYERS DID YOU KNOW??? That the government is supporting the continued development of Australias skilled workforce and helping eligible businesses retain apprentices and trainees by offering a 50 per cent wage subsidy. Click on the link below for further information
13.01.2022 Admin Advantage (and Dudley) are SUPER proud to have been nominated as finalists by the wonderful people of 4074 in the Professional Services category We would LOVE your vote of support..simply click on the link below
13.01.2022 New keeper updates explained a little more....still have questions?, give our friendly team a call to discuss your options
12.01.2022 Have you voted...nominations close TODAY at 5.00pm!!! Admin Advantage would greatly appreciate your nomination as your favourite business in the Professional Services category NOMINATE TODAY... See more
12.01.2022 We hope FRIYAY has got you feeling as HAPPY as our office dog Dudley Wed love to see pics of your office doggies, post them in the comments
12.01.2022 WorkCover Queensland - Reporting Workplace Injuries All employers must report injuries sustained by workers for which workers compensation may be payable by their workers compensation insurer. You must report injuries:... regardless of whether the worker makes a claim for workers compensation even if you do not agree the injury is compensable. Reporting the injury is not the same as making a claim for workers compensation. Your insurer will notify you if they receive a workers compensation application from one of your workers. Your insurer will decide if the workers compensation claim is to be accepted or rejected.
11.01.2022 Well what a year 2020 turned out to be....we were happy to see the end of it The Admin Advantage team hope you all had an amazing Christmas and are ready to tackle a much better New Year! #bookkeeping #business #brisbanebookkeeper #localbusiness #supportlocal #businesssolutions #businesssuccess #healthybusiness #localbookkeeper #adminadvantageteam
11.01.2022 Run in...before time runs out...need help, give our lovely team at Admin Advantage a call
11.01.2022 JOBKEEPER 2.0 - GENERAL INFO If you were already receiving Jobkeeper 1.0 - you just need to have a 30% drop in the Sept 2020 quarter compared to the Sept 2019 Quarter. If you were not receiving jobkeeper 1.0 - you must still have met the 30% downturn in sales prior to 1 Oct and then also have a 30% downturn in the Sept 2020 quarter to qualify....
10.01.2022 ATO extends working-from-home shortcut method
10.01.2022 Wise words to get you through the week!
10.01.2022 Jobkeeper Updates from the ATO....we are happy to advise and help you with the process, simply call or email our team!
09.01.2022 CHRISTMAS PARTIES & GIFTS The Tax Truths For Employers Christmas is a time of giving where employers show gratitude towards staff, clients and suppliers. With the right approach, it is possible to enjoy some tax benefits out of your generosity, and also avoid Fringe Benefits Tax.... Gifts to Staff Non-entertainment gifts: Christmas hampers, bottles of alcohol, gift vouchers, pen sets etc., are tax deductible and you can claim GST credits, irrespective of cost. To avoid paying FBT these gifts need to be under $300 in value. Entertainment gifts: tickets to movies, theatre, amusement parks, sporting events, holiday airline tickets etc., which are under $300 will not attract FBT, but are not income tax deductible, and you can not claim GST credits. If over $300, FBT will apply, but a tax deduction and GST credits can be claimed. Gifts to Clients/Customers/Suppliers: No FBT is payable, irrespective of the type of gift and irrespective of cost. However, where a gift constitutes entertainment, no GST or tax deduction can be claimed. Thus, at least from a tax standpoint, it’s better to provide non-entertainment gifts to clients and enjoy a tax deduction and GST credits.
09.01.2022 The Prime Minister has announced the extension and watering down of the wage subsidy, JobKeeper. Existing JobKeeper continues up until 27 September 2020. From the next day, a new, modified JobKeeper scheme applies until 28 March 2021. We will update you with developments as they happen and full details of payment amounts and the criteria required to qualify further.
08.01.2022 Meet the Admin Advantage Team - A Personal Touch Meredith Joyce works (when she's not sharing a 'story') as one of our Bookkeepers, a little about Meredith... Likes: People (most of the time), Dining out (all of the time) & Yoga... Dislikes: Goodbyes, Incorrect grammar, & SPIDERS Favourite pastime: Holidays on the beach with my family Fun Fact: Interior Decorating is my passion (OCD style) Favourite Quote: Not Happy Jan (to my kids hehe)
08.01.2022 How AMAZING does our Admin Advantage merchandise look, thanks to the team @ Enklo for such great products to advertise our business! #supportlocalbusiness #supportsmallbuisness
07.01.2022 Trying to avoid being Dudleys 'bait', Puddin was caught out trying to escape the office.....hope she's dusting those blinds while she's trapped there!
07.01.2022 We can almost hear the 2021 financial year calling....which means its TAX TIME!! The ATO have made a few changes to tax refunds and deductions, have a read through these below:
06.01.2022 Meet the Admin Advantage Team - A Personal Touch Dudley Dow the office dog is certainly the most 'loved' member of our office family and he tries hard to be a constant distraction :) Likes: Treats, Walks & the occasional bath... sometimes... Dislikes: Delivery people or any man wearing fluro Favourite pastime: Going for day trips with Mad Dogs & Englishmen (Dog Walkers) Fun Fact: I can catch my tail Favourite Quote: A walk a day keeps the vet away
05.01.2022 Our wonderful, bubbly HR Team Member Kirstie is enjoying being spoilt today with an awesome doughnut cake .....(mmmmm Dudley dog is also hopeful)....Happy Birthday Kirstie!
05.01.2022 Meet The Admin Advantage Team - A Personal Touch Noela is one of our Senior Bookkeepers (and problem solver), a little about Noela...... Likes: Painting and spending time with my grandchildren... Dislikes: Bad grammar, rude people and spiders Favourite pastime: To do as little as possible, reading, solving logic problems Fun Fact: Has a wicked sense humour Favourite Quote: Dudley, stop licking me
05.01.2022 BOOM!!! How did that happen, June 30th...what a year its been! If you require any advice or help with your EOFY Bookkeeping give our friendly team a call on 38799003
05.01.2022 JOBKEEPER UPDATES FROM THE ATO From 3 August, the eligible employee test has been extended to include individuals who were employed on 1 July 2020 and are not currently nominated for JobKeeper by another entity, see Eligible employees. For the fortnights commencing on 3 and 17 August 2020 only, we are allowing employers until 31 August 2020 to meet the wage condition for all new eligible employees included in the JobKeeper scheme under the 1 July eligibility test.... On 21 July, the government announced proposed changes to JobKeeper including an extension through to 28 March 2021. These changes do not impact JobKeeper payments until after 28 September 2020. You can enrol for the JobKeeper Payment until the program closes if your circumstances have changed, for example, Victorian businesses closed due to restrictions. Check if you are eligible at Enrol for JobKeeper.
02.01.2022 SMALL BUSINESS TAX CONCESSIONS Check if your business can take advantage of these small business tax concessions before 30 June, including: *Immediate deductions for prepaid expenses... *Instant asset write-off *Simplified rules for trading stock *Accelerated depreciation for primary producers *Deductions for professional expenses for start-ups The Admin Advantage team are happy to advise / take you through these processes, simply call us on 38799003.
01.01.2022 Wage Underpayment Punishable By Jail Time Legislation has now been passed making it a criminal offence for employers to knowingly underpay their staff. Directors and business owners can face jail time! What You Need to Know:... From today, wage theft is a criminal offence in Queensland punishable by up to 10 years in prison for stealing and a maximum of 14 years in jail for an offence of fraud. Workers, or a Union on behalf of a worker, can initiate the process by making a complaint to Queensland Police. The process involves conciliation for cases up to $20,000. Workers, or a Union on behalf of a worker, can initiate a civil claim instead, through a new Industrial Magistrates Court if they choose. What You Need To Do: Ensure your staff are being paid correctly under the relevant Modern Award or enterprise agreement, keeping in mind recent changes to Award minimum rates of pay and conditions Be sure to factor in allowances, overtime and other relevant award or enterprise agreement entitlements to ensure you are paying pursuant to an award or enterprise agreement
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